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Doodle art design 1.0
A doodle works usually portray the feelingsofthe author, can be seen from scratches produced, sometimesoutunnoticed by our minds. Doodle art sometimes can calm the heartsofthe maker.Now Doodle growing art, abstract shape and has its ownuniquenessmakes pelakonnya is increasing from day to day. Evenwithoutrealizing it we often produce works doodle, scribble exampleis thedoodle art class.
Sticks craft 1.0
a work using a popsicle stick asrawmaterial.Yet rather than throwing the ice cream sticks intothetrash, you better use it for crafts materials.There are somanycreative crafts from recycled materials that you can make, aswellas materials to make it.If the craft usually only made of paper, cardboard, straw orotherused goods, this time we will review the various crafts thatcan bemade of ice cream sticks.
Base COC Design 1.0
minimize the number of stars earned orevenflattened the enemy base.
Paper Quilling Tutorial 1.0
Handicrafts from paper rolls - this is basedonwhat will be made for variations according to your wishes. Themostpopular are butterflies, small dolls.This type of craft that one might have known since ourgrandparentsat the elementary school, it's just that itsdevelopment is nowmore advanced and diverse with the times, thepaper used was morevaried.
Knot Bracelet ideas 1.0
If you've ever tried to make a bracelet/necklace itself? It is not easy to be able to create /makesomething new the result of our own efforts, but what's theharm ifwe try. First of all to make a bracelet / necklace we mustknowwhat type of rope and knot.
Interior Home 3D 1.0
3 bedroom home is also very suitableforfamilies with 4 members. One main room for mom and dad. Thehousewith 3 bedrooms are the perfect solution. Three bedroomsofferseparate rooms for parents and children as well as guests.Thetworooms as children's personal space.
Fish pond house 1.0
Presenting Tiny pool on the minimalist. Ifyouhave the rest of the land would not hurt if it is destined forasmall fish pond and a minimalist garden, perhaps as part ofafriend to all who still have the rest of the land, whether it isinfront of the house, behind the house or behind the house,confusedto be used for anything ,, between the solution is, make afishpond, the fish pond is usually synonymous with a gardengemriciksound of running water.In addition to the functions that are so artistic fish pond aswellas mental conditioning ... we felt comfortable quiet afterseeing apond full of fish are gorgeous
Art Recycle 1.0
Most pencil cores are made of graphitemixedwith a clay binder, leaving gray marks or black that can beeasilyremoved. Graphite pencil used both for writing and drawing,and theresult is durable: although writing can usually be removedwith aneraser, resistant to moisture and chemicals, ultravioletradiationand natural aging. Other types of pencil core are lesswidely used.Most pencil cores are made of graphite mixed with aclay binder,leaving gray marks or black that can be easily removed.Graphitepencil used both for writing and drawing, and the resultisdurable: although writing can usually be removed with aneraser,resistant to moisture and chemicals, ultraviolet radiationandnatural aging. Other types of pencil core are lesswidelyused.
saree blouse beutiful 1.0
A blouse should be like your second skin,itshouldn’t be too tight nor too loose and the right fitting makesawoman very confident.For a classy and sophisticated look, try these amazingblousedesigns which can win you many appreciations. Just keep inmind ifyou are planning on a wearing a transparent saree, it’s besttoavoid front hooks or pins, since it will make your overalllookvery clumsy. The current trend for blouse designs is netblouseswith sweetheart necklines.
Invitation cards Modern 1.0
But before the wedding day, you need tohaveengagement, bridal shower party (or a bacheloretteparty),rehearsal dinner party, and so on. To show friends andfamily yourhappiness, sincerity, respect, and many more, sendunique weddinginvitations will be a must.
