Shyam Infotech Jaipur Apps

Just Shop - Online Grocery 1.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
Just ShopInsure LifeOrder your grocery, fruits, vegetables, bakery and other dailyneeds at your door-stepWe get it that you’re tired of braving traffic jams and longqueues each time you shop for groceries. We get it that you’drather focus on more important things, and get your daily needs ontime at market rates quicklyWe delivered all type daily needs at your doorstep like groceries,vegetables, fresh fruits, bakery item, sweets and namkeen, Tiffin’sand foods etc.we also provided many services like plumber, electrician,carpenter, car rescue, laundry services etc.You no longer have to worry about who deliver s to you, if there isany minimum order value, we also inform you about identity ofdelivery boy before delivery so you easily track him.You also select the any store or sweet shop of your city as youdesired, now you have not worry to order your city specific item orany other city specific item.Suggestions are always welcome drop us a line at info@insurelifeindia.comEnjoy Ordering!
Frugud - Online Grocery Basket 1.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
FRUGUDOrder your grocery, fruits, vegetables, bakery and otherdailyneeds at your door-stepWe get it that you’re tired of braving traffic jams andlongqueues each time you shop for groceries. We get it thatyou’drather focus on more important things, and get your dailyneeds ontime at market rates quicklyWe delivered all type daily needs at your doorstep likegroceries,vegetables, fresh fruits, bakery item, sweets andnamkeen, Tiffin’sand foods etc.You also select the any store or sweet shop of your city asyoudesired, now you have not worry to order your city specific itemorany other city specific item.Enjoy Ordering!
Universal Credit 1.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
The Universal Multi State CreditCo-OperativeSociety Limited (UMSCCSL or Society) is a Multi StateCreditCo-operative Society, registered under Section 7 of MultiStateCooperative Societies Act, 2002 (39 of 2002) ,MinistryofAgriculture, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Govt.ofIndia vide Registration Number of the Societyis"MSCS/CR/745/2013The UMSCCSL abides by the Multi State Credit Co-operativeSocietiesAct, 2002 and the broad outlines are as under:Engaged in the activities of raising and maintainingRecurringDeposits, Fixed Deposits, Savings Deposits and providingLoansunder various schemes among its members but does not amounttoBanking as defined in terms of The Banking RegulationAct,1949.
The Vidarbha Urban Credit 2.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
The Vidarbha Urban Credit Co-Op Society.A leading credit co-operative society known for its excellenceincustomer service. The society accepts deposits at attractiveratesand extends credit at low rates of interest. Consideringtheprogress and intrinsic strength. A Unique Business Family ownedbyour Members including: Management ,Employees and Members.A cooperative is an organization owned and operated by a groupofindividuals for their mutual benefit. Cooperatives are definedbythe International Cooperative Alliance's Statement ontheCooperative Identity as autonomous associations of personsTheVidarbha Urban Credit Co-operative Society voluntarily tomeettheir common economic, social, and cultural needs andaspirationsthrough jointly owned and Association of persons who have VOLUNTRARILY JOINED to achieveaCOMMON ECONOMIC END through the formation of aDEMOCRATICALLYCONTROLLED BUSINESS ORGANISATIOBN making EQUITABLECONTRIBUTIONS tothe capital required and ACCEPTING A FAIR SHARE OFTHE RISKS ANDBENEFITS of the undertaking.The mission of The Vidarbha Urban Credit Co-operative Society istoeradicate poverty by building a secure and transparentmicrofinanceinstitution to provide financial assistance to theunderprivileged,especially senior citizens, women, handicapped, andthose livingbelow the poverty line.He organization has adopted a co-operative approach in ordertoinvolve every member in our mission with a spirit ofcooperationand mutual confidence. The credit society has instituteda workingculture, which revolves around efficiency,transparency,professionalism, teamwork and flexibility.
United Credit 2.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
The United Multi State CreditCooperativeSociety Ltd. is one of the best known credit cooperativesocietiesunmatched for its quality of highly personalizedservices.Initially registered with the registrar cooperativesocietyRajasthan & its area of operation is at Jaipur,Rajasthan whichis also the corporate office of the society.The United Multi State Credit Cooperative Society Ltd.offersunparallel services to customers Individuals &corporates. TheUnited Multi State Credit Cooperative Society fullfinancial services credit society.
Jeevan Sadhna Nidhi Limited 3.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
Jeevan Sadhna Nidhi Ltd. Gonda [U.P] isdealingin Personal Loan, Loan against Property, Project Loan &GoldLoan. We Believe in fair dealing and prompt disbursement offoundson priority Basis. We are dealing all India Business andServe toowner client at a very reasonable cost. Our Company isIncorporatedand process with all necessary Certificates.We provide Loan Against Personal / Property / Gold / Marksheet& Project Loan To Our Valuable Customer On Following TermsAndConditions at Minimum Rate Of Interest in Shortest Period.Jeevan Sadhna Nidhi is a mutual benefit Company carrying onthebusiness of a non-banking financial institution. It is anonbankingfinancial company doing the business of lending andborrowing withits members or shareholders. The government has setup law for theSecurity of the deposit in the company to which thecradle islegally necessary. Jeevan Sadhna Nidhi is fully compliedwithcapital adequacy norms set by the government.The Primary objective of our institution is to cultivate thehabitof savings among our members. Our first and foremost aim istosatisfy our members and create mutuality among them. JeevanSadhnaNidhi is fully financial services company. We accept depositsfromour shareholders within the stipulated norms issued by theMinistryof Corporate Affairs.The funds mobilized are utilized to a great extent for advancingofGold Loans, Property Loans, & invest in EducationSector,Health Sector & in Real Estates. Thus, the funds arefullysecured and therefore the investments with us are in verysaferhavens. We believe that the success of business comes fromeachindividual's creativity and team work. We at JSN LimitedExpansion,stimulate the mutual growth of our members through TrustandResponsibility and in this process JSN Expansion strivestocontribute to the development of the society overall.Our company functions like a well oiled machine and the objectiveofthis initiative is to ensure welfare of our membersthroughfinancial support by improving the standards of life andrenderingall possible technology driven financial services underoneroof.
Jeevan Sadhna Nidhi Ltd.
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
Jeevan Sadhna Nidhi Ltd. Gonda [U.P] isdealing in Personal Loan, Loan against Property, Project Loan &Gold Loan. We Believe in fair dealing and prompt disbursement offounds on priority Basis. We are dealing all India Business andServe to owner client at a very reasonable cost. Our Company isIncorporated and process with all necessary Certificates.We provide Loan Against Personal / Property / Gold / Mark sheet& Project Loan To Our Valuable Customer On Following Terms AndConditions at Minimum Rate Of Interest in Shortest Period.Jeevan Sadhna Nidhi is a mutual benefit Company carrying on thebusiness of a non-banking financial institution. It is a nonbankingfinancial company doing the business of lending and borrowing withits members or shareholders. The government has set up law for theSecurity of the deposit in the company to which the cradle islegally necessary. Jeevan Sadhna Nidhi is fully complied withcapital adequacy norms set by the government.The Primary objective of our institution is to cultivate the habitof savings among our members. Our first and foremost aim is tosatisfy our members and create mutuality among them. Jeevan SadhnaNidhi is fully financial services company. We accept deposits fromour shareholders within the stipulated norms issued by the Ministryof Corporate Affairs.The funds mobilized are utilized to a great extent for advancing ofGold Loans, Property Loans, & invest in Education Sector,Health Sector & in Real Estates. Thus, the funds are fullysecured and therefore the investments with us are in very saferhavens. We believe that the success of business comes from eachindividual's creativity and team work. We at JSN Limited Expansion,stimulate the mutual growth of our members through Trust andResponsibility and in this process JSN Expansion strives tocontribute to the development of the society overall.Our company functions like a well oiled machine and the objectiveof this initiative is to ensure welfare of our members throughfinancial support by improving the standards of life and renderingall possible technology driven financial services under oneroof.
