sidikdroid Apps

Resep Kopi Nikmat 1.0
kopi adalah sajian minuman praktis yangdapatdi hindangkan dengan air panas maupun air dingin dan dapatdinikmati kapan saja dan dimana saja, aplikasi inimemberikanbeberapa tips kopi dengan aneka ragam rasaCoffee is a dish thatcanpractically drink in hindangkan with hot and cold water and canbeenjoyed anytime and anywhere, this app gives some tips coffeewitha variety of flavors
Resep Cemilan Singkong 1.0
Singkong merupakan tanaman perdu dimanaumbinyasering dimanfaatkan sebagai pengganti makanan pokokkarenamengandung banyak karbohidrat. Sementara daunnya yang masihmudadimakan sebagai lalap atau dibuat sayur daun singkong.Tapi, selain dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan makanan, singkongjugadigunakan sebagai tanaman obat untuk menyembuhkan berbagaipenyakitdan gangguan kesehatan. Di antaranya obat rematik, sakitkepala,demam, luka, diare, cacingan, disentri, rabun senja,beri-beri, danbisa meningkatkan stamina.Cassava is atuberherbaceous plant which is often used as a substitute staplefoodsbecause they contain a lot of carbohydrates. While the youngleaveseaten as a salad or vegetable made cassava leaves.But, in addition to be used as a foodstuff, cassava is alsousedas a medicinal plant to cure various diseases and healthproblems.Among other rheumatic drugs, headache, fever, sores,diarrhea,intestinal worms, dysentery, night blindness, beriberi,and canimprove stamina.
Resep Masakan Jamur 1.0
Mengonsumsi jamur ternyata bukan hanyauntukmemuaskan lidah dan mengenyangkan perut karena ternyatabanyakmanfaat yang berguna dari jamur bagi kesehatan tubuh.Di dalam jamur terkandung senyawa imunomodulatoryaknibeta-glucan yang sangat berkhasiat untuk kesehatanmanusia.Penelitian mengenai manfaat jamur ini dilakukan olehBadanPengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT).Ada beberapa jenis jamur yang telah diteliti oleh tim BPPTiniantara lain Jamur Merang (Volvariella volvaceae), JamurTiram(Pleurotus sp), Jamur Kuping (Auricularia auricular), JamurKucing(Aagaricus sp), dan juga Jamur Shitake (Lentinus edodes).Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, hanya Jamur Tiram danShitakeyang telah memenuhi syarat kandungan beta-glucan yang mudahuntukdiencerkan kembali. Beta-glucan merupakan salah satukomponenpenyusun dinding sel jamur. Komponen lainnya meliputimannoprotein,chitin, plasma membrane dan glycoprotein.Dalam berbagai literatur, disebutkan bahwa jamur panganmemilikiberbagai manfaat kesehatan yang antara lain untukanti-kanker,anti-virus, anti-diabetes, anti-kolesterol, dan mampumeningkatkanstamina dan kebugaran tubuh.Dalam jamur juga terdapat kandungan asam glutamat yangdapatmeningkatkan aroma dan cita rasa masakan. Makanya,diharapkansemakin lama akan semakin banyak masyarakat yangmengonsumsi jamuruntuk mengurangi resiko terkena berbagai penyakitdegeneratif.Eating mushrooms wasnotonly to satisfy the tongue and filling the stomach becausethereare many useful benefits of mushrooms for health.In the mushroom contained immunomodulatory compound thatisbeta-glucan which is very nutritious for human health. Researchonthe benefits of this fungus carried by the Agency fortheAssessment and Application of Technology (BPPT).There are several types of fungi have been studied by a teamofBPPT include Mushroom Merang (Volvariella volvaceae),OysterMushroom (Pleurotus sp), Ear Fungus (Auriculariaauricular),Mushroom Cat (Aagaricus sp), and also Shitake Mushrooms(Lentinusedodes).From the results of these studies, only Shitake Mushroom andwhohas qualified the content of beta-glucan that is easy todiluted.Beta-glucan is a component of the fungal cell wallconstituent.Other components include mannoprotein, chitin, andplasma membraneglycoprotein.In the literature, it is mentioned that the edible mushroom hasavariety of health benefits, among other anti-cancer,anti-virus,anti-diabetic, anti-cholesterol, and can improve staminaandfitness.In fungi there is also a glutamic acid content which canenhancethe aroma and taste cuisine. Hence, it is expected thelonger itwill encourage more people are eating mushrooms to reducethe riskof degenerative diseases.