Drawing 3D 1.0
realistic pencil illustration that looks asifthe illustration is actually real or 3d. Of course we know,untilnow art has undergone many changes and transformations.Moreover,with the rapid advancement of science and technology,drawing notonly be done or just alone, but most of us have beenable to usethe latest techniques, advanced and so unique in thedrawing. Thistime, I will share to you who have a hobby or justwant to try howgood draw. In the drawing technique this time, Iused the latesttechniques used by most artists or painters of theworld, which isa technique to draw a 3-D or better known as thetechnique of 3Dimages.
Tattoo Ideas 3D 1.0
You may often see a mediocre tattoo, tattooyawhat if the three following dimensions.share pictures tattoo pictures creepy, horrific make buddiesfearand make buddy dumbfounded, so how not stunned the art ofpaintingthe body called tattooing the body in 3D is really veryfrighteningif we pay attention.
GreenHouse 1.0
Home is where the shelter that providescomfortfor occupants. Because that is very important to design thehouse asyou wish. Many people designing glass house to give adifferentimpression of the house normally.The greenhouse is a building that is almost entirely usethemedium of glass from the walls, roof, doors and windows.Generally,this building used to develop a plant in order to getenough light,but as the development of greenhouse technology as anew trend inthe field of architecture.
Tutorial Make Up 1.0
But the trend seems to form a thin face asthestars of Korea could lead to an erosion of confidence in thosewhohave a round face shape. With appropriate makeup techniques,youcan still look confident.all of these ways depends on the situation and the circumstancesinwhich you will apply it. If only regular walks or simply forcasualevents, you can try to apply natural makeup. Besides easy toapply,you will also look more naturally beautiful. color lipstickoftenfaded in the middle after you eat. In addition, the use oflipstickin a long time sometimes make the lips become dry andcracked. Toprevent chapped lips, apply a lip balm that was not oilybeforeusing lipstick. Let it sink in for a minute,
Craft of wood has existed sincetimeimmemorial. It can be seen from various archaeologicalheritagemade of woodThere are also craftsmen who use scrap.wood or wood scraps that are not used to be made in a varietyofcraft products .The development is also very rapid woodencraftsvarious types of crafts have been produced. Due to theavailabilityof wood raw material, each region has a typical woodand canprocess into handicrafts with good quality. In general, thewoodused to make a craft is mahogany, teak, pine, and many othertypesof wood
Drawing Cartoon 1.0
I chose Cartoon one of the collectionsTopazClean. Further to my Presets select Vector Effect Flat course.Youcould also try other types of collections Topaz Clean others.Thento make any changes that are tailored to the condition ofthephoto, you can set again on the Clean, Edges, and Texture.
How Drawing eye 1.0
n this tutorial I use B, 3B, and 8B pencilstodraw. I recommend using more than one class to get a betterdepthfor a more realistic look.resulting in irregularities that make facial proportions arenotappropriate or not realists. Besides the eye structureconsistingof a black circle in the middle and wrap each taperedlines will bemore apparent when we look at the first referencebefore we pourit. At least concentrate to get the appropriateresults.
Agriculture Modern 1.0
Agricultural production and consumption asmuchand only one, two or a few plants are made in principalsourcematerial. Traditional agriculture is agriculture thatisenvironmentally friendly because it does not wearpestisida.
Coffe Design Ideas 1.0
lucky enough to have a coffee drinkingpartnerin your life, what better way to add a little romance andlove toyour day than to deliver him or her a cup. These coffee,will makeyour coffee taste even sweeter.Coffee or latte art has become really popular over the pastfewyears. It’s no surprise really since many of us continue toindulgein our daily coffee habit.
