Rove Monteux Apps

Spanish Vocabulary 1.6
Rove Monteux
This application is designed to help Spanishspeakers in the intermediate and advanced levels to improve theirvocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1821 terms and definitions.* Vocabulary Player: pause, resume and forward terms like using amedia player.* Text to Speech: hear and learn the correct pronunciation of everyword in the vocabulary.* Text to Speech: read word definitions together with the app andimprove your reading skills.* Two-way quiz: Study and test your Spanish to English and Englishto Spanish vocabulary.* Swipe enabled: simply swipe the bottom of the screen to fastforward terms.* Automatic loading of terms after a defined space of time (6seconds by default, changeable in Settings).* Completely offline (use it on the road), lightweight, runs in allscreen resolutions and uses no extra storage.Text to Speech:In order to use the Text to Speech features in this app, youwill need a Text to Speech engine, such as IVONA or SVOX, with aSpanish voice installed and active in your device (voices can beinstalled directly from inside the app).
Испанский словник 1.1
Rove Monteux
Это приложение было разработано, чтобы помочьстудентам испанский язык в промежуточном и продвинутом уровнях дляулучшения их словарного запаса и навыков чтения.Особенности:* 1813 терминов и определений.* Пересмотреть условия как и при использовании мультимедийногопроигрывателя.* Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech): Слушать и учитьсяправильному произношению каждого слова словаря.* Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech): прочитайтеопределение слова вместе с заявлением и улучшить свои навыкичтения.* Двуязычный Тест: исследование и проверить свой ​​словарный запасиспано-русский и русско-испанский.* Swipe: просто сдвиньте нижнюю часть экрана, чтобы быстро изменитьперспективу.* Автоматическая загрузка условиях через определенный промежутоквремени (6 секунд по умолчанию регулируемые настройки).* Полностью оффлайне (вы можете использовать его в поездках), малыйработает на всех разрешениях экрана и не использует дополнительноедисковое пространство.Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech (TTS)):Перед использованием текста в речь возможностей, Вам необходимосистеме тексте синтезатор, а SVOX или IVONA с испанским голосомустановлены и активны в вашем Android (голос может быть установленс экрана настройки в приложении).This application wasdeveloped to help students Spanish in the intermediate and advancedlevels to improve their vocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1813 terms and definitions.* Review the terms and conditions as when using the mediaplayer.* Text-to-speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech): Listen andlearn the correct pronunciation of each word dictionary.* Text-to-speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech): read thedefinition of the word along with the application and improve theirreading skills.* Bilingual Test: study and test your vocabulary of Spanish-Russianand Russian-Spanish.* Swipe: just slide the bottom of the screen to quickly change theperspective.* Automatic loading conditions after a certain period of time (6seconds by default adjustable settings).* Fully offline (you can use it on trips), small works on allscreen resolutions are no additional disk space.Text to speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech (TTS)):Before using the text-to-speech capabilities, you need a systemtext synthesizer and SVOX or IVONA with Spanish voice installed andactive in your Android (voice can be set with the screen settingsin the application).
Vocabulaire Anglais 1.2
Rove Monteux
Cette application est conçue pour aider lespersonnes qui étudient l'anglais dans les niveaux intermédiaires etavancés, pour améliorer leur vocabulaire et les compétences enlecture.Caractéristiques:* 1748 termes et définitions.* Lecteur du Vocabulaire: interrompre, reprendre et transmettre destermes tels que l'aide d'un lecteur multimédia.* Text to Speech: écoutez et apprendrez la prononciation correctede chaque mot dans le vocabulaire.* Text to Speech: lirez les définitions de mots en même temps quel'application pour améliorer vos compétences en lecture.* Quiz: Etudiez et testez votre vocabulaire en anglais.* Swipe: il suffit de glisser le bas de l'écran pour obtenir le motsuivant.* Chargement automatique des termes après un espace de temps défini(6 secondes par défaut, modifiable dans les réglages).* Fonctionne complètement déconnecté de l'internet, dans toutes lesrésolutions d'écran et n'utilise pas de stockagesupplémentaire.Text to Speech:Avant d'utiliser les voix dans ce logiciel, vous aurez besoind'un système de Text to Speech, comme SVOX ou IVONA, avec une voixanglaise installée et activée sur votre appareil (les voix peutêtre installé directement à partir de l'intérieur del'application).This application isdesigned to help people studying English in the intermediate andadvanced levels to improve their vocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1748 terms and definitions.* Player of Vocabulary: pause, resume, and transmit using termssuch as a media player.* Text to Speech: listen and learn the correct pronunciation ofeach word in the vocabulary.* Text to Speech: read the definitions of words at the same time asthe application to improve your reading skills.* Quiz: Study and test your English vocabulary.* Swipe: just drag the bottom of the screen for the nextword.* Automatic loading of words after a space of time (6 seconds bydefault, changed in settings).* Works completely disconnected from the internet, in all screenresolutions and does not use additional storage.Text to Speech:Before using the voice in this software, you will need a text tospeech system, as SVOX or IVONA, with English voice installed andactivated on your device (the voice can be installed directly frominside application).
Esperanto Vocabulary 1.20
Rove Monteux
This application is designed to help Esperantospeakers in the intermediate and advanced levels to improve theirvocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1568 terms and definitions.* Vocabulary Player: pause, resume and forward terms like using amedia player.* Text to Speech: hear and learn the correct pronunciation of everyword in the vocabulary.* Text to Speech: read word definitions together with the app andimprove your reading skills.* Two-way quiz: Study and test your Esperanto to English andEnglish to Esperanto vocabulary.* Swipe enabled: simply swipe the bottom of the screen to fastforward terms.* Automatic loading of terms after a defined space of time (6seconds by default, changeable in Settings).* Completely offline (use it on the road), lightweight, runs in allscreen resolutions and uses no extra storage.Text to Speech:Prior to use the Speak Words and Speak Descriptions featuresbuiltin in this software, you will need a Text to Speech engine,such as SVOX or IVONA, with a Polish voice installed and active inyour device (voices can be installed directly from inside the app).The Polish voice will then be adapted to speak Esperanto.Tiu programo estas ankaŭ disponebla en aliaj lingvoj:Portugala lingvo ("Vocabulário do Esperanto"): lingvo ("Vocabulario Esperanto-Español") lingvo ("Vocabulaire Espéranto"): lingvo ("Vocabulari Esperanto-Català"): lingvo ("Эсперанто словник"):Ĉeĥa lingvo ("Esperanto Slovník"):
Латинский словник 1.3
Rove Monteux
Это приложение было разработано, чтобы помочьстудентам латинский язык в промежуточном и продвинутом уровнях дляулучшения их словарного запаса и навыков чтения.Особенности:* 1657 терминов и определений.* Пересмотреть условия как и при использовании мультимедийногопроигрывателя.* Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech): Слушать и учитьсяправильному произношению каждого слова словаря.* Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech): прочитайтеопределение слова вместе с заявлением и улучшить свои навыкичтения.* Двуязычный Тест: исследование и проверить свой ​​словарный запасрусско-латинский и латинско-русский.* Swipe: просто сдвиньте нижнюю часть экрана, чтобы быстро изменитьперспективу.* Автоматическая загрузка условиях через определенный промежутоквремени (6 секунд по умолчанию регулируемые настройки).* Полностью оффлайне (вы можете использовать его в поездках), малыйработает на всех разрешениях экрана и не использует дополнительноедисковое пространство.Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech (TTS)):Перед использованием текста в речь возможностей, Вам необходимосистеме тексте синтезатор, а SVOX или IVONA с итальянским голосомустановлены и активны в вашем Android (голос может быть установленс экрана настройки в приложении).This application wasdeveloped to help students Latin in the intermediate and advancedlevels to improve their vocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1657 terms and definitions.* Review the terms and conditions as when using the mediaplayer.* Text-to-speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech): Listen andlearn the correct pronunciation of each word dictionary.* Text-to-speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech): read thedefinition of the word along with the application and improve theirreading skills.* Bilingual Test: study and test your vocabulary Russian-Latin andLatin-Russian.* Swipe: just slide the bottom of the screen to quickly change theperspective.* Automatic loading conditions after a certain period of time (6seconds by default adjustable settings).* Fully offline (you can use it on trips), small works on allscreen resolutions are no additional disk space.Text to speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech (TTS)):Before using the text-to-speech capabilities, you need a systemtext synthesizer and SVOX or IVONA Italian voice installed andactive in your Android (voice can be set with the screen settingsin the application).
Латинский 1.1
Rove Monteux
MП — эксклюзивный теме ориентированнойметодологии и технологии, которая помогает вам учиться, запомнить ивыучить слова, фразы, логики и контекст.Это издание MП особенностей Латинский язык как субъект –улучшить ваши знания, учиться и запоминание от базовых сложныеастрономические темы, используя наша оценка системы, все весело,интерактивные и активным образом.MП Латинский подходит для тех, кто с интересом в Латинский языкдо среднего и продвинутого Латинский язык студентов.Особенности продукта:* Более 6000 двуязычный (Русский и Латинский) фразы, терминов,слов и выражений с произношением.* Оценка: Оценка системы помогает вам отслеживать вашиежедневные усилия по улучшению ваших знаний. Например если вашамета 80 правильные ответы на один день, оценка поможет вамотслеживать этот мета - правильные ответы добавить точки баллов, вто время как неправильные ответы вычитать из ваш счет очков.* Рекорд: рекорд системы помогает вам параметр ежедневныйобучения мета и памяти партизан будет предупреждать вас когда выидете мимо ваших усилий.* Бонус: Бонусная система помогает вам запоминать отдельныеастрономических данных. Ошибки не вычитает очков из вашихежедневных баллов, в то время как в будут добавлены правильныеответы.* Изображения: Чтобы сохранить ваше настроение из режима «Ядолжен учиться» и в гармонии с предметом, красивые визуальныеэффекты представлены всей вашей весь опыт с приложением.* Речи: Для приложения говорить, вам понадобится текст речисистемы, такие как SVOX или ИВОНА, установлен и настроен в качествеустройства по умолчанию голос. Если у вас нет, пожалуйста, скачатьи установить один, нажав кнопку Загрузить в меню настроек. Если увас есть уже установлен и настроен, пожалуйста, перейдите в менюнастройки, клеща, которые говорят поле и нажмите Сохранить - есливы не слышите голос, обратитесь к документации вашей системыпреобразования текста в речь.* Произношение: для слушать произношение слова для как раз каквы пожелаете, просто нажать текст внутри черные ящики, напримертекст вопроса и вертикальной панели.* Настройки: Панели настроек позволяют настроить приложение,чтобы говорить, чтобы загрузить и установить текст речи системы исохранить экрана устройства включена.* Вертикальная панель: Вертикальная панель покажет ваминдивидуальные астрономических данных, которые будут представлены всистеме бонус; Вы можете нажать их услышать их произношения.Технические данные будут автоматически повернуты, при использованиипрограммы, что делает вас прямо и косвенно прочитайте и соблюдайтеих.* Автономные: Приложение работает в онлайн и оффлайнрежимах.MP - the exclusivesubject-oriented methodology and technology that helps you learn,remember and learn the words, phrases, logic and context.This edition features MP Latin language as a subject - toimprove your knowledge, study and memorization of basic complexastronomical topics using our rating system, all the fun,interactive and stimulating way.MP Latin for those with an interest in the Latin language tointermediate and advanced students of the Latin language.Product Features:* More than 6,000 bilingual (Russian and Latin), phrases, terms,words and phrases with pronunciation.* Evaluation: Evaluation of the system helps you keep track ofyour daily efforts to improve your knowledge. For example, if yourmeta 80 correct answers to one day assessment will help you keeptrack of this meta - Correct Answers to add points points, whileincorrect answers subtract from your score points.* Record: the record of helping you setting a daily learning andmemory meta guerrillas will warn you when you go past yourefforts.* Bonus: The bonus system helps you to memorize some ofastronomical data. The errors do not deduct points from your dailypoints, while in will be added to the correct answers.* Images: To keep your spirits from the "I need to learn," andin harmony with the subject, the beautiful visuals presentedthroughout your entire experience with the application.* Speech: An application to speak, you need text to speechsystem, such as SVOX or Yvonne, installed and set as the defaultdevice voice. If you have not, please download and install one byclicking the Download button in the settings menu. If you havealready installed and configured, please go to Settings, tick thatbox, and then say Save - if you do not hear his voice, see thedocumentation of your system text-to-speech.* Pronunciation: listen to the pronunciation of words to justhow you want, simply click the text inside the black boxes, such asthe question text and a vertical panel.* Settings: Settings panel you can customize the application totalk to download and install a copy of the speech system and keepthe device screen on.* Vertical Panel: Vertical panel will show you the individualastronomical data, which will be presented in the bonus system, youcan click to hear their pronunciation. Technical data will beautomatically rotated when using the program, which makes youdirectly and indirectly read and follow them.* Standalone: ​​The application works in online and offlinemodes.
