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小說迷-海量免費小說 3.1.2
我是一個小說愛好者,我在試用了絕大多數讀書軟體後,發現其它軟體存在各種問題,有的廣告滿天飛,有的小說太少,有的斷章缺頁,甚至有的攜帶病毒.....所以我決定動手開發一個速度最快,功能最實用,畫面最整潔,小說最多的閱讀軟體,就是你現在正在瀏覽的這款。我根據中文小說排行榜精心收集及制作了一個巨大的小說資料庫,只要擁有了本軟體,一切小說一律免費,並且可以通過本軟體進行搜尋下載最新的連載小說。本軟體有如下特色:1.全部小說免費2.附有中文小說搜尋功能3.分類功能4.熱門推薦5.連載小說訂閱6.線上即時閱讀功能7.下載功能,無網路時亦可閱讀8.支援字型大小調整9.支援閱讀背景變更10.支援按作者搜尋11.支援按書名搜尋摘錄部分來自書友的評價及建議:『小說超多 裡面超多小說,超好看!!*^O^*』『為什麼最多只有五顆星? 真正的神器』『棒 扣掉些小瑕疵,整體十分好用』『很完善也很多 書很多,也蠻完善的,很棒的小說app』『非常棒 非常好用,如果你是喜歡看小說的讀者這個程式很適合使用』『不错 虽然有时问题不能马上解决但是遇上问题反馈恢复的蛮快』『喜歡~希望可以加上熱門度之類的評分 願意聽取意見且改進很棒,希望可以加入更多書籍喲!加油』『能否出iphone版的,因為換了iphone,因為iphone沒有小說迷,所以還一直帶著htc,帶兩隻手機真的很麻煩希望盡快可以用iphone看小說迷』『因為小說迷陪我度過了我人生中的低潮!也讓我暫時忘記憂愁沉浸在小說的世界!所以我很感謝像我朋友般的小說迷!並且也讓我感受到期待小說的喜悅!』如果你也覺得不錯,請推薦給你的朋友,并給我評個星,我為因此而大受鼓舞。2015/6/4 Update:增加大量輕小說I was a fan fiction,I tried reading the vast majority of the software, theThere are various problems found other software,Some advertising everywhere, some novels too, some Fragmentmissing pages, even some carrying the virus .....So I decided to develop a hands-fastest, most practical, themost clean screen, the most novel reading software,Which you now are browsing this.I carefully collected and produced a huge library novel based onChinese fiction list,Just have this software, all fiction is free of charge and canbe search download the latest serialized novel by thissoftware.The software has the following characteristics:1. All novels free2. with Chinese novel search features3. classification4. Hot5. The serial novel Subscription6. Instant online reading function7. The download function, when no network can also read8. support font resizing9. Support read background change10. Support Search by author11. Support Search by titleExcerpt from the book part of the evaluation and recommendation ofthe Friends of:"Novels over many more novels over inside, super nice! ! * ^ O ^* ""Why only a maximum of five stars? Real artifact. ""Stick minus some small flaws, the overall very easy to use.""It has a lot to improve a lot of books, but also quite perfect,great novels app.""Great very easy to use, if you prefer to read the novel the readeris suitable for use in this program.""Yes, although sometimes the problem can not be resolvedimmediately, but encountered problems feedback recovered prettyfast.""Like ~ hope to add Popularity score like a great willingness tolisten and improve, hoping to add more books yo! Come on. ""Can the iphone version, because of the change iphone, iphonebecause no fiction fan, so it has been with htc, with two phonesreally troublesome hope to see as soon as you can use iphonefiction fan.""Because fiction fans accompany me through my life ebb! Let meforget sorrow immersed in the world of fiction! So I am verygrateful to my friend like like fiction fans! And also to feel thejoy of looking forward to the novel! "If you feel good, please recommend to your friends, and give mecomment a star, and I was therefore greatly encouraged.2015/6/4 Update:Increase the number of light fiction
小說閱讀器--【為小說迷設計的閱讀器】 1.0.3
