sciencewithandroid Apps

Accurate Thermometer Free 1.3
'Accurate Thermometer Free' uses your devices's built-in batterytemperature sensor to measure the ambient temperature. The app doesnot simply read the battery temperature and report it. The batterytemperature depends, in part, on the current supplied by thebattery from running various processes on the Android device, suchas the screen, CPU and sensors. In addition, the batterytemperature will also be greater than the ambient temperature ifthe device is held in your hand or kept in a pocket. This appcircumvents these potential problems by keeping track of thedevice's motion and screen status (on or off) using its built-insensors. From these data, the app only records the batterytemperature if the device has been sitting motionless for at least20 minutes with the screen turned off. There is no need for you towonder if you device has been sitting still long enough for a goodtemperature measurement. 'Accurate Thermometer Free' keeps track ofthis in the background and updates the temperature on the displaywhen certain criteria have been met. The displayed temperature isaccurate to about 1 degree Centigrade. The display also gives thedate and time the temperature was determined. Here are the stepsyou should follow to get the best results (see help page foradditional suggestions): 1. Open 'Accurate Thermometer Free.' 2.Press the 'Start' button. Use your Android device as you normallywould. You can run other apps or put the device to sleep. 'AccurateThermometer Free' will continue running in the background. 3. Tocalibrate 'Accurate Thermometer Free' press the 'calibrate' buttoninstead of the 'Start' button. Enter the room temperature when theedit box appears. Then, press 'Go'. You should leave the devicesitting undisturbed for about an hour. When you return to 'AccurateThermometer Free', 'CAL' will be displayed if the calibration wassuccessful. Press 'Stop.' 5. When you are done with themeasurements, press the 'Stop' button. This will stop thebackground processes associated with the app. If you have anysuggestions for improvements or just want to share with us yourinteresting project with this app, please contact us
Surveyor Tools Free 1.3
Make accurate angle measurements of your surroundings usingaugmented reality.
Precision GPS Pro 3.5
Measure accurate latitude, longitude and elevation with yourAndroid device.
Precision GPS Free 2.1
Precision GPS Free uses your device's GPS to measure your preciselocation.
Surveyor Tools Pro 1.1
Make accurate angle measurements of your surroundings usingaugmented reality.
CardioRespiratory Monitor Free 3.0
This app uses your device's built-in sensors to measure aperson'sbreathing and heartbeat rates. It turns your Android deviceinto aheart monitor, useful for workout and exercise fitnessregimens. Itis the only app on the market that uses two differentmethods tomeasure the heartbeat rate. One method monitors chestmovements.The other uses the rear camera and light to monitor bloodflowingthrough a finger tip. With the first method, your devicecollectssensor readings several times each second while the deviceisresting on the subject's chest. The app makes use of atechnologyin your device called 'sensor fusion,' which combines thereadingsof multiple sensors to isolate such variables aslinearacceleration, rotation, and gravity. The app monitors thechange inangle to determine the breathing and heartbeat rates. Touse thisapp, your device must have gyroscopes, accelerometers,andmagnetometers and a version of Android that supportsthesetechnologies. If you are not sure, you can try one of thefreesensor test apps in the Google Play Market and find out. Whenyoupress 'Start' on the main screen the app begins to preparethedevice for the measurements (for 10 seconds). During thistime,place the device on the subject's chest. Once themeasurementsbegin, the 'Start' button changes to 'Busy.' Themeasurements takeabout 20 seconds. Once the measurements are done,the breathing andheartbeat rates (in bpm) are shown, as well as theamplitudes ofeach. Also shown are plots of the breathing movementsand theaverage movement ('pulse') due to the heartbeat (as angleversustime in arbitrary units). With the second method, you placeyourfingertip on the device's rear camera and light for 25 seconds.Theapp monitors the brightness changes resulting from the changesinblood flow through your fingertip. With these two methodsavailablein the same app, virtually any Android device can be usedtomeasure heartbeat rate. This is also the only app that givestheuser an indication of the quality of the measurements. If youfindthis app useful, please consider supporting us by buying theProversion, which uses the same measurement 'engine' as thisfreeversion. If this version works well on your device, then sowillthe Pro version. The Pro version adds 'settings' and 'history'menuopitons. The settings screen gives you the options tosaveheartbeat and breathing rates to a file, 'speak' the results ofthemeasurements, turn the 'ping' sound off or leave it on,andincrease the number of 'rounds' of measurement (additionalroundsdo not require the prepare step). The history screen liststhevalues of the previous measurements since the history waslastcleared. Also, the Pro version does not have ads.
Working Scale
Working Scale turns your Android device into a real mass scale. Nota gag app!
Cardio Respiratory Monitor Pro 2.6
This app uses your Android device's sensors to measure aperson'sbreathing and heartbeat rates. This app goes beyond otherheartbeatmonitoring apps by using either the device's light andcamera withthe subject's finger or motion sensors. The motionsensors measureyour chest movements! This is also the onlyheartbeat monitoringapp that gives you a sense of the reliabilityof the measurements.With the 'motion method' the app takes sensorreadings severaltimes each second while the device is resting onthe subject'schest. The app makes use of a technology in yourdevice called'sensor fusion,' which combines the readings ofmultiple sensors toisolate such variables as linear acceleration,rotation, andgravity. The app monitors the change in angle todetermine thebreathing and heartbeat rates. Your device must havegyroscopes,accelerometers, and magnetometers and a version ofAndroid thatsupports these technologies. If you are not sure, youcan try oneof the free sensor test apps in the Google Play Marketand findout. Or, you can first try the free version of thisapp,'CardioRespiratory Monitor Free'. The app shows breathingandheartbeat rates (in bpm), as well as the amplitudes of each.Alsoshown are plots of the breathing movements and the averagemovementdue to the heartbeat (as angle versus time in arbitraryunits).This is the only Android app that measures all thesequantities.With the 'camera+light' method, the app takes multipleimages eachsecond while the subject's finger is covering the rearcamera andlight. First, the finger is placed over the camera andlight. Whenthe Start button is pressed, the app reads the cameradata for 25seconds. The light passing through the finger to thecamera dimswhen blood surges through the arteries during eachheartbeat. Theaverage interval between the light pulses is equal tothe averageinterval between heartbeats. You can monitor thechangingbrightness on your device's screen as the readings aretaken. Thisversion of the app adds several options not available onthe freeversion. These include the following: - whether a 'ping'sound isemitted after each round of measurements, - the number ofrounds ofmeasurements, - whether the measurements are saved to afile, - andwhether the results are 'spoken' with your device'stext-to-speechcapability.
Chess_Timer 1
This is a simple Chess timer that has all the necessary functions.