Венгерские словник 1.0
Rove Monteux
Это приложение было разработано, чтобы помочьстудентам венгерский язык в промежуточном и продвинутом уровнях дляулучшения их словарного запаса и навыков чтения.Особенности:* 1538 терминов и определений.* Пересмотреть условия как и при использовании мультимедийногопроигрывателя.* Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech): Слушать и учитьсяправильному произношению каждого слова словаря.* Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech): прочитайтеопределение слова вместе с заявлением и улучшить свои навыкичтения.* Двуязычный Тест: исследование и проверить свой ​​словарный запасрусско-венгерский и венгерско-русский.* Swipe: просто сдвиньте нижнюю часть экрана, чтобы быстро изменитьперспективу.* Автоматическая загрузка условиях через определенный промежутоквремени (6 секунд по умолчанию регулируемые настройки).* Полностью оффлайне (вы можете использовать его в поездках), малыйработает на всех разрешениях экрана и не использует дополнительноедисковое пространство.Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech (TTS)):Перед использованием текста в речь возможностей, Вам необходимосистеме тексте синтезатор, а SVOX или IVONA с венгерским голосустановлены и активны в вашем Android (голос может быть установленс экрана настройки в приложении).This application wasdeveloped to help students in the Hungarian intermediate andadvanced levels to improve their vocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1538 terms and definitions.* Review the terms and conditions as when using the mediaplayer.* Text-to-speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech): Listen andlearn the correct pronunciation of each word dictionary.* Text-to-speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech): read thedefinition of the word along with the application and improve theirreading skills.* Bilingual Test: study and test your vocabulary ofRussian-Hungarian and Hungarian-Russian.* Swipe: just slide the bottom of the screen to quickly change theperspective.* Automatic loading conditions after a certain period of time (6seconds by default adjustable settings).* Fully offline (you can use it on trips), small works on allscreen resolutions are no additional disk space.Text to speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech (TTS)):Before using the text-to-speech capabilities, you need a systemtext synthesizer and SVOX or IVONA with Hungarian voice installedand active in your Android (voice can be set with the screensettings in the application).
Vocabulaire Latin 1.2
Rove Monteux
Cette application est conçue pour aider lespersonnes qui étudient le Latin dans les niveaux intermédiaires etavancés pour améliorer leur vocabulaire et les compétences enlecture.Caractéristiques:* 1258 termes et définitions.* Lecteur du Vocabulaire: interrompre, reprendre et transmettre destermes tels que l'aide d'un lecteur multimédia.* Text to Speech: écoutez et apprendrez la prononciation correctede chaque mot dans le vocabulaire.* Text to Speech: lirez les définitions de mots en même temps quel'application pour améliorer vos compétences en lecture.* Quiz: Etudiez et testez votre vocabulaire Latin.* Swipe: il suffit de glisser le bas de l'écran pour obtenir le motsuivant.* Chargement automatique des termes après un espace de temps défini(6 secondes par défaut, modifiable dans les réglages).* Fonctionne complètement déconnecté de l'internet, dans toutes lesrésolutions d'écran et n'utilise pas de stockagesupplémentaire.Text to Speech:Avant d'utiliser les voix dans ce logiciel, vous aurez besoind'un système de Text to Speech, comme SVOX ou IVONA, avec une voixitalienne installée et activée sur votre appareil (les voix peutêtre installé directement à partir de l'intérieur del'application).This application isdesigned to help people who study Latin in the intermediate andadvanced levels to improve their vocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1258 terms and definitions.* Player of Vocabulary: pause, resume, and transmit using termssuch as a media player.* Text to Speech: listen and learn the correct pronunciation ofeach word in the vocabulary.* Text to Speech: read the definitions of words at the same time asthe application to improve your reading skills.* Quiz: Study and test your vocabulary Latin.* Swipe: just drag the bottom of the screen for the nextword.* Automatic loading of words after a space of time (6 seconds bydefault, changed in settings).* Works completely disconnected from the internet, in all screenresolutions and does not use additional storage.Text to Speech:Before using the voice in this software, you will need a text tospeech system, as SVOX or IVONA with an Italian voice installed andactivated on your device (the voice can be installed directly frominside application).
German Language Trainer 1.7
Rove Monteux
This edition of Memory Partisan features theGerman Language as its subject – improve your reading skills andpronunciation, learn and memorise from basic to advanced Germanusing our score system, all in a fun and interactive manner.Memory Partisan: German Language is suitable for anyone with abasic level of proficiency in the German language, up tointermediate and advanced German speakers.Product features:* Over 5000 bilingual (English and German) useful phrases,terms, words and expressions with pronunciation.* Score: The score system helps you track your daily effort onmemorizing phrases, words, and learning correct pronunciation. Forexample, if your meta is 80 correct a day, the score will help youtracking this meta down - correct answers add points to the score,while wrong answers deduct points out of your score.* High score (record): The highscore system helps you settingyour daily learning meta, and Memory Partisan will warn you whenyou go past your best effort.* Bonus: The bonus system helps you memorizing individual androot words of the German language. Errors will not deduct pointsout of your daily score, while correct answers will add to it.* Visuals: To keep your mood out of the "I have to study" modeand in tune with the subject, beautiful visuals of Germany arepresented throughout your entire experience with theapplication.* Speech: For the application to speak German, you will need aGerman Text to Speech System, such as SVOX or IVONA, installed andconfigured as your device's default voice. If you have none, pleasedownload and install one by pressing the Download button in theSettings menu. If you do have one already installed and configured,please go to the Settings menu, tick the Speak German box and pressSave - if you can't hear the German voice, please consult your Textto Speech System's documentation.* Pronunciation: For listening to the pronunciation of a wordfor as may times as you wish, simply press the text inside theblack boxes, such as the question text and the vertical panel.* Settings: The settings panel allow you to configure theapplication to speak German, to download and install a German Textto Speech System, and to keep the device's screen turned on.* Vertical Panel: The vertical panel will show you thetranslation of words that will be presented in the Bonus system;you can press them to hear their pronunciations. Words andtranslations will be automatically rotated while you use theprogram, making you directly and indirectly read and memorise Latinwords and its paired translations.* Offline: The application works in both online and offlinemodes, e.g.. where there is no internet available.Keywords: language, training, practice, learn, learning,intensive, teacher, german, germany, english.
Греческий словник 1.1
Rove Monteux
Это приложение было разработано, чтобы помочьстудентам греческий язык в промежуточном и продвинутом уровнях дляулучшения их словарного запаса и навыков чтения.Особенности:* 1506 терминов и определений.* Пересмотреть условия как и при использовании мультимедийногопроигрывателя.* Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech): Слушать и учитьсяправильному произношению каждого слова словаря.* Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech): прочитайтеопределение слова вместе с заявлением и улучшить свои навыкичтения.* Двуязычный Тест: исследование и проверить свой ​​словарный запасрусско-греческий и греческо-русский.* Swipe: просто сдвиньте нижнюю часть экрана, чтобы быстро изменитьперспективу.* Автоматическая загрузка условиях через определенный промежутоквремени (6 секунд по умолчанию регулируемые настройки).* Полностью оффлайне (вы можете использовать его в поездках), малыйработает на всех разрешениях экрана и не использует дополнительноедисковое пространство.Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech (TTS)):Перед использованием текста в речь возможностей, Вам необходимосистеме тексте синтезатор, а SVOX или IVONA с греческим голосомустановлены и активны в вашем Android (голос может быть установленс экрана настройки в приложении).This application wasdeveloped to help students in the Greek intermediate and advancedlevels to improve their vocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1506 terms and definitions.* Review the terms and conditions as when using the mediaplayer.* Text-to-speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech): Listen andlearn the correct pronunciation of each word dictionary.* Text-to-speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech): read thedefinition of the word along with the application and improve theirreading skills.* Bilingual Test: study and test your vocabulary of Russian-Greekand Greek-Russian.* Swipe: just slide the bottom of the screen to quickly change theperspective.* Automatic loading conditions after a certain period of time (6seconds by default adjustable settings).* Fully offline (you can use it on trips), small works on allscreen resolutions are no additional disk space.Text to speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech (TTS)):Before using the text-to-speech capabilities, you need a systemtext synthesizer and SVOX or IVONA with Greek voice installed andactive in your Android (voice can be set with the screen settingsin the application).
