Professor Ned Snow Apps

Future Interests Made Simple 1.01
This app is a MUST for any 1L law studentstudying Estates, Future Interests, and the Rule AgainstPerpetuities. Are you at all confused with these concepts? Do youneed more practice problems (with explanations)? This app providesstep-by-step instructions to guide even the most confused studentthrough the seeming maze of doctrines and rules. Drawings anddiagrams, along with multiple examples and explanations, clarifyeach concept. Mnemonic devices enable mastery of foreignterminology. An easy-to-navigate App Map makes every topic and pageinstantly accessible. Sixty practice problems provide detailedexplanations with each answer, and are grouped according todifficulty level.--This app was created by Professor Ned Snow. Professor Snow is aProfessor of Law at the University of South Carolina and a graduateof Harvard Law School. He has taught future interests for nineyears in his Property and Estates & Trusts classes.
Property Law Made Simple 1.01
This app is a MUST for any law studentstudyingProperty Law or preparing for the Bar Exam.The app teaches the black-letter rules of property. Itprovidessimple, straightforward explanations. Many examplesillustrate eachconcept. Practice problems ensure concept mastery.Detailedexplanations accompany each of the 50 MBE-style practiceproblems.Perfect for learning, reviewing, and mastering PropertyLaw.This app covers the following substantive areas:AdversePossession; Bailment; Co-Ownership; Covenants &Easements;Deed; Finders; Gift; Leases; Land-Sale Contract;Marriage;Mortgage; Recording Act; Title Transfer. For Estates &FutureInterests, download the companion app titled: FutureInterests MadeSimple.This app was created by Professor Ned Snow. Professor Snow isaProfessor of Law at the University of South Carolina, andagraduate of Harvard Law School. He has taught Property Law fornineyears.This app does not provide legal advice specific to yoursituationor state. For legal advice, consult a licensedattorney.
Learn IP Law 2.0
Professor Ned Snow
This app teaches fundamental principles of intellectual propertylaw in the United States. It explains the rules that governtrademarks, copyrights, patents, and trade secrets. For students,the app is especially helpful by providing practice problems withexplanations. This app was developed by Professor Ned Snow of theUniversity of South Carolina. Professor Snow has been teachingvarious intellectual property courses for over a decade. The app isa study aid for the casebook entitled, Intellectual Property: ASurvey of the Law (Carolina Academic Press 2017). There are noadvertisements within this app.