SAE Games Brisbane Apps

Poly Space 1.19
SAE Games Brisbane
Poly Space is a 3D Sci-Fi adventure.Takecontrol of your vessel and master the art of aerial flight asyoudodge your way through obstacles!
Slime Herder 1.0.8
SAE Games Brisbane
Slime herder is a 2D puzzle game thatrequiresquick thinking and planning to help save adorable slimesfromthemselves. Magical portals have appeared throughout theSlimeKingdom allowing it’s cute but somewhat ignorant inhabitantsto getinto all sorts of mischief. Slimes are happy go luckycreatures butcan be somewhat fragile around pointy objects, it’sthe player’sjob to help these slimes safely traverse each level andget to anexit portal.The slimes worst enemy are sharp spikes that will splatterthemon contact. To avoid danger Slimes have the ability totransformand change the way that they move. Some slimes are able tohop ashort distance while others can become like trampolines tolaunchtheir brethren even higher and further to avoid largerhazards.However Slimes aren’t the cleverest creatures out there andneed alittle help to know when to transform but that’s where theplayercomes in. Tapping on a slime gives them a quick tickle andmakesthem transform or change their behaviour. By timing theseactionswell and in the right order the player will be able torescueslimes by getting them to the exit portal.Slime Herder is a level based game requiring the playertocomplete each challenge sequentially. A level can be completedbysaving the minimum amount of slimes required for that level. Astheplayer progresses the levels become more complex requiringtheplayer to experiment with different solutions and timing.Extraelements include more Slimes and gadgets such as fans anddoorsthat can turned on and off by switches. The initial releasewillcontain 30 levels with a scheduled update to bring in another15-30levels post release.
Disco Danger! 1.2.1
SAE Games Brisbane
In Disco Danger your job is to help DiscoDaveand a collection of other equally delirious and dexterousdancersfind their way across the dancefloor to a partner. Betterhurry,you’ve only got so long before the song ends. That’d bebad,wouldn’t it?The dancers are particular about how to move. If you’re onthefloor, you’ve got to move to the beat. The beat has aspecificcolour matched to it and the tiles of the dance floor willchangein time with this beat. Disco Dave and co can only move ontoa tilethat has a colour that matches the beat. It’s the rules ofthedance floor, you know.Of course, not all tiles on the dance floor are going to bethesame colour, that’d be boring. The colours will cycle. Youcouldhave been on a green tile a second ago and now it’s red. Butthatalso means that red tile next to you is now green and you canmoveon to it. This is the core of the gameplay for DiscoDanger!Since the tiles will change colour according to the beat, you(ThePlayer) will have to keep up with this change of beat tomoveacross the dance floor faster and faster. If you can keep upwiththe beat, you’ll move a lot faster, but without it thingsmightseem a bit slow and clunky. Even though the dance and thelevel ison a timer, take a moment to look at the game screen andfind whereeverything is. Disco Danger is a puzzle game as well as arhythmgame, it isn’t going to be as easy as swiping the screen afewtimes.There will be walls, classic walls, that get in your way atjustthe right opportunities. But these aren’t just walls, who wouldputwalls in the middle of a dance floor? No, these walls aresimplycrowds of rude dancers who aren’t going to move out of DiscoDave’sway. Since Dave (and you I would assume) are far too politeto justbarge through these dancers under normal circumstances, sotheybehave as walls.Just people-walls won't stand in Disco Dave’s way, there willbevarious hazards that won't be out of place on the averagedancefloor.Maybe.Don’t look for them.First of all, a spilled drink will cause Disco Dave to careenoutof control and slide forwards until he hits the side of thedancefloor. With some focus the slip can be avoided, but sometimesyoumight actually want to go for a skid. These spills can give youapointed boost in speed or set you on the wrong path. Keep youreyeout and be careful.Watch out for broken glass as well. Stepping on broken glasswillput Disco Dave’s dancy feet out of commission, giving you agameover. Watch your step, your next one might hurt.Disco Dave’s pain might not end there, as you also have towatchout for breakdancers on the dance floor. These skilled dancersarein the zone and are being a tad disruptive to the floor. If youseeone, they’ll be on their head, spinning the night away. Gettooclose and they’ll accidentally hit Disco Dave. You might notnoticeit at first, but getting a foot to the face will shock Daveorcompany enough that time has passed. 10 seconds might not seemlikemuch, but with limited time that is going to hurt.There’s more, but that is a surprise… There’s some danger inthisdisco.But these are just to make things more interesting for you.HelpDisco Dave find his dance partner and all will be well.Disco Danger is a 2D sprite based puzzle/rhythm game, playableonAndroid devices. There will be more than just the one playeravatar,being Disco Dave, who the player can control. Both unlockedthroughgameplay and by buying them, a player can gain control ofotherdancers including Funky Francis and much more.
Squidditch 1.24
SAE Games Brisbane
Squidditch is a top down high scorechasergame. You are a young octopus racing towards a sushi bar offin thedistance, but to keep up with all the squid, you must useyour inkas a weapon! Collect coins from squid and use it to buysushi toboost your way through the competition. This sushi cancause you torapid fire ink shots, able to take out your opponentsby bodyslamming or even attract nearby coins for easy pick up.The player can also collect these coins to customize theplayer!These customization can turn your octopus into popularculturecharacters. This is used to set yourself apart from the restof thecrowd and to customize yourself to show other players(friends,family ect)There are currently 4 Boosters in the game. Rapid Fire,BodyDamage, Spread Fire and Magnet.Rapid fire is where the game will automatically fireregardlessif the player is tapping or not, this allows the playerto notworry about shooting anymore and just focus on movingaroundenemies. This will last for 15 seconds and cost 60 coinsBody damage will allow the player to run into other squid totakethem out. This will be a good way for the player to get out ofasticky situation if they get surrounded. This will last for3seconds and cost 80 coinsMagnet is used to attract coins to the player. This willgreatlyincrease the income of coins as allowing the player to notriskhaving to chase down a coin. This will last for 1 min and cost20coinsSpread Fire will shoot out 3 inks in a cone every time youjump,this will allow to cover a lot of area for you to takeyouropponents with little to no effort. This will last for 5secondsand cost 100 coinsThe gameplay consists of tapping on the screen in thedirectionwhere the player wants to go, tapping for example on theright handside of the screen will make the player shoot downwardsin theircurrent lane/channel and then jump to the next channelhigher thantheir previous location. The player will be pulleddownwardstowards the bottom of the screen, at the same rate atwhich thebackground flows to, again, simulate the player is beingleftbehind by the other squid.The enemies in the game.will swim up the screen going fasterthanthe player and moving slower when the player is jumping up.Shootingthese enemies will have a chance to drop a coin which canbe used onboosters and customizationEnemy speeds can vary depending on how the player acts intheworld. For example, when the player is falling, it will causetheenemies to go faster, simulating the player is slower thantheenemies under the water.