Vocabulaire Espéranto 1.5
Rove Monteux
Cette application est conçue pour aider lespersonnes qui étudient l'espéranto dans les niveaux intermédiaireset avancés pour améliorer leur vocabulaire et les compétences enlecture.Caractéristiques:* 1552 termes et définitions.* Lecteur du Vocabulaire: interrompre, reprendre et transmettre destermes tels que l'aide d'un lecteur multimédia.* Text to Speech: écoutez et apprendrez la prononciation correctede chaque mot dans le vocabulaire.* Text to Speech: lirez les définitions de mots en même temps quel'application pour améliorer vos compétences en lecture.* Quiz: Etudiez et testez votre vocabulaire Espéranto.* Swipe: il suffit de glisser le bas de l'écran pour obtenir le motsuivant.* Chargement automatique des termes après un espace de temps défini(6 secondes par défaut, modifiable dans les réglages).* Fonctionne complètement déconnecté de l'internet, dans toutes lesrésolutions d'écran et n'utilise pas de stockagesupplémentaire.Text to Speech:Avant d'utiliser les voix dans ce logiciel, vous aurez besoind'un système de Text to Speech, comme SVOX ou IVONA, avec une voixpolonaise installée et activée sur votre appareil (les voix peutêtre installé directement à partir de l'intérieur del'application). La voix polonaise sera ensuite adapté à parlerl'espéranto.Tiu programo estas ankaŭ disponebla en aliaj lingvoj:Portugala lingvo ("Vocabulário do Esperanto"): lingvo ("Vocabulario Esperanto-Español") lingvo ("Vocabulari Esperanto-Català"): lingvo ("Esperanto Vocabulary"): lingvo ("Эсперанто словник"):Ĉeĥa lingvo ("Esperanto Slovník"): application isdesigned to help people who study Esperanto in the intermediate andadvanced levels to improve their vocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1552 terms and definitions.* Player of Vocabulary: pause, resume, and transmit using termssuch as a media player.* Text to Speech: listen and learn the correct pronunciation ofeach word in the vocabulary.* Text to Speech: read the definitions of words at the same time asthe application to improve your reading skills.* Quiz: Study and test your vocabulary Esperanto.* Swipe: just drag the bottom of the screen for the nextword.* Automatic loading of words after a space of time (6 seconds bydefault, changed in settings).* Works completely disconnected from the internet, in all screenresolutions and does not use additional storage.Text to Speech:Before using the voice in this software, you will need a text tospeech system, as SVOX or IVONA with a voice Polish installed andactivated on your device (the voice can be installed directly frominside application). Polish voice will then be adapted to speakEsperanto.Tiu programo estas ankaŭ disponebla in Aliaj lingvoj:Portugala lingvo ("Vocabulario do Esperanto"): Hispana ("Vocabulario Español Esperanto") lingvo ("Vocabulari Català Esperanto"): Angla ("Esperanto Vocabulary"): Rusa ("Эсперанто словник"): lingvo ("Esperanto Slovník"):
Vocabulario Latino 1.3
Rove Monteux
Esta aplicación ayuda a los estudiantes de lalengua latina en los niveles intermedio y avanzado a mejorar suvocabulario y sus habilidades de lectura.Características:* 1276 términos y definiciones.* Reproductor de vocabulario: usted puedes pausar, reanudar yreproducir términos como en un reproductor de medios.* Text to Speech: escuche y aprenda la pronunciación correcta decada palabra en el vocabulario.* Texto to Speech: usted puede leer las definiciones de laspalabras junto con la aplicación para mejorar sus habilidades delectura.* Cuestionario: usted puede estudiar y hacer la prueba de tuvocabulario latino.* Swipe: sólo tienes que arrastrar la parte inferior de la pantallapara ir a la palabra siguiente.* Carga automática de palabras después de un espacio de tiempodeterminado (6 segundos por default, puedes cambiar el tiempo en laConfiguración).* Funciona completamente desconectado de la Internet, en todas lasresoluciones de pantalla y no utiliza espacio de almacenamientoadicional.Text to Speech:Antes de utilizar la voz en este software, usted necesita unsistema de Text to Speech, como SVOX o IVONA, con una voz italianainstalada y activada en su dispositivo (la voz se puede instalardirectamente desde la aplicación).This application helpsstudents of the Latin language at intermediate and advanced levelsto improve their vocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1276 terms and definitions.* Player vocabulary: you can pause, resume and play in terms as amedia player.* Text to Speech: listen and learn the correct pronunciation ofeach word in the vocabulary.* Text to Speech: you can read the definitions of the words alongwith the application to improve their reading skills.* Quiz: you can study and test your Latin vocabulary.* Swipe: just drag the bottom of the screen to go to the nextword.* Automatic loading of words after a space of time (6 seconds bydefault, you can change the time in Setup).* Works completely disconnected from the Internet, in all screenresolutions and does not use additional storage space.Text to Speech:Before using the voice in this software, you need a Text toSpeech system, as SVOX or IVONA, with an Italian voice installedand activated on your device (the voice can be installed directlyfrom the application).
Russian Language Trainer 1.8
Rove Monteux
Memory Partisan is an exclusivesubject-centric methodology and technology that helps you study,memorise and learn words, phrases, logic and context.This edition of Memory Partisan features the Russian Language asits subject – improve your reading skills and pronunciation, learnand memorise from basic to advanced Russian using our score system,all in a fun and interactive manner.Memory Partisan: Russian Language is suitable for anyone with abasic level of proficiency in the Russian language, up tointermediate and advanced Russian speakers.Product features:* Over 3000 bilingual (English and Russian) useful phrases,terms, words and expressions with pronunciation.* Score: The score system helps you track your daily effort onmemorizing phrases, words, and learning correct pronunciation. Forexample, if your meta is 80 correct a day, the score will help youtracking this meta down - correct answers add points to the score,while wrong answers deduct points out of your score.* High score (record): The highscore system helps you settingyour daily learning meta, and Memory Partisan will warn you whenyou go past your best effort.* Bonus: The bonus system helps you memorizing individual androot words of the Russian language. Errors will not deduct pointsout of your daily score, while correct answers will add to it.* Visuals: To keep your mood out of the "I have to study" modeand in tune with the subject, beautiful visual of country sideRussia are presented throughout your entire experience with theapplication.* Speech: For the application to speak Russian, you will need aRussian Text to Speech System, such as SVOX or IVONA, installed andconfigured as your device's default voice. If you have none, pleasedownload and install one by pressing the Download button in theSettings menu. If you do have one already installed and configured,please go to the Settings menu, tick the Speak Russian box andpress Save - if you can't hear the Russian voice, please consultyour Text to Speech System's documentation.* Pronunciation: For listening to the pronunciation of a wordfor as may times as you wish, simply press the text inside theblack boxes, such as the question text and the vertical panel.* Settings: The settings panel allow you to configure theapplication to speak Russian, to download and install a RussianText to Speech System, and to keep the device's screen turnedon.* Vertical Panel: The vertical panel will show you thetranslation of words that will be presented in the Bonus system;you can press them to hear their pronunciations. Words andtranslations will be automatically rotated while you use theprogram, making you directly and indirectly read and memoriseRussian words and its paired translations.* Offline: The application works in both online and offlinemodes, e.g.. where there is no internet available.
Latin Language Trainer 1.6
Rove Monteux
This edition of Memory Partisan features theLatin Language as its subject – improve your reading skills andpronunciation, learn and memorise from basic to advanced Latinusing our score system, all in a fun and interactive manner.Memory Partisan: Latin Language is suitable for anyone curiousabout the Latin language, up to people with a basic level ofproficiency in the Latin language, and intermediate to advancedLatin speakers.Product features:* Over 6000 bilingual (English and Latin) phrases, terms, wordsand expressions with pronunciation.* Score: The score system helps you track your daily effort onmemorizing phrases, words, and learning correct pronunciation. Forexample, if your meta is 80 correct a day, the score will help youtracking this meta down - correct answers add points to the score,while wrong answers deduct points out of your score.* High score (record): The highscore system helps you settingyour daily learning meta, and Memory Partisan will warn you whenyou go past your best effort.* Bonus: The bonus system helps you memorizing individual androot words of the Latin language. Errors will not deduct points outof your daily score, while correct answers will add to it.* Visuals: To keep your mood out of the "I have to study" modeand in tune with the subject, beautiful visuals of Ancient Rome arepresented throughout your entire experience with theapplication.* Speech: For the application to speak Latin, you will need anItalian Text to Speech System, such as SVOX or IVONA, installed andconfigured as your device's default voice. If you have none, pleasedownload and install one by pressing the Download button in theSettings menu. If you do have one already installed and configured,please go to the Settings menu, tick the Speak Latin box and pressSave - if you can't hear the Italian voice, please consult yourText to Speech System's documentation.* Pronunciation: For listening to the pronunciation of a wordfor as may times as you wish, simply press the text inside theblack boxes, such as the question text and the vertical panel.* Settings: The settings panel allow you to configure theapplication to speak Latin, to download and install an Italian Textto Speech System, and to keep the device's screen turned on.* Vertical Panel: The vertical panel will show you thetranslation of words that will be presented in the Bonus system;you can press them to hear their pronunciations. Words andtranslations will be automatically rotated while you use theprogram, making you directly and indirectly read and memorise Latinwords and its paired translations.* Offline: The application works in both online and offlinemodes, e.g.. where there is no internet available.Keywords: ancient, bible, christian, christianism, church,english, history, italy, language, languages, latin, learn,learning, practice, pronunciation, religion, rome, root, speech,study, terms, text, train, training, to, travel, tts, vocabulary,word, words.
Vocabulaire Portugais 1.1
Rove Monteux
Cette application est conçue pour aider lespersonnes qui étudient le Portugais dans les niveaux intermédiaireset avancés pour améliorer leur vocabulaire et les compétences enlecture.Caractéristiques:* 1645 termes et définitions.* Lecteur du Vocabulaire: interrompre, reprendre et transmettre destermes tels que l'aide d'un lecteur multimédia.* Text to Speech: écoutez et apprendrez la prononciation correctede chaque mot dans le vocabulaire.* Text to Speech: lirez les définitions de mots en même temps quel'application pour améliorer vos compétences en lecture.* Quiz: Etudiez et testez votre vocabulaire Portugais.* Swipe: il suffit de glisser le bas de l'écran pour obtenir le motsuivant.* Chargement automatique des termes après un espace de temps défini(6 secondes par défaut, modifiable dans les réglages).* Fonctionne complètement déconnecté de l'internet, dans toutes lesrésolutions d'écran et n'utilise pas de stockagesupplémentaire.Text to Speech:Avant d'utiliser les voix dans ce logiciel, vous aurez besoind'un système de Text to Speech, comme SVOX ou IVONA, avec une voixportugaise installée et activée sur votre appareil (les voix peutêtre installé directement à partir de l'intérieur del'application).This application isdesigned to help people who study Portuguese in the intermediateand advanced levels to improve their vocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1645 terms and definitions.* Player of Vocabulary: pause, resume, and transmit using termssuch as a media player.* Text to Speech: listen and learn the correct pronunciation ofeach word in the vocabulary.* Text to Speech: read the definitions of words at the same time asthe application to improve your reading skills.* Quiz: Study and test your vocabulary Portuguese.* Swipe: just drag the bottom of the screen for the nextword.* Automatic loading of words after a space of time (6 seconds bydefault, changed in settings).* Works completely disconnected from the internet, in all screenresolutions and does not use additional storage.Text to Speech:Before using the voice in this software, you will need a text tospeech system, as SVOX or IVONA with a Portuguese voice installedand activated on your device (the voice can be installed directlyfrom inside application).
