giava Apps

Togliti dall' impaccio velocemente quando devimandare un messaggio e non sai cosa dire! Un suggeritoreeccezionale ti permette di avere le frasi opportune come se fosseun gioco.Mai piu' senza parole nei tuoi sms Gratis per te l'applicazioneche ti suggerisce le frasi per ogni evenienza. Tantissimi messaggidivisi in categorie e con una comoda ricerca , ti permetteranno diselezionare la frase che ti piace di piu e spedirla comemessaggio.Dai messaggi d' amore ai messaggi piu' cattivi ,le frasi delle tuecanzoni e quelle adatte alle ricorrenze , auguri e frasi celebri.Piu' di 1000 SMS a tua disposizione ti trasformeranno all'occorrenza in un poeta d' amore o in un saggio consigliere.Un SMS giusto puo' farti fare una bellissima conquista o togliertidai guai Non farti trovare impreparato!Ottimo per gli auguri di buon natale e gli auguri di buon anno ,accorciera' i tempi delle public relations con parenti eamici.Messaggi pronti e facili da modificare per poi inviare a un numeroscelto o ai numeri che abbiamo in rubrica.La linea internet e' solo per caricare la pubblicita'l'applicazione funziona anche se non in collegati al web.
Blooper Tube 1.5
World's Most Amazing & Crazy ScenesYou'll never stop laughing with this funny videos and uncrediblefails . Actor and actresses bloops ,all for your laughing pleasure.Get something that you'll never stop watching just for free !! LOL. Five channels with the best movie mistakes, accidents and crashesselected from YouTube straight on your device.Have fun and entertainment watching thousands of funny videos withjokes ,cars and planes crashes, funny babies, stupid ideas andeverything going wrong on the planet!!.It' a simple app !!Just start and wait...And when movie starts .... Use the full Screen mode for betterviews !!!Use the five channels menu for movies !!!APP REQUIREMENTS:- This app requires the Adobe AIR runtime, which can be installedfor FREE via the Google Market.- WIFI Connection
Fashion Shoes 9
Fashion Shoes is Your Fantasy ShoesShop!.The girl's game where you can play with your favorite models offashion shoes.Open Your shop in your mode town and start play!!!Many customers will arise to your store in search of their favoriteshoes.!It will be your ability to put together a pair of shoes justto please her.Clicking on a shoe you will see it disappear.All shoes that are above drop down 'to form new pairs.The pairs of shoes will fall directly into the beautiful bagcustomer on duty.Click on the right shoe, make sure to form the pair of shoes thatasks the girl.If you succeed, she pays the bills and makes you earn a lot ofmoney.It' a simple game to play where your intelligence can help you alot !.Live score from all the world make this game more exciting andcompetitive .
The spin-off of 'tax in a more' simple. Sumand spin off easily by entering the VAT amount and getting only thesimple application immediately risultato.Una valid for accountantsand financial wizards traders investors for anyone to quicklycalculate the values ​​of the tax. Apply lightly with a calculationof just 65 kb 'tax to 4% at 10 to 20 and 21.
Non ha bisogno di presentazioni! Chi non loconosce? Migliaia di domande attendono la soluzione per fare di teun Milionario !!!----------------------------------******** AGGIORNATE ALL'ULTIMA VERSIONE !!!! ********SI CONSIGLIA DI DISINSTALLARE PRIMA LA VERSIONE PRECEDENTEE PULIRE/SVUOTARE LA CACHE-------------------------------------***** ATTENZIONE !!! ********L'applicazione necessita ADOBE-AIR (scaricabile gratis)ACCERTARTATEVI CHE IL VS. CELLULARE SUPPORTI FILMATI FLASH---------------------------------Come tutti i giochi a quiz si vince rispondendo esattamente alledomande che di volta in volta appaiono sullo schermo.Ad ognidomanda verra' abbinato un premio che ,come tutti i giochi a quiz,andra' aumentando con l'aumento della difficolta' delle domande.Ogni premio vinto ,come tutti i giochi a quiz , si andra' a sommarealle vincite precedenti.---- PUNTEGGI --------------Oltre al premio per la soluzione della domanda si aggiunge un BONUSper il TEMPO riparmiato rispetto al tempo concesso che simoltiplica per il livello raggiunto.Per la soluzione delle domande sono concessi quattro differentiaiuti utilizabili solamente una volta durante la partita ed uno.CI SONO 20 LIVELLI DI DIFFICOLTA'.Sbagliare una risposta vuol dire essere eliminati.-------------- GIOCA E PARTECIPA ------------------L'applicazione da' anche la possibilita' di inviare le vostredomande che se saranno ritenute valide verranno inserite nelgioco!!.