Easter Egg Design 1.0
you fall out of love with a pattern orpicture,wash the surface and draw again.everything from rubber bands to melted crayons to Kool-Aid. Besureto hard-boil eggs or blow out contents before decorating, andthengo nuts. The results are eggsthem turn eggs into beautiful and symbolic works of art.Decorating eggs is a pre-Christian tradition (decorated ostricheggshave been found in Sumerian and Egyptian tombs), so while thisartis closely associated with Easter, you don't have to beChristian oreven religious to enjoy it. If you have a creativeEaster eggdecoration idea, we'd love to see it added to thislist!
shirt design 3D 1.0
3D is a T-shirt printed using DTGDigitalPrinting machine and not the result of manual screenprinting toproduce high-quality images so that the images appear asif reallife.3D Making wearer tambil different, more confident and wasnotimpressed Mainstream.No other characteristics of the design is different from most oftheshirts on the market. For example, as the design of our bodiesas ifgripped tightly by the hand of a giant or a design as if wewerelike naked when not only the picture just bare, and others canbeseen in the figure below. Well design as it can attracttheattention of many people
Aquascape Design 1.0
Typically, home Aquascape fish andplants,although it is possible to make aquascape with plants only,or withrockwork or other hardscape and no plants.Aquascaping is a craft arranging aquatic plants, as well asstone,cavework, or driftwood, aesthetically in anaquarium-effect,gardening under water.
Kebaya Fashion 1.0
Kebaya design when it is considered as onewayto show the social status of a woman. it's been many examplesofmodern kebaya outfit that began to erode the traditional senseofthe kebaya.A wide variety of types and models of modern kebayaclearlybeneficial in terms of the domestic fashion industry itself.Infact, they managed to change the use of kebaya which isidenticalto a formal event into flexible garments to be worn atvariousevents.
Well here I will share how how tomakehandicrafts from bamboo material because there is no doubttheresult of crafts bamboo is a lot of demand by local communitiesandeven abroad it led to the production of handicrafts made ofbamboois growing rapidly even though overseas.
Beautiful Bracelet 1.0
has a hobby of making jewelrybraceletsthemselves. In fact, many women who make homemade braceletforsale.Make a beautiful bracelet was not difficult.zoned for beginner group. This tutorial can be practiced at homeinless than 5 minutes. suitable for friends who want to learn tomakesimple accessories either for personal collection, gifts foryourloved ones, as well as the product ready to sell forextraincome.
Survival Mission 1.0
Knowledge and survival techniques shouldbeunderstood by everyone, especially the instigators of the free/open until a time when he experienced this condition, at leasthedoes have an idea and what actions need to be done.Uncertain state (survival), this could happen to any person whowastraveling, adventure or exploration in the wild.Survival Survive comes from the word, which means tosurvive.Average survival itself is an uncertain conditions faced byaperson or group of people in a foreign land and isolated fortheperson / group who are undergoing
Survival Techniques 1.0
Thus the need mastery of survivaltechniques,including techniques to create a fire, make a sheltertechniques,techniques to create trap, a technique to get water,techniques tocreate a trail and signs.Preparations for the bad situation is simple. Before the trip,atleast not all self-rescue equipment is standard couldbeprepared.This time we will discuss one of the most important techniquesthateveryone must have the traveler's bad when facingunexpectedsituations, namely survival (survival technique).For example, if it will be boating across the river or the sea,setup buoys adequate. "Do not underestimate the standardtools!Because this is our life hangers if something happens ".Intraveling we have to prepare the private provision,especiallysurvival equipment (Survival Kit), should also beadequate. Smallitems that are vital to be provided such as aflashlight, alighter, a small folding knife, sewing equipment,whistle, wetwipes, P3K supplies, medicines, and so forth. Althoughthe journeyfelt to be too much, make it a habit always bring foodand drinksreserves. Once everything is ready, place equipment andsuppliesearlier into a container or bag that is eligible, as isquitelightweight, strong and waterproof. Make a distinction betweenthecontainer was in a bag or other goods, to be easilyrecognizable.Place also in runag an accessible, lest we confusemust prioritizewhich items are to be saved when the crash.The weather was changeable, tough terrain, unexpectedaccidents,lost lost, and many more things that can be inhibitingour journeyto reach the destination.
