aqHolder行動房務 1.2
1. 房務打掃指派2. 房務打掃記錄3. Mini Bar消費記錄4. 打掃進度立即回報1. housekeeping cleaningassignment2. housekeeping clean record3. Mini Bar consumption recordThe cleaning schedule immediately return
SOYAL APP (AR-727CM) 1.01b
Advantages◎ Remote Controller Setting◎ Remote Door Open◎ Check Event Log◎ Edit Access User◎ User-Friendly Touch Operation◎ Changeable Font Size◎ Compatible with 701SoftwareBasic Function- SP-200-B (Free)1.Add / Delete the userAdd->Card ID: Add the user by input 5-digit site code and 5digit card codeSuspend->Addr: Suspend the user by input 5-digit user addressstored in devicePassword: Set up the access password for individual userAccess Mode: Set up the user to access by card only, card or pin,card and pin…so on.Guard User: Set up the particular user address to be as the GuardUser, who only is a valid user to leave the event log in device butnot allow opening the door.Anti-pass-back: Enable/Disable the anti-pass-back function ondevice2.Device Parameters (1) (2)Node ID: Set up the Node ID of deviceShow UID: To show the card no. in WG, ABA or HEX formatOn/Off Open Zone: Enable/Disable the Open Zone function indeviceOpen Time Zone : Set up the zone of keeping the door opened after1st card flashed on the device (NOT available yet)Door Relay Tm: Set up the activated time of door relayAlarm Relay Tm: Set up the activated time of alarm relayArming Delay Tm: Set up the delay time to activate the armingwhile event happened.Arming pulse Tm: Set up the activated time of arming statusAuto Relock:Egress (R.T.E): Enable/Disable to exit by the push button3.Time-Attendance SetupEnable/Disable Time-AttendanceEnable/Disable skip PIN check: to enable/disable the users toaccess by password, which mostly for the device withoutkeypad/key-panelEnable/Disable specific cards (such as guard card, cleancard…ect.) to get accessEnable/Disable main controller and its WG reader to share the samerelay door relaySet up the time that a repeated card/tag can’t be read again onthe same deviceSet up the time of error input to lock the keypad /Key-panelEnable/Disable the beep sounds while push button pressed4.ToolsLanguage: Change the languageMaster Code: Change the master code to login the programmingmode/menu of deviceMaster Range: Set up a range of user cards can skip master code tologin the programming mode/menu by flashed the cardTerminal Port: Select the connected terminal port to LiftController, Host Computer, LED Displayer or Printer.Ext.Comm Port : Enable/Disable Lift Control FunctionClock Setting: Manual set up the YEAR / MONTH / DAY / HOUR / MIN./ SEC. / TIME FORMAT of device5.Simply ControlTrack 5 newly event logs on smart phoneOpen door by smart phone6.User login information managementAdvanced Professional Function - SP-200-P (Free till Jan. 31st2013)1.Add->RF-learn: Add card/cards and register its/theirs card no.automatically by read card/cards on the device2.Synchronize the parameters between device and cell phone3.Synchronously backup and download 10 user card data intodevice4.Edit / download the Alias to device5.Advanced APP User login information management: LevelEditable
itwBooking-自助旅店訂房付款與自助Check-in 1.0.1
itwBooking.com自助旅店訂房付款與自助Check-inAPP提供旅客行動旅店查詢、線上即時預約、線上付款、訂單查詢、取得入住憑證(QR-Code)以及可以憑QR-Code自助入住旅店,因此提供旅客一個輕鬆易操作的智慧訂房與入住工具,旅店管理者再也不用整天待在旅店,也可以輕鬆讓旅客入住,並且讓旅客住的安心和開心。 BuffetBuffet Hotel Reservations Payment and Check-in APP inn offerstravelers action queries, instant online booking, online payment,order inquiries, obtain occupancy certificate (QR-Code) and canstay with QR-Code buffet inn, thus providing passengers a relaxedand easy to operate wisdom booking and check-in tools, hotelmanagers no longer have to stay in the hotel all day, you caneasily make visitors stay, live and let visitors feel at ease andhappy.
