Secret Games Apps

Secret Games
A simple, fun and addictive game!Try Liumix advance between the various obstacles andcollectingpower to help you gain speed.Liumix is a game you will compete with your friendsandyourself!They become faster to score points, so do not trust!Try to beat your own record, then challenge your friends to seewhogets the highest score!
Orion Touch 1.39
Secret Games
Available on Facebook speed combining skill.Created by Secret Games, behind a simple format is hidden alevelgame where you will haveto show your true quickness. Orion’s aim is to obtain balls inaspecific order according to theircolor. You will have to be very quick to visualise your next aimandget it before time is up. AsOrion has an incredible versatility in the addition of balls,themotion speed and the diversity ofthem intensify the chances either of erring or excelling inmentalor finger speed. With increasingdifficulty, it challenges our ability to achieve its more than270levels that increase with eachupdate.How to play Orion? It seems easy but don’t underestimate thegame.When it starts you canchoose the Arcade Mode (by levels) or Survival Mode (play as longaspossible until you lose yourthree chances). At the beginning you will see balls ofseveralcolours rotating; in the lower part ofthe screen you will find a colour indicator that will tell youwhichball to pick. It looks simple butit’s not, you will have only the 10 seconds, also indicatedthere,to do that.And to make it even more interesting, if you get the balls before6seconds have passed you willobtain rewards that add extra points and break records.In every game you have to take risks in order to win; in thisgameyou have three shots that youcan lose if you take the wrong ball and it explodes. You loseyourthree shots, you lose the game.But you can opt for another attempt and win it.The playing time ends when you obtain 100% of the balls. Thatisshown in the upper part of thescreen where you can know the percentage achieved during theprocessof the game.Secret games created this game to challenge hard-core playersandthose who are novice, testingeach one’s dexterity. We hope you like it and enjoy the game aswedid when developing it.
Secret Games
¡Uno de los juegos casuales más adictivosyprometedores que jamás se haya diseñado! ¡Y es gratis!Historia:Era sé un tiempo en la ciudad de Bloquemham,en donde reinaba lapazy la tranquilidad.En donde los pájaros no paraban de cantar ysuhermoso clima desbordaba toda naturaleza con su belleza.Hastaquela misma hizo su presencia sacudiendo la tierra,dejandodestrozosen toda la ciudad,hasta incluso el gran castillo,lugarmuysignificativo para todos los ciudadanos.Entre todos queremos reconstruir nuestra hermosaciudad,comenzandopor nuestro castillo "El castillo deBloquemham"... Nosayudarías??..Ubicando cada ladrillo en sucorrespondiente lugarpodremos ver ese lugar tan bello que algunavez fue... Vamoshagámonos!Este divertido juego reta tu capacidad y velocidad mental, Estoloconvierte en una gran herramienta de ejercicio mental,aumentandonivel tras nivel tu capacidad de razonamiento.Características:- Gran variedad de Niveles con singulares actualizaciones- 3 modos de dificultad (Fácil, normal y difícil)- Promete muchas horas de juego.- ¡Comparte tu puntuación con tus amigos!- Atractivos gráficos y sonidos.- Diseñado para verse bien en dispositivos de media yaltaresolución (incl. tabletas)- LOGROS.FALTANTES DE LA BETA: Escena de Historia, música ysonidosgenerales, tutorial inicial, Mejorar curva dedificultad.Haz clic en 'Me gusta' en nuestra página de Facebook ymantenteal día con todos los nuevos juegos y actualizaciones: twitter of the mostaddictivecasual games promising ever designed! And it's free!History:Know was a time Bloquemham City, where peace reigned and wherebirdstranquilidad.En not stop singing and beautiful weather allnaturewith his overflowing belleza.Hasta that it made his presenceshakingthe ground, leaving damage throughout the city, even to thegreatcastle, very significant place for all citizens.Together we rebuild our beautiful city, starting with ourcastle"Castle Bloquemham" ... We ?? you help .. Placing each brickintoplace we can see that such a beautiful place it once was ...Comelet us!This fun game challenges your ability and mental speed, Thismakesit a great tool for mental exercise, increasing your levelafterlevel reasoning ability.Features:- Large variety of levels with unique upgrades- 3 difficulty modes (easy, normal and hard)- Promises many hours of play.- Share your score with your friends!- Attractive graphics and sounds.- Designed to look great on devices of medium and highresolution(incl tablets.)- ACHIEVEMENTS.MISSING THE BETA: Scene History, music and generalsounds,initial tutorial, Improve difficulty curve.Click 'Like' our Facebook page and stay up to date with allthenew games and updates: twitter
Urim and Thummim 0.0.1
Secret Games
Think about what you really want to know.Itwill answer yes or no. You can only ask once. Use it forimportantdecisions. It is your destiny ..
FLIPI: Jump game with a unique 0.7
Secret Games
FLIPI: Game of jumping between blocks, unique NEON style.