Hand lettering creative 1.0
Hand lettering or handwriting made throughacomplex process results if the high level of creativitytypography inspiration article, the following handwrittentypographywork fantastic results from a graphic designer
Origami Flowers 1.0
You'll have tons of fun while learning howtofold lots of origami.If you're here to learn how to make origami flowers, thenyou'vecome to the right place. I've made plenty of instructionsanddiagrams available for a variety of flowers.Handmade and rare, paper was a luxurious commodity, availableonlyto the richest. Therefore, origami was intended to be usedduringreligious ceremonies only at first.
Hydroponic System 1.0
Make sure the planting medium shaft enoughsowater and nutrients can be absorbed by plant roots but alsosturdyenough to sustain hydroponic plants.Stages How to grow hydroponic.information on how to grow hydroponics is simple and can be doneinyour home. Hydroponics is a method or farming techniquesusingnon-soil or growing media other than soil. Media hydroponicplantscan be roasted husks, cocopeat, sand-gravel rockwool andother lan.How to grow hydroponics can be done anywhere on the homepage ofyour example, the container can use any pots, drums, cans ofpaintor even a bottle of mineral traces.
Origami ! 1.0
Only with a sheet of square origami, youcancreate beautiful works of art. Bird flapping its wings can thisisthe work of mid-level origami that will make everyone who sawitwas impressed. You can also create origami bird that flies likeaplane paper or circling in the air.Although this paper folding craft first is the traditionalJapaneseart, origami now has grown very rapidly and there are fansin allparts of the world. Artists are not native to Japan was abletodevelop this art into forms and new variants.
Rabbit Hutch Ideas 1.0
In the procedure of rabbits, there areseveraltypes of enclosures can we make, whether it is a speciallyrabbitmeat cattle and rabbits no benchmark specially to make thecattlepens for rabbits, the most important is the comfort of therabbititself ..You need to set up a place to stay that is comfortable foryourbunny rabbit needs your order can be fulfilled. Learn how toset upa comfortable and safe enclosure for your rabbit, the roomisspacious enough to stretch out, play and curl up intheevenings.Well, before making a rabbit cage, there may be somerequirementthat you have to aim to the health rabbits and hareswere able togrow . first you have to do a placement location whichis not toonoisy that would make rabbits distracted and easilystressed
DIY Ribbon gifts 1.0
ribbon synonymous with tape. Decorativeribbonmade of ribbon material can in various ways, depending onyour goalto do so.so we look more attractive gifts should we give the tape to makeitmore beautiful. Actually ribbon gifts are sold in the gift shopbutby making your own we could choose the color we like andwillcertainly be cheaper. In this tutorial I will explain how tocreateyour own ribbon gifts simple and nice.
DIY Create Candles 1.0
Material:ScissorTweezersSpoondried flowersCandleParaffinwax into small and remove the fuse. Turning the wick tu uselater.Heat a stainless steel pot and melted wax. Screwed withwoodviper.I will explain briefly how to make candles.1. First first prepare ingredients such as paraffin, stearicacid,mold, and a wick.2. Then melt the chocolate alone, the wax in a pan of watersteamusing the section where there is a container that containswax.Remember, the candles were not given water.3. Stir continuously until perfectly clear as water. Do not usethestove was great and not to splash the wax on the stove.Whileentering stearic acid.4. When it melts, wait a bit cool about 2 minutes and then print.Donot wait too long to wait for the wax will cool bubbly andtheresults are not good. How else by directing fluid poured waxintothe mold walls in order to avoid bubbling.5. Put the wax into the cup already hung axis.6. If it is frozen, remove the wax from the mold and pureeusingsandpaper.
Sculpture Watermelon 1.0
The creativity of artists is infinite!Asculptor known to use watermelon to create.serve food with the beauty of art. Media used are fruit,especiallythe rounded and has a soft texture. The tools used infruit carvingis quite simple, namely, cutter, serrated knives andtoothpicks ifnecessary.Before the implementation of your carving skills, it is importanttomake all the proper arrangements. A good knife with a singlesharppointed knife is a must-have in this case. Carving on awatermelonis done in a relief format, could only simple cut out orcarryintricate carvings.