Чешский словник 1.3
Rove Monteux
Это приложение было разработано, чтобы помочьстудентам чешский язык в промежуточном и продвинутом уровнях дляулучшения их словарного запаса и навыков чтения.Особенности:* 1808 терминов и определений.* Пересмотреть условия как и при использовании мультимедийногопроигрывателя.* Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech): Слушать и учитьсяправильному произношению каждого слова словаря.* Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech): прочитайтеопределение слова вместе с заявлением и улучшить свои навыкичтения.* Двуязычный Тест: исследование и проверить свой ​​словарный запасрусско-чешский и чешско-русский.* Swipe: просто сдвиньте нижнюю часть экрана, чтобы быстро изменитьперспективу.* Автоматическая загрузка условиях через определенный промежутоквремени (6 секунд по умолчанию регулируемые настройки).* Полностью оффлайне (вы можете использовать его в поездках), малыйработает на всех разрешениях экрана и не использует дополнительноедисковое пространство.Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech (TTS)):Перед использованием текста в речь возможностей, Вам необходимосистеме тексте синтезатор, а SVOX или IVONA с чешским голосомустановлены и активны в вашем Android (голос может быть установленс экрана настройки в приложении).This application wasdeveloped to help students in the Czech intermediate and advancedlevels to improve their vocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1808 terms and definitions.* Review the terms and conditions as when using the mediaplayer.* Text-to-speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech): Listen andlearn the correct pronunciation of each word dictionary.* Text-to-speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech): read thedefinition of the word along with the application and improve theirreading skills.* Bilingual Test: study and test your vocabulary of Russian-Czechand Czech-Russian.* Swipe: just slide the bottom of the screen to quickly change theperspective.* Automatic loading conditions after a certain period of time (6seconds by default adjustable settings).* Fully offline (you can use it on trips), small works on allscreen resolutions are no additional disk space.Text to speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech (TTS)):Before using the text-to-speech capabilities, you need a systemtext synthesizer and SVOX or IVONA with Czech voice installed andactive in your Android (voice can be set with the screen settingsin the application).
Vocabulaire Bulgare 1.1
Rove Monteux
Cette application est conçue pour aider lespersonnes qui étudient le Bulgare dans les niveaux intermédiaireset avancés pour améliorer leur vocabulaire et les compétences enlecture.Caractéristiques:* 764 termes et définitions.* Lecteur du Vocabulaire: interrompre, reprendre et transmettre destermes tels que l'aide d'un lecteur multimédia.* Text to Speech: écoutez et apprendrez la prononciation correctede chaque mot dans le vocabulaire.* Text to Speech: lirez les définitions de mots en même temps quel'application pour améliorer vos compétences en lecture.* Quiz: Etudiez et testez votre vocabulaire Bulgare.* Swipe: il suffit de glisser le bas de l'écran pour obtenir le motsuivant.* Chargement automatique des termes après un espace de temps défini(6 secondes par défaut, modifiable dans les réglages).* Fonctionne complètement déconnecté de l'internet, dans toutes lesrésolutions d'écran et n'utilise pas de stockagesupplémentaire.Text to Speech:Avant d'utiliser les voix dans ce logiciel, vous aurez besoind'un système de Text to Speech, comme SVOX ou IVONA, avec une voixbulgare installée et activée sur votre appareil (les voix peut êtreinstallé directement à partir de l'intérieur de l'application).This application isdesigned to help people who study Bulgarian in the intermediate andadvanced levels to improve their vocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 764 terms and definitions.* Player of Vocabulary: pause, resume, and transmit using termssuch as a media player.* Text to Speech: listen and learn the correct pronunciation ofeach word in the vocabulary.* Text to Speech: read the definitions of words at the same time asthe application to improve your reading skills.* Quiz: Study and test your vocabulary Bulgarian.* Swipe: just drag the bottom of the screen for the nextword.* Automatic loading of words after a space of time (6 seconds bydefault, changed in settings).* Works completely disconnected from the internet, in all screenresolutions and does not use additional storage.Text to Speech:Before using the voice in this software, you will need a text tospeech system, as SVOX or IVONA with a voice Bulgarian installedand activated on your device (the voice can be installed directlyfrom inside application).
Чешский словник HD 1.2
Rove Monteux
Это приложение было разработано, чтобы помочьстудентам чешский язык в промежуточном и продвинутом уровнях дляулучшения их словарного запаса и навыков чтения.Особенности:* 1808 терминов и определений.* Пересмотреть условия как и при использовании мультимедийногопроигрывателя.* Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech): Слушать и учитьсяправильному произношению каждого слова словаря.* Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech): прочитайтеопределение слова вместе с заявлением и улучшить свои навыкичтения.* Двуязычный Тест: исследование и проверить свой ​​словарный запасрусско-чешский и чешско-русский.* Swipe: просто сдвиньте нижнюю часть экрана, чтобы быстро изменитьперспективу.* Автоматическая загрузка условиях через определенный промежутоквремени (6 секунд по умолчанию регулируемые настройки).* Автоматический поиск изображений для исследованных условиях сSeznam (; изображения отображаются в полнофункциональныйвеб-браузер, встроенные в приложения.* Встроенный радио ČRo 1: нажмите на логотип в нижней части экрана,чтобы запустить / остановить прослушивание живой эфир радио.* Пауза на ощупь: трогать изображение или ссылку и приложение будетавтоматически приостанавливается, что позволяет изучать терминдалее чешский интернет. Когда вы закончите, просто нажмите кнопкувоспроизведения, чтобы продолжить.* Может быть использован онлайн и оффлайн (использовать во времяпутешествия).Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech (TTS)):Перед использованием текста в речь возможностей, Вам необходимосистеме тексте синтезатор, а SVOX или IVONA с чешским голосомустановлены и активны в вашем Android (голос может быть установленс экрана настройки в приложении).This application wasdeveloped to help students in the Czech intermediate and advancedlevels to improve their vocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1808 terms and definitions.* Review the terms and conditions as when using the mediaplayer.* Text-to-speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech): Listen andlearn the correct pronunciation of each word dictionary.* Text-to-speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech): read thedefinition of the word along with the application and improve theirreading skills.* Bilingual Test: study and test your vocabulary of Russian-Czechand Czech-Russian.* Swipe: just slide the bottom of the screen to quickly change theperspective.* Automatic loading conditions after a certain period of time (6seconds by default adjustable settings).* Automatic image search for the studied conditions with Seznam(; images are displayed in a full web browser, built-inapplications.* Built-in radio ČRo 1: click on the logo at the bottom of thescreen to start / stop listening to the live stream of theradio.* Pause in touch: touch the image or link and the application willautomatically be suspended, which allows us to study the term onthe Czech internet. When you're done, just click the play button tocontinue.* Can be used online and offline (use during the trip).Text to speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech (TTS)):Before using the text-to-speech capabilities, you need a systemtext synthesizer and SVOX or IVONA with Czech voice installed andactive in your Android (voice can be set with the screen settingsin the application).
Vocabulário Latim 1.3
Rove Monteux
Esta aplicação foi desenvolvida com o fim deajudar os estudantes do Latim nos níveis intermediário e avançado amelhorarem seu vocabulário e habilidades de leitura.Características:* 1227 termos e definições.* Tocador de Vocabulário: pause, reinicie e revise termos como seutilizando um tocador de multimídia.* Text to Speech (Sintetizador de texto/voz): Ouça e aprenda apronúncia correta de cada palavra do vocabulário.* Text to Speech (Sintetizador de texto/voz): leia as definições depalavras junto com o aplicativo e melhore sua habilidade deleitura.* Teste bilingue: estude e teste seu vocabulário Português-Latim eLatim-Português.* Swipe: basta deslizar a parte inferior da tela para rapidamentemudar o termo.* Carga automática de termos após um espaço definido de tempo (6segundos por padrão, ajustável em Configurações).* Totalmente offline (pode usá-lo em viagens), pequeno, funciona emtodas as resoluções de tela e não usa nenhum espaço extra emdisco.Text to Speech (Sintetizador de texto/voz):Antes de utilizar os recursos Falar palavras e Falar descrições,você vai precisar de um sistema de Text to Speech (sintetizador detexto/voz), como o SVOX ou IVONA, com uma voz Italiana instalada eativa no seu Android (a mesma pode ser instalado a partir da telaConfigurações dentro do aplicativo).This application wasdeveloped in order to help students of Latin in the intermediateand advanced levels to improve their vocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1227 terms and definitions.* Player Vocabulary: pause, restart and revise terms as if using amultimedia player.* Text to Speech (Synthesizer text / voice): Listen and learn thecorrect pronunciation of each vocabulary word.* Text to Speech (Synthesizer text / voice): read the definitionsof words along with the application and improve their readingskills.* Bilingual Test: study and test your vocabulary Portuguese-Latinand Latin-Portuguese.* Swipe: just slide the bottom of the screen to quickly change theterm.* Automatic loading of terms after a defined space of time (6seconds by default adjustable settings).* Fully offline (you can use it on trips), small works on allscreen resolutions and uses no extra disk space.Text to Speech (Synthesizer text / voice):Before using the resources and Talking Words Speak descriptions,you will need a system Text to Speech (text synthesizer / vocals),as SVOX or IVONA with an Italian voice installed and active in yourAndroid (the same can be installed from the Settings screen withinthe app).
Greek Vocabulary 1.1
Rove Monteux
This application is designed to help Greeklanguage students in the intermediate and advanced levels toimprove their vocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1509 terms and definitions.* Vocabulary Player: pause, resume and forward terms like using amedia player.* Text to Speech: hear and learn the correct pronunciation of everyword in the vocabulary.* Text to Speech: read word definitions together with the app andimprove your reading skills.* Two-way quiz: Study and test your Greek to English and English toGreek vocabulary.* Swipe enabled: simply swipe the bottom of the screen to fastforward terms.* Automatic loading of terms after a defined space of time (6seconds by default, changeable in Settings).* Completely offline (use it on the road), lightweight, runs in allscreen resolutions and uses no extra storage.Text to Speech:In order to use the Text to Speech features in this app, youwill need a Text to Speech engine, such as IVONA or SVOX, with aGreek voice installed and active in your device (voices can beinstalled directly from inside the app).
Czech Vocabulary 1.8
Rove Monteux
This application is designed to help Czechspeakers in the intermediate and advanced levels to improve theirvocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1818 terms and definitions.* Vocabulary Player: pause, resume and forward terms like using amedia player.* Text to Speech: hear and learn the correct pronunciation of everyword in the vocabulary.* Text to Speech: read word definitions together with the app andimprove your reading skills.* Two-way quiz: Study and test your Czech to English and English toCzech vocabulary.* Swipe enabled: simply swipe the bottom of the screen to fastforward terms.* Automatic loading of terms after a defined space of time (6seconds by default, changeable in Settings).* Completely offline (use it on the road), lightweight, runs in allscreen resolutions and uses no extra storage.Text to Speech:In order to use the Text to Speech features in this app, youwill need a Text to Speech engine, such as IVONA or SVOX, with aCzech voice installed and active in your device (voices can beinstalled directly from inside the app).
