TcBoY Production Apps

WebDAV Virtual Storage 1.5
TcBoY Production
Please report bugs, kindly appreciated!It is basically a WebDAV File Explorer that aims to provideuseran intuitive and easy way to access their remoteWebDAVstorage.It gives users an abstraction, where the remote files appear tobestored locally.The downside is, you have to setup your own WebDAV server,eitherusing Windows built in IIS, or xampp, or otherslinuxalternative.If u need to access over WAN internet, you will also need astaticpublic IP or setup a dynamic DNS for your server.But the advantage is, it is much faster than typical cloudstorage(Dropbox, Box, Google Drive) because your own server is muchnearerto you, and the upload bandwidth is much higher.For example, I can open and view a 1MB pdf or picture filealmostinstantly, but with cloud storages it takes about 10 secondstodownload. I can stream 720p video smoothly without anybufferingtime, it is not possible with public cloud storages(Dropbox,Box)It also provide media streaming including many formats (avi,mp4,mp3, mkv) as long as suitable media player areinstalled.(moboplayer and diceplayer recommended)It also provide an Remote Download Manager add-onThe server client can be downloaded in ([How to use?][For Android 2.3 and below = Long click a link in browser andclickshare link, then choose this app][For Android 4.0 and above = click any downloadable link inbrowserand choose this app]Currently only Basic authentication is supported.I also recommended user to install network monitor minitomonitor real time datausage.( is my first release, please kindly report any bugs andIwill try to fix it.How to setup WebDAV in Windows IIS7?( can also setup WebDAV using apache or Xampp, or inLinuxsystem.Thanks for support.Known bugs:-Old updates-Added retry once if the WebDAV error-Improved copy/move method-Multiple profile should be working now-Some minor improvements here and there-Improved cache compare, but not working in Galaxy nexus duetoAndroid bug with no SDcardTODO:-Fix bugs-SSL support-Better UI-Improve caching method-Add more features
Multi Cloud Storage Prototype! 1.1
TcBoY Production
This is an early prototype implementation ofmyresearch project Multi Cloud Storage System.It is not a final product, and it may contains a lot of bugs.It is not meant for daily use.Please download at your own risk.Update: [07 Feb 2014]If you get crashes due to recent update, please try clear theappdata and cache (you can do this by long clicking the app icon->app info -> Clear data -> Clear cache)This is because of the SQLite database version conflict.(Sorryabout that)Update: [18 Jan 2014]New version uploaded, should be more stable and includedmorefeatures.Dropbox maximum users updated to 100 users (previously 10only)because of Dropbox limitation before production status.Update: [13 June 2013]This is an early prototype implementation of my project MultiCloudStorage System.We propose a solution that unifies storage from multiplecloudproviders into a centralized storage pool that is better intermsof availability, capacity, performance, reliabilityandsecurity.We can achieve this by aggregating cloud storage frommultipleproviders and apply several essential storage technologiesinto thesystem. Techniques such as data striping, erasurecoding,encryption, compression, caching and data de-duplicationwill beapplied on the client-side while the cloud storage istreated asjust bunch of disks (JBOD). In short, our proposedsolution can bedescribed as “poor man’s solution”,It is not a final product, and it may contains a lotofbugs.Please download at your own risk.Most basic functions should be working fine.Please report any bugs, kindly appreciated.