Diwali Poojan (दीपावली पूजन) 1.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
App for Step By Step Process to Perform Diwali or Maha Laxmi Pooja.
Janmat Sangrah - [ EMS ] 5
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
Janmat Sangrah - All in One ElectionManagmentSoftware SollutionData Management Software:Data Management is very important part for winning elections,herewe will provide options add, edit, update, import, export,print,all type of reports- like caste wise, area wise, booth wise,agewise, gender wise, etc.Instant Voting Analysis:This Feature role is Very Important for winning elections, forthisfeatures firstly we will categorized our voters in 4 part,firstpart show Voters (100% in our support), Second Part showvoters (75% in our Support), Third part show voters (50% in ourSupport),Fourth Part Show Voters ( Opposition Support). Throughthis we willget exact voter output in graphical format also. Nowour objectiveto use this features will work on the day of election,that day wewill manage all voted voters data via our Sms facilityor viaonline tablets & others. Through this any time we willget ourcategorized voters ratio. Through this we will takenecessaryactions for getting win.Campaign Creation, Management:Through this Feature we will get our Campaign Structure, Meanshowmuch area we completed or how much will remain. Here wewillcategorize our campaign in many parts and allot it toourvolunteers. And also we will check our volunteersCampaignStructure.Missed Call Alert:This service we will use for monitoring our strength in ourareas.For this we will promote our two mobile numbers, one forinsupport, second for opposition. Through this we have gettingmanyprofits like- know our strength, actual users data, oppositionuserstrength-data. & further we will use this data forCampaign& Promotion Purpose.Unique Helpline Number:This service we will use for Capture Candidates Queries,Complaintsin our Area. Here we will provide you 10 digit uniquemobileNumber. For this we will Setup a Voice Message asIntroduction withOptions of Pressing key Option 1, 2, 3, 4, &so on. & herewe configure phone numbers to each option number.& connectsyou with your Candidate. Here we will maintain 9extensions with 27option numbers. & further we will use thisdata for Campaign& Promotion Purpose.Informative Website:in today’s environment website is very important part forCampaign& Promotion Purpose.Website Includes: Welcome note, About Party, Social WorkDetails,Photo Gallery, Live Chat, and 24*7 Help Line Number, Query&Complaint Management, News & Alerts, and Click to callService& Many Mores.Click to Call Service:Through this we will allows web Site Visitors to type intheirPhone/Mobile Number & click the Call Button, instantlytheirphone will ring and they will be directly connected toourRepresentative.Bulk Sms:Just like Website in today’s environment Bulk Sms is veryimportantpart for Campaign & Promotion Purpose.Voice Sms:Voice SMS Helps us for enhance our Campaign & Promotion, herewewill broadcast our voice message instantly, here we willCampaign anilliterate person can here the Voice SMS andunderstand.Voting meter:This Service is Available On our website for showing onlineuserinterest. Here we will provide two buttons for click. One forinour support, second for opposition.Live Chat:This Service is also Available On our website for solving ouronlineuser Queries.Face book, Twitter Page Work:we will also campaign into face book, twitter for this wewillcreate our pages there.News & Alerts:This Service is also Available On our website through this wewillprovide latest news & alerts. Here we will provide auniquesolution through this we will add our news via Smsalso.Query & Compliant Management:This Service is available for Online users as well as Smsusers,here user provide his query or compliant via our websiteorSms.IT Professional:As Per Your Requirement we will also provide you an ITProfessionalfor train your staff.
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
भारतीय ग्रामीण साख सहकारी संस्था सहकारिता कानूनो के अंतर्गत गठित एकवितिय संस्था हैं जो अपने सदस्यो के बीच बैकिंग व्यवसाय करती हैं।संस्था मध्यप्रदेश सरकार के सहकारिता अधिनियम 1960 के अंतर्गत पंजीकृतहैं जिसका पंजीयन संख्या - BHD/1079 हैं संस्था मध्यप्रदेश सरकार केसहकारिता अधिनियम 1960 के दिशा निर्देषों का पूण रुप से पालन करतीहैं। भारतीय ग्रामीण साख सहकारी संस्था मर्यादित की कार्यप्रणाली।भारतीय ग्रामीण साख सहकारी संस्था को संचालक मण्डल द्वारा संचालितकिया जाता हैं तथा सभी योजना एवं नीति निर्धारण का काम भी संचालकमण्डल के अधिकारों में निहित हैं। संस्था अपनी विभिन्न जमा एवं ऋणयोजनाओं द्वारा आम आदमी के आर्थिक विकास के लिये प्रयत्नशील हैं।भारतीय ग्रामीण साख सहकारी संस्था मर्यादित की विभिन्न योजनाये।भारतीय ग्रामीण साख सहकारी संस्था वर्तमान में जमाओं के क्षेत्र मेंधन लक्ष्मी मियादी जमा (एफ.डी.). धन वृद्धि आवर्ती (आर.