Sparkle Code Apps

Acoustic Drum Machine Free 1.35
Sparkle Code
Acoustic Drum Machine has the best quality acoustic sounds so youfeel you're playing with a real drummer.ADM lets you create your own rhythms in a fast and very simpleway. You can set any measure, whether simple or compound, typicalor odd times. The possibilities are endless*** Users who do not get sound is because the device mediavolume is off. You can raise the volume in android settings.Settings / Sound / Volume. In this menu you can modify the thedifferents volume in your device( incoming call, media volume ,system volume and notification volume ).● More than fifty amazing sounds with the best quality. Try toconnect your device to a stereo HiFi music system to get the bestand enjoy the groove● More than 60 home rhythms and 100 rhythmic patterns you cancombine for getting your own rhythms easily.● Set any measure, from 2 to 17 times. You can set any odd time,like 7 , 11, 13, 15 ... Endless possibilities !● Tap button to set beats per minute ( BPM ) faster● Also you can use it as a very cool metronome● 4 Hi hats, 3 Snare Drums, 3 Bass drums, 2 Ride cymbals, SnareHoop, Claps, Conga, Shaker, lots of clicks, etc… All of them withtwo layers of sensibility for humanize with accents.● Some of the rhythmic styles you can use quickly are Pop, Rock,Funk, Shuffle, Latin, Reggae, Jazz, AfroCuban, Son, Cha Cha,Rhumba, Waltz, Drum & Bass, Abacua, Regaetton …● The best tool for any musician.A drum machine, sometimes called a rhythm machine, is anelectronic musical instrument designed to imitate the sound ofdrums or other percussion instruments. They are used in a varietyof musical genres, not just purely electronic music.
Rock Drum Machine Groove Box 1.03
Sparkle Code
Finally, the best real powerful drum sounds and tons of coolrhythms in a stable and solid drum machine. So easy to use. Justchoose your rhythm and bpm (Beats Per Minute), press "Load" button,in a second you will have the most rocky sound on an androiddevice. Totally stable groove! Perfect tool for guitarist, bassist,keyboards, singers and drummers!You can export any rhythm to a .wav file for using in any otherrecording or production app.* Top quality powerful acoustic drum sampled sounds.* 18 Drumsets* +100 Rhythms, many of them extracted from famous songs.* Create your own rhythms.* Any time signature, up to 17 times, and 6 subdivisions.* Friendly, so easy to use interface.* Export any groove to wav file.* Rhythms are divided in Banks: Rock, Grounge, FunkRock,Progressive, Odd Times and User.* Combine the drum patterns (+400) to create your ownrhythms.* Tap button to set bpm quickly.* Perfect for playing on the go.* Editing Patterns:X -Strong hitx - Weak hit0 - Special Hit ( Open on hats, Bell on ride, Drag on snare, Lowtone on kick, Low tom on toms )* Some of the Rhythms IncludedRock BankWhole Lotta Love (Led Zeppelin), Crazy (Aerosmith), Walk this way,Close to me (The Cure), Just like heaven, Thunder (ACDC), Light myFire (The Doors), Purple Haze (Jimmy Hendrix), Fire, Uprising (TheMuse), undisclosed, Satisfaction (The Rolling Stones), Sober(Tool), With or (U2), Without you, Beautiful Day, You're gonna, gofar, Kid (Offspring), Clocks (Coldplay), Mr. Brightside (TheKillers), No one knows (Queens of the Stone Ag), Vertigo, Last nite( the Strokes), Up in the Air (Thirty seconds to mars) , etc …Grounge BankSmells like (Nirvana), Teen Spirit, Come as you are, Even Flow(Pearl Jam), The Pretender ( Foo Fighters), Use Somebody (kings OfLeon), Interstate Love (Stone Temple Pilots), Rooster (Alice inChains), Decode (Paramore), Say you'll haunt me (Stone Sour)...FunkRock BankSuperUnkown (Soundgarden), killing name (Rage against the machine),Erotic Nightmare (Steve Vai), Strange (Satriani), Dani California(Red Hot Cjili Peppers), in the end (Linking Park), If you couldsee me now (The Script), Bring me to life ( Evanescence) …Progressive BankAnswers, Pyramid (Radiohead), Time Flies (Oasis), Bell game, Six O'Clock (Dream Theater)Odd Times BankMoney (Pink Floyd), Manic Depression (Hendrix), All you need isLove (The Beatles), Seven Days (Sting), Broken Toy (Keane),Blackened (Metallica), White Room (Cream), Sound of Muzak(Porcupine Tree)With the ascendance of rock and roll, a watershed momentoccurred between 1962 and 1964 when the Surfaris released "WipeOut", as well as when Ringo Starr of The Beatles played his Ludwigkit on American television; these were events that motivatedlegions to take up the drums.A trend towards bigger drum kits in Rock music began in the1960s and gained momentum in the 1970s. By the 1980s, widelypopular drummers like Billy Cobham, Carl Palmer, Nicko McBrain,Phil