SONAS Digital I/O Control 1.01a
Digital I/O Control APP is a Digital Input andOutput control tools. It is compatible with SOYAL 727CM-IO module,and used for Light, electronic lock, home appliance, sensor alarm,home security setting and other Digital I/O applications.
SONAS家庭燈光控制與門禁 1.0.2
SOYAL APP Professional 1.21a
Advantages◎ Remote Controller Setting◎ Remote Door Open◎ Check Event Log◎ Edit Access User◎ User-Friendly Touch Operation◎ Changeable Font Size◎ Compatible with 701SoftwareBasic Function- SP-200-B (Free)1.Add / Delete the userAdd->Card ID: Add the user by input 5-digit site code and 5digit card codeSuspend->Addr: Suspend the user by input 5-digit user addressstored in devicePassword: Set up the access password for individual userAccess Mode: Set up the user to access by card only, card or pin,card and pin…so on.Guard User: Set up the particular user address to be as the GuardUser, who only is a valid user to leave the event log in device butnot allow opening the door.Anti-pass-back: Enable/Disable the anti-pass-back function ondevice2.Device Parameters (1) (2)Node ID: Set up the Node ID of deviceShow UID: To show the card no. in WG, ABA or HEX formatOn/Off Open Zone: Enable/Disable the Open Zone function indeviceOpen Time Zone : Set up the zone of keeping the door opened after1st card flashed on the device (NOT available yet)Door Relay Tm: Set up the activated time of door relayAlarm Relay Tm: Set up the activated time of alarm relayArming Delay Tm: Set up the delay time to activate the armingwhile event happened.Arming pulse Tm: Set up the activated time of arming statusAuto Relock:Egress (R.T.E): Enable/Disable to exit by the push button3.Time-Attendance SetupEnable/Disable Time-AttendanceEnable/Disable skip PIN check: to enable/disable the users toaccess by password, which mostly for the device withoutkeypad/key-panelEnable/Disable specific cards (such as guard card, cleancard…ect.) to get accessEnable/Disable main controller and its WG reader to share the samerelay door relaySet up the time that a repeated card/tag can’t be read again onthe same deviceSet up the time of error input to lock the keypad /Key-panelEnable/Disable the beep sounds while push button pressed4.ToolsLanguage: Change the languageMaster Code: Change the master code to login the programmingmode/menu of deviceMaster Range: Set up a range of user cards can skip master code tologin the programming mode/menu by flashed the cardTerminal Port: Select the connected terminal port to LiftController, Host Computer, LED Displayer or Printer.Ext.Comm Port : Enable/Disable Lift Control FunctionClock Setting: Manual set up the YEAR / MONTH / DAY / HOUR / MIN./ SEC. / TIME FORMAT of device5.Simply ControlTrack 5 newly event logs on smart phoneOpen door by smart phone6.User login information managementAdvanced Professional Function - SP-200-P (Free till Jan. 31st2013)1.Add->RF-learn: Add card/cards and register its/theirs card no.automatically by read card/cards on the device2.Synchronize the parameters between device and cell phone3.Synchronously backup and download 10 user card data intodevice4.Edit / download the Alias to device5.Advanced APP User login information management: LevelEditable
aqHolder行動控房接單 1.5
即時控管房間與銷售庫存管理者可以於APP進行房型與房間管理,並且可以即時開放房間於專屬訂房頁面、itwBooking.com以及thevaca銷售。直覺式房間上架與下架月曆友善的月曆式房間上架與下架功能,並且可以讓管理者自訂日期色塊以利辨識,亦可以自定上架銷售價格;針對房間下架,管理者只須點選要下架的日曆色塊即可以完成房間下架。即時檢視與確認訂單旅客於線上下單或者管理者於後台鍵入訂單,手機APP會即時同步,管理者可以於APP即時查詢旅客付款狀態,並且撥號跟旅客確認訂單。產生與通知離線付款資訊APP亦支援線上產生虛擬ATM帳號和超商條碼等離線付款資訊,可以透過email或者簡訊即時通知旅客付款資訊。快速接單輸入旅客手機號碼與姓名,選擇要預訂的房型即完成接單。Instant Control ManagerRooms and sales of inventoryManagers can use the APP conduct Rooms and room management, and caninstantly open room in the exclusive booking page, itwBooking.comand thevaca sales.Intuitive room shelves and shelves calendarFriendly calendar-style rooms feature shelves and shelves, andallows managers to customize the date patches to facilitateidentification, also can customize the on sale price; room forshelves, managers need only click on the calendar to the next framecolor That can be done block room shelves.Instant View and confirm the orderGuest online or managers under a single type of orders in thebackground, the phone APP will immediately sync, managers can usethe APP immediate inquiry Passenger payment status, and dialingwith the guest to confirm the order.Generate and notify Offline Payment InformationAPP also supports online stores can generate a virtual ATM accountnumber and bar code and other offline payment information, you canimmediately notify the passenger payment information via email orSMS.Fast ordersEnter the phone number and guest name, choose to book a room typesto complete the orders.
