Trouble Busters Team Apps

QR-CODE scanner Light&Fast 1.0
Trouble Busters Team
This Scanner permit to read the QR-CODE andafter that, it will close automatically. Simple and Fast, withautomatic close after scan.Questo scanner permette la lettura dei codici QR, dopo lo scansi chiude automaticamente. Semplice e Veloce, con chiusuraautomatica dopo la scansione.This Scanner permit toread the QR-CODE and after That, it will close automatically.Simple and Fast, with automatic close after scan.This scanner is used to read QR codes, after the scan isautomatically closed. Fast and simple, with automatic closing afterscanning.
Professione Militare 2.03
Trouble Busters Team
Visualizza la web-mail esercito, le e-mail etutti i concorsi di tutte le Forze Armate.Leggi le News dai migliori siti di informazioni giornalistiche,calcistiche e tecnologiche.Contiene i video dei corsi di sopravvivenza, addestramento equasi tutte le arti marziali esistenti sempre in costanteauto-aggiornamento.Acquista attrezzatura militare direttamente dai link deiprodotti consigliati.L'utente può consigliare l'inserimento di nuove funzioni,l'inserimento di nuovi prodotti o categorie.Personalizzabile e veloce.PRIVACY POLICY qui: qui: the web-mail army,e-mails and all the competitions of all the Armed Forces.Read News by top media information sites, football andtechnology.It contains videos of survival courses, training and almost allexisting martial arts in constant self-update.Buy military equipment directly from the link of the recommendedproducts.You can recommend the inclusion of new features, theintroduction of new products or categories.Customizable and fast.PRIVACY POLICY here: here:
App Inventor Power Tools 1.01
English version:With App Inventor Master Tools, (real name Ai Master PowerTools)you can simplify the creations of yours apps.Look here for detailedinstructions: First of all, you can search (with a random research) typesofcolors to better show your buttons, background color, textcolorandbutton background color in yours applications.2) With Color studio you can start with an example color andmodifyit to have new color but you can also search a new colorselectingAlfa and R-G-B values.3) With Button Size Controller, you can select a type ofbutton,then insert a text, choose font dimension and this tool willshowyou the minimum size to avoid cut words when yours appareinstalled in phones with small screen.4) Many activity starter functions to help you to remember whatkindof informations you need.5) A Web Inspector to see the real Url links and manyothersthings.6) This app is Multilanguage (English - Italian).