डी.), मासिक आययोजना, दैनिक जमा योजना, ऋण योजना आदि विभिन्न प्रकार कि जमा योजनायेसंचालित कर रही हैं। भारतीय ग्रामीण साख सहकारी संस्था मर्यादित कीजमा राशियों का उपयोग। भारतीय ग्रामीण साख सहकारी संस्था जमाओं के रुपमें प्राप्त धनराशि को अपने सदस्यो को ऋण के रुप में उधार देने में धनका उपयोग करती हैं। संस्था का ऋण व्यापार एवं छोटे ऋण के रुप में कियाजाता हैं। तथा संस्था अपने सदस्यो के बीच बैकिंग व्यवसाय करती हैं।भारतीय ग्रामीण साख सहकारी संस्था मर्यादित में जमा राशि कि सुरक्षा।भारतीय ग्रामीण साख सहकारी संस्था में जमा राशि कि सुरक्षा के लियेसरकार ने कानून बना रखे हैं। जिन का पालन करना वैधानिक रुप से आवश्यकहैं। इसके अन्तर्गत किसी भी सहकारी संस्था के पास अपने सदस्यों काफण्ड होना आवश्यक हैं। सरकार द्वारा निर्धारित इस पूंजी पर्याप्ततामानदण्ड का संस्था द्वारा पूर्ण रुप से पालन किया जाता हैं। भारतीयग्रामीण साख सहकारी संस्था मर्यादित में जमा कर्ता (निवेशक) को अन्यलाभ। वर्तमान आयकर कानून के अनुसार निवेशक के जमा धन के व्याज पर टी.डी. एस. नही काटा जाता हैं। जमा राशि पर नियमानुसार परिपक्वता पूर्वएवं ऋण सुविधा उपलब्ध हैं। भारतीय ग्रामीण साख सहकारी संस्था मर्यादितमें निवेशक कौन हो सकता हैं। भारतीय ग्रामीण साख सहकारी संस्था मेंकोई भी वयस्क व्यक्ति हिन्दु अविभाजित परिवार कम्पनी भागीदारी फर्मट्रस्ट संस्था आदि जो भारतीय ग्रामीण साख सहकारी संस्था मर्यादित केसदस्य बन सकते हैं। और जमा योजना में निवेश कर सकते हैं। भारतीयग्रामीण साख सहकारी संस्था मर्यादित में सदस्य कैसे बने? भारतीयग्रामीण साख सहकारी संस्था मर्यादित मे सदस्य बनने के लिये 10 रुपयेसदस्यता शुल्क व 100/- रुपये हिस्सा राशि एवं 15 रूपये स्टेशनरी राशिदेकर सदस्यता के लिये निर्धारित फार्म में आवेदन किया जा सकता हैं।सदस्य कौन बन सकता है? कोई भी वयस्क व्यक्ति, हिन्दू अविभक्त परिवार,कम्पनी, भागीदारी फर्म, ट्रस्ट, संस्था तथा सहकारी समितिया आदि। जोसोसायटी के क्षेत्राधिकार का मूल निवासी है, या अभी इन प्रदेशो मेंरोजगाररत अथवा कार्यरत है, सोसायटी का सदस्य बन सकता है। सोसायटी केगठन के समय यह निर्धारित किया गया था कि सोसायटी का मुख्य उदेश्यकमाना नहीं रहेगा अपितु अपने सदस्यों के मध्यए बचत को प्रोत्साहिनकरना तथा रोजगार हेतु वित्तीय एवं तकनीकी सहायता प्रदान करते हुएसदस्यों की आर्थिक एवं सामाजिक स्थिति को उन्नत बनाना हमारा प्रमुखउदेश्य होगा। इसी उदेश्य को ध्यान में रखते हुए सोसायटी आज कार्यरतहै। सदस्यता प्रक्रिया 1. काई भी व्यक्ति इस संस्था का सदस्य बनसकेगा, जिसे समिति की सेवाओं की आवश्यकता हो, तो संविदा करने मेंसक्षम हो तथा समिति के कार्यक्षेत्र में निवास करता हो या समिति केकार्यक्षेत्र मे व्यवसायरत हो। 2. सभी जमाकर्ता को समिति का नॉमिनलसदस्य जिसके प्रवेश शुल्क की राशि 10 रूपयें एवं स्टेशनरी राशि 15रूपये होगी, जमा कराने पर नॉमिनल सदस्यता प्रदान की जावेगी। ऐसे सदस्यको साधारण सभा में मत दने का अधिकार नही होगा। 3. यदि अमानतदार अवयस्क(18 वर्ष से कम आयु) हो तो नॉमिनल फॉर्म अभिभावक के नाम से (परिचालकका अधिकार जिसे दिया गया है) भरा जायेगा एवं उसी के हस्ताक्षर होंगे।4. अंगूठाधारी को सदस्य बनाने पर उसका फोटो (रंगीन) सदस्यता फार्म परलगाना आवश्यक है। एक बार नॉमिनल सदस्य बनाये जाने के बाद दूसरी बारउसे न तो नॉमिनल सदस्य बनाया जाये और न ही सदस्य बनाया जायेगा। 5.राशि ट्रासफर के साथ नॉमिनल फार्म पूर्ण रूप से भरे एवं शाखा प्रबंधकद्वारा प्रमाणित किया होना आवश्यक है। सदस्यों की श्रेणियोंनिम्नलिखित है 1. साधारण सदस्य 2. नाममात्र सदस्य
Chhata Smart Voter App 3.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
इलेक्शन मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम - एक ऐसा स्मार्टतरीका है जिसके माध्यम से हम हमारे सभी कार्यकर्ताओ को स्मार्ट तरीकेसे गाइड कर सकते है ।इसके माध्यम से हम अपने सभी कार्यकर्ताओ को उनका काम दे सकते है,उन्हें बता सकते है की उन्हें क्या करना हैऔर उनके कार्य को मॉनिटर भी कर सकते है ।इलेक्शन मैनेजमेंट एक ऐसा सेंट्रलाइज सिस्टम है जिसमे हम हमारे पासप्राप्त इलेक्शन सम्बंधित इनफार्मेशनस कोहमारे कार्यकर्ताओ को उनके कार्य क्षेत्र से सम्बंधित इनफार्मेशनसप्रदान कर सकते और उनके द्वारा किये गए कार्य औरइनफार्मेशनस को सेंट्रलाइज कलेक्ट कर सकते है।उदाहरण के लिए हमारे पास प्राप्त विधानसभा इनफार्मेशनसकुल मतदाता, कुल पुरुष, कुल स्त्री, कुल मतदान केंद्र, कुल बूथ,कुल कॉलोनी,मतदाता सूची, मतदाता पर्ची, पिछले चुनावकी बढ़त, पिछले चुनाव के आंकड़े ।यहाँ हमारा इलेक्शन मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम आपको ये सभी इनफार्मेशन आपकेनिर्धारित कार्यकर्ताओ को उनके कार्यक्षेत्र केअनुसार उन्ही के क्षेत्र सम्बंधित इनफार्मेशनस देगा ।मतलब आपके कार्यकर्ताओ को उनके निर्धारित क्षेत्र सम्बंधित हीइनफार्मेशनस दी जाएगी की उनके क्षेत्र मै कुल मतदाता,कुल पुरुष, कुल स्त्री, कुल मतदान केंद्र, कुल बूथ, कुलकॉलोनी,मतदाता सूची, मतदाता पर्ची, पिछले चुनाव की बढ़त,पिछले चुनाव के आंकड़े क्या-2 है ।
Chhata Smart Volunteer App 5.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
इलेक्शन मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम - एक ऐसा स्मार्टतरीका है जिसके माध्यम से हम हमारे सभी कार्यकर्ताओ को स्मार्ट तरीकेसे गाइड कर सकते है ।इसके माध्यम से हम अपने सभी कार्यकर्ताओ को उनका काम दे सकते है,उन्हें बता सकते है की उन्हें क्या करना हैऔर उनके कार्य को मॉनिटर भी कर सकते है ।इलेक्शन मैनेजमेंट एक ऐसा सेंट्रलाइज सिस्टम है जिसमे हम हमारे पासप्राप्त इलेक्शन सम्बंधित इनफार्मेशनस कोहमारे कार्यकर्ताओ को उनके कार्य क्षेत्र से सम्बंधित इनफार्मेशनसप्रदान कर सकते और उनके द्वारा किये गए कार्य औरइनफार्मेशनस को सेंट्रलाइज कलेक्ट कर सकते है।उदाहरण के लिए हमारे पास प्राप्त विधानसभा इनफार्मेशनसकुल मतदाता, कुल पुरुष, कुल स्त्री, कुल मतदान केंद्र, कुल बूथ,कुल कॉलोनी,मतदाता सूची, मतदाता पर्ची, पिछले चुनावकी बढ़त, पिछले चुनाव के आंकड़े ।यहाँ हमारा इलेक्शन मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम आपको ये सभी इनफार्मेशन आपकेनिर्धारित कार्यकर्ताओ को उनके कार्यक्षेत्र केअनुसार उन्ही के क्षेत्र सम्बंधित इनफार्मेशनस देगा ।मतलब आपके कार्यकर्ताओ को उनके निर्धारित क्षेत्र सम्बंधित हीइनफार्मेशनस दी जाएगी की उनके क्षेत्र मै कुल मतदाता,कुल पुरुष, कुल स्त्री, कुल मतदान केंद्र, कुल बूथ, कुलकॉलोनी,मतदाता सूची, मतदाता पर्ची, पिछले चुनाव की बढ़त,पिछले चुनाव के आंकड़े क्या-2 है ।