Collins, Stewart Copeland, and perhaps most notably Neil Peartwere using large numbers of drums and cymbals and had also begunusing electronic drums. In the 1990s and 2000s, many drummers inpopular music and indie music reverted to the basic four piece drumset standard.In the 21st century, it has not been uncommon for drummers touse a variety of auxiliary percussion instruments, found objects,and electronics as part of their "drum" kits. Popular electronicsinclude: electronic sound modules; laptop computers used toactivate loops, sequences and samples; metronomes and tempo meters;recording devices; and personal sound reinforcement equipment(e.g., a small PA system to amplify electronic drums and provide amonitor for singing)
Rock Drum Machine Free 1.03
Sparkle Code
If you play Rock, you will love this solidapp!Finally, the best real powerful drum sounds and tons of coolrhythms in a stable and solid drum machine. So easy to use. Justchoose your rhythm and bpm (Beats Per Minute), press "Load" button,in a second you will have the most rocky sound on an androiddevice. Totally stable groove!* Top quality powerful acoustic drum sampled sounds.* 4 Drumsets* Lots of cool rhythms* Create your own rhythms.* Any time signature, up to 17 times, and 6 subdivisions.* Friendly, so easy to use interface.* Rhythms are divided in Banks: Rock, Grounge, FunkRock,Progressive, Odd Times and User.* Combine the drum patterns (+400) to create your ownrhythms.* Tap button to set bpm quickly.* Perfect for playing on the go.. 32 bars continous in the free version* Editing Patterns:X -Strong hitx - Weak hit0 - Special Hit ( Open on hats, Bell on ride, Drag on snare, Lowtone on kick, Low tom on toms )Rock music is a genre of popular music that originated as "rockand roll" in the United States in the 1950s, and developed into arange of different styles in the 1960s and later, particularly inthe United Kingdom and the United States It has its roots in 1940s'and 1950s' rock and roll, itself heavily influenced by rhythm andblues and country music. Rock music also drew strongly on a numberof other genres such as blues and folk, and incorporated influencesfrom jazz, classical and other musical sources.Musically, rock has centered around the electric guitar, usuallyas part of a rock group with bass guitar and drums. Typically, rockis song-based music usually with a 4/4 time signature utilizing averse-chorus form, but the genre has become extremely diverse andcommon musical characteristics are difficult to define. Like popmusic, lyrics often stress romantic love but also address a widevariety of other themes that are frequently social or political inemphasis. The dominance of rock by white, male musicians has beenseen as one of the key factors shaping the themes explored in rockmusic. Rock places a higher degree of emphasis on musicianship,live performance, and an ideology of authenticity than popmusic.By the late 1960s, referred to as the "golden age" or "classicrock" period, a number of distinct rock music sub-genres hademerged, including hybrids like blues rock, folk rock, countryrock, and jazz-rock fusion, many of which contributed to thedevelopment of psychedelic rock influenced by the counter-culturalpsychedelic scene. New genres that emerged from this scene includedprogressive rock, which extended the artistic elements; glam rock,which highlighted showmanship and visual style; and the diverse andenduring major sub-genre of heavy metal, which emphasized volume,power, and speed. In the second half of the 1970s, punk rock bothintensified and reacted against some of these trends to produce araw, energetic form of music characterized by overt political andsocial critiques. Punk was an influence into the 1980s on thesubsequent development of other sub-genres, including New Wave,post-punk and eventually the alternative rock movement. From the1990s alternative rock began to dominate rock music and breakthrough into the mainstream in the form of grunge, Britpop, andindie rock. Further fusion sub-genres have since emerged, includingpop punk, rap rock, and rap metal, as well as conscious attempts torevisit rock's history, including the garage rock/post-punk andsynthpop revivals at the beginning of the new millennium.Rock music has also embodied and served as the vehicle forcultural and social movements, leading to major sub-culturesincluding mods and rockers in the UK and the hippie counterculturethat spread out from San Francisco in the US in the 1960s.Similarly, 1970s punk culture spawned the visually distinctive gothand emo subcultures. Inheriting the folk tradition of the protestsong, rock music has been associated with political activism .