Il Campione di Scopa 1.1
Affronta un campione di Scopetta ! Partita anon finire contro un vero campione ! Forse un po' coatto masicuramente divertente ti terra' compagnia in avvincenti partite aScopa , il gioco delle carte piu' conosciuto e giocato inItalia.Se usi un Tablet scarica Scopetta Tab....e Non perdere Briscola Giava !
GET PAID FOR YOUR TIME !!! Time is Money ! GetPaid for your work !PAY TIME the freelancer app!This application allows you record times associated with a givenprice. Add additional extra costs, call costs, and taxes. And it'spossible to store data locally collected and / or create a reportimage in jpg format that can be can send to anyone.Track your timeat work ! It 's all so simple and intuitive that you can start earnimmediately! We want you a millionaire!!!BATTERY SAFEThe battery consumption is low during standby and running.You can close the application during the measurement to conservethe battery at all.On restart PAYTIME will continuescounting!!.
The 'school hours always at hand!To learn more lesson times.Now with a twist!Please type your own schedule and to 'open the application youwillpresent' more times today, with a touch then browse the otherdaysof the week and you'll always know your schedule andimmediatelyfixed!Many backgrounds, and themes are written in choice and mixingthemtogether You will get very specific customizations!Whether you're a nerd or just want to know when to throw homesick,this application will make you 'really handy to rememberyourlessons.Application widget for school hours / university fastsimpleintuitiveThis you will TimeTable 'utilissmo throughout the schoolyear.
Roll dices for Poker Points! JokerPoker,afantastic game where you will be engaged in a continuingbrainingtest. It' s a simple game with a hard competition.You'll roll six dice and you heve to place them forming PAIRS ,TRIS, SCALE AND POKER! For each combination points that willreceiveincreasing thanks to the multiplier that increases at eachpointfull scale.The game 's simple, but you will be able to do is to place allthedices in the grid will eliminate espolosion otherwise a'unusableones and the next shot you'll be playing with less nuts tobewithout!. A Real Strategy Game!Enjoy it!GET PAYED 4 -- COUPLE-- TRIS-- SCALE + 1 POINT MULTIPLIER-- POKER
Yo-Yo Magic 5
'Yo-Yo Magic' it's a innovative game, whereyouhave no buttons but like a wii's game controls followsyourmoves.In ancient Greece, the Yo-Yo toy was made of wood, metal andterracotta.Times are changed !Change your device in a Yo-Yo game !!!Have you ever played with Yo-Yo?Try old emotions with this New App!!Turn your Android phone into a Yo-Yo!!When the app is open you got a Yo-Yo in your hands!Start with phone in a orizontal position , you have to seeyourfloor through the camera. When the game begins, the yo-yostartsrolling out the rope and falling down, Now when time is right, asin the original game, give just one shake to your phone forchangethe movment of your yo-yo! and bring it back up!Controls are directly related with your device movements!Try twice to catch best practice and you love it !!!Then try ... go up and down and begin to with acrobatics flyandscoring more points .... and if you become good player you canevenhit the mosquitos!!The background is taken directly from the cam of the phonemakingthe game extremely realistic and fascinating especially fortheevening with the lights that make a particularly pleasantandalways different.Just like the unforgettable old game now on your cell.This is a very simple game to take always with you like arealyo-yo. Starts and play in any occasions you need a distractiongamenice and easy .It's great when you have to wait someone!
Dubai Poker Machine 32
Free Poker Machine - Enjoy! - Newfeaturescoming soon !Poker's Lovers get this.VIDEOPOKER FOR TAB AND CELL !!WITH LIVE SCORE !!!A great opportunity for beginners and pros alike, this fantasticappsee you challenge the machine and refine your pokerskills.Video Poker Machine is a fever ! From the beginning ofvideogamehistory the five cards on the green table made you dream.This is anever ending game where milions of player are always onthebeat.Dubai Poker Machine is a great free game where you can challengethemachine as well the other players live results.Chose one of the three poker tables in the options page,hold/discard method, and sounds.At every point scored the "DOUBLE UP" can make you increaseyourwinning hand up to five times.The "Dubai Poker Live Scores" will show the best of world resultsatthe moments you are playing.A report of your daily results give you a control ofyourstate.With this app you won't spend or loose real money but you canenjoythe luck at the winning without crying when cards aretoobad.
