QuantzTuner Apps

Quantz Tuner Free 2.1.2
This is the free version which has ads,pleasesee the "Quantz Tuner" app for the same app without ads.Quantz Tuner is a quantitative music visualization app.Itcombines real-time pitch detection with unique visualizationstocreate a completely new way to see sound. Its powerfulpitchdetection algorithm is sensitive enough to recordminutefluctuations in vibrato and pitch.VIBRATO CIRCLE: This tool shows your pitch as a circle andasyour pitch is flattens, the circle flattens. As the pitchgoessharp the circle stretches vertically and when the circleisperfectly round your pitch is in tune. Vibrato Circle issensitiveenough to show the speed and pitch fluctuations ofyourvibrato.TEACHING TIPS: Beginner to advanced players can use this tooltowatch their pitch as they play long tones and slow scales.Whenteaching vibrate, use vibrato circle to demonstrate what itshouldlook like and have students try to imitate the motion ofthecircle. The real-time, visual feedback helps students to hearthesmall pitch fluctuations in vibrato and they learn how toimitateit very quickly. Advanced players can gain greater controlovertheir vibrato speed and depth. Vibrato Circle will help youexamineyour vibrato qualities and make changes as desired.PITCH LINE: This super sensitive line shows your pitch inrealtime on a graph and records what you play so that you can lookbackat your pitch history. You can even use this tool to learn toplayquartertones and microtones. Pitch line is sensitive enoughtodetect your vibrato’s speed, depth, and regularity throughoutyourinstrument or vocal range.TEACHING TIPS: Use this tool to help students explore whattheirpitch is doing when they begin notes, play long tones andendnotes. They can learn all about how volume and range affectpitchby watching the tool as they play. Fix those sharp C#’s andstopgoing flat at the ends of phrases! Pitch Line is a fantastictoolto observe exactly what your vibrato does when you play. Itexposeseverything and allows you to gain greater flexibility inspeed anddepth.NOTE BAR: This tool works similarly to Pitch Line, exceptthatpitch is represented by a bar instead of by a dynamic line.NoteBar is best used to examine pitch and rhythm issues.TEACHING TIPS: For beginners, record them playing a tune andthenpause and scroll back to show them what they played. They lovetosee how they did and you can point out areas of improvementormistakes. You can also demonstrate note lengths and rhythmsandhave a student imitate you. By adjusting the Settings of thistoolyou can cause the visualization to respond only when a noteiswithin a specified range of the correct pitch. This makes itmorechallenging for intermediate and advanced students and teachesthemto play in tune. Another fun way to use this tool is torecordyourself playing an entire piece and observe the differencesinstructure, tonality and use of rhythm of major composers likeBachand Debussy.COLOR FIFTHS: This tool shows the color wheel superimposeduponthe circle of fifths. When you play a given note theappropriatecircle will respond by growing. When you stop playingthat note thecircle shrinks. Colors across from each other on thecircle areopposite colors, just as the keys across from each otherare alsoopposite. Likewise, colors next to each other are similar,just asthe keys next to each other are closely related. Thenaturalrelationship of tonality and color is exposed and you canobservethe color palates and patterns of different types ofscales.
Quantz Tuner 2.1.1
Quantz Tuner is a quantitativemusicvisualization app. It combines real-time pitch detectionwithunique visualizations to create a completely new way to seesound.Its powerful pitch detection algorithm is sensitive enoughtorecord minute fluctuations in vibrato and pitch.VIBRATO CIRCLE: This tool shows your pitch as a circle andasyour pitch is flattens, the circle flattens. As the pitchgoessharp the circle stretches vertically and when the circleisperfectly round your pitch is in tune. Vibrato Circle issensitiveenough to show the speed and pitch fluctuations ofyourvibrato.TEACHING TIPS: Beginner to advanced players can use this tooltowatch their pitch as they play long tones and slow scales.Whenteaching vibrate, use vibrato circle to demonstrate what itshouldlook like and have students try to imitate the motion ofthecircle. The real-time, visual feedback helps students to hearthesmall pitch fluctuations in vibrato and they learn how toimitateit very quickly. Advanced players can gain greater controlovertheir vibrato speed and depth. Vibrato Circle will help youexamineyour vibrato qualities and make changes as desired.PITCH LINE: This super sensitive line shows your pitch inrealtime on a graph and records what you play so that you can lookbackat your pitch history. You can even use this tool to learn toplayquartertones and microtones. Pitch line is sensitive enoughtodetect your vibrato’s speed, depth, and regularity throughoutyourinstrument or vocal range.TEACHING TIPS: Use this tool to help students explore whattheirpitch is doing when they begin notes, play long tones andendnotes. They can learn all about how volume and range affectpitchby watching the tool as they play. Fix those sharp C#’s andstopgoing flat at the ends of phrases! Pitch Line is a fantastictoolto observe exactly what your vibrato does when you play. Itexposeseverything and allows you to gain greater flexibility inspeed anddepth.NOTE BAR: This tool works similarly to Pitch Line, exceptthatpitch is represented by a bar instead of by a dynamic line.NoteBar is best used to examine pitch and rhythm issues.TEACHING TIPS: For beginners, record them playing a tune andthenpause and scroll back to show them what they played. They lovetosee how they did and you can point out areas of improvementormistakes. You can also demonstrate note lengths and rhythmsandhave a student imitate you. By adjusting the Settings of thistoolyou can cause the visualization to respond only when a noteiswithin a specified range of the correct pitch. This makes itmorechallenging for intermediate and advanced students and teachesthemto play in tune. Another fun way to use this tool is torecordyourself playing an entire piece and observe the differencesinstructure, tonality and use of rhythm of major composers likeBachand Debussy.COLOR FIFTHS: This tool shows the color wheel superimposeduponthe circle of fifths. When you play a given note theappropriatecircle will respond by growing. When you stop playingthat note thecircle shrinks. Colors across from each other on thecircle areopposite colors, just as the keys across from each otherare alsoopposite. Likewise, colors next to each other are similar,just asthe keys next to each other are closely related. Thenaturalrelationship of tonality and color is exposed and you canobservethe color palates and patterns of different types ofscales.TEACHING TIPS: You can adjust the grow/shrink rates of thecirclesmaking it more or less challenging to move them. This can befunfor students learning to play long tones or hold a pitchsteady.How big can you make the circle grow in one breath? Playyourscales while observing the circles, and patterns are revealed.Youcan also adjust the settings so that the circles will onlygrowwhen your pitch is more accurate, this is challenging formoreadvanced players.