Chhata Vehicle tracking system 2.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
इलेक्शन मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम - एक ऐसा स्मार्टतरीकाहै जिसके माध्यम से हम हमारे सभी कार्यकर्ताओ को स्मार्ट तरीकेसे गाइड कर सकते है ।इसके माध्यम से हम अपने सभी कार्यकर्ताओ को उनका काम दे सकतेहै,उन्हें बता सकते है की उन्हें क्या करना हैऔर उनके कार्य को मॉनिटर भी कर सकते है ।इलेक्शन मैनेजमेंट एक ऐसा सेंट्रलाइज सिस्टम है जिसमे हम हमारेपासप्राप्त इलेक्शन सम्बंधित इनफार्मेशनस कोहमारे कार्यकर्ताओ को उनके कार्य क्षेत्र से सम्बंधितइनफार्मेशनसप्रदान कर सकते और उनके द्वारा किये गए कार्य औरइनफार्मेशनस को सेंट्रलाइज कलेक्ट कर सकते है।उदाहरण के लिए हमारे पास प्राप्त विधानसभा इनफार्मेशनसकुल मतदाता, कुल पुरुष, कुल स्त्री, कुल मतदान केंद्र, कुल बूथ,कुलकॉलोनी,मतदाता सूची, मतदाता पर्ची, पिछले चुनावकी बढ़त, पिछले चुनाव के आंकड़े ।यहाँ हमारा इलेक्शन मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम आपको ये सभी इनफार्मेशनआपकेनिर्धारित कार्यकर्ताओ को उनके कार्यक्षेत्र केअनुसार उन्ही के क्षेत्र सम्बंधित इनफार्मेशनस देगा ।मतलब आपके कार्यकर्ताओ को उनके निर्धारित क्षेत्र सम्बंधितहीइनफार्मेशनस दी जाएगी की उनके क्षेत्र मै कुल मतदाता,कुल पुरुष, कुल स्त्री, कुल मतदान केंद्र, कुल बूथ,कुलकॉलोनी,मतदाता सूची, मतदाता पर्ची, पिछले चुनाव की बढ़त,पिछले चुनाव के आंकड़े क्या-2 है ।
Chhata Admin Control Panel 1.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
इलेक्शन मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम - एक ऐसा स्मार्टतरीकाहै जिसके माध्यम से हम हमारे सभी कार्यकर्ताओ को स्मार्ट तरीकेसे गाइड कर सकते है ।इसके माध्यम से हम अपने सभी कार्यकर्ताओ को उनका काम दे सकतेहै,उन्हें बता सकते है की उन्हें क्या करना हैऔर उनके कार्य को मॉनिटर भी कर सकते है ।इलेक्शन मैनेजमेंट एक ऐसा सेंट्रलाइज सिस्टम है जिसमे हम हमारेपासप्राप्त इलेक्शन सम्बंधित इनफार्मेशनस कोहमारे कार्यकर्ताओ को उनके कार्य क्षेत्र से सम्बंधितइनफार्मेशनसप्रदान कर सकते और उनके द्वारा किये गए कार्य औरइनफार्मेशनस को सेंट्रलाइज कलेक्ट कर सकते है।उदाहरण के लिए हमारे पास प्राप्त विधानसभा इनफार्मेशनसकुल मतदाता, कुल पुरुष, कुल स्त्री, कुल मतदान केंद्र, कुल बूथ,कुलकॉलोनी,मतदाता सूची, मतदाता पर्ची, पिछले चुनावकी बढ़त, पिछले चुनाव के आंकड़े ।यहाँ हमारा इलेक्शन मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम आपको ये सभी इनफार्मेशनआपकेनिर्धारित कार्यकर्ताओ को उनके कार्यक्षेत्र केअनुसार उन्ही के क्षेत्र सम्बंधित इनफार्मेशनस देगा ।मतलब आपके कार्यकर्ताओ को उनके निर्धारित क्षेत्र सम्बंधितहीइनफार्मेशनस दी जाएगी की उनके क्षेत्र मै कुल मतदाता,कुल पुरुष, कुल स्त्री, कुल मतदान केंद्र, कुल बूथ,कुलकॉलोनी,मतदाता सूची, मतदाता पर्ची, पिछले चुनाव की बढ़त,पिछले चुनाव के आंकड़े क्या-2 है ।
Cmax Credit 2.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
C Max Credit Cooperative Society Limited.The society has been registered as a multistatecooperativesociety under section 7 of the multistate cooperativeSocietyAct,2002(39 of 2002). The Registration Number of the SocietyisMSCS/CR/451/2011.Which was registered under Govt. ofIndia,Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture&Co-operation.The registered office of the society is at New Delhi and thesocietyis named asC Max Credit Cooperative Society Limited.The area of business is all over India & it can openitsbranches all over India. C max can receive money by way ofloans,deposits or share money from members.The main objective of the society is to provide credit facilitiestoits members manage loans, to promote awareness of saving amongitsmembers, to provide Secured loan, Unsecured loan, educationloan,Housing loan, Personal loan, Vehicle loan, Two wheeler loan,Loanagainst deposits or any type of loan to work for socialupliftmentof its members.
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
DREAM POWER INDIA NIDHI LTD, one of the leading Nidhi Companies inRajasthan offers a hassle-free experience to avail gold loan. Inaddition to the transparency, security and range of its gold loanproducts, Dream Power India Nidhi Ltd distinguishes itself fromothers primarily on the basis of the ease with which gold loans canbe availed from our branches. The only requirement is thatborrowers present themselves at our branches with the jewellery andwith a valid ID and address proves. Our streamlined and centralizedsystems and well- sketched procedures promise that gold loan can beavailed in a matter of minutes. Also, we offer the highest LTV tothose interested in availing the maximum amount of loan againsttheir jewellery. We are able to perform this because of ourelongated experience in gold loan business and with the heartfelteffort of our well experienced and professionally qualifiedmanagerial team; we have acquired the capability to handle theextra risk involved.