Latin Vocabulary 1.2
Rove Monteux
This application is designed to help Latinspeakers in the intermediate and advanced levels to improve theirvocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1276 terms and definitions.* Vocabulary Player: pause, resume and forward terms like using amedia player.* Text to Speech: hear and learn the correct pronunciation of everyword in the vocabulary.* Text to Speech: read word definitions together with the app andimprove your reading skills.* Two-way quiz: Study and test your Latin to English and English toLatin vocabulary.* Swipe enabled: simply swipe the bottom of the screen to fastforward terms.* Automatic loading of terms after a defined space of time (6seconds by default, changeable in Settings).* Completely offline (use it on the road), lightweight, runs in allscreen resolutions and uses no extra storage.Text to Speech:In order to use the Text to Speech features in this app, youwill need a Text to Speech engine, such as IVONA or SVOX, with anItalian voice installed and active in your device (voices can beinstalled directly from inside the app).
Astronomy Theory Trainer 1.9
Rove Monteux
Memory Partisan is an exclusivesubject-centric methodology and technology that helps you study,memorise and learn words, phrases, logic and context.This edition of Memory Partisan features Astronomy as itssubject – improve your knowledge, learn and memorise from basic toadvanced Astronomic topics using our score system, all in a fun,interactive and pro-active manner.Memory Partisan: Astronomy is suitable for anyone with aninterest in science and astronomy up to intermediate and advancedAstronomy and Science students.Product features:* Topics: Topics discussed range from planets to galaxies anddeep sky objects, to telescope setup, astrophotography, cosmology,physics and astrophysics.* Over 3000 terms, definitions and expressions withpronunciation brings you countless hours of study in an effective,fun, interactive and pro-active manner.* Encyclopedia: Integrated Encyclopedia search.* Score: The score system helps you track your daily effort onimproving your knowledge. For example, if your meta is 80 correctanswers a day, the score will help you tracking this meta - correctanswers add points to the score, while wrong answers deduct pointsout of your score.* High score (record): The highscore system helps you settingyour daily learning meta, and Memory Partisan will warn you whenyou go past your best effort.* Bonus: The bonus system helps you memorizing individualastronomical data. Errors will not deduct points out of your dailyscore, while correct answers will add to it.* Visuals: To keep your mood out of the "I have to study" modeand in tune with the subject, beautiful visuals are presentedthroughout your entire experience with the application.* Speech: For the application to speak English, you will need anEnglish Text to Speech System, such as SVOX or IVONA, installed andconfigured as your device's default voice. If you have none, pleasedownload and install one by pressing the Download button in theSettings menu. If you do have one already installed and configured,please go to the Settings menu, tick the Speak box and press Save -if you can't hear the English voice, please consult your Text toSpeech System's documentation.* Pronunciation: For listening to the pronunciation of a wordfor as may times as you wish, simply press the text inside theblack boxes, such as the question text and the vertical panel.* Settings: The settings panel allow you to configure theapplication to speak, to play videos, to download and install anEnglish Text to Speech System, and to keep the device's screenturned on.* Vertical Panel: The vertical panel will show you individualastronomical data that will be presented in the Bonus system; youcan press them to hear their pronunciations. The technical datawill be automatically rotated while you use the program, making youdirectly and indirectly read and memorise them.* Offline: The application works in both online and offlinemodes, e.g.. where there is no internet available. Some featuressuch as Encyclopedia will not be made available in offlinemode.More information:* Encyclopedia: To use the encyclopedia feature, tap the blackboxes with questions in them, such as the question in the MainScreen and the question at the top of the screen in the Bonussystem.
Vocabulário Russo 1.5
Rove Monteux
Esta aplicação foi desenvolvida com o fim deajudar os estudantes do idioma Russo nos níveis intermediário eavançado a melhorarem seu vocabulário e habilidades de leitura.Características:* 1657 termos e definições.* Tocador de Vocabulário: pause, reinicie e revise termos como seutilizando um tocador de multimídia.* Text to Speech (Sintetizador de texto/voz): Ouça e aprenda apronúncia correta de cada palavra do vocabulário.* Text to Speech (Sintetizador de texto/voz): leia as definições depalavras junto com o aplicativo e melhore sua habilidade deleitura.* Teste bilingue: estude e teste seu vocabulário Português-Russo eRusso-Português.* Swipe: basta deslizar a parte inferior da tela para rapidamentemudar o termo.* Carga automática de termos após um espaço definido de tempo (6segundos por padrão, ajustável em Configurações).* Totalmente offline (pode usá-lo em viagens), pequeno, funciona emtodas as resoluções de tela e não usa nenhum espaço extra emdisco.Text to Speech (Sintetizador de texto/voz):Antes de utilizar os recursos Falar palavras e Falar descrições,você vai precisar de um sistema de Text to Speech (sintetizador detexto/voz), como o SVOX ou IVONA, com uma voz Russa instalada eativa no seu Android (a mesma pode ser instalado a partir da telaConfigurações dentro do aplicativo).Tablets:O Vocabulário Russo funciona em tablets comprimidos e éespecialmente bom para uso offline.Usuários de tablet com conectividade veloz podem preferir baixar oVocabulário Russo HD: application wasdeveloped in order to help students of Russian language atintermediate and advanced levels to improve their vocabulary andreading skills.Features:* 1657 terms and definitions.* Player Vocabulary: pause, restart and revise terms as if using amultimedia player.* Text to Speech (Synthesizer text / voice): Listen and learn thecorrect pronunciation of each vocabulary word.* Text to Speech (Synthesizer text / voice): read the definitionsof words along with the application and improve their readingskills.* Bilingual Test: study and test your vocabulary Portuguese-Russianand Russian-Portuguese.* Swipe: just slide the bottom of the screen to quickly change theterm.* Automatic loading of terms after a defined space of time (6seconds by default adjustable settings).* Fully offline (you can use it on trips), small works on allscreen resolutions and uses no extra disk space.Text to Speech (Synthesizer text / voice):Before using the resources and Talking Words Speak descriptions,you will need a system Text to Speech (text synthesizer / vocals),as SVOX or IVONA with a Russian voice installed and active in yourAndroid (the same can be installed from the Settings screen withinthe app).Tablets:The Vocabulary Russian works on tablets and tablets isespecially good for use offline.Tablet users with fast connectivity may prefer to download the HDRussian Vocabulary:
Vocabulário Francês 1.1
Rove Monteux
Esta aplicação foi desenvolvida com o fim deajudar os estudantes do idioma Francês nos níveis intermediário eavançado a melhorarem seu vocabulário e habilidades de leitura.Características:* 1645 termos e definições.* Tocador de Vocabulário: pause, reinicie e revise termos como seutilizando um tocador de multimídia.* Text to Speech (Sintetizador de texto/voz): Ouça e aprenda apronúncia correta de cada palavra do vocabulário.* Text to Speech (Sintetizador de texto/voz): leia as definições depalavras junto com o aplicativo e melhore sua habilidade deleitura.* Teste bilingue: estude e teste seu vocabulário Português-Francêse Francês-Português.* Swipe: basta deslizar a parte inferior da tela para rapidamentemudar o termo.* Carga automática de termos após um espaço definido de tempo (6segundos por padrão, ajustável em Configurações).* Totalmente offline (pode usá-lo em viagens), pequeno, funciona emtodas as resoluções de tela e não usa nenhum espaço extra emdisco.Text to Speech (Sintetizador de texto/voz):Antes de utilizar os recursos Falar palavras e Falar descrições,você vai precisar de um sistema de Text to Speech (sintetizador detexto/voz), como o SVOX ou IVONA, com uma voz Francesa instalada eativa no seu Android (a mesma pode ser instalado a partir da telaConfigurações dentro do aplicativo).This application wasdeveloped in order to help students of French language in theintermediate and advanced levels to improve their vocabulary andreading skills.Features:* 1645 terms and definitions.* Player Vocabulary: pause, restart and revise terms as if using amultimedia player.* Text to Speech (Synthesizer text / voice): Listen and learn thecorrect pronunciation of each vocabulary word.* Text to Speech (Synthesizer text / voice): read the definitionsof words along with the application and improve their readingskills.* Bilingual Test: study and test your vocabularyPortuguese-French-Portuguese and French.* Swipe: just slide the bottom of the screen to quickly change theterm.* Automatic loading of terms after a defined space of time (6seconds by default adjustable settings).* Fully offline (you can use it on trips), small works on allscreen resolutions and uses no extra disk space.Text to Speech (Synthesizer text / voice):Before using the resources and Talking Words Speak descriptions,you will need a system Text to Speech (text synthesizer / vocals),as SVOX or IVONA with a French voice installed and active in yourAndroid (the same can be installed from the Settings screen withinthe app).
