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GRE MathPrep from Khan Academy 1.0
GRE Math / Quantitative Preparation from Khan Academy video. Youneed internet connection to use this app.If you want to get a good score in GRE Quantitative, try thisapp and learn about these topics:ARITHMETIC1.1 Integers1.2 Fractions1.3 Exponents and Roots1.4 Decimals1.5 Real Numbers1.6 Ratio1.7 PercentPractice: randomly generated link to an arithmetic exercise(experimental feature).ALGEBRA2.1 Operations with Algebraic Expressions2.2 Rules of Exponents2.3 Solving Linear EquationsBased on my experience with practice tests, it might be especiallyuseful to review Structure in linear expressions.2.4 Solving Quadratic Equations2.5 Solving Linear Inequalities2.6 FunctionsWhile I fail to find it listed in the math review as such, I’vedefinitely been seeing this kind of problem on practice tests: NewOperator Definitions2.7 Applications2.8 Coordinate Geometry2.9 Graphs of FunctionsGEOMETRY3.1 Lines and Angles3.2 Polygons3.3 Triangles3.4 Quadrilaterals3.5 Circles3.6 Three-Dimensional FiguresDATA ANALYSIS4.1 Graphical Methods for Describing DataTablesBar GraphsPie/Circle GraphsHistogramsTime Plots4.2 Numerical Methods for Describing DataCentral TendencyMeasures of Dispersion4.3 Counting MethodsSetsMultiplication PrinciplePermutationsCombinations4.4 ProbabilityBasicUsing Combinatorics4.5 Distributions of Data, Random Variables, and ProbabilityDistributions
SAT/ACT Top 100 Words 1.0.1
College Board Top 100 Common SAT/ACTVocabulary Words with meanings. Searchable word list.
Most Common GRE words 1.0.1
Most Common GRE words with meanings. GREVocabulary.
GRE Top 52 Words 1.0.2
GRE Top 52 Words. Most Common GRE words forGRE Takers with meanings.
১০টি ছোট সূরা 1.0.1
10 Short Surah wtih Bangla meaning.দশটি ছোট সুরাহ, বাংলা উচ্চারণ এবং অর্থ সহ। সূরা গুলোঃ১. সূরা ফাতিহা | سورة الفاتحة২. সূরা ফীল | سورة الفيل৩. সূরা কুরাইশ | سورة قريش৪. সূরা মাউন | سورة الماعون৫. সূরা আল কাওসার | سورة الكوثر৬. সূরা কাফিরুন | سورة الكافرون৭. সূরা নাসর | سورة النصر৮. সূরা আল ইখলাস | سورة الإخلاص৯. সূরা আল ফালাক | سورة الفلق১০. সূরা ক্বদর | سورة القدر