Nutrisi Ibu Hamil 1.0
disini khususnya untuk para ibu yangsedanghamil anda dapat memberikan asupan untuk si buah hati dengantipsini agar bayi lahir dengan selamat dan sehathere especially forwomenwho are pregnant you can give to the baby's intake with thesetipsthat infants born alive and healthy
Tips to make practical food 1.0
This application can help you in makingapractical and easy meals that you can do at home at anytimefollowing along the way in the manufacture of food
Membuat Makanan Serba Tempe 1.0
Manfaat Tempe Bagi KesehatanNah, setelah Anda mengetahui apa saja kandungan nutrisiyangterdapat pada tempe maka Anda juga perlu untuk mengetahui apasajamanfaat tempe bagi kesehatan tubuh. Berikut ini beberapamanfaattempe.1. Sumber ProteinTempe merupakan sumber protein yang tinggi dengankandungansekitar 18 jenis protein dan asam amino yang mudah dicernatubuh.Sangat cocok untuk mereka yang menjalani diet dan weightlossseperti para atlet binaraga dan fitness mania.2. Menurunkan Risiko Serangan JantungMenetralkan efek negatif kolesterol jahat karenabanyakmengandung lemak tak jenuh majemuk (PUFA), niasin, Omega 3dan 6sehingga dapat menurunkan resiko serangan jantung(koroner).3. Sumber VitaminSumber vitamin (terutama vitamin B) yang sangat bermanfaatuntukmetabolisme sel darah merah, kesehatan kulit dan otot(muscletone), meningkatkan kekebalan dan fungsi sistemsyaraf,meningkatkan hormon pertumbuhan, dan mencegah anemia sertakankerpankeras.4. Menangkal Radikal BebasSebagai penangkal radikal bebas mencegah berbagaipenyakitdegeneratif (aterosklerosis, jantung koroner, diabetesmelitus,hipertensi, dan lain-lain) dan berbagai jenis kanker(pankreas,prostat dan payudara) sekaligus mencegah penuaan dinikarenamengandung antioksidan kuat (3 jenis isoflavon).5. Mencegah AnemiaMengkonsumsi tempe dapat mencegah anemia karenakandunganberbagai mineral yang tinggi dan mudah diserap darahsekaligusmencegah osteoporosis.Tempe For Health BenefitsWell, once you know what the content of the nutrients foundinsoybean then you also need to know what are the benefits oftempehfor health. Here are some benefits of tempeh.1. Sources of ProteinTempe is a source of high protein content of about 18 typesofproteins and amino acids that are easily digested. It issuitablefor those who undergo weight loss such as diet andbodybuildingathletes and fitness mania.2. Lowers Heart Attack RiskNeutralize the negative effects of bad cholesterol becauseitcontains polyunsaturated fat (PUFA), niacin, omega 3 and 6 so astoreduce the risk of heart attack (coronary).3. Source of VitaminsSource of vitamins (especially vitamin B) is very useful forredblood cell metabolism, healthy skin and muscle (muscle tone),boostimmunity and nervous system function, increase growth hormone,andprevent anemia and cancer pankeras.4. Counteract Free RadicalsAs free-radical scavengers prevent degenerativediseases(atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, diabetesmellitus,hypertension, and others) and various types of cancer(pancreatic,prostate and breast) and prevent premature agingbecause itcontains powerful antioxidants (three types ofisoflavones).5. Prevent AnemiaConsuming tempeh can prevent anemia due to high contentofvarious minerals that are easily absorbed blood andpreventosteoporosis.
Snacks Market Nusantara 1.0
Indonesia has long been known by a varietyoftraditional foods. In each area, always had one - even more -thekind of typical food of different flavors which is a marker inthearea where it comes from. Sometimes even a way of makingthesefoods are quite similar, but always have different flavorswhichlater became the hallmark of each of the food. Soto is anexampleof such foods. Taste between Soto Betawi, Malang Soto andSoto /Coto Makassar different from each other.Although some of the traditional foods of cultural influencesfromthe outside, but with a few modifications and spice blend ofspicesthat grow in Indonesia, making the food has a characteristicthatdistinguishes it from typical food then Europe and theUnitedStates. No wonder, even now many foreign food restaurantswereopen, Indonesian food enthusiasts never diminished.
