Ye Olde App Shoppe Apps

HIBG Child Behavior Tracker 1.0.1
Ye Olde App Shoppe
HIBG: Have I Been Good?Have I Been Good? -- the simplest, easiest-to-use Child BehaviorTracker on the market! One-tap child behavior tracking has finallylanded on Android!"Have I Been Good?" was created with three goals in mind --Providing quick and easy child behavior tracking, creating anincentive to positively influence future child behavior, andenabling the share of data with other authorized users. Childbehavior tracking has never been easier with our child behaviortracker.In this child behavior tracker, child behavior is handled like afinancial account. Good incidents are treated as credits, badincidents as debits. The net value of these incidents yields anaccount balance, which also serves as an indication of a child'sbehavior.This child behavior tracker takes a streamlined approach tochild behavior tracking, allowing the user to focus on theimportant things quickly, rather than requiring an excess of userinput.Features Include:- One-click logging of child behavior incidents (both good andbad)- Most tracking activity takes place on a single screen in thetracker- At-a-Glance views of child behavior over multiple timeperiods- Unified view for all tracked children- Ability to grant "observer" privileges to other users allowsmultiple users to see and report on child's behavior- Tracking Data is stored in the cloud, so all observers of asubject use the same set of child behavior data- Payout ability allows users to reward children for goodbehavior- Behavior icons show both behavior status and degree (icon andnumber)- Tracked children are displayed in a unified interface.- In-App Tutorial guides you through using the appHIBG Child Behavior Tracker -- Simplified Child BehaviorTracking.