Sacracity Collection App 1.3
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
Sacracity Sakh Sahakari Sanstha MaryaditUnder Registered Madhya Pradesh co- operative SocietiesAct-1960.A leading credit co-operative society known for its excellence incustomer service. The society accepts deposits at attractive ratesand extends credit at low rates of interest. Considering theprogress and intrinsic strength. A Unique Business Family owned byour Members including: Management ,Employees and Members.A cooperative is an organization owned and operated by a group ofindividuals for their mutual benefit. Cooperatives are defined bythe International Cooperative Alliance's Statement on theCooperative Identity as autonomous associations of persons unitedvoluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and culturalneeds and aspirations through jointly owned and democraticallycontrolled enterprises.An Association of persons who have VOLUNTRARILY JOINED to achieve aCOMMON ECONOMIC END through the formation of a DEMOCRATICALLYCONTROLLED BUSINESS ORGANISATIOBN making EQUITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS tothe capital required and ACCEPTING A FAIR SHARE OF THE RISKS ANDBENEFITS of the undertaking. and Registered Madhya Pradesh co-operative Societies Act-1960.The mission of SACRACITY SAKH SAHAKARI SANSTHA MARYADIT is toeradicate poverty by building a secure and transparent microfinanceinstitution to provide financial assistance to the underprivileged,especially senior citizens, women, handicapped, and those livingbelow the poverty line.The organization has adopted a co-operative approach in order toinvolve every member in our mission with a spirit of cooperationand mutual confidence. The credit society has instituted a workingculture, which revolves around efficiency, transparency,professionalism, teamwork and flexibility.
Sacracity Web App 1.1
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
Welcome to Sacracity Sakh Sahakari SansthaMaryaditUnder Registered Madhya Pradesh co- operative SocietiesAct-1960.A leading credit co-operative society known for its excellence incustomer service. The society accepts deposits at attractive ratesand extends credit at low rates of interest. Considering theprogress and intrinsic strength. A Unique Business Family owned byour Members including: Management ,Employees and Members.A cooperative is an organization owned and operated by a group ofindividuals for their mutual benefit. Cooperatives are defined bythe International Cooperative Alliance's Statement on theCooperative Identity as autonomous associations of persons unitedvoluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and culturalneeds and aspirations through jointly owned and democraticallycontrolled enterprises.An Association of persons who have VOLUNTRARILY JOINED to achieve aCOMMON ECONOMIC END through the formation of a DEMOCRATICALLYCONTROLLED BUSINESS ORGANISATIOBN making EQUITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS tothe capital required and ACCEPTING A FAIR SHARE OF THE RISKS ANDBENEFITS of the undertaking. and Registered Madhya Pradesh co-operative Societies Act-1960.The mission of SACRACITY SAKH SAHAKARI SANSTHA MARYADIT is toeradicate poverty by building a secure and transparent microfinanceinstitution to provide financial assistance to the underprivileged,especially senior citizens, women, handicapped, and those livingbelow the poverty line.The organization has adopted a co-operative approach in order toinvolve every member in our mission with a spirit of cooperationand mutual confidence. The credit society has instituted a workingculture, which revolves around efficiency, transparency,professionalism, teamwork and flexibility.
Sangam City Credit Society
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
Sangam City Credit Co-operative Society User App
Jansagar Credit Web App 3.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
Jansagar Co-operative Credit Society LimitedA leading Jansagar Co-operative Credit Society known foritsexcellence in customer service. The society accepts depositsatattractive rates and extends credit at low rates ofinterest.Considering the progress and intrinsic strength. A UniqueBusinessFamily owned by our Members including: Management,Employees andMembers.Jansagar Co-operative Credit Society is an organization ownedandoperated by a group of individuals for their mutualbenefit.Cooperatives are defined by the InternationalCooperativeAlliance's Statement on the Cooperative Identity asautonomousassociations of persons united voluntarily to meet theircommoneconomic, social, and cultural needs and aspirationsthroughjointly owned and democratically Association of persons who have VOLUNTRARILY JOINED to achieveaCOMMON ECONOMIC END through the formation of aDEMOCRATICALLYCONTROLLED BUSINESS ORGANISATIOBN making EQUITABLECONTRIBUTIONS tothe capital required and ACCEPTING A FAIR SHARE OFTHE RISKS ANDBENEFITS of the undertaking.The mission of Jansagar Co-operative Credit Society istoeradicate poverty by building a secure and transparentmicrofinanceinstitution to provide financial assistance to theunderprivileged,especially senior citizens, women, handicapped, andthose livingbelow the poverty line.The organization has adopted a co-operative approach in ordertoinvolve every member in our mission with a spirit ofcooperationand mutual confidence. The credit society has instituteda workingculture, which revolves around efficiency,transparency,professionalism, teamwork and flexibility.
Jansagar Credit User App 2.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
Jansagar Co-operative Credit Society LimitedA leading Jansagar Co-operative Credit Society known foritsexcellence in customer service. The society accepts depositsatattractive rates and extends credit at low rates ofinterest.Considering the progress and intrinsic strength. A UniqueBusinessFamily owned by our Members including: Management,Employees andMembers.Jansagar Co-operative Credit Society is an organization ownedandoperated by a group of individuals for their mutualbenefit.Cooperatives are defined by the InternationalCooperativeAlliance's Statement on the Cooperative Identity asautonomousassociations of persons united voluntarily to meet theircommoneconomic, social, and cultural needs and aspirationsthroughjointly owned and democratically Association of persons who have VOLUNTRARILY JOINED to achieveaCOMMON ECONOMIC END through the formation of aDEMOCRATICALLYCONTROLLED BUSINESS ORGANISATIOBN making EQUITABLECONTRIBUTIONS tothe capital required and ACCEPTING A FAIR SHARE OFTHE RISKS ANDBENEFITS of the undertaking.The mission of Jansagar Co-operative Credit Society is toeradicatepoverty by building a secure and transparentmicrofinanceinstitution to provide financial assistance to theunderprivileged,especially senior citizens, women, handicapped, andthose livingbelow the poverty line.The organization has adopted a co-operative approach in ordertoinvolve every member in our mission with a spirit ofcooperationand mutual confidence. The credit society has instituteda workingculture, which revolves around efficiency,transparency,professionalism, teamwork and flexibility.
Jansagar Credit Agent App 2.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
Jansagar Co-operative Credit Society LimitedA leading Jansagar Co-operative Credit Society known foritsexcellence in customer service. The society accepts depositsatattractive rates and extends credit at low rates ofinterest.Considering the progress and intrinsic strength. A UniqueBusinessFamily owned by our Members including: Management,Employees andMembers.Jansagar Co-operative Credit Society is an organization ownedandoperated by a group of individuals for their mutualbenefit.Cooperatives are defined by the InternationalCooperativeAlliance's Statement on the Cooperative Identity asautonomousassociations of persons united voluntarily to meet theircommoneconomic, social, and cultural needs and aspirationsthroughjointly owned and democratically Association of persons who have VOLUNTRARILY JOINED to achieveaCOMMON ECONOMIC END through the formation of aDEMOCRATICALLYCONTROLLED BUSINESS ORGANISATIOBN making EQUITABLECONTRIBUTIONS tothe capital required and ACCEPTING A FAIR SHARE OFTHE RISKS ANDBENEFITS of the undertaking.The mission of Jansagar Co-operative Credit Society is toeradicatepoverty by building a secure and transparentmicrofinanceinstitution to provide financial assistance to theunderprivileged,especially senior citizens, women, handicapped, andthose livingbelow the poverty line.The organization has adopted a co-operative approach in ordertoinvolve every member in our mission with a spirit ofcooperationand mutual confidence. The credit society has instituteda workingculture, which revolves around efficiency,transparency,professionalism, teamwork and flexibility.