aqHostel智動旅舍 1.0
透過aqHostel智動旅舍可以遠端監視旅舍,並且協助遠端發放發卡,其功能包含1. 即時影像監控2. 即時遠端監視房間門鎖與以節電器狀態3. 即時遠端開啟房間以及公設門禁4. 即時協助旅客自助Check-in發放房卡Remote Surveillance viaaqHostel wisdom can move Hostels and assist distal payment card,its features include1. Instant Video Surveillance2. Instant Remote Surveillance room door and to state Saver3. Instant distal open rooms and Public AccessThe immediate assistance Guest Self Check-in issuance Cards
尋台南 2.1.2
尋台南是由南科商務旅館委託松山科技研發股份有限公司開發,由台南市政府地方型SBIR補助,南科商旅創辦人為道地台南人,一直努力於推廣台南旅遊並且提升住宿品質,提供遊客一個優質的旅遊體驗,所以提出了尋台南APP,目的為推薦台南深度的私房景點,並且提供輕鬆的小遊戲與旅客互動外,亦提供優惠的住宿訂房功能。Tainan was commissionedbythe park to find Business Hotel Matsuyama R & D Co.,Ltd.developed by the Tainan City Government local type SBIRgrants,Nanya Business founder is authentic Tainan, Tainan has beenworkingon the promotion of tourism and enhance the qualityofaccommodation, offering tourists a high quality travelexperience,so look for Tainan proposed APP, the purpose of therecommendeddepth of Private Tainan attractions and offers a relaxedandinteractive games travelers, they also offerconcessionsAccommodation features.
aqHolder民宿行動櫃檯 1.2
友善觸控操作介面友善圖形化操作畫面,於當日入住清單觸控滑動即可檢視訂單與入住房客細節,或者播號給房客確認到達時間。訂房中心空房查詢可以查詢旅店空房並且撥號與訂房中心聯繫與訂房,當房間被預訂時,房間狀態與入住清單會立即時更新。支援手機NFC發放以及回收房卡入住與房發卡發在一個手機就搞定,結合手機NFC功能,即時寫入通行權限於房卡,旅客即完成入住手續;旅客Check-out時只須用APP將通行權限消磁,即完成卡片回收與退房手續。未收款查詢與現場付款狀態回報即時查詢訂單與住房客收款狀態,如果有未收款即可以收取現金並且即時更新收款狀態。Touch-friendlyuserinterfaceFriendly graphical user screen, check the list on the samedayorders and touch swipe view details occupancy tenant or tenantstoconfirm the number of broadcast time of arrival.Reservation Center Check availabilityCan check hotel availability and dial-up and reservation Contactandreservation, when the room is booked, room status and checkwhen thelist will be updated immediately.Support NFC mobile phone payment and the recovery room cardCheck with the issuer made in a room to get the phone, combiningamobile phone NFC, instant access permissions to write to thecardroom, guests complete check; Check-out time visitors with onlytheaccess rights APP degaussing, complete with cardrecoveryOut.No on-site collection and payment status query returnsInstant Lookup orders and customer receivables housing status,ifthere is not receivable which can be updated in real timeandreceive cash payment status.