Norm Greenwood Apps

Cuttings Generated gpm 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Cuttings Generated gpm is a small app tocalculate the gallons of cuttings that is being generated withrelation to the Rate of Penetration (ft/min). This small app hasbeen tested on several different android smart devices.
DP Bore Pressure Loss 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Pressure loss calculator for the drill string.Another tool in the mud engineer's toolkit.This app has been tested on several Android devices.
Stuck Pipe Free Length 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Calculator for stuck pipe
AVmetric -annular velocity 1.0
Norm Greenwood
This is an annular velocity calculator formetric calculations. Liters per minute, hole size (in.), pipe size(in.) and output is meters per minute.
Slug required for dry pipe 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Calculates slug required for dry pipe
Pump Out of Hole 1.0
Norm Greenwood
PumpOut calculator is used to give the mudengineer an approximation on how much fluid he/she will need tomaintain the hole full of a given fluid while pumping out. This iscommonly used in deepwater operations.This program is used in the oil and gas industry and is part ofthe mud engineers toolkit. Pumpout has been test on several androidsmart devices.
Increase Oil Water Ratio 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Increase Oil Water Ratio is an app used in theoil and gas industry by those in the field of drilling fluidsengineering. One of the most common calculations is that ofadjusting oil/water content in a given drilling fluid. If theengineer is looking for a higher oil content this is the calculatorhe would use. When Calc_ button has been pressed scroll down toanswer.This app has been tested on several Android smart devices.
Round Trip Ton Miles 1.0
Norm Greenwood
One of the ton mile calculations recorded on aregular basis.This program has been tested on several different Androiddevices.
Lower Oil Water Ratio 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Low O/W ration calculator
Formation Pressure Estimated 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Formation Pressure Estimated is a smallcalculator that takes the SIDPP, Depth and Mud Weight and gives youthe calculated formation pressure.This app has been tested on several different androiddevices.
Dilute LGS w/ Water 1.0
Norm Greenwood
dilution calculator
Kill Mud Weight 1.0
Norm Greenwood
The Kill Mud Weight Calculator is another toolin the mud engineer's toolbox. When you shut the well in andestablish all parameters this is the calculation that will let youknow what you need for fluid weight to kill the well.This program has been tested on several android devices.
DilutionM (metric version) 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Used for calculating the amount of dilutingfluid required to reduce the weight of a drilling fluid. This is ametric version of the Dilution app. This is also a much used toolin the mud engineer's toolkit.The App has been tested on several different Androiddevices.
Convert Mud Wt or Density 1.0
Norm Greenwood
A mud weight or density converter. Dependingon where you are working and what engineering units you may beusing this little calculator can be very useful at times.The program has been tested on several different Androiddevices.
Annulus Volume bbl/ft 1.0
Norm Greenwood
This little app calculates the annulus volumebetween hole and pipe sizes. It also works with the Bit to Surfaceapp for calculation of strokes.The app has been tested on several different androiddevices.
Mud Wt. Deepwater Surface hole 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Mud calculator for dewater surface hole
Cuttings Slip Velocity 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Measure the cuttings slip velocity in ft/minwith this little calculator. Low Shear Yield Point is used in thecalculation. This is another tool that you will find in the mudengineer's toolkit.This app has been tested on several Android devices.
Hydrostatic - Pulling Dry Pipe 1.0
Norm Greenwood
This little app calculates the footage versusa give pressure when pulling dry pipe.The app has been tested on several different Android devices.
Pressure Surface for EMW 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Surface pressure for emw calculator
Drill Collar Wt Deviated Hole 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Calculator for drill collar weight
Steel Displacement Pipe bbl/ft 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Calculator for barrels of steel displacement
Triplex Pump Output bbl/stk 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Pump output calculator
Water Phase Salinity 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Salinity Calculator
Cement Mud Differential Calc 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Small cement calculator
Solids Analysis SBM/OBM 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Solids Analysis is a calculator for syntheticbased fluids as well as oil based fluids. This is a common toolused by mud engineers worldwide. This particular calculator has a17 item output analysis.The app has been tested on several different Android devices.