STRT Mobile - CDRAnalyst App 5.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
STRT Mobile - CDRAnalyst Software App From Shyam
COS Collection Agent App 1.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
Complete Credit Co-operativeSocietySoftwareIt can be called as a Mini Banking Software. It is effective intherecurring deposit (RD) and fixed deposit (FD). It iscompletelyassured that your saving plan will make all your dreamscome truein future. But with your savings you do a betterinvestment for thefuture and make the best out of the availablemarketopportunities.The Credit Co-operative Society Software offered by ShyamInfotechwill provide you an immense numbers of facilities. It canmake theprocess of agreement, registration, maturity calculationandcalculation of the commission highly fleet-footed andreliable.With the help of this software you can keep an eye onvariousaspects of your Company and can make the most accuratesupervisionand calculation of them.Shyam Infotech, Credit Co-operative Society SoftwareDevelopmentCompany is one of the most popular and experiencedCreditCo-operative Society Software companies in India with anexperiencein building Credit Co-operative Society Softwareandwebsites.Our software can be compatible to different kinds of marketingplanscarrying distinct amounts. Obviously, the rates of interestalsovary from one plan to another. This unique product of ShyamInfotechwill precisely help you in each and every step. We alsoprovideservices at very reasonable rate with efficient and qualitywork,that, when any one needs a Credit Co-operative SocietySoftwarecompany; We are always there to work with you.SOME FEATURES OF RD/FD SOFTWARE:-1. Scheme Management2. Member Management3. Agent Management4. Transactions5. Payments6. List7. Reports8. Print9. SMS10. User Manager11. Saving Account Management12. Loan13. Payroll14. Accounting15. Share Management16. Android Application17. User PanelANDROID APPLICATION SOFTWARE INCLUDES• Free Download From Android Market.• Service Start/Stop Facility via Admin.• Same Website Credential Used for Login• View Self Policy Information• View Direct Policy Information• View Downline Policy Information• Payment Collection System For RD,DD,Loan• Daily Collection Report• Payment Collection Pipelined• Payment Collection Approved• System Required Admin Work• Change Password• Logout
Janhit Co-operative Society 1.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
Janhit Multi State Agro purposeCo-OperativeSociety Limited is registered under section 7 of MultiStateCo-Operative Society Act 2002, (39 of 2002) and the rulesareframed there under, having its registrationnumberMSCS/CR/1039/2014 and the registration date is the 10th dayof Sep2014. The society has its registered office inVaranasi,221001.The area of operation of the society shall be confined to thestatesof Madhypradesh and Uttarpradesh. The norms and all therulesrelated to the society are defined under the Bye-laws oftheSociety. Our registration guidance and controlling authorityareCentral Registrar of Co-Operative Societies, DepartmentofAgriculture & Co-Operation, Ministry of AgricultureandGovernment of India.Our ServicesJanhit Multi State Agro purpose Co-Operative Society Limitedisauthorized by its by-laws to accept Contribution and ShareCapital.The return in Share Capital with dividend/contribution ason thefinancial transaction of yearly basis.The following are objectives and functions of the society• To promote overall economic betterment of members throughselfhelp and mutual aid in accordance with co-operativeprinciplesspecified in the first schedule of the act• The deposits accepted by the society are mobilized by the meansofloans to members, making it a profitable institution toenablefurther expansion and delivering value to its members. Thesocietyhas loans available to all members for the purpose of• To purchase agriculture products from member at reasonableratefor processing and for sale in the market.• Undertaking research activities in agricultural productsandproduce. Facilitating, coordinating and promoting agriculturalandhorticultural activities.• Providing assistance, training, seminar workshops and educationtoits members regarding agriculture and horticulturetechniques.• To Make available to members modern techniques used intheprocessing of agro-products• Undertaking and promoting on its own or assist its membersintrading or selling activities of the agriculture produce totheprocurement agencies at better rates.• Undertake marketing research and assistance toitsco-farmers.• Supply inputs to farmers to undertakeagriculturalproduction• To establish greenhouses/poly houses to produce vegetablesandflowers• To undertake and encourage production of milk and growingoffodder for animals• To construct or hire godowns, cold storages for storageofagricultural and dairy products• To purchase and install necessary machinery and equipmentforprocessing and preservation of milk and produce value addedmilkproducts such as Vanaspati shirkhand ,paneer,ghee butteretc.• Acquiring, selling or purchasing agricultural lands in theareasof its operations, to arrange fixtures and vehicles forthepurpose.• To provide veterinary and artificial insemination servicesandtechnical inputs for milk production• Providing quality agricultural products such as seeds,irrigationfacilities, fertilizers, manure, agricultural implementsandmachinery etc.• To acquire construct /Purchase land and building within theareaof operation for the functioning of the societyTo open branches in the area of operation of the societyBasicFeatures• Nomination Facility• Standing Instruction Facility• SMS & E-mail Alerts• Documents Required• Account opening form, duly signed by the account holdersforShare• Introduction from existing account holder Photograph ofaccountholders• Photo identity such as photocopy of PAN Card,DrivingLicense• Proof of residence in the form of photocopy of RationCard,Electricity / Telephone bill, etc.
Parbatsar-RJ AdminControlPanel 1.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
इलेक्शन मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम - एक ऐसा स्मार्टतरीकाहै जिसके माध्यम से हम हमारे सभी कार्यकर्ताओ को स्मार्टतरीकेसे गाइड कर सकते है ।इसके माध्यम से हम अपने सभी कार्यकर्ताओ को उनका काम दे सकतेहै,उन्हें बता सकते है की उन्हें क्या करना हैऔर उनके कार्य को मॉनिटर भी कर सकते है ।इलेक्शन मैनेजमेंट एक ऐसा सेंट्रलाइज सिस्टम है जिसमे हम हमारेपासप्राप्त इलेक्शन सम्बंधित इनफार्मेशनस कोहमारे कार्यकर्ताओ को उनके कार्य क्षेत्र से सम्बंधितइनफार्मेशनसप्रदान कर सकते और उनके द्वारा किये गए कार्य औरइनफार्मेशनस को सेंट्रलाइज कलेक्ट कर सकते है।उदाहरण के लिए हमारे पास प्राप्त विधानसभा इनफार्मेशनसकुल मतदाता, कुल पुरुष, कुल स्त्री, कुल मतदान केंद्र, कुल बूथ,कुलकॉलोनी,मतदाता सूची, मतदाता पर्ची, पिछले चुनावकी बढ़त, पिछले चुनाव के आंकड़े ।यहाँ हमारा इलेक्शन मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम आपको ये सभी इनफार्मेशनआपकेनिर्धारित कार्यकर्ताओ को उनके कार्यक्षेत्र केअनुसार उन्ही के क्षेत्र सम्बंधित इनफार्मेशनस देगा ।मतलब आपके कार्यकर्ताओ को उनके निर्धारित क्षेत्र सम्बंधितहीइनफार्मेशनस दी जाएगी की उनके क्षेत्र मै कुल मतदाता,कुल पुरुष, कुल स्त्री, कुल मतदान केंद्र, कुल बूथ, कुलकॉलोनी,मतदातासूची, मतदाता पर्ची, पिछले चुनाव की बढ़त,पिछले चुनाव के आंकड़े क्या-2 है ।