Scopa Tab 1.1
Sfida il campione di Scopa sul tuo Tablet!!Tante partite contro il campione rosicone che ti fara' divertireeti mettera' alla prova nel gioco delle carte piu' conosciutoegiocato in Italia!VERSIONE PER TABET - Scarica IL CAMPIONE DI SCOPA per ilcell.
Get crazy with the new frontier of gaming.Useyour voice to control Doodle in catching the Apps . Whenyou'llscream he will lift up !! Move your device to control leftandright movements when you are racing down!! People round youwillthink you are crazy shouting to your phone !! This free appwillmake you laugth for a while doesn't matter your age!!To play at the best make sure your volume is up and play in aplacewithout background noise.Squealing with letter A Driod will fly upper then with letterO!Enjoy!Application requires Adobe AIR INSTALLED (free)
Bowling Mania 14
Simply the best bowling room you can haveondevice.- 1/2 players- Throw with finger- Give effects and speed with finger's movementsEnjoy it It's free !Tell me if you like it !
Daisy Of Love 4
Daisy Of LovePluck the daisy petals to see if your girl/boy loves you.
In the age of star wars Galaxies areoccupiedby monsters.Hiding somewhere GALACTICUS is the boss. Trackhim downand found the rigth weapon for kill him is task of a greatcunninghero. All the warriors you will encounter are liars. Out ofmanylies you can reach the truth!An arcade game where with brain and abilty you can traveltrougthspectacular visions of galassies, hunting the criminalofuniverse.
Super Shooting Stand at the AmusementPark.Get the Big Prize with your ability in shooting.
Syntphone 18
Make Music With Your Phone ! Not a simplepianobut a great synthesizer... a Sound Creator where you can mixAudiobases play keys notes Synthesizer Record and Save yourmusicsound.Turn your mobile phone into a powerful musical instrument.Youdon'tneed to be a musician,to have fun and play as an expertperformer.ADJ party mix with Many rhythms available and 5instruments.Apiano,a guitar,an organ pipe a sax and a fluteaccompanied with alot of guitar and a bass riffs to which you canadd drums andeffects.Play Rock Reggae Hip-Hop Tecno House Musicwith this app onyour phone and tab.
Briscola 2.1.4
Il gioco della briscola per il tuoAndroid!.Partite all'ultima carta con un vero campione imbattuto esemprevincente. La Briscola uno dei giochi di carte piu' famosid'Italiae' ora una app .Sfida il campione romano di briscola.Ungioco dovevincere non e' facile contro un avversario che conoscebene ilgioco delle carte.Puoi anche provare il gioco online sul noto sito di giochi.CARTE NAPOLETANE & CARTE PIACENTINETRE LIVELLI DI DIFFICOLTA'TAVOLO A SCELTAAccoppiata vincente con Il Campione di Scopa !ACCERTATEVI DI AVERE IL FLASH PLAYER INSTALLATO(se no scaricalo gratis qui sul market)
In via anonima metti in mappa i tuoigiudiziInvia segnalazioni utili - MessaggiaMetti sotto controllo la tua zona, crea una rete di amici concuiscambiarsi messaggi privati e effettuare segnalazioni sututtoquello che va e che non va !. Fai conoscere i tuoi giudizisuiposti visitati e chatta con gli altri androidiani che usanoquestaapplicazione.RepMess consente di fare molteplici segnalazioniecondividere informazioni sulla zona che ci circonda e non solo.Imessaggi inviati vengono riportati con un segnalatore sullamappainterattiva pronti per essere letti da tutti. Il segnalatorevieneriportato sulla mappa nel punto in cui e' avvenutol'invio.Potrai entrare in contatto e scambiare messaggi con gli amici,intempo reale sapere le novita' della tua citta' con leinformazionipiu' varie.Divise tra 6 canali si possono effettuare tantissime ediversesegnalazioni che diventano veloci e divertenti da comporregraziealle schede che, gia' impostate per ogni segnalazione,aiutano afornire una descrizione rapida, essenziale, utile pertutti.Potrai segnalare:1)LE STRADE-Incidenti-Code-Autovelox-Lavori in corso-Posti di blocco-Strade dissestate-Guide pericolose-Soste selvaggie-Mezzi Insicuri2)I POSTI-Offerte-Negozi-Ristoranti-Locali-Eventi-Sport-Natura-Vacanze-Smarrimenti3)DISSERVIZI-Ritardi-Guasti impianti-File esagetate-Vicini terribili-Mancata Assistenza-Richieste extra-Degrado-Dissesti-Lavori