eBillity Apps

Time Tracker + Billing 1.3.1
Time Tracker + Billing is a simple time andexpense tracking app designed for professionals.Attorneys, engineers, accountants, architects and businessconsultants across the globe use Time Tracker + Billing toefficiently track and bill for time and expenses. Time Tracker +Billing syncs seamlessly to QuickBooks (optional).Users have logged over 225 million hours to date with TimeTracker + Billing.Once subscribed to Time Tracker + Billing this free app allowsyou to:• Add and edit time entries• Add and edit expenses• Create and edit notes• Create appointments and view schedulesAll entries made via the Time Tracker + Billing app willautomatically sync to your Time Tracker + Billing account.If you have connected Time Tracker + Billing with QuickBooks,entries from the Time Tracker + Billing app will also sync withyour QuickBooks Online or QuickBooks PC account.This app works with your existing Time Tracker + Billingaccount. See more at eBillity.com.
Time Tracker 25.0.4
Time Tracker is a simple time tracking app designed for everyone!Attorneys, engineers, accountants, architects and businessconsultants across the globe use Time Tracker to efficiently tracktime. Time Tracker syncs seamlessly to QuickBooks, Xero, Sage,Concur, Gusto, ADP, Clio, Reckon, and MYOB.(optional). Users havelogged over 700 million hours to date with Time Tracker. Oncesubscribed to Time Tracker this free app allows you to: - Add andedit time entries, even when offline! - Admins can review andapprove entries. - Enable Geolocation tracking to include thelocation of your time entries! Users that upgrade to Time Tracker+Billing will gain access to the following features: - Add and editexpenses. - Create and view invoices. - Process payments viaStripe. If you are interested in upgrading to Time Tracker+Billing, you can update your subscription by visiting eBillity.comor by calling a support specialist at 1-800-851-0992. All entriesmade via the Time Tracker app will automatically sync to your TimeTracker account. From there they will also sync with any of theabove mentioned integrations. See more at eBillity.com.
Time and Billing 1
Time and Billing is a simple time tracking and invoicingappdesigned for small law firms. This app is an extension of theTimeand Billing service sold exclusively through Thomson Reuters.Lawfirms have logged over 110 million hours to date with TimeandBilling. Track time and expense easily, bill quickly, and getpaidfaster. Once subscribed to Time and Billing this free appallowsyou to: •Add and edit time entries •Add and edit expenseentries•Attach receipts to expense entries •create and viewclientinvoices •Process payments •Interact with multiple timers•Runtimers concurrently •Seamlessly interact with timers throughboththe web and mobile applications All entries made via the TimeandBilling android app will automatically sync to your TimeandBilling account.
LawBillity 1
LawBillity is a simple time tracking and invoicing app designedforlaw firms.
Time Tracker Kiosk by eBillity 2.1
An affordable and simple online replacement for punch clocks.