Vocabulário Tcheco HD 1.8
Rove Monteux
Esta aplicação foi desenvolvida com o fim deajudar os estudantes do idioma Tcheco nos níveis intermediário eavançado a melhorarem seu vocabulário e habilidades de leitura.Características:* 1658 termos e definições.* Tocador de Vocabulário: pause, reinicie e revise termos como seutilizando um tocador de multimídia.* Text to Speech (Sintetizador de texto/voz): Ouça e aprenda apronúncia correta de cada palavra do vocabulário.* Text to Speech (Sintetizador de texto/voz): leia as definições depalavras junto com o aplicativo e melhore sua habilidade deleitura.* Teste bilingue: estude e teste seu vocabulário Português-Tcheco eTcheco-Português.* Swipe: basta deslizar a parte inferior da tela para rapidamentemudar o termo.* Carga automática de termos após um espaço definido de tempo (30segundos por padrão, ajustável em Configurações).* Busca automática em tempo real no Seznam ( em umnavegador embutido na aplicação (embedded web browser). Encostandono navegador o faz pausar, e então pressione o botão "Tocar" paracontinuar.* Built-in rádio ČRo 1: clique no logotipo na parte inferior datela para iniciar/parar de ouvir a rádio ao vivo.* Funciona online e offline (pode usá-lo em viagens), é pequeno,funciona em todas as resoluções de tela dos tablets Android e nãousa nenhum espaço extra em disco.Text to Speech (Sintetizador de texto/voz):Antes de utilizar os recursos Falar palavras e Falar descrições,você vai precisar de um sistema de Text to Speech (sintetizador detexto/voz), como o SVOX ou IVONA, com uma voz Tcheca instalada eativa no seu Android (a mesma pode ser instalado a partir da telaConfigurações dentro do aplicativo).Telefones:Os usuários de telefones (não tabletes) podem baixar a versãosimplificada desta aplicação, Vocabulario Tcheco, que roda em todosos telefones Android, application wasdeveloped in order to help students of Czech language atintermediate and advanced levels to improve their vocabulary andreading skills.Features:* 1658 terms and definitions.* Player Vocabulary: pause, restart and revise terms as if using amultimedia player.* Text to Speech (Synthesizer text / voice): Listen and learn thecorrect pronunciation of each vocabulary word.* Text to Speech (Synthesizer text / voice): read the definitionsof words along with the application and improve their readingskills.* Bilingual Test: study and test your vocabulary Portuguese-Czechand Czech-Portuguese.* Swipe: just slide the bottom of the screen to quickly change theterm.* Automatic loading of terms after a defined space of time (30seconds by default, adjustable in settings).* Automatic search in real time on Seznam ( in a browserbuilt into the application (embedded web browser). Touching thebrowser does pause, and then press the "Play" to continue.* Built-in radio Cro 1: click on the logo at the bottom of thescreen to start / stop listening to live radio.* Works online and offline (you can use it on trips), is small,works on all screen resolutions of Android tablets and uses noextra disk space.Text to Speech (Synthesizer text / voice):Before using the resources and Talking Words Speak descriptions,you will need a system Text to Speech (text synthesizer / vocals),as SVOX or IVONA, with a voice Czech installed and active in yourAndroid (the same can be installed from the Settings screen withinthe app).Telephones:Phone users (not tablets) can download the simplified version ofthis application, Vocabulario Czech, which runs on all Androidphones,
Vocabulário Grego 1.1
Rove Monteux
Este aplicativo foi desenvolvido com o fim deajudar os estudantes do idioma Grego nos níveis intermediário eavançado a melhorarem seu vocabulário e habilidades de leitura.Características:* 1481 termos e definições.* Tocador de Vocabulário: pause, reinicie e revise termos como seutilizando um tocador de multimídia.* Text to Speech (Sintetizador de texto/voz): Ouça e aprenda apronúncia correta de cada palavra do vocabulário.* Text to Speech (Sintetizador de texto/voz): leia as definições depalavras junto com o aplicativo e melhore sua habilidade deleitura.* Teste bilingue: estude e teste seu vocabulário Português-Grego eGrego-Português.* Swipe: basta deslizar a parte inferior da tela para rapidamentemudar o termo.* Carga automática de termos após um espaço definido de tempo (6segundos por padrão, ajustável em Configurações).* Totalmente offline (pode usá-lo em viagens), pequeno, funciona emtodas as resoluções de tela e não usa nenhum espaço extra emdisco.Text to Speech (Sintetizador de texto/voz):Antes de utilizar os recursos Falar palavras e Falar descrições,você vai precisar de um sistema de Text to Speech (sintetizador detexto/voz), como o SVOX ou IVONA, com uma voz Grega instalada eativa no seu Android (a mesma pode ser instalado a partir da telaConfigurações dentro do aplicativo).This application wasdeveloped in order to help students of Greek language inintermediate and advanced levels to improve their vocabulary andreading skills.Features:* 1481 terms and definitions.* Player Vocabulary: pause, restart and revise terms as if using amultimedia player.* Text to Speech (Synthesizer text / voice): Listen and learn thecorrect pronunciation of each vocabulary word.* Text to Speech (Synthesizer text / voice): read the definitionsof words along with the application and improve their readingskills.* Bilingual Test: Test your vocabulary study and Portuguese-Greekand Greek-Portuguese.* Swipe: just slide the bottom of the screen to quickly change theterm.* Automatic loading of terms after a defined space of time (6seconds by default adjustable settings).* Fully offline (you can use it on trips), small works on allscreen resolutions and uses no extra disk space.Text to Speech (Synthesizer text / voice):Before using the resources and Talking Words Speak descriptions,you will need a system Text to Speech (text synthesizer / vocals),as SVOX or IVONA, with a voice Greek installed and active in yourAndroid (the same can be installed from the Settings screen withinthe app).
Portuguese Vocabulary 1.2
Rove Monteux
This application is designed to helpPortuguesespeakers in the intermediate and advanced levels toimprove theirvocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1659 terms and definitions.* Vocabulary Player: pause, resume and forward terms like usingamedia player.* Text to Speech: hear and learn the correct pronunciation ofeveryword in the vocabulary.* Text to Speech: read word definitions together with the appandimprove your reading skills.* Two-way quiz: Study and test your Portuguese to EnglishandEnglish to Portuguese vocabulary.* Swipe enabled: simply swipe the bottom of the screen tofastforward terms.* Automatic loading of terms after a defined space of time(6seconds by default, changeable in Settings).* Completely offline (use it on the road), lightweight, runs inallscreen resolutions and uses no extra storage.Text to Speech:In order to use the Text to Speech features in this app, youwillneed a Text to Speech engine, such as IVONA or SVOX, withaPortuguese voice installed and active in your device (voices canbeinstalled directly from inside the app).
Vocabulario Portugués 1.1
Rove Monteux
Esta aplicación ayuda a los estudiantesdePortugués en los niveles intermedio y avanzado a mejorarsuvocabulario y sus habilidades de lectura.Características:* 1657 términos y definiciones.* Reproductor de vocabulario: usted puedes pausar, reanudaryreproducir términos como en un reproductor de medios.* Text to Speech: escuche y aprenda la pronunciación correctadecada palabra en el vocabulario.* Texto to Speech: usted puede leer las definiciones de laspalabrasjunto con la aplicación para mejorar sus habilidadesdelectura.* Cuestionario: usted puede estudiar y hacer la prueba detuvocabulario Portugués.* Swipe: sólo tienes que arrastrar la parte inferior de lapantallapara ir a la palabra siguiente.* Carga automática de palabras después de un espacio detiempodeterminado (6 segundos por default, puedes cambiar el tiempoen laConfiguración).* Funciona completamente desconectado de la Internet, en todaslasresoluciones de pantalla y no utiliza espacio dealmacenamientoadicional.Text to Speech:Antes de utilizar la voz en este software, usted necesitaunsistema de Text to Speech, como SVOX o IVONA, con unavozportuguesa instalada y activada en su dispositivo (la voz sepuedeinstalar directamente desde la aplicación).This applicationhelpsstudents of Portuguese in the intermediate and advanced levelstoimprove their vocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1657 terms and definitions.* Player vocabulary: you can pause, resume and play in terms asamedia player.* Text to Speech: listen and learn the correct pronunciation ofeachword in the vocabulary.* Text to Speech: you can read the definitions of the wordsalongwith the application to improve their reading skills.* Quiz: you can study and test your vocabulary Portuguese.* Swipe: just drag the bottom of the screen to go to thenextword.* Automatic loading of words after a space of time (6 secondsbydefault, you can change the time in Setup).* Works completely disconnected from the Internet, in allscreenresolutions and does not use additional storage space.Text to Speech:Before using the voice in this software, you need a TexttoSpeech system, as SVOX or IVONA, with a Portuguese voiceinstalledand activated on your device (the voice can be installeddirectlyfrom the application).
Bulgarian Vocabulary 1.2
Rove Monteux
This application is designed to helpBulgarianspeakers in the intermediate and advanced levels toimprove theirvocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 771 terms and definitions.* Vocabulary Player: pause, resume and forward terms like usingamedia player.* Text to Speech: hear and learn the correct pronunciation ofeveryword in the vocabulary.* Text to Speech: read word definitions together with the appandimprove your reading skills.* Two-way quiz: Study and test your Bulgarian to English andEnglishto Bulgarian vocabulary.* Swipe enabled: simply swipe the bottom of the screen tofastforward terms.* Automatic loading of terms after a defined space of time(6seconds by default, changeable in Settings).* Completely offline (use it on the road), lightweight, runs inallscreen resolutions and uses no extra storage.Text to Speech:In order to use the Text to Speech features in this app, youwillneed a Text to Speech engine, such as IVONA or SVOX, withaBulgarian voice installed and active in your device (voices canbeinstalled directly from inside the app).
Hungarian Vocabulary 1.1
Rove Monteux
This application is designed to helpHungarianspeakers in the intermediate and advanced levels toimprove theirvocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1540 terms and definitions.* Vocabulary Player: pause, resume and forward terms like usingamedia player.* Text to Speech: hear and learn the correct pronunciation ofeveryword in the vocabulary.* Text to Speech: read word definitions together with the appandimprove your reading skills.* Two-way quiz: Study and test your Hungarian to English andEnglishto Hungarian vocabulary.* Swipe enabled: simply swipe the bottom of the screen tofastforward terms.* Automatic loading of terms after a defined space of time(6seconds by default, changeable in Settings).* Completely offline (use it on the road), lightweight, runs inallscreen resolutions and uses no extra storage.Text to Speech:In order to use the Text to Speech features in this app, youwillneed a Text to Speech engine, such as IVONA or SVOX, withaHungarian voice installed and active in your device (voices canbeinstalled directly from inside the app).