Parbatsar Smart Volunteer App 1.2
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
इलेक्शन मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम - एक ऐसा स्मार्टतरीका है जिसके माध्यम से हम हमारे सभी कार्यकर्ताओ को स्मार्टतरीकेसे गाइड कर सकते है ।इसके माध्यम से हम अपने सभी कार्यकर्ताओ को उनका काम दे सकते है,उन्हें बता सकते है की उन्हें क्या करना हैऔर उनके कार्य को मॉनिटर भी कर सकते है ।इलेक्शन मैनेजमेंट एक ऐसा सेंट्रलाइज सिस्टम है जिसमे हम हमारे पासप्राप्त इलेक्शन सम्बंधित इनफार्मेशनस कोहमारे कार्यकर्ताओ को उनके कार्य क्षेत्र से सम्बंधित इनफार्मेशनसप्रदान कर सकते और उनके द्वारा किये गए कार्य औरइनफार्मेशनस को सेंट्रलाइज कलेक्ट कर सकते है।उदाहरण के लिए हमारे पास प्राप्त विधानसभा इनफार्मेशनसकुल मतदाता, कुल पुरुष, कुल स्त्री, कुल मतदान केंद्र, कुल बूथ, कुलकॉलोनी,मतदाता सूची, मतदाता पर्ची, पिछले चुनावकी बढ़त, पिछले चुनाव के आंकड़े ।यहाँ हमारा इलेक्शन मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम आपको ये सभी इनफार्मेशन आपकेनिर्धारित कार्यकर्ताओ को उनके कार्यक्षेत्र केअनुसार उन्ही के क्षेत्र सम्बंधित इनफार्मेशनस देगा ।मतलब आपके कार्यकर्ताओ को उनके निर्धारित क्षेत्र सम्बंधित हीइनफार्मेशनस दी जाएगी की उनके क्षेत्र मै कुल मतदाता,कुल पुरुष, कुल स्त्री, कुल मतदान केंद्र, कुल बूथ, कुल कॉलोनी,मतदातासूची, मतदाता पर्ची, पिछले चुनाव की बढ़त,पिछले चुनाव के आंकड़े क्या-2 है ।
Janmat Sangrah -Advance (Elect 1.13
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
Janmat Sangrah -Advance (Election Management App)
STRT CDR Analyst App -CDR Analysis & Investigation 2.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
STRT CDR Analyst App -CDR Analysis & Investigation , CallDetailAnalysis app____________________________________________________CDR Analyst isSmart Solution for Mobile Records investigation.Smart way ofinvestigation, reduce time consumption and provideresults in shorttime. Through this you will analyze call records,and get varioustypes of desired reports in few minutes. Thissoftware mainly usedby investigation departments like policedepartment, Special Crimeinvestigation Departments etc. UserFriendly and Easy to Operate. *Uploaded Sheet Summary like TotalRecords, Date Range, and CallSummary. * Maximum Called Numbers withCircle Name & Operator,First Call, Last Call, Total Call-In,Total Call-Out, Total Sms-In,Total Sms-Out and Roaming CallDetails. * Maximum Circle Calls withTotal Call-In, Total Call-Out,Total Sms-In, Total Sms-Out andRoaming Call Details. * Daily Firstand Last Calls Details withCell-ID Address. * Maximum Call Durationwith Circle Name &Operator, First Call, Last Call, TotalCall-In, Total Call-Out,Total Sms-In, Total Sms-Out and RoamingCall Details. * MaximumIMEI with Total Calls Details. * Daily IMEITracking with FirstCall Cell-ID Address. * Maximum Called Locationwith Circle Name& Operator, First Call, Last Call, TotalCall-In, TotalCall-Out, Total Sms-In, Total Sms-Out and RoamingCall Details. *Daily First and Last Location with Call Time andCell-ID Address. *Separate Details For Roaming Calls. * SeparateDetails ForInternational Calls. * Search Facility via MobileNumber, IMEI,Cell-ID, Time Duration, Date, Unique Calls but withtime specific,Latitude, Longitude, Combined Search. * CommonNumbers, Locations,IMEI with Search Details. * Google location Mapwith Cell-IDAddress. * Export with Different Formats. * Settings –Operator,Headers, Date & Time, Call Types.
CELL ID TRACKER - Tower Cell i 1.2
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
CELL ID TRACKER - Tower Cell id Tracking - CBFS app
CBFS Mini - CBFS CDR Analyst
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
CBFS Mini : CDR Analyst: CDR & BTS FORENSIC SOFTWARE , CallDetail Analysis
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
SACRACITY SAKH SAHAKARI SANSTHA MARYADIT GWALIOR UnderRegisteredMadhya Pradesh co- operative Societies Act-1960. Aleading creditco-operative society known for its excellence incustomer service.The society accepts deposits at attractive ratesand extends creditat low rates of interest. Considering theprogress and intrinsicstrength. A Unique Business Family owned byour Members including:Management ,Employees and Members. Acooperative is an organizationowned and operated by a group ofindividuals for their mutualbenefit. Cooperatives are defined bythe International CooperativeAlliance's Statement on theCooperative Identity as autonomousassociations of persons unitedvoluntarily to meet their commoneconomic, social, and culturalneeds and aspirations throughjointly owned and democraticallycontrolled enterprises. AnAssociation of persons who haveVOLUNTRARILY JOINED to achieve aCOMMON ECONOMIC END through theformation of a DEMOCRATICALLYCONTROLLED BUSINESS ORGANISATIOBNmaking EQUITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS tothe capital required and ACCEPTINGA FAIR SHARE OF THE RISKS ANDBENEFITS of the undertaking. andRegistered Madhya Pradesh co-operative Societies Act-1960. Themission of SACRACITY SAKHSAHAKARI SANSTHA MARYADIT is to eradicatepoverty by building asecure and transparent microfinanceinstitution to providefinancial assistance to the underprivileged,especially seniorcitizens, women, handicapped, and those livingbelow the povertyline. The organization has adopted a co-operativeapproach in orderto involve every member in our mission with aspirit of cooperationand mutual confidence. The credit society hasinstituted a workingculture, which revolves around efficiency,transparency,professionalism, teamwork and flexibility.
Vishwas Sakh Sahkari Sanstha 2.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
Vishwas Sakh Sahkari Sanstha Maryadit A leading Vishwas SakhSahkariSanstha Maryadit known for its excellence in customerservice. Thesociety accepts deposits at attractive rates andextends credit atlow rates of interest. Considering the progressand intrinsicstrength. A Unique Business Family owned by ourMembers including:Management ,Employees and Members. Vishwas SakhSahkari SansthaMaryadit is an organization owned and operated by agroup ofindividuals for their mutual benefit. Cooperatives aredefined bythe International Cooperative Alliance's Statement ontheCooperative Identity as autonomous associations of personsunitedvoluntarily to meet their common economic, social, andculturalneeds and aspirations through jointly owned anddemocraticallycontrolled enterprises. an Association of personswho haveVOLUNTRARILY JOINED to achieve a COMMON ECONOMIC ENDthrough theformation of a DEMOCRATICALLY CONTROLLED BUSINESSORGANISATIOBNmaking EQUITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS to the capitalrequired and ACCEPTINGA FAIR SHARE OF THE RISKS AND BENEFITS ofthe undertaking. Themission of Vishwas Sakh Sahkari SansthaMaryadit is to eradicatepoverty by building a secure andtransparent microfinanceinstitution to provide financialassistance to the underprivileged,especially senior citizens,women, handicapped, and those livingbelow the poverty line. Theorganization has adopted a co-operativeapproach in order toinvolve every member in our mission with aspirit of cooperationand mutual confidence. The credit society hasinstituted a workingculture, which revolves around efficiency,transparency,professionalism, teamwork and flexibility.