Incompiuti4)IL METEO - Con la possibilita' di segnalare tutte lesituazioniclimatiche e le temperature.5)ABUSI-Tipi sospetti-Mancate ricevute-Abusi edilizi-Maltrattamenti animali-Abusi sul lavoro-Tangenti-Inquinamenti-Gioco d'azzardo-Falsi6) I Tuoi UmoriVisita: www.repmess.comTroverai tutte le informazioni, la mappa online delle segnalazioniele nuove sorprese in arrivo.....L' applicazione e' appena nata, pertanto lesegnalazioniriportate sono poche, grazie a coloro che vorrannocontribuire coni loro messaggi e alla divulgazione diRepMess.QUESTA APPLICAZIONE SVILUPPATA IN FLASH USA WEBCAM - GPS -E necessita ADOBE-AIR InstallatoPRIVACY::Tutti i dati raccolti non vengono mai legati alla persona maall'applicazione garantendo il piu totale anonimato.Conladisinstallazione dell'applicazione si perdono tutti iriferimentialle segnalazioni postate.In an anonymous put inthemap Send your feedback to useful reports - textingPut control of your area, it creates a network of friends withwhomto exchange private messages and make reports on everythingthatgoes wrong and!. Shout about your opinions on the placesvisitedand chat with other Androidiani using thisapplication.RepMess allows youtodo multiple reports and share information on the area around usandbeyond. The sent messages are reported with a marker on a mapreadyto be read by all. The warning is shown on the map at thepoint atwhich 'occurred sending.You can get in touch with friends and exchange messages in realtimeto know the news' of your city 'with information more' varied.<br>Uniforms between channels 6 and you canmakemany different reports that become fast and fun to puttogetherthanks to the cards that already 'set for each alert, helptoprovide a quick overview, basic, useful for everyone.You can report:1) THE STREETS-Accidents-Code-Cameras-Work in progress-Checkpoints-Bad roads-Guide dangerousStops wild-Unsure-Media2) THE POSTS-Offers-Shops-Restaurants-Local-Events-Sport-Nature-HolidaysBewilderment-3) INEFFICIENCIES-DelaysFault-plantsFile-esagetateNeighbors terrible--Failure Assistance-Extra Request-Degradation-Instability-Work Unfinished4) THE WEATHER - With the possibility 'to report allweatherconditions and temperatures.5) ABUSE-Types suspects-Lack of information receivedAbuse-building-Animal Abuse-Abuse at WorkBribes--Pollutions-GamblingFalse-6) Your MoodsVisit: You will find all the information, the online map of the reportsandnew surprises coming ..... L 'application and' newborn, so thebugsreported are few, thanks to those who want to contribute withtheirmessages and disclosure of RepMess.color='#000000'>THIS APPLICATIONDEVELOPED IN FLASH WEBCAMUSA - GPS -It requires ADOBE AIR-Installed PRIVACY ::All data collected are never related totheperson but to 'applications, ensuring the most totalanonimato.Conapplication uninstall you lose all the references tothereportsposted.
Go Shop 7
A Shopping list simple and useful that'sGoShop. Clean, powerful and fast is a great remember foryourpurchases.How to Use:1 - Go Shop has two different sections.In the first section 'PICK UP LIST' are stored all the productsyouneed to create your shopping lists.In the other section 'SHOP LISTS' you find yourshoppinglists.'You can add all the products you want following the steps of'NEWPROD' button.For a faster first use you can start filling this fist sectionusingthe Auto Including.Automatic Including fill the Products 'PICK UP LIST' with someofthe most common used products.Ones the 'PICK UP LIST'is ready you can start creating yourshoppinglist.Use the button 'ADD/MODIFY' and give a name to yourfirstshopping list.You can create up to five different lists.Using he same button 'ADD/MODIFY' you'll find now your thatyourList has been created.Touch it and enter to add all the things you need to buy.Open the 'SHOP LISTS' to find the complete list youhavecreated.You can add/delete/modify products in the lists,All products can be associated with different iconsyouchoose.optionaly you can set price/brand/type/color in case youneedit.Additing products on lists you'll find your most used on top forafaster use.'Auto Including' is now MULTI LANGUAGE