Sanjay_Gupta Apps

Mayank-Nidhi Wedding Invite 3.0
It is an Indian marriage Invitation App.Download and play, you will enjoy it...Mayank (Rahul) and Nidhi invites all Friends, Colleagues &Relatives to attend their marriage on Feb 16th, 2016
Audio Clock & Scheduler 6.0
The app can be used to read out and scheduleauto reading of clock time, text messages and recorded audios. Useit to schedule music, record and schedule audio messages, scheduleauto reading of study material and other text messages (reminders,prayers, motivational and inspiring thoughts, difficultwords/equations, rhymes, songs etc). Schedules can be defined toauto play/reading at specific interval during specific period onspecific days of a week.The application uses 'Text to Speech' (TTS) feature of androidto read out system time and text messages, uses sound recorder forrecorded messages, music player to play audio messages duringspecified time and intervalAny number of schedules with different types of messages (textfile, audio file, text from other applications, recorded sound ortypes text) can be scheduled at specific time of a week forspecific duration with repeat interval.It is also possible to use it just as audio clock that will keeptelling time during specific period of a week at specific intervalor use it as alarm clock with personalized audio (recorded orexisting) or text messages.The application's audio pauses during calls and it can also beconfigured to speak caller name/numbers for incoming calls and callduration at the end of incoming and outgoings calls.Use it to:1. Know current time through ears during specific period andinterval with inspiring and motivational messages.2. Keep track of time during critical activities like driving,running, playing, sleeping, meditating or thinking, you will nevermiss an important time.3. Set your own messages and tasks/items(audio checklist) reminderswith duration and repeat interval.4. You can prepare a daily activity chart for self, family orhelpers and let the app remind5. Use it as repetitive alarm clock that tells time and an optionalmessage.6. It can be used to learn difficult words, formulas, rhymes etc byrepeating them at fix interval and convenient time.7. Useful for people with eyesight issues to keep track on time andtasks.8. Play music and sound recordings at specific time and interval ofa day or week.9. Tell you caller name/number and call duration when a call isreceived and terminates10. you can also try how a message can be read out in differentlanguages by system. e.g. read English text in Chineselanguage.
Work In-progress Alert 1.2
Following two incidence in previousweekprompted me to write the app -1) food over-cooked as I forgot to put off burner.2) Winding of overhead water pump burnt and i had to spend 1-2daysto getting the pump replaced.apart from these the milk/coffee/tea spilling and waterwastageis common issue in our home.Download the app if you face any of the above listed orsimilarissues.The app can keep you reminding about the in-progressactivitiesby playing your recorded message, ringing bell, vibratingyourdevice and notification at regular interval forpre-specifiedperiod.You need to click on the app icon and speak your messagee.g.'food is on heater'. the app will start repeating therecordedmessage at regular interval after predefined time. themessage willoptionally be accompanied with a bell sound andvibration.The app can also be called task completion reminder. it canalsobe used as repeater to record and repeat recorded soundmultipletimes.It can also be used to keep repeating audio clip toremembersomething e.g. name of a person, place or things, words,values etc- it can acts as echo app.
Reading and Storage Service 1.1
'Reads and Stores' runs in background andpopupoption dialog to read out, schedule reading (read out atspecifictime and day) and store selected text from text based appswheneversome text is selected by users. It can save your time,data as wellas limit damage to your eyes (due to reading) as theapp can readout for you while you can do other work whilelistening the app.It can store and read out stored text anytime and anywhere.youcan listen while commuting, playing, relaxing, walking orgettingready. It can also save selected text based info that can beusedoffline any number of times.You can save interesting or useful text contents permanentlyandassign specific category - e.g. Entertainment, Family,Finance,News, Travel, Office etcStudents can prepare noted by just selecting useful textbasedinformation from websites and ebooks. Notes can be revisedwhiledriving or commuting, lying on bed, bathing, relaxing anddoingother activities.The application uses 'Text to Speech' (TTS) feature of androidtoread out selected text.It is easy to use - launch the app and forget it, abackgroundservice will be started automatically that will pop-up asmallreading control dialog whenever a text is selected and'copy'button is clicked(copy step of copy/paste operation)Reading task can be canceled/paused by shaking your phone orbyclicking on notification button or from mainapplicationscreen"It can help you finish reading your emails/WhatsAppmessages,Facebook/Twitter postings, News, and other informationquicklywithout tiring your body and eyes.