Design Bed Baby 1.0
Box Toys And Baby Classical Minimalism tothetiny baby the mothers, minimalist classical model is nowbecomingone of the best options in the present for the contents ofher homefurnishings because of its simple yet modern and moreluxuriousimpression.There are countless examples Design Crib latest in recentyears,ranging from minimalist design, simple, luxurious and others.Andhere we have some examples for you, might be able to be one ofthereference or inspiration to you. There are several things tonotein choosing the design of the bed, the first is material. Thisisvery important because it feared if the material bed makerwillactually make allergies baby, because basically the body ofthebaby is still very sensitive.Not only models of living room furniture or bedroom withchildrenand adults only baby furniture sets are now also manyemergingmodel of the latest design one of which is a product imageinmahogany dry Good quality (already ) so anti powder/termites.
Build Aquaponics System 1.0
Every aquaponic system will includethecomponents listed below. There are many options to add on totheseand customize the system, depending on yourparticularcircumstances and goals. For example, most people in coldclimateswill opt to build their aquaponics system in a greenhouseto keepit going year-round.explaining the factors you need to take into considerationduringyour construction, but before we get started, you shouldcheck outThe Starters Guide – Aquaponics Plans to help determinewhat typeof system you need.
Wallpaper 3D 1.0
Artists change the poster, walkways, andotherstructures throughout the world to another, often justusingchalk.One of the most remarkable forms of artwork is a 3Dopticalillusion. When viewed from a certain angle, looks like averyrealistic 3D scenes.A great way to get exposure as a new artist is to create your own3Dstreet art and place it on your website or doing socialmediaexplosion image. So we see the 3D illusion artworkfollowingexceptional optical and let them inspire you to create adesigninspiration
Calligraphy Amazing 1.0
First as a child some of you must have allbeentaught how to write calligraphy I was so calligraphy isverybeautiful if it was written by an artist, I understand thatthearts can not be inart is a talent that flows from every personas ablessing of the almighty power,Calligraphy has a lot of ideas and imagination inwritingcalligraphy, including the art of Islamic calligraphyCalligraphy has always been an art of beautiful writing andhavealways found in every corner of the mosque. In general,calligraphyis an Arabic inscription written with a few strokes withattentionto the artistic elements of each article. The writing hasalwaysbeen a decoration art favored by many people.Calligraphy is the art of writing is usually a beautifulArabicsentence. Each calligraphy displayed always has elements ofbeautyin every pattern and shape.
Modern Architecture 1.0
You also probably have your favourite styleinlandscape design, your beloved era and the landscape architectyouadore., landscape architecture has representatives thatmarkedmilestones in its development. These are the precursors oftheirera, the people who changed the history of landscapearchitecture,introducing new ideas and concepts or designing themost famousparks and landscapes.You may be a landscape architect,Look atthisLandscape Architecture Designs – Long before green was goodandsustainable was sexy, the world’s landscape architectsunderstoodand practiced the discipline of environmentalcustodianship. Stilltoday, they work to restore life to a pollutedworld, doing so inour homes, our parks, our offices and even ourcities.
Origami paper craft 1.0
You can do these with any kind ofpaperalthough I really, really recommend you use origami paper andyoucan even get a patterned origami paper which isbeyondadorable!Craft paper is a form of craft paper is used tocreatethree-dimensional objects such as model or sculpture, paperthatare not used anymore can be used as a craft that canmakemoney
Kirigami Ideas 1.0
Kirigami is the art of folding andcuttingpaper into interesting shapes.Usually Kirigami simple models are used to decorate theclassroom,or hanging ornaments.The paper used for printing and A4, capable conjured intomemorableworks of art modern metropolis.