Om Gajanan Co-operative Credit Society 1.7
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
Om Gajanan Co-operative Credit Society A leading OmGajananCo-operative Credit Society known for its excellence incustomerservice. Om Gajanan Co-operative Credit Society acceptsdeposits atattractive rates and extends credit at low rates ofinterest.Considering the progress and intrinsic strength. A UniqueBusinessFamily owned by our Members including: Management,Employees andMembers. Om Gajanan Co-operative Credit Society is anorganizationowned and operated by a group of individuals for theirmutualbenefit. Om Gajanan Co-operative Credit Society are definedby theInternational Mutual Benefi Alliance's Statement on theMutualBenefi Identity as autonomous associations of persons OmGajananCo-operative Credit Society voluntarily to meet theircommoneconomic, social, and cultural needs and aspirationsthroughjointly owned and democratically controlled enterprises.anAssociation of persons who have VOLUNTRARILY JOINED to achieveaCOMMON ECONOMIC END through the formation of aDEMOCRATICALLYCONTROLLED BUSINESS ORGANISATIOBN making EQUITABLECONTRIBUTIONS tothe capital required and ACCEPTING A FAIR SHARE OFTHE RISKS ANDBENEFITS of the undertaking. The mission of Om GajananCo-operativeCredit Society is to eradicate poverty by building asecure andtransparent microfinance institution to providefinancialassistance to the underprivileged, especially seniorcitizens,women, handicapped, and those living below the povertyline. Heorganization has adopted a Mutual Benefit approach in ordertoinvolve every member in our mission with a spirit ofcooperationand mutual confidence. The Mutual Benefit has instituteda workingculture, which revolves around efficiency,transparency,professionalism, teamwork and flexibility.
Sarva Gramin Vikas Society 2.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
Sarva Gramin Vikas Co-operative Multipurpose Society Ltd. AleadingSarva Gramin Vikas Co-operative Multipurpose Society knownfor itsexcellence in customer service. The Sarva Gramin VikasCo-operativeMultipurpose Society accepts deposits at attractiverates andextends credit at low rates of interest. Considering theprogressand intrinsic strength. A Unique Business Family owned byourMembers including: Management ,Employees and Members. ASarvaGramin Vikas Co-operative Multipurpose Society is anorganizationowned and operated by a group of individuals for theirmutualbenefit. Sarva Gramin Vikas Co-operative Multipurpose Societyaredefined by the International Mutual Benefi Alliance's Statementonthe Mutual Benefit Identity as autonomous associations ofpersonsSarva Gramin Vikas Co-operative Multipurpose Societyvoluntarily tomeet their common economic, social, and culturalneeds andaspirations through jointly owned and democraticallycontrolledenterprises. an Association of persons who haveVOLUNTRARILY JOINEDto achieve a COMMON ECONOMIC END through theformation of aDEMOCRATICALLY CONTROLLED BUSINESS ORGANISATIOBNmaking EQUITABLECONTRIBUTIONS to the capital required and ACCEPTINGA FAIR SHARE OFTHE RISKS AND BENEFITS of the undertaking. Themission of SarvaGramin Vikas Co-operative Multipurpose Society isto eradicatepoverty by building a secure and transparentmicrofinanceinstitution to provide financial assistance to theunderprivileged,especially senior citizens, women, handicapped, andthose livingbelow the poverty line. He organization has adopted aMutualBenefit approach in order to involve every member in ourmissionwith a spirit of cooperation and mutual confidence. TheMutualBenefit has instituted a working culture, which revolvesaroundefficiency, transparency, professionalism, teamworkandflexibility.
Kashi Gramin Vikas Nidhi Agents Collection App 1.1
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
Kashi Gramin Vikas Mutual Benefit Nidhi Limited. Kashi GraminVikasMutual Benefit Nidhi is a mutual benefit Company carrying onthebusiness of a non-banking financial institution. MutualBenefitCompanies Are Incorporated Under Indian Companies Act, 2013.It isa nonbanking financial company doing the business of lendingandborrowing with its members or shareholders. The government hassetup law for the Security of the deposit in the company to whichthecradle is legally necessary. Kashi Gramin Vikas MutualBenefitNidhi is fully complied with capital adequacy norms set bythegovernment. The Primary objective of our institution istocultivate the habit of savings among our members. Our firstandforemost aim is to satisfy our members and create mutualityamongthem. Kashi Gramin Vikas Mutual Benefit Nidhi is fullyfinancialservices company. We accept deposits from our shareholderswithinthe stipulated norms issued by the Ministry of CorporateAffairs.The funds mobilized are utilized to a great extent foradvancing ofGold Loans, Property Loans, & invest in EducationSector,Health Sector & in Real Estates. Thus, the funds arefullysecured and therefore the investments with us are in verysaferhavens. We believe that the success of business comes fromeachindividual's creativity and team work. We at KGVMBNLExpansion,stimulate the mutual growth of our members through TrustandResponsibility and in this process KGVMBNL Expansion strivestocontribute to the development of the society overall. Ourcompanyfunctions like a well oiled machine and the objective ofthisinitiative is to ensure welfare of our members throughfinancialsupport by improving the standards of life and renderingallpossible technology driven financial services under one roof.OurObjective The Primary objective of our institution is tocultivatethe habit of savings among our members. Our first andforemost aimis to satisfy our members and create mutuality amongthem. TheKashi Gramin Vikas Mutual Benefit Nidhi is fully financialservicescompany. We believe that the success of business comes fromeachindividual's creativity and team work. We at KGVMBNLExpansion,stimulate the mutual growth of our members through TrustandResponsibility and in this process KGVMBNL Expansion strivestocontribute to the development of society overall.CompanyInformation The Company, right from the beginning hasbeenfollowing the principles of Trust and Guarantee of fairnessandbalance which remain the cause of our goodwill. In the currenteraof high speed banking and marketing and in the changingphenomenaof banking pluralism, KGVMBNL has been treading its waywith aninevitable pace. KGVMBNL serves each class of the societyand hasbeen totally free from the unethical rivalries. We arebeinggoverned by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government ofIndia.The heritage of our company speaks itself for itsstrength,financial conduct and discipline among the people. OurCompany hastruly bridged the chasm between promise and performance.We acceptdeposits from our shareholders within the stipulated normsissuedby the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The funds mobilizedareutilized to a great extent for advancing of Gold Loans,PropertyLoans, & invest in Education Sector, Health Sector& inReal Estates. Thus, the funds are fully secured andtherefore theinvestments with us are in very safer havens. Therehas never beenany instance of delay/non repayment of deposits,claimed onmaturity dates. We believe that “Teamwork is the abilityto worktogether toward a common vision. The ability to directindividualaccomplishments toward organizational objectives. It isthe fuelthat allows common people to attain uncommon results”.
Bizprezi 2.8
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
Bizprezi offers free mobile apps for every business
Wishvaas Credit 5
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
Wishvaas Multistate Credit Co-operative Society Ltd
Suhaana Nidhi 1.0
Shyam Infotech Jaipur
Suhaana Nidhi Limited