Three Treasures Studio Apps

Yoga Asana : Downdog 1.0
3D Yogasana : Adho Mukha Svanasana. Finally 3DYogasana is really 3D! This viewer showcases Adho Mukha Svanasanaor Downward Facing Dog. Switch between a standard muscle view, ahighlighted muscle view and a skeletal view. Each yogasana is alsodetailed with information on anatomy, physiology and chakras.
3D Planets 1.0
3D Planets introduces you to the planets ofour solar system. Each planet is highlighted describing surfacefeatures, core contents and atmosphere. You can also view thephases of the moon and fly through a 3D solar system !!
3D Digestion 2.0
3D Digestion details the humandigestivesystem. View all the major organs in situ. Readdescriptions onanatomy, physiology and function of each organ as itrelates to thedigestive system. Easy to use and informative.
3D Respiration 2.0
3D RespirationTopics include the diaphragm and other respiratory muscles,gastransport, the respiratory control centers in the brain,anatomyand physiology. This app is ideal for medical studentsandteachers, singers, martial artists or anyone who wantstounderstand the breath.For more information visit
Yoga Anatomy Viewer 0.1
3D yogasana anatomy viewer and media maker