Easy Pallet Project 1.0
wondering where to get a used woodpalletOne of the reasons many enjoy creating DIY ideas into DIYprojectswith pallets is there are so many different type of itemsanddecorations that can be made from this rustic woodA home with all the desired sections, stylish furnishingandgorgeous embellishing is the dream of every person.But through the pallet projects we are to give you some usefulandbudget free ideas by the reuse of discarded pallets for abetterhome with all the stylish and functional furniture gain alongwithsome creative and amazing decor ideas too. And today we aregoingto share with you almost creative wood pallet projects andideasranging from indoor furniture and decor to outdoor
Scrapbook Design 1.0
As the tradition of scrapbooking meetsthedigital age, the creative opportunities available forpreservingmemories have become nearly unlimited. Now, you can makeuse ofelectronic imagery and online storage to create andsharescrapbooks in paper or digital form. Digital scrapbookingallowsyou to share your beautiful memories with any number ofpeople, butyou can also download and print out special designs,fonts and evenphotos.
Wood Carving Design 1.0
The gift is not just the object purchasedinmemory of places tourists never visit. The value of a giftmorevaluable when it original artwork handmade locals.This sculpture is made of bananas! If the work is usually done onamedium wood carving,Wood made to make the keyboard is made of a type of mapleandwalnut.conjure up the wooden beams. With the expertise carved, Seijiableto transform blocks of wood to resemble real food. Theexecution ofcarving sculptures made in detail to look like therealthing.
Skin design henna 1.0
Brilliant Mehndi Designs and BeautifulIdeasabout Mehendi. You can set as wallpaper and save inyourmobileIt was originally used for only women's palms and never for men,butas time progressed, it is more natural for men to wearit.
Children Playground Design 1.0
But for playground itself is not as easy asweimagine, especially for small lawns. But you need not worry,onthis occasion we will provide an update on the design oftheplayground children around the house minimalist for youall.Think, if they can why you do not and never minded thatpeopleoverseas are smarter than us because it will kill your soulandcreativity in creating the latest masterpiece. Good luckandmanaged to create your own version of Garden Design.If you want a children's playground can make the development ofthechild to be better then I would suggest also to you that youmade asmart park area into a park like putting sand or loose soilso thatchildren can play with it.Design children's playground is very diverse because kids canplayanywhere at any time and in any circumstances. Obviously youwantyour children to play safely and comfortably, and if necessarycanplay physical and he thought right.
Amazing Architecture Home 1.0
Speaking of style, this brings us to thenextcriteria. Style in architecture. This is another thingstronglyrelated to someone’s personality, but you have to admit,whensomeone has style, this is obvious to everyone. I thinkarchitectsand owners of those homes have amazing style inarchitecture andthis is one of the reasons why I put those homes onthe list.“The wow factor” of modern house designsWhen we take all criteria described above, we get one and only,“thewow factor”. When you see modern home and its design, you’reeitherimpressed, or not impressed. This can be described as “thewowfactor”, and, at the end, this is the main reason why thosehomesare on this list. All of them attracted my attention, got meallinterested and left me impressed, which made me put togetherthislist of top 50 modern house designs at the end.
Elegant Bonsai Design 1.0
bonsai plant is very beautifulandelegantAlthough not categorized as bonsai, many people refer to it asabonsai garden. Can not be categorized as a bonsai because ofnotembracing grip style in bonsai. During the formation oftheheadline, "bonsai" garden does not need to process thewiring(wiring). Formation of plants just based on the compositionposturemost fitting of existing branches. Branches that do not fittheposition cut.Bonsai garden care as very easy. Originally enough waterandfertilizer plants can flourish. Roots of bonsai garden isfreeforaging (hara). Only, instead of a taproot again, but therootfibers.Many people mistakenly on spruce and pine. Fir shrimp(Casuarinaequisetifolia) is similar to pine (Pinus Thumbergii).Only the sizeof the shrimp evergreen leaves are longer and largerthan leafpine. For the price, it is usually more expensive than theshrimpspruce pine.
Trend Fashion ! 1.0
Trend Fashion !steps of this tutorialDIY fashion design idea for your style. You can save and shareallDIY fashion design on your phone. This application shows youthegalleries of beautiful DIY fashion ideas, design, foryourfashion.