Group Expense Accounting 1.1
Group or team expense accounting app tolog,track, settle and share expenses paid-by or paid-fordifferentmembers of a group/family/team/organization quicklyandaccurately.An easy to use tool to manage expenses during team outings,groupevents, functions, parties, celebration, projects and othergroupactivities and settle accounts in clean way.It is also possible to manage and visualize expenses/billspaidby/for different members of a family.
Quick Expense Manager 1.2
Use the app to manage expenses andotherresources (time, effort etc) quickly and easily.Use it for planning, tracking, logging, reporting,budgeting,visualizing expenses and other resources and forcomputingvaluation of your property, business or a compositeproduct.An easy to use tool to prepare monthly expenses,event/functionexpenses, trip or any other expense planning andtracking.It can also be used to prepare timetables andmanageeffort-sheets.It is also possible to use for project management bydistributingtasks among available resources/work-hours and forcomputingvaluation quickly.Expenses in different currencies can also bemanagedefficiently.
House Details 1.0
Do not download this app unless you havebeenasked by someone or referred from other websites.
Saar - A Traditional Ludo Game 1.0
An attempt to revive forgotten traditionalludogame that was played by all age group people before arrival ofsmartphones and computers era.Traditionally, the game was played on floor with a dice and4pieces of each player. one player throws dice and move hispiece(s)to move toward inner house and hits other players' piecestoprevent them reaching target house. The player who reachestargethouse first is winner.The same game can be now played on mobile with the app runningonone or more android devices. the dice is replaced with arandomnumber generator touch event based soft dice.Pieces can be moved by touching them.The app can connect to the app running on another deviceoverBluetooth session to enable players use their own devicestogenerate numbers and move pieces.Two persons can play from anywhere within Bluetooth range.The game is somewhat similar to 'Chosar' or 'Chopat'
PF Projection Calculator 1.2
- Compute future value of your investmentandimpact of taxation on it.- See and get feeling of how your PF(EPF, PPF, VPF, SIP etc)corpusgrows every year.- Compute principle and interest amount at end of each year,- Compute amount of contribution you need to increase/decreasetoachieve your retirement goal- You can also use it to compute future value of one time orregularinvestment in any other instrument like- bank deposits, post office deposit, bonds, insurancepoliciesetc.- Assess impact of tax on withdrawal in case withdrawalbecometaxable in future.- You can also use it to compute employer and employeecontributionto PF fund (as per Indian PF policy)- It also gives annual interest, total interest, future valueofcurrent corpus for each coming year,- It has option to specify interest rate, approximate increaseinsalary every year, tax rate etc
Echo - A time pass 1.0
Shout and hear echo effect.The app has no functional use. it is just a time pass app...You can feel your shout getting reflected from a hardsurfacepositioned at certain distance, the distance can beadjusted.
