Space S.p.A. Apps

Via Flaminia 1.0.0
Space S.p.A.
The app, dedicated to the Antica Via Flaminia[Ancient Via Flaminia], is a valuable tool to discover thearcheological areas located along the course of the ancient ViaFlaminia, within the regional Umbrian territory. Along the tractcrossing the municipalities of Otricoli, Narni and Terni, there isimportant evidence of ancient Roman presence: sizable city centers,such as Ocriculum, or the ancient Carsulae, with its municipal,residential and entertainment buildings; the ancient Roman colonyof Narnia with its remaining bridge of Augusto [Augustus].The three archeological sites, pinpointed on a map, are describedtextually and enriched by in-depth sidebars with text and images,dedicated to the sites that can be visited.
Prato 1.0.2
Space S.p.A.
Prato, its churches, buildings and Museum onyour smartphone Android!The official app of Prato city reveals the history and highlightsof this city, guiding you through the old town streets.The points of interest — with audio commentary, images andadditional information — are displayed both on the map and listedalphabetically.Depending on the type of visit you prefer, you can see what isavailable nearby or choose a point of interest from a theme-basedlist.Two viewing modes:• Explore: roam freely among the various points of interest in thecity• Themes: 4 theme-based itinerariesOrganized as an audiovisual guide, the app is an high-tech map thatwill guide you to the discovery of the great historical andartistic heritage of this important Tuscan city.NOTE: to download the desired images and audio files, you need amobile or Wi-Fi connection to the web.tico.A seconda del tipo di visita che vuoi fare, potrai scegliere tra iluoghi da vedere nelle vicinanze o seguire un tema specifico,scoprendo quali sono le cose da vedere.Due modalità di visita:-Esplora: percorso libero tra tutti i punti di interesse dellacittà e guida ai luoghi da visitare nelle immediate vicinanze-Temi: 4 percorsi tematiciOrganizzata come un’audioguida, l’app è una guida tecnologicaper la scoperta del grande patrimonio storico-artistico di questaimportante città toscana.NOTA: per effettuare il download delle immagini e dei file audiodei punti di interesse, è necessaria una connessione alla retemobile o wi-fi.
Pretorio Prato 0.0.1
Space S.p.A.
Pretorio Prato is the new Palazzo PretorioMuseum App, and is great if you are looking for information or anin depth guide; not only can it be of help while you're visitingthe museum in person, it can also be used as a virtual tourguide.Through this app you will know all there is to know about theMuseum, the permanent collection and the most prestigious works ofart, the current expositions and program, external eventsassociated with the Museum and all useful information to yourvisit.• Discover the history of the Museum and the magnificent Palazzothat hosts it.• Explore the Museum itinerary with the floor plan; each floor hasits own detailed description as does every important work.• Enjoy every major work of art preserved in the Museum through andeasy to browse catalog: just select a work and you'll see itsdetailed description and history.• Follow events and exhibits scheduled at the Museum.• Opening hours, ticket prices and much more.Enjoy your stay!
Dal Castello di Lari 1.0.3
Space S.p.A.
Visit Castello dei Vicari, the ancient medieval town and itsenchanting surroundings with the free official tourism app of theMunicipality of Casciana Terme Lari (PI). Castello dei Vicaristands at the centre of Lari, an ancient medieval town inhabited asfar back as the Etruscan era. The fortress was the seat of theFlorentine Vicariate and around a third of the current province ofPisa was administered from Lari Castle for more than fourcenturies. ITINERARIES - Visit Lari and its surroundings followingthe recommended routes - Explore the town by visiting the placesnearest to you - Organise your visit by creating your own routes,choosing what to see, depending on your interests and the time youhave available DIARY - Write the story of your visit to Lari,saving photos and points of interest in the Diary - Share places,routes and stories with your friends on the main social networks Donot miss any of the treasures on offer in Lari and itssurroundings: the app will send you a notification when you arenear a place that it is highly recommended to visit. Otherutilities: - Descriptive diagrams of the sites, also availableoffline - Connection to the Maps for the routing function - Savestories in KML For information:
Montedoro 1.0.0
Space S.p.A.
L'App dell'Unione dei Comuni “Montedoro” èunapratica guida alla scoperta di questo affascinanteterritorioappartenente all'area orientale della provincia diTaranto, postoai piedi delle cosiddette “Murge Taratine”.All'interno dell'Unione di Comuni, costituita dai paesidiCarosino, Faggiano, Monteiasi, Montemesola,Monteparano,Roccaforzata, San Giorgio Jonico, San Marzano e Sava, ipunti diinteresse sono stati connessi attraverso reti di conoscenzae dirappresentazione delle valenze naturalistiche,storico-culturali,enogastronomiche ed economiche delterritorio.La guida, organizzata in 3 modalità di visita (Esplora, ComunieTemi), illustra tutte le principali informazioni per scoprireilfascino di ogni angolo di queste sorprendenti terre, gustarneisapori tipici e conoscerne le peculiari tradizioni popolari.L'App, scaricabile gratuitamente, è attualmente disponibileinlingua italiana.
Walking in the City - Pisa
Space S.p.A.
Discover Pisa through the urban routesofWalking in the City, the Free Official App for Tourism of theCityof Pisa.- Visit Pisa choosing between 8 urban routes- Explore the city by visiting the places around you- Plan your visit! Create and save your routes even at home,bychoosing what you want to see based on your interests or thetimeyou have available.- Write the story of your visit to Pisa saving photos and placesinthe Diary.- Review the stages on Google Earth- Share places, Routes and Stories with your friends on themajorSocial Networks.Other utilities:- More than 100 points of interest geo-localized on themap,among monuments, churches, palaces, gardens, museumsandarchaeological sites.- Description cards of the places available even offline.- Support to the visit with Compass: even offline, you can beguidedto the point of interest.- Connection to the Maps for the routing functionality.- Saving Stories in KML.Warning: The "Open KML ..." functionality may not workcorrectlyin Google Earth 8 due to a known bug.Walking in the City Info point: Piazza Duomo in Pisa, neartheLeaning Tower.For more information:
Terra di Mezzo Piemonte 1.0.6
Space S.p.A.
Between the four provinces of Vercelli, Novara, Biella and Turin,81Municipalities share history, nature, culture and theexcellentproduce which is typical of this region. • Discover theTerra diMezzo through themed itineraries dedicated to nature,history andtradition. • Explore the territory by visiting theplaces aroundyou • Plan your visit! Create and save your routeseven at home, bychoosing what you want to see based on yourinterests or the timeyou have available. • Share places and routeswith your friends onthe major Social Networks. Other utilities: •Points of interestgeo-localized on the map: monuments, churches,museums, naturalparks. • Description cards of the places availableeven offline. •Connection to the Maps for the routingfunctionality.
ThàMus 4 Kids 1.1
Space S.p.A.
Free app for kids to accompany a visit to the Duke's RoomsandCellars, the Barbican of the Aragonese castle and to themainpoints of interest in the city of Sassari. Discover Thàmus forkidsand the city of Sassari. The app is the ideal companion to findoutabout the history of the Duke’s Rooms and Cellars and theBarbicanof the Aragonese Castle, a useful aid for exploring thecity ofSassari. A number of short films will tell you about thedaily lifeat the Palace and reveal the military secrets of theBarbican.NOTE: to download the content, a mobile network or Wi-Fiisrequired.
Zungri 1.0
Space S.p.A.
The official App of Cave-Site of Zungri.
TIPO Turismo Industriale Prato 0.9.1
Space S.p.A.
APP to support the visit of the industrial heritage of Prato