Zenith Tutoring Apps

The Zenith of SAT Vocabulary 1.1
Zenith Tutoring
zenith (noun): the highest point, peakZenith Tutoring (noun): the somewhat immodestly named companyresponsible for very immodestly naming its app "The Zenith of SATVocabulary Flashcards". Founded by a cadre of dapper MIT gradscurrently residing in the San Francisco Bay Area.Each flashcard includes:• Definitions. Made from 100%words-we’re-pretty-sure-you-already-know. Guaranteed to not includethe words autochthon, nikhedonia, or yemeless.• Drawings. These not only make your time spent studying vocabularymore bearable, but also allow our cards to double as artwork foryour next museum opening.• Sentences. We put words in sentences. It's thrilling.• Helpful hints. These include useful etymologies, as well assimilar words in Latin, Spanish, and French. If you're payingattention, you can learn lots of helpful Greek and Latinroots.• Related words. We provide other forms of the word in question,for all your various part-of-speech needs.• Synonyms. For those of you who just can’t get enough vocabularygoodness, we have synonyms. Three synonyms per word times 100 wordsmakes for 300 bonus words.• Literary quotations. People who write fancy books like to usefancy words. We provide you with proof of this phenomenon.We also provide you with flashcard and list modes, as well asquizzes to test your knowledge.Our words have been carefully hand-selected, much like theingredients for a hipster's homemade artisanal cheese. Beforewriting any sentences or drawing any penguins, we scoured everypublished SAT for vocabulary words, surveyed students to determinetheir familiarity with each word, and wrote an algorithm to createour final list of 100 words you're likely to see on the SAT butunlikely to know.Though 100 words might seem too modest, we've stuck with asmall, manageable collection of words because we've found thatgargantuan vocabulary lists are about as helpful as a punch in theface. Being overly ambitious has its place in failed Arcticexpeditions and home improvement projects; when it comes to theSAT, however, actually knowing 100 words is much more helpful thantelling yourself you're going to learn thousands of words and thenspending your study time on the internet looking at pictures ofcats.