Smart Phone-Guard 1.1
The app helps you safeguard and trackyourphone when it reaches in hands of any unauthorized person..Locate you phone and take picture, videos of yourphone-thief,his associate and connect call to speak him or listensurroundingsounds anytime from anywhere .You can control your phone and unauthorized person (probablyathief) in following ways when he/she tries to switch off yourphonewithout unlocking it -> By hiding system shutdown dialog to prevent switchingoffyour phone when locked or> Pretend shutdown without actually shutting down tomisleadunauthorized person. Your phone will be alive and onlinewithoutbeing noticed as screen and sound will be switched off. Itcan waitsilently for your commands, messages and calls.> Ring the phone loud without stopping for 30 seconds. Youmighthear the ring as a phone thief's normally try to switch offphoneas soon as they get hold of it when you are around.> Capture pictures, videos and location data silentlyandautomatically using front and rear cameras and upload onyourgoogle drive account> Capture location of the place where the phone switching offwasattempted and sent in SMS to your backup number.> Show your predefined request or warning message tounauthorizedperson when he tries to switch your phone off.> Auto connect your call to enable you listenunauthorizedperson's conversation and surrounding soundssecretly.> Auto connect your call and turn ON speaker mode based onapredefined SMS command (a passcode received by SMS) to speak totheunauthorized person and his team or to scare themduringnight....You need to configure the app parameters as per your choice,startthe app and close main application.A daemon (always running) background process will be auto startedtokeep track of your phone's power button long press withoutunlockingphone. if power off is attempted without unlocking thephone, adummy power option dialog instead of system power optiondialog isshown to mislead the unauthorized person.When power off is attempted by clicking on the dummy dialog, theappstarts imitating shutdown. It gives impression that the phoneisshutting down or switched off but the phone silentlystartcollecting location, pictures and videos and upload on yourgoogledrive account apart from sending location details SMS onyourbackup number.It also auto connect (auto-answer) your calls withoutgettingnotices and can also put your call on speaker mode if youwant toshow your anger. You need to send an SMS with predefinedpasscodeto turn on speaker mode during your call.Law enforcement agencies can use the app to track andarrestantisocial elements and their hideouts, let them steal one ofyourphone as they wouldn't know they are carrying a live CCTVcamerawith them..]You and your phone can help arresting pickpocket gangs.Note:1. The call auto-answer/connect feature may not work on someandroiddevices depending on your hardware, firmware and androidversion.The feature might start or stop working after installingsome systemupdates.2. The smart phone-guard gets activated only when shutdownisattempted when your phone is in locked mode so you need tospecifya lock type for your handset fromSettings-> Lock Screen -> any thing other thanNonesafeguard.If you accidentally try to shutdown without unlocking or wanttoshutdown without unlocking then you will have to click on10-12times on the dummy screen that is displayed to misleadunauthorizedperson or click power button (on/off) 6-7 times toclose thephone-guard dummy screen before proceeding for unlockingorshutdown.The app has no ads...
Use the app to visualize various facts ofallcountries in graphical form. it can be used to compare acountryagainst a set of countries or all countries.It also calculate data for all countries in terms of yourcountrye.g. compute area of all countries in % of area of 'India'orpopulation of all countries in % of population of 'Japan'etcThe current version supports following information:>GeographyArea>People and SocietyPopulationPopulation growth rateBirth rateDeath rateNet migration rateMaternal mortality rateInfant mortality rateLife expectancy at birthTotal fertility rateHealth expendituresHIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rateHIV/AIDS - people living with HIV/AIDSHIV/AIDS - deathsObesity - adult prevalence rateChildren under the age of 5 years underweightEducation expendituresUnemployment, youth ages 15-24>EconomyGDP (purchasing power parity)GDP - real growth rateGDP - per capita (PPP)Gross national savingIndustrial production growth rateLabor forceUnemployment rateDistribution of family income - Gini indexTaxes and other revenuesBudget surplus (+) or deficit (-)Public debtInflation rate (consumer prices)Central bank discount rateCommercial bank prime lending rateStock of narrow moneyStock of broad moneyStock of domestic creditMarket value of publicly traded sharesCurrent account balanceExportsImportsReserves of foreign exchange and goldDebt - externalStock of direct foreign investment - at homeStock of direct foreign investment - abroad>EnergyElectricity - productionElectricity - consumptionElectricity - exportsElectricity - importsElectricity - installed generating capacityElectricity - from fossil fuelsElectricity - from nuclear fuelsElectricity - from hydroelectric plantsElectricity - from other renewable sourcesCrude oil - productionCrude oil - exportsCrude oil - importsCrude oil - proved reservesRefined petroleum products - productionRefined petroleum products - consumptionRefined petroleum products - exportsRefined petroleum products - importsNatural gas - productionNatural gas - consumptionNatural gas - exportsNatural gas - importsNatural gas - proved reserves>CommunicationsTelephones - main lines in useTelephones - mobile cellularInternet hostsInternet users>TransportationAirportsRailwaysRoadwaysWaterwaysMerchant marine>MilitaryMilitary expenditures of GDPSource of information is CIA.
Mobile Dots and Boxes Game 2.1
A simple to learn and play dots and boxes game for brain exercise