Sugar Free The Movie Apps

Sugar Free The Movie App 1.0
Sugar Free The Movie
Help fight childhood obesity and diabetes allover the world. Get the latest news regarding the toxic effects ofsugar in our food. Sugar Free The Movie wants to end childhoodobesity and diabetes by providing a FREE COPY of the movie to everyschool on the planet. Share this free app to spread the word aboutthe dangers of added sugar in our food. Visit sugar free the movieat for any questions.Some facts about children and sugar consumption:◾Children on average are consuming 5 times the currentrecommended daily allowance◾Children on average are consuming 30% more sugar thanadults◾In 1980 no cases of type 2 diabetes reported in children◾In 2010 over 57,000 cases reported of type 2 diabetes reportedin children◾Since 1980, childhood obesity has doubled◾Current generation of kids is the first projected NOT tooutlive their parents◾50% of public schools serve fast food◾80% of public schools are under contract with the sodacompanies◾Public schools count french fries and pizza as a vegetable◾Food companies use the same tactics tobacco companies used tomarket to children◾Sugar weakens the immune system which leads to increased colds,coughs and allergies◾Foods with added sugar are the leading cause of obesity,diabetes, malnutrition and tooth decaySugar, it’s added to almost everything we eat, and guess what.Sugar is making us sick, fat, and we are addicted. The goal of thisdocumentary is to educate the world to the dangers of hidden sugarin processed foods and to show that by becoming “Sugar Free”through the elimination of processed foods we can become healthierand stop the alarming obesity epidemic.Don’t think it’s that bad? One out of every three Americanadults is obese, and at the current rate, that number will doubleby 2030, leading to millions more cases of diabetes, strokes andheart disease.By 2050, 95% of all American adults will be overweight or obeseand one third will have diabetes.And what about our children? In 1980, there were zero cases oftype 2 diabetes reported in children, in 2010 there were over57,000 cases. Since 1980, childhood obesity has doubled and thecurrent generation of kids is the first projected not to outlivetheir parents. How did we let this happen?The solution has to start with us. We can’t expect thegovernment to fix this problem because of the powerful foodlobbies. Just like the tobacco companies, there are some very big,very powerful food companies that are putting their profits beforeour health. Remember when Congress (through the persuasion of thefood lobbies) wanted to count pizza and french fries as avegetable? To make things worse, 50% of public schools serve fastfood and 80% are under contract with the soda companies.Our goal is not only to educate, but to film ordinary peoplebreaking their addiction to sugar and processed foods in order toinspire others to become healthier. We want show how we can reversethe obesity epidemic and make the world a healthier place tolive.