Christian prayer 1.0
Christian prayer for those who wanttofacilitate the practice of prayer and praise god jesus inthisapplication already provides most of the collection ofdailyprayers can be read anytime and anywhere.with the guidance of Christian prayer can be a way of life forthebetter, especially for Christians.
Tips to Remove Lazy 1.0
Lazy is a behavioral habit about a man fornotdoing things that should have to be done and too often put off,sothe lazy will be raised immediately in itself a, try to changethelazy lazy becomes a valuable thing, follow the tips inthisapplication may be able to change the lazy you be fun
snacks burger 2.0
Hamburger (or sometimes called a burger) isakind of food in the form of round bread that is sliced in halfandfilled with patty ditengahnya usually taken from the meat,thenvegetables such as lettuce, tomatoes and onions. For thesauce,burger by various types of sauces such as mayonnaise, ketchupandchili sauce and mustard. Some variants are also equippedburgerwith cheese, pickles, and other supplementary materials suchassausage and ham.Now hamburger sold by fast-food restaurant chain invariouscountries. Burger consumption around the world is verypopularbecause of its delicious taste and practicality, hamburgerscan beeaten while walking brought, often portray the hamburger asthefood according to the times and modern, so the demand isalsoincreasing.
Regional Recipes 1.0
Regional specialties are foodscommonlyconsumed in an area. Characters cuisine in an areagenerallyreflects the character of its people. The mountainous areaofsayurmayur produce food for cold mountain climate, generally hotorspicy cooking department, to keep warm. Residents in coastalareasof frequent contact with strangers or other area that gavebirth tomany dishes that enrich the product mix ofregionalspecialties.
christmas cake 1.0
This application provides a variety of tipsandtaste various kinds of delicious cakes and for those of you whowantto celebrate Christmas and new year, this application issuitablefor the special day menu at Christmas and New Year
Various fried simple 1.0
Assorted fried foods is a simpleapplicationthat provides a taste of cuisine versatile in cooking issuitablefor you who like to eat delicious food, application ofvariousfried This simple easy tips for you to make at home as wellas howthe processing fee that is practical and easy, you can makeit withThese tips
Type Family Medicinal Plants 1.0
Medicinal plants are the types of plantsthathave function and have medicinal properties and are usedfortherapeutic or as well as prevent many diseases, medicinalitselfhas meaning contain active substances that can treatcertaindiseases or if it does not contain certain active substancesbutcontains a resultant effect / synergy of many substances thathavethe effect of treating.The use of medicinal plants as a drug can be given by mouth,taped,so the usefulness of inhaled can fit the concept of cellreceptorswork in receiving chemical compound or stimuli.Medicinal plants that can be used as a drug, eitherintentionallyplanted or growing wild. The plants used by thecommunity to beformulated and presented as a medicine to cure thedisease.Plant medicine is one of the most important herb herbalmedicinalproducts. Medicinal plants are substances derived fromplants thatare still simple, pure, unprocessed. herbs are: plantsor parts ofplants are used as traditional medicine or herbalmedicine, plantpart used for the starting materials medicine rawmaterials.Plants or plant parts are extracted and plant extracts are usedasmedicine. Plant medicine is a traditional medicine consistingofplants that have properties to cure or believed to have efficacyasa drug. Where properties are known from the research and the usebythe public.
Culinary Meatballs Nusantara 1.0
Meatballs or meatball is a kind of ball ofmeatcommonly found in Indonesian cuisine. Meatballs generally madeof amixture of ground beef and tapioca flour, but there aremeatballsmade from chicken, fish, or shrimp. In the presentation,meatballsusually served hot with clear beef broth soup, mixed withnoodles,rice noodles, bean sprouts, tofu, sometimes eggs,sprinkled withfried onions and celery. The meatballs are verypopular and can befound throughout Indonesia; of carts streetvendors to greatrestaurants. Various types of meatballs now widelyoffered in theform of frozen foods sold in supermarkets and malls.Slicedmeatballs can also be used as a complement to other foodssuch asfried noodles, fried rice, or cap cai.