WaterBase Mud Testing Manual 1.0
Norm Greenwood
This little app is a water base mud testingmanual for a smart device. Now days why carry that big manual ifyou dont need to. It is my attempt to assist the new people as wellas those that just need a gentle reminder as to how a certain testis run when analyzing a drilling fluid. This app has been tested onseveral different android devices.
APL-Annular Pressure Loss 1.0
Norm Greenwood
APL - check your annular pressure loss bysection using this little calculator. This is yet another handylittle tool for the mud engineer's toolkit.This app has been tested on several different Androiddevices.
CaCl2 - Chlorides WPS ppm 1.0
Norm Greenwood
This app calculates the water phase salinitychlorides based on milligrams per liter.
Hydraulic HorsePower 1.0
Norm Greenwood
This little calculator calculatesHydraulicHorse Power which is a measure of the energy per unit oftime thatis being expended across the nozzles at the bit. This is averycommon tool found in the mud engineer's toolkit.The app has been tested on several different Androiddevices.
Slug Drop Length 1.0
Norm Greenwood
This little app gives you the calculatedslugdrop length. Pit Gain_Slug works with this program.The app has been tested on several different Androiddevices.
Choke Drill Steps 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Choke Drill Steps is an oilfield app thatisone sequence of steps when performing a "choke drill" on theoilrig. This is just one of many drills that takes place on aregularbasis at the rig.The app has been tested on several different Androidsmartdevices.
GPM req'd for Annular Velocity 1.0
Norm Greenwood
This little calculator gives the gpm requiredfor a needed Annular Velocity.
Cuttings Generated bbls per hr 1.0
Norm Greenwood
This little app will give you the bbls perhourof cuttings generated based on a given Formation Porosity(decimal%), Hole Diameter (inches) and ROP (ft/hr). This app hasbeen testedon several different android devices.
m3 to bbl 1.0
Norm Greenwood
m3 to bbl is and oilfield calculator forsimpleconversion.This app has been tested on several different smart devices.
Hydrostatic Pressure (metric) 1.0
Norm Greenwood
A metric version to measure yourHydrostaticpressure in the well. A must in the mud engineer'stoolkit.This program has been tested on several differentdevicesincluding the Tab.
Bleed & Lubricate 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Calculator to bleed off and lubricate
Cement Sacks for Volume Reqd 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Calculates the number of cement sacksrequiredfor a given volume of slurry.This app has been tested on several different androiddevices.
Bit Nozzle Velocity 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Nozzle Velocity calculator
Bit to Surface Stks Bottoms Up 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Calculator for bit to surface strokes
Bottoms Up Calculations 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Calculator for bit to surface calculations
WeightUp 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Mud weight up calculator
Surface Equipment PLoss 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Calculator for surface equipment pressure loss
Dilution (changing pit volume) 1.0
Norm Greenwood
This program is used to dilute back agivenweight fluid to a desired weight. This dilution calculatorgivesthe number of barrels of diluting fluid to add to theexistingfluid. That is the reason for (changing pit volume).This is a program used in the Oil and Gas industry primarily.Ithas been tested on several Android smart devices. Fill in theinputdata and scroll down to calculate.
Dilution1 (Constant Volume) 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Constant volume calculator
Critical Velocity using PV+YP 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Calculates the velocity in the well boreusingthe PV YP parameters.This app has been run on several different android devices.
Volume Increase using Hematite 1.0
Norm Greenwood
The calculator will give you thevolumeincrease in barrels when weighting up the drilling fluidwithhematite.This app has been run on several different Android devices.
Pit Gain Pumping Slug 1.0
Norm Greenwood
This little calculator calculates thefluidgained in the mud pits from pumping a weighted slug.The app has been tested on several different devices.
Volume Increase due to CaCO3 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Calculator for volume increase due to CaCO3
Volume Increase due to Barite 1.0
Norm Greenwood
Calculator for volume increase due to barite