***已知問題***暫時本軟體只支援Android3.0以上的機型,如果你的機型大于3.0但無法安裝,請進入我們的網站直接下載APK檔安裝:http://soyotw.com------------------------------------------------------------------------我們是小說迷。在使用過很多小說閱讀器后,仍然無法找到心目中滿意的產品,所以我們決定自己動手,然后就有了你現在看到的此軟體。設計這個軟體時我們試用并參考了幾乎所有能找到的小說閱讀器。希望製造出一個最好最適合小說迷的免費小說閱讀器。暫時,這個閱讀器擁有如下特色功能:.書單功能----看看那些閱書無數的大大整理出來的推薦小說.書友評論----能看到所有人對某本小說的評論.賬戶功能----可以在手機平板裡自由切換,閱讀檔案不丟失.本地閱讀----不但可以閱讀線上的小說,還可以閱讀你下載的TXT檔.書友會----請不要在這裡把妹!這只是給喜好同一本小說的書友可以互相交流的部落.....當然還會有很多很多,希望你也參與進來,給我們意見後面的,就要看你們了!Known Issues *** ***This software only supports Android3.0 temporarily abovemodels,If your model is greater than 3.0 but can not install, please goto our website directly to download APK files to install:http://soyotw.com------------------------------------------------------------------------We are a fiction fans.After using a lot of fiction readers, still can not find asatisfactory product in mind,So we decided to do it yourself, then there you see now thissoftware.When we tried to design the software and reference can be foundin almost all fiction reader.I hope to create a fiction fans the best and most suitable freefiction reader.For now, the reader has the following features:The book single-function ---- look at those read countless booksgreatly recommend fiction sorted outThe book reviews ---- Friends can see everyone comments on someof the novelThe account can freely switch function ---- Mobile Tablet, thereading file is not lostLocal reading ---- not only can read novels online, you can alsoread TXT files you downloadThe book club ---- Please do not put in here sister! This isjust to taste the novel of the same book club can communicate witheach other tribes.....Of course, there will be many, many, hope you get involved andgive us adviceBack, we should look at you!
迷小說 - 免費小說閱讀器 3.1.7
我們都是小說愛好者,在試用了絕大多數讀書軟體後,發現其它軟體存在各種問題,有的廣告滿天飛,有的小說太少,有的斷章缺頁,甚至有的攜帶病毒…..所以我們決定動手開發一個速度最快,功能最實用,畫面最整潔,小說最多的閱讀軟體,就是你現在正在瀏覽的這款。我們根據中文小說排行榜精心收集及制作了一個巨大的小說資料庫,只要擁有了本軟體,一切小說一律免費,並且可以通過本軟體進行搜尋下載最新的連載小說。本軟體有如下特色:小說全部免費超大的書庫支援多個小說來源支援繁體及簡體中文小說搜尋功能分類功能熱門推薦連載小說訂閱線上即時閱讀功能下載功能,無網路時亦可閱讀支援字型大小調整支援閱讀背景變更支援按作者搜尋支援按書名搜尋其它...如果你也覺得不錯,請推薦給你的朋友,我們會因此而大受鼓舞。We are all fictionlovers,In the vast majority of reading software after the trial,There are various other problems found in software,Some advertising everywhere, some novels too, and someFragmentmissing pages, and even some carrying the virus ... ..So we decided to develop a hands-fastest, most practical,themost clean screen, the most novel reading software,Now that you are browsing this.We carefully collected and produced a huge library of novelsbasedon Chinese fiction list,Just have this software, all novels are free, and youcandownload the latest search serial novel by this software.This software has the following characteristics: Fiction All free Large library Supports multiple novel sources Support Traditional and Simplified Chinese Novels search Classification Top Recommended Serial novel Subscription Instant online reading function Download function, no network can also read Support font resizing Support change the background reading Support search by author Support Search by title other...If you feel good, please recommend to your friends, and wewouldtherefore greatly encouraged.