Short Story Funny 1.0
This application is an application thatisdeliberately created humor to entertain the reader
Japanese food 1.0
Cuisine and Japanese food does not alwayshaveto be "food has been eaten by Japanese people forgenerations."Japanese foods vary according to age, social level,and area of​​residence. How to cook Japanese cuisine cookingborrows heavilyfrom the countries of East Asia and Westerncountries. In thecurrent era, the definition of Japanese food isall the food eatenJapanese people and the food is not a nativecuisines of othercountries.In a narrow sense, the Japanese cuisine refers to a varietyofdifferent types of food that is unique to Japan. Food has longandhereditary eaten by the Japanese, but not Japan can not becalled atypical Japanese food. Foods such as gyudon or nikujaga anexampleof Japanese food because it uses the typical Japanesecondimentlike shoyu, dashi and mirin. Food sold house eatingJapanese sobaas sellers and food stalls Kappo also called Japanesefood. Foodscontaining beef Japanese cuisine is often regarded notas a newmeat-eating habits of the Meiji Restoration began about 130yearsago. According to people outside of Japan, a variety of beefdishessuch as sukiyaki and gyudon also include Japanese food. Inbroadterms, if the dishes are made of a new food ingredients knowntothe Japanese participate classed as Japanese food, thenthedefinition of Japanese cuisine is the food that is cookedwithspices unique to Japan.
Various Chinese cuisine 1.0
CUISINE China has a famous delicacy in partsofthe world. Typical cooking techniques, and philosophiescontained ineach of the meals, be the set of pricelesswealth.Among the eight major Chinese cuisines, Cantonese and Szechuanisthe most widely known. Cantonese cuisine is derived from theregionof Guangdong (Canton) in southern China, including Hong KongintoAsia and trade center where thousands of passing ships. That iswhythe most popular tastes of Cantonese cuisine by almosteverycountry in the world.In addition, people easily adapt Cantonese appetite othernations.Many cooking methods used in Cantonese cuisine, includingsteamingand sauteing. Both are considered to be the most easilyandquickly, as well as frying. Sauteing can reduce the lossofnutrients in foods through the cooking process is too long.Cantonese cuisine is also always prioritizes the use offreshingredients and quality in order to get the right flavor. Formosttraditional Cantonese chef, the dish is ready to be balancedandnot greasy. Among the eight major Chinese cuisines,Cantonesecuisine is known for the most diverse and lively becauseusingchoice ingredients and seasonings from herbs and spices.
Teka Teki Lucu 1.0
Aplikasi Teka Teki Lucu adalah sebuahyangberisi tentang kata kata lucu yang tujuan utamanya adalahsebagaisalah satu sarana hiburanApplications PuzzlesCuteis a word that contains the word cute whose main purpose is asameans of entertainment
Masakan Betawi 1.0
Masakan Betawi adalah masakan khas yangberasaldari Suku Betawi di indonesia. Masakan Betawi mudahditemukan diacara-acara tertentu yang diselenggarakan di Jakartaseperti padaacara Lebaran Betawi, pernikahan, hari raya Idul Fitriatau diwarung-warung tertentu yang menyajikan makanan khasBetawi.makanan betawi sendiri menjadi salah satu makanan yang populardiindonesia dengan rasanya yang nikmat dan mempunyaiseleratersendiri
Guest Room Design 1.0
Guest Room is a room that normally occur inthefront part of a house. This room represents a concept promotedbythe whole room and can reflect the life of the homeowner. Thelayoutof the living room is usually also designed so that itslocation canbe adjacent to the dining room so when guests visitedthe house, thehost is easier menjamunya.Perabot and ornamentsfound in this roomusually consists of a set of sofas, curtains,knickknacks decorateroom, carpet, and others. Garnish orknickknacks in the living roomalso reflects the owner Thereforethe living room requires specialattention on the decor so thatguests can feel comfortable in yourliving room. Wasnt for easternculture, the more guests who visitthe more fortune dating sinceguests are considered to bring goodfortune for the homeowner.