Russian Vocabulary HD 1.7
Rove Monteux
This application is designed to helpRussianspeakers in the intermediate and advanced levels to improvetheirvocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1816 terms and definitions.* Vocabulary Player: pause, resume and forward terms like usingamedia player.* Text to Speech: hear and learn the correct pronunciation ofeveryword in the vocabulary.* Text to Speech: read word definitions together with the appandimprove your reading skills.* Two-way quiz: Study and test your Russian to English andEnglishto Russian vocabulary.* Swipe enabled: simply swipe the bottom of the screen tofastforward terms.* Automatic loading of terms after a defined space of time(30seconds by default, changeable in Settings).* Automatic image search for the studied terms withYandex(; images are displayed in a fully functional WebBrowserembedded in the application.* Built-in Radio Echo Moscow: click the logo at the bottom ofthescreen to start/stop listening to the live radio stream.* Pause on touch: touch an image or a link and the applicationwillbe automatically paused, enabling you to study the term furtheronthe Russian internet. When you are done, simply press playtocontinue.* Can be used online and offline (use it on the road),lightweight,runs in all tablets and uses no extra storage.Text to Speech:In order to use the Text to Speech features in this app, youwillneed a Text to Speech engine, such as IVONA or SVOX, with aRussianvoice installed and active in your device (voices can beinstalleddirectly from inside the app).Android telephones:Russian Vocabulary is a trimmed down version of this appthatruns on all Android telephones,
Астрономия 1.2
Rove Monteux
MП — эксклюзивный темеориентированнойметодологии и технологии, которая помогает вамучиться, запомнить ивыучить слова, фразы, логики и контекст.Это издание MП особенностей астрономии как субъект –улучшитьваши знания, учиться и запоминание от базовыхсложныеастрономические темы, используя наша оценка системы, всевесело,интерактивные и активным образом.MП Астрономия подходит для тех, кто с интересом в области наукииастрономии до среднего и продвинутого астрономии инаукистудентов.Особенности продукта:* Темы: Темы, обсуждавшиеся в диапазоне от планет до галактикиобъектов далекого космоса, чтобы телескопустановки,астрофотографии, космологии, физики и астрофизики.* Более 3000 терминов, определений и выражения спроизношениемприносит вам бесчисленное количество часов на изучениеэффективной,весело, интерактивные и активным образом.* Энциклопедия: Интегрированный поиск энциклопедии.* Оценка: Оценка системы помогает вам отслеживать вашиежедневныеусилия по улучшению ваших знаний. Например если вашамета 80правильные ответы на один день, оценка поможет вамотслеживать этотмета - правильные ответы добавить точки баллов, вто время какнеправильные ответы вычитать из ваш счет очков.* Рекорд: рекорд системы помогает вам параметрежедневныйобучения мета и памяти партизан будет предупреждать васкогда выидете мимо ваших усилий.* Бонус: Бонусная система помогает вам запоминатьотдельныеастрономических данных. Ошибки не вычитает очков извашихежедневных баллов, в то время как в будут добавленыправильныеответы.* Изображения: Чтобы сохранить ваше настроение из режима«Ядолжен учиться» и в гармонии с предметом, красивыевизуальныеэффекты представлены всей вашей весь опыт сприложением.* Речи: Для приложения говорить, вам понадобится текстречисистемы, такие как SVOX или ИВОНА, установлен и настроен вкачествеустройства по умолчанию голос. Если у вас нет, пожалуйста,скачатьи установить один, нажав кнопку Загрузить в меню настроек.Если увас есть уже установлен и настроен, пожалуйста, перейдите вменюнастройки, клеща, которые говорят поле и нажмите Сохранить -есливы не слышите голос, обратитесь к документации вашейсистемыпреобразования текста в речь.* Произношение: для слушать произношение слова для как раз каквыпожелаете, просто нажать текст внутри черные ящики, напримертекствопроса и вертикальной панели.* Настройки: Панели настроек позволяют настроитьприложение,чтобы говорить, чтобы загрузить и установить текст речисистемы исохранить экрана устройства включена.* Вертикальная панель: Вертикальная панель покажетваминдивидуальные астрономических данных, которые будутпредставлены всистеме бонус; Вы можете нажать их услышать ихпроизношения.Технические данные будут автоматически повернуты, прииспользованиипрограммы, что делает вас прямо и косвенно прочитайтеи соблюдайтеих.* Автономные: Приложение работает в онлайн и оффлайнрежимах.Некоторые функции, такие как Энциклопедия производиться небудутдоступны в автономном режиме.Дополнительная информация:* Энциклопедия: Чтобы использовать функциюэнциклопедии,коснитесь черные ящики с вопросами в них, например,вопрос вглавный экран и вопрос в верхней части экрана вбонуснойсистеме.MP - theexclusivesubject-oriented methodology and technology that helps youlearn,remember and learn the words, phrases, logic and context.This edition features MP astronomy as a subject - to improveyourknowledge, learning and memorization of basic complexastronomicaltopics using our rating system, all the fun,interactive andstimulating way.MP Astronomy for those with an interest in science andastronomyto the intermediate and advanced astronomy andsciencestudents.Product Features:Topics: Topics discussed range from planets to galaxies anddeepsky objects, the telescope installation,astrophotography,cosmology, physics, and astrophysics.* More than 3,000 terms, definitions and phraseswithpronunciation brings you countless hours on the study ofeffective,fun, interactive and stimulating way.* Encyclopedia: Integrated Search encyclopedia.* Evaluation: Evaluation of the system helps you keep trackofyour daily efforts to improve your knowledge. For example, ifyourmeta 80 correct answers to one day assessment will help youkeeptrack of this meta - Correct Answers to add points points,whileincorrect answers subtract from your score points.* Record: the record of helping you setting a daily learningandmemory meta guerrillas will warn you when you go pastyourefforts.* Bonus: The bonus system helps you to memorize someofastronomical data. The errors do not deduct points from yourdailypoints, while in will be added to the correct answers.* Images: To keep your spirits from the "I need to learn," andinharmony with the subject, the beautiful visuals presentedthroughoutyour entire experience with the application.* Speech: An application to speak, you need text tospeechsystem, such as SVOX or Yvonne, installed and set as thedefaultdevice voice. If you have not, please download and installone byclicking the Download button in the settings menu. If youhavealready installed and configured, please go to Settings, tickthatbox, and then say Save - if you do not hear his voice, seethedocumentation of your system text-to-speech.* Pronunciation: listen to the pronunciation of words to justhowyou want, simply click the text inside the black boxes, such asthequestion text and a vertical panel.* Settings: Settings panel you can customize the applicationtotalk to download and install a copy of the speech system andkeepthe device screen on.* Vertical Panel: Vertical panel will show you theindividualastronomical data, which will be presented in the bonussystem, youcan click to hear their pronunciation. Technical datawill beautomatically rotated when using the program, which makesyoudirectly and indirectly read and follow them.* Standalone: ​​The application works in online andofflinemodes. Some functions, such as the Encyclopedia will not bemadeavailable offline.Additional Information:* Encyclopedia: To use the encyclopedia, tap the black boxeswithquestions in them, for example, the issue in the main screenand thequestion at the top of the screen in the bonus system.
Vocabulario Esperanto-Español 1.4
Rove Monteux
Esta aplicación ayuda a los estudiantesdeesperanto en los niveles intermedio y avanzado a mejorarsuvocabulario y sus habilidades de lectura.Características:* 1567 términos y definiciones.* Reproductor de vocabulario: usted puedes pausar, reanudaryreproducir términos como en un reproductor de medios.* Text to Speech: escuche y aprenda la pronunciación correctadecada palabra en el vocabulario.* Texto to Speech: usted puede leer las definiciones de laspalabrasjunto con la aplicación para mejorar sus habilidadesdelectura.* Cuestionario: usted puede estudiar y hacer la prueba detuvocabulario de Esperanto.* Swipe: sólo tienes que arrastrar la parte inferior de lapantallapara ir a la palabra siguiente.* Carga automática de palabras después de un espacio detiempodeterminado (6 segundos por default, puedes cambiar el tiempoen laConfiguración).* Funciona completamente desconectado de la Internet, en todaslasresoluciones de pantalla y no utiliza espacio dealmacenamientoadicional.Text to Speech:Antes de utilizar la voz en este software, usted necesitaunsistema de Text to Speech, como SVOX o IVONA, con una vozpolacainstalada y activada en su dispositivo (la voz se puedeinstalardirectamente desde la aplicación). La voz polaca seráadaptada ahablar el Esperanto.Tiu programo estas ankaŭ disponebla en Aliaj lingvoj:Kataluna lingvo ("Vocabulari Esperanto-Català"): lingvo ("Vocabulário do Esperanto"): Angla ("Esperanto Vocabulary"): lingvo ("Vocabulaire Espéranto"): lingvo ("Эсперанто словник"):Ĉeĥa lingvo ("Esperanto Slovník"): applicationhelpsstudents of Esperanto in the intermediate and advanced levelstoimprove their vocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1567 terms and definitions.* Player vocabulary: you can pause, resume and play in terms asamedia player.* Text to Speech: listen and learn the correct pronunciation ofeachword in the vocabulary.* Text to Speech: you can read the definitions of the wordsalongwith the application to improve their reading skills.* Quiz: you can study and test your vocabulary of Esperanto.* Swipe: just drag the bottom of the screen to go to thenextword.* Automatic loading of words after a space of time (6 secondsbydefault, you can change the time in Setup).* Works completely disconnected from the Internet, in allscreenresolutions and does not use additional storage space.Text to Speech:Before using the voice in this software, you need a TexttoSpeech system, as SVOX or IVONA, a Polish voice installedandactivated on your device (the voice can be installed directlyfromthe application). The Polish voice be adapted tospeakEsperanto.I program these ankaŭ disponebla Tiu in Aliaj lingvoj:Kataluna lingvo ("Esperanto-Catalan Vocabulari"): lingvo ("do Esperanto vocabulary"): Angla ("Esperanto Vocabulary"): Franca ("Vocabulaire Esperanto"): lingvo ("Эсперанто словник"): lingvo ("Esperanto Slovník"):
Esperanto Slovník 1.0
Rove Monteux
Tato aplikace byla vytvořena s cílempomocistudentům esperanta v středně pokročilé a pokročilé úrovnizlepšitjejich slovní zásobu a čtení.Vlastnosti:* 1568 slov a definic.* Slovní zásoba: pozastavit, restartovat a revidovat podmínkyjakopři použití multimediálního přehrávače.* Text to Speech (text na řeč): poslouchat a učit sesprávnouvýslovnost každého slova ze slovní zásoby.* Text to Speech (text na řeč): přečíst si definice slov spolusaplikací a zlepšit jejich čtenářské dovednosti.* Dvojjazyčný Test: prostudovat a testovat svou slovnízásobu.* Swipe: stačí posunout spodní část obrazovky a rychlezměnittermín.* Automatické načítání podmínek po vymezeném prostoru (dobu 6sekundod výchozího nastavení).* Plně v režimu offline (můžete ji použít na výlety), drobnépráceve všech rozlišeních obrazovky a použít na více místechnadisku.Text to Speech (text na řeč):Před použitím zdrojů a mluveného slova Speak popisy,budetepotřebovat systémový text na řeč, jako SVOX nebo IVONA, shlasem vangličtině, nainstalovaný a aktivní ve vašem Androidu (hlasmůžebýt nainstalovaný z obrazovky Nastavení, v aplikaci). Hlasbudepřizpůsoben mluví esperantem.Tiu programo estas ankaŭ disponebla en aliaj lingvoj:Portugala lingvo ("Vocabulário do Esperanto"): lingvo ("Vocabulario Esperanto-Español") lingvo ("Vocabulaire Espéranto"): lingvo ("Vocabulari Esperanto-Català"): lingvo ("Эсперанто словник"): lingvo ("Esperanto Vocabulary"): applicationwascreated to help students of Esperanto in the intermediateandadvanced levels to improve their vocabulary and reading.Features:* 1568 words and definitions.* Vocabulary: pause, restart, and to review the terms as whenusingthe media player.* Text to Speech (text to speech): listen and learn thecorrectpronunciation of each word of the vocabulary.* Text to Speech (text to speech): read the definition of thewordsalong with the application and improve their readingskills.* Bilingual Test: study and test your vocabulary.* Swipe: just move the bottom of the screen and quickly changethedate.* Automatic loading conditions for a specific area (for 6secondsfrom the default setting).* Fully offline (you can use it on trips), minor work in allscreenresolutions, and use in multiple locations on the disk.Text to Speech (text to speech):Before using the resources and the spoken wordSpeakdescriptions, you need text to speech system, such as SVOXorIVONA, with the voice in English, installed and active inyourAndroid (voice can be installed from the Setup screen, intheapplication). The voice will be adapted to speak Esperanto.Tiu programming Anka disponebla estas en Aliaj lingvoj:Portugal lingvo ("Vocabulário in Esperanto"): Hispana ("Vocabulario Español Esperanto") Franco ("Vocabulaire Esperanto"): lingvo ("Esperanto Vocabulary Català"): lingvo ("Эсперанто словник"): lingvo ("Esperanto Vocabulary"):