Acoustic Drum Machine 1.35
Sparkle Code
Acoustic Drum Machine has the best qualityacoustic sounds so you feel you're playing with a real drummer.** Referring to an user comment: Of course you can swing.Choosing 3 subdivision you will get lots of swing rhythms, and youcan edit and create your own swinging patterns.ADM lets you create your own rhythms in a fast and very simpleway. You can set any measure, whether simple or compound, typicalor odd times. The possibilities are endless● More than fifty amazing sounds with the best quality. Try toconnect your device to a stereo HiFi music system to get the bestand enjoy the groove● More than 100 home rhythms and 200 rhythmic patterns you cancombine for getting your own rhythms easily.● 2 Easy ways to create new rhythms; combining the savedpatterns with wheels, or just editing the full rhythm.● Tap button to set beats per minute ( BPM ) faster● Set any unusual time signatures, like 5, 7, 11, 13, 15 ,etc... Infinite possibilities !● Also you can use it as a very cool metronome● 5 Hi hats, 5 Snare Drums, 5 Bass drums, 4 Ride cymbals, SnareHoops, Claps, Cowbells, Tambourines, Conga, Shaker, Sticks, Clicks,etc… All of them with two layers of sensibility.● Some of the rhythmic styles you can use quickly are Pop, Rock,Funk, Shuffle, Latin, Reggae, Jazz, AfroCuban, Son, Cha Cha,Rhumba, Waltz, Drum & Bass, Abacua, Regaetton …● The best tool for any musician for playing, practice or getinspired.A drum machine, sometimes called a rhythm machine, is anelectronic musical instrument designed to imitate the sound ofdrums or other percussion instruments. They are used in a varietyof musical genres, not just purely electronic music. They are alsoa common necessity when session drummers are not available ordesired. Smaller and lighter than a VHS tape, the drum machinecomes with various repeating drum patterns and styles to serve asthe backbeat for everything from hard rock to jazz, pop, funk,salsa and hip hop. Tempo or beats per minute (BPM) is adjustable,and some drum machines also include percussion sounds.Most modern drum machines are sequencers with a sample playback(rompler) or synthesizer component that specializes in thereproduction of drum timbres. Though features vary from model tomodel, many modern drum machines can also produce unique sounds,and allow the user to compose unique drum beats.Like most digital devices, the drum machine has a LED screen forcycling through "patches" or tracks named according to music genre."Rock" might be one category, with 10 or more track variationscalled HR-1, HR-2, HR-3, and so on. Each track within the categorywill differ from the others in some way. One might use the kickdrum on an extra beat, while another might include toms or a cymbalride.The first drum machine was in 1930–32, the spectacularlyinnovative and hard to use Rhythmicon was realized by Leon Thereminat the request of Henry Cowell, who wanted an instrument with whichto play compositions whose multiple rhythmic patterns, based on theovertone series, were far too hard to perform on existing keyboardinstruments. The invention could produce sixteen different rhythms,each associated with a particular pitch, either individually or inany combination, including en masse, if desired. Received withconsiderable interest when it was publicly introduced in 1932, theRhythmicon was soon set aside by Cowell and was virtually forgottenfor decades. The next generation of rhythm machines played onlypreprogrammed rhythms such as mambo, tango, or the like. They alsohave other patterns like bossa nova.