DIY Garden Ideas 1.0
Parks is an area that contains amaterialcomponent hardware and software support each otherdeliberatelyplanned and made by humans in their role as a refresherindoor andoutdoor. Amusement parks can be divided into natural andartificialgarden. A common garden is the garden of theresidence,neighborhood parks, playgrounds, recreational parks,botanicalgardens.Landscaping is more specific because it involves aspectsofaesthetics or beauty and arrangement of space to have a functioninexistence. In a garden there are two elements which they workedthefields of software (softscape) and field toughfield(hardscape).Soft field includes planting all kinds of trees, shrubsandgrasses.Field of hard covers making the trail, pool, artificialriver,fountains, manufacture cliffs, laying of natural stone,gazebo,children's play equipment, swings, garden lighting, drainageandwatering systems.Garden arrangement involves adjustments to the space around it,suchas:Park homesoffice parkResidential neighborhood parksCity Parkschool ParkIndustrial parkParks TourismToday almost in every city around the world have alandscapingservice whose job taking care of the planning, creationandmaintenance of parks in the city. All cities aggressivelymanagingpertamanannya to compensate for motor vehicle pollution.Big cityideally have a space of 30 percent of the city'slandscape.
Home Garden Design 1.0
Aplikasi Home Garden Design, garden designisusually made based on the shape of the building or home in ordertocreate the impression that harmoniously. sealalu then this parkisequipped with a garden ornamental species varied, either aloneorflowering leafy
Korea Bouquet Ideas 1.0
Korea Bouquet Ideas is a collectionofapplications that contain pictures Doll Bouquet. Although tucksometiny little hooligans, will not reduce the beauty ofthebouquet.The existence of the doll in the middle of flowerarrangementsjustri give the impression that adorable. Women'sdefinitely like abouquet of flowers.Wreath with this doll into a separate trend in South Korea
Type Drugs And Benefits 1.0
Applications And Benefits Drug type is a setoftypes of types of drugs as well as its benefits, medicine istheobject or substance that can be used to treat the disease,freeingsymptoms, or changing the chemical processes in the body.Drug is asubstance or combination of ingredients that are intendedto beused in establishing a diagnosis, prevent, reduce, eliminate,curedisease or symptoms of disease, injury or abnormality corporalandspiritual in humans or animals and to adorn or beautify the bodyorparts of the human body including traditional medicine.
Glass House Design 1.0
Greenhouse (also called green houses andhouseplants) is a building where plants are cultivated. Agreenhouse isbuilt of glass or plastic; He becomes hot due totheelectromagnetic radiation coming from the sun warms plants,soil,and other things inside the building.The glass used for a greenhouse works as a transmission mediumthatcan select spectral frequencies vary, and the effect is totrapenergy within the greenhouse, which heats the plants and soilin itwhich also heats the air near the ground and the air ispreventedfrom rising to top and flow out. Therefore greenhouseswork bytrapping electromagnetic radiation and preventingconvection.
Tips for Lowering High Blood 1.0
Miscellaneous The symptoms ofhypertensionare:Usually people who suffer from hypertension willexperienceheadaches, dizziness often felt as a result of bloodpressure risesbeyond normal limits.The face will be rosy.In some people will experience a heartbeat pounding.People who have high blood pressure hypertension willexperiencesymptoms such as eye sight becomes blurred orunclear.Frequent urination and difficulty concentrating.Often easy fatigue while doing various activities.Often there is bleeding in the nose or a nosebleed.Symptoms of severe hypertension can cause a person toexperiencevertigo.People who have high blood pressure will usually sensitiveandirritable to things she did not like.Some of the above symptoms are hypertension symptomscommonlyexperienced by people with high blood pressure, if youareexperiencing the symptoms of hypertension you should immediatelygoto the doctor to do a blood pressure monitor. After I tell youthesymptoms of hypertension are commonly experienced by sufferersI'lltell you what are the factors that cause a person affected byhighblood pressure or hypertension.
Asupan Penambah Stamina 1.0
Asupan Penambah Stamina adalah salahsatuaplikasi yang memberikan gambaran kepada anda supaya tetapmenjagadaya tahan tubuh agar tidak mudah lelah dan terserangpenyakit,ikuti cara pola hidup sehat dengan Asupan Penambah Staminadiaplikasi iniStamina Enhancer intakeisone of the applications that give an overview to you in ordertokeep the immune system that are not easily tired anddisease,follow the way of a healthy lifestyle with Stamina Boosterintakein these applications