Эсперанто словник 1.3
Rove Monteux
Это приложение было разработано, чтобыпомочьстуденты эсперанто язык в промежуточном и продвинутом уровняхдляулучшения их словарного запаса и навыков чтения.Особенности:* 1563 терминов и определений.* Пересмотреть условия как и при использованиимультимедийногопроигрывателя.* Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech): Слушать иучитьсяправильному произношению каждого слова словаря.* Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech):прочитайтеопределение слова вместе с заявлением и улучшить своинавыкичтения.* Двуязычный Тест: исследование и проверить свой ​​словарныйзапасрусско-эсперанто и эсперанто-русский.* Swipe: просто сдвиньте нижнюю часть экрана, чтобы быстроизменитьперспективу.* Автоматическая загрузка условиях через определенныйпромежутоквремени (6 секунд по умолчанию регулируемыенастройки).* Полностью оффлайне (вы можете использовать его в поездках),малыйработает на всех разрешениях экрана и не используетдополнительноедисковое пространство.Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech (TTS)):Перед использованием текста в речь возможностей, Вамнеобходимосистеме тексте синтезатор, а SVOX или IVONA с польскойголосустановлены и активны в вашем Android (голос может бытьустановленс экрана настройки в приложении). Польский голос будетадаптированак эсперанто.Tiu programo estas ankaŭ disponebla en Aliaj lingvoj:Kataluna lingvo ("Vocabulari Esperanto-Català"): lingvo ("Vocabulário do Esperanto"): Angla ("Esperanto Vocabulary"): lingvo ("Vocabulaire Espéranto"): lingvo ("Vocabulario Esperanto-Español")Ĉeĥa lingvo ("Esperanto Slovník"): applicationwasdesigned to help students of Esperanto language in theintermediateand advanced levels to improve their vocabulary andreading skills.Features:* 1563 terms and definitions.* Review the terms and conditions as when using themediaplayer.* Text-to-speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech): Listenandlearn the correct pronunciation of each word dictionary.* Text-to-speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech): readthedefinition of the word along with the application and improvetheirreading skills.* Bilingual Test: study and test your vocabularyofRussian-Esperanto and Esperanto-Russian.* Swipe: just slide the bottom of the screen to quickly changetheperspective.* Automatic loading conditions after a certain period of time(6seconds by default adjustable settings).* Fully offline (you can use it on trips), small works on allscreenresolutions are no additional disk space.Text to speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech (TTS)):Before using the text-to-speech capabilities, you need asystemtext synthesizer and SVOX or IVONA with Polish voiceinstalled andactive in your Android (voice can be set with thescreen settingsin the application). Poland's voice will be adaptedtoEsperanto.Tiu programo estas ankaŭ disponebla en Aliaj lingvoj:Kataluna lingvo ("Vocabulari Esperanto-Català"): lingvo ("Vocabulário do Esperanto"): Angla ("Esperanto Vocabulary"): lingvo ("Vocabulaire Espéranto"): lingvo ("Vocabulario Esperanto-Español")Ĉeĥa lingvo ("Esperanto Slovník"):
Vocabulário do Esperanto 1.14
Rove Monteux
Esta aplicação foi desenvolvida com o fimdeajudar os estudantes de Esperanto nos níveis intermediárioeavançado a melhorarem seu vocabulário e habilidades de leitura.Características:* 1496 termos e definições.* Tocador de Vocabulário: pause, reinicie e revise termos comoseutilizando um tocador de multimídia.* Text to Speech (Sintetizador de texto/voz): Escute e aprendaapronúncia correta de cada palavra do vocabulário.* Text to Speech (Sintetizador de texto/voz): leia as definiçõesdepalavras junto com o aplicativo e melhore sua habilidadedeleitura.* Teste bilingue: estude e teste seu vocabulárioPortuguês-Esperantoe Esperanto-Português.* Swipe: basta deslizar a parte inferior da tela pararapidamentemudar o termo.* Carga automática de termos após um espaço definido de tempo(6segundos por padrão, ajustável em Configurações).* Totalmente offline (pode usá-lo em viagens), pequeno, funcionaemtodas as resoluções de tela e não usa nenhum espaço extraemdisco.Text to Speech (Sintetizador de texto/voz):Antes de utilizar os recursos Falar palavras e Falardescrições,você vai precisar de um sistema de Text to Speech(sintetizador detexto/voz), como o SVOX ou IVONA, com uma vozPolonêsa instalada eativa no seu Android (o mesmo pode serinstalado a partir da telaConfigurações no aplicativo). A vozPolonesa será adaptada parafalar Esperanto.Tiu programo estas ankaŭ disponebla en aliaj lingvoj:Angla lingvo ("Esperanto Vocabulary"): lingvo ("Vocabulario Esperanto-Español") lingvo ("Vocabulaire Espéranto"): lingvo ("Vocabulari Esperanto-Català"): lingvo ("Эсперанто словник"):Ĉeĥa lingvo ("Esperanto Slovník"): applicationwasdeveloped in order to help students of Esperanto intheintermediate and advanced levels to improve their vocabularyandreading skills.Features:* 1496 terms and definitions.* Player Vocabulary: pause, restart and revise terms as if usingamultimedia player.* Text to Speech (Synthesizer text / voice): Listen and learnthecorrect pronunciation of each vocabulary word.* Text to Speech (Synthesizer text / voice): read the definitionsofwords along with the application and improve theirreadingskills.* Bilingual Test: study and test yourvocabularyPortuguese-Esperanto and Esperanto-Portuguese.* Swipe: just slide the bottom of the screen to quickly changetheterm.* Automatic loading of terms after a defined space of time(6seconds by default adjustable settings).* Fully offline (you can use it on trips), small works on allscreenresolutions and uses no extra disk space.Text to Speech (Synthesizer text / voice):Before using the resources and Talking Words Speakdescriptions,you will need a system Text to Speech (textsynthesizer / vocals),as SVOX or IVONA, with a voice Polishinstalled and active in yourAndroid (the same can be installed fromthe Settings screen in theapplication). The voice will be adaptedfor Polish speakingEsperanto.I schedule these Tiu ankaŭ disponebla en aliaj lingvoj:Angla lingvo ("Esperanto Vocabulary"): Hispana ("Vocabulario Español-Esperanto") Franca ("Vocabulaire Esperanto"): lingvo ("Esperanto-Vocabulari Català"): lingvo ("Эсперанто словник"): lingvo ("Esperanto Slovník"):
Vocabulari Esperanto-Català 1.3
Rove Monteux
Aquesta aplicació ajuda alsestudiantsd'esperanto en els nivells intermedi i avançat a millorarel seuvocabulari i les seves habilitats de lectura.Característiques:* 1213 termes i definicions.* Reproductor de vocabulari: vostè pots pausar, reprendreireproduir termes com en un reproductor de mitjans.* Text to Speech: escolti i aprengui la pronunciació correctadecada paraula en el vocabulari.* Text to Speech: vostè pot llegir les definicions de les paraulesil'aplicació per millorar les seves habilitats de lectura.* Qüestionari: vostè pot estudiar i fer fer conèixer elseuvocabulari d'Esperanto.* Swipe: només has de arrossegar la part inferior de la pantallaperanar a la paraula següent.* Càrrega automàtica de paraules després d'un espai detempsdeterminat (6 segons per default, pots canviar el temps enlaConfiguració).* Funciona completament desconnectat d'Internet, en toteslesresolucions de pantalla i no utilitza espaid'emmagatzematgeaddicional.Text to Speech:Abans d'utilitzar la veu en aquest programari, vostè necessitaunsistema de Text to Speech, com SVOX o IVONA, amb una veupolonesainstallada i activada al vostre llapis (la veu es potinstallardirectament des de l'aplicació). La veu polonesa seràadaptada aparlar l'esperanto.Tiu programo aquestes ankaŭ disponebla a aliaj lingvoj:Hispana lingvo ("Vocabulario Esperanto-Español") lingvo ("Vocabulario do esperanto"): Angla ("Esperanto Vocabulary"): lingvo ("Vocabulaire Esperanto"): lingvo ("Эсперанто словник"):Ĉeĥa lingvo ("Esperanto Slovník"): ajuda IMPLEMEAquestaestudiants d'Esperanto nivells intermedi els i avançat tomillorarthe seu seves habilitats VOCABULARY i read them.Característiques:* 1213 i definicions termites.* Player VOCABULARY: Usted está pots pause, termites reprendreireproduir com Mitjans player.* Text to Speech: escolti i aprengui the right of eachparaulapronunciació in VOCABULARY.* Text to Speech: Usted está llegir pot them paraules definicionsofthem i l'IMPLEME per millorar habilitats seves readingthem.* Qüestionari: Usted está i fer fer pot study conèixertheVOCABULARY seu d'Esperanto.* Swipe: thou Nomes arrossegar the lower part of the screentoparaula per anar següent.* Càrrega automàtica of paraules Després temps d'un espaideterminat(6 segons per default, pots CANVIAR the tempsinConfiguratio).* Works completament desconnectat d'Internet, totes them iscreenresolucions utilitza not espai d'emmagatzematgeaddicional.Text to Speech:Abans d'utilitzar the veu in aquest Programari, Usted estásystemNecessita Text to Speech, SVOX or IVONA com, amb one Polishveuinstallada i turned to vostre Llapis (the pot is veu installadddirectament des de l'IMPLEME). The Polish veu l'parlar beadapted toEsperanto.Tiu disponebla to program my aquestes ankaŭ Aliaj lingvoj:Hispanic lingvo ("Esperanto-Spanish Vocabulary") lingvo ("do Esperanto Vocabulary"): Angla ("Esperanto Vocabulary"): Franca ("Vocabulaire Esperanto"): lingvo ("Эсперанто словник"): lingvo ("Esperanto Slovník"):
Португальский словник 1.2
Rove Monteux
Это приложение было разработано, чтобыпомочьстудентам португальского языка в промежуточном ипродвинутомуровнях для улучшения их словарного запаса и навыковчтения.Особенности:* 1657 терминов и определений.* Пересмотреть условия как и при использованиимультимедийногопроигрывателя.* Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech): Слушать иучитьсяправильному произношению каждого слова словаря.* Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech):прочитайтеопределение слова вместе с заявлением и улучшить своинавыкичтения.* Двуязычный Тест: исследование и проверить свой ​​словарныйзапасрусско-португальский и португальско-русский.* Swipe: просто сдвиньте нижнюю часть экрана, чтобы быстроизменитьперспективу.* Автоматическая загрузка условиях через определенныйпромежутоквремени (6 секунд по умолчанию регулируемыенастройки).* Полностью оффлайне (вы можете использовать его в поездках),малыйработает на всех разрешениях экрана и не используетдополнительноедисковое пространство.Текст в речь (Синтезаторы речи Text to Speech (TTS)):Перед использованием текста в речь возможностей, Вамнеобходимосистеме тексте синтезатор, а SVOX или IVONA спортугальского голосустановлены и активны в вашем Android (голосможет быть установленс экрана настройки в приложении).This applicationwasdesigned to help students of Portuguese in the intermediateandadvanced levels to improve their vocabulary and reading skills.Features:* 1657 terms and definitions.* Review the terms and conditions as when using themediaplayer.* Text-to-speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech): Listenandlearn the correct pronunciation of each word dictionary.* Text-to-speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech): readthedefinition of the word along with the application and improvetheirreading skills.* Bilingual Test: study and test your vocabularyofRussian-Portuguese and Portuguese-Russian.* Swipe: just slide the bottom of the screen to quickly changetheperspective.* Automatic loading conditions after a certain period of time(6seconds by default adjustable settings).* Fully offline (you can use it on trips), small works on allscreenresolutions are no additional disk space.Text to speech (speech synthesizer Text to Speech (TTS)):Before using the text-to-speech capabilities, you need asystemtext synthesizer and SVOX or IVONA Portuguese voice installedandactive in your Android (voice can be set with the screensettingsin the application).