zqz Apps

蠢蠢纸片大冒险-AR版 1.3
“蠢蠢人生大冒险”也没能阻止你前来送死么?(这句怎么这么熟)好吧!既然你这么有信心,蠢蠢决定走出手机,与你来一炮更加无厘头的实景纸片大冒险。。。实景,实景,实景,重要的事要说三遍!这将颠覆以往传统解谜游戏的思维套路,脑洞需要很大。。。所以,请先玩非AR版的:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zqz.bzAr2,不然,你会感激涕零,污流满脸。。————————————————————这是华丽丽的分割线玩法:前往 https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qXWNIG0,下载并用a4纸打印出来,手机对着纸片进行游戏。"Stupid stupid LifeAdventure" failed to stop what you come to die? (How so familiarphrase) Okay! Since you have so much confidence, stupid stupiddecisions out of the phone, and you come to a real gun morenonsensical paper adventure. . .Real, real, real, important things to say three times!This will subvert the past, the traditional puzzle game thinkingroutine, brain requires a lot of holes. . . So, please play non-ARversion: https:? //play.google.com/store/apps/details Id =com.zqz.bzAr2, otherwise, you will feel grateful, sewage flow face..-------------------- This is a gorgeous dividing lineHow to play:Go https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qXWNIG0,Download and print out paper with a4, mobile game against thepaper.
蠢蠢纸片大冒险-非AR版 1.3
Another historical figure to play bad - Low pollution - Adventure -Puzzle - game. Brother, you come, I promise you do not dirty. .
蠢蠢人生大冒险 2.1
蠢蠢穿越大冒险 1.5
Stupid stupid Series 3: Another low pollution puzzle adventure gamehit. .
蠢蠢喵星大冒险 1.4
经历了前3次大冒险,蠢蠢明白了:地球人很危险,要找很傻很天真的喵星狗。。。于是,某宝淘了个飞行器,直上青天,一场搞笑离奇的喵星大冒险开始了。。温馨提示:游戏中会有一些圣经故事的恶搞,请以娱乐的态度对待,介意者慎下,谢谢!Me:freesprite@qq.comThrough the first threeadventures, stupid stupid to understand: the Earth is verydangerous, looking silly naive meow star dog. . . Thus, a scouringa treasure aircraft straight on the blue sky, a funny meow Starbizarre adventure began. .Tips: The game will have some Bible story spoof, pleaseentertainment attitude, mind carefully, thank you!Me: freesprite@qq.com
神经猫沙漠大冒险 1.2
可怜的喵,可怜的人,在这里,你将会遭遇一场雪花纷飞,泪流满脸的大冒险,整不好,分分钟“痴线”。再次提醒:远离神经猫!Meow poor, poorpeople,where you will encounter a snowflakes, tears his facebigadventure, the whole bad, every minute "crazy line." Again:Keepaway from nerve cat!
直线消除2 4.1
H! 欢迎来到直线消除2,一个只有一横一竖的奇葩消除游戏,画面极其简洁,玩法简单,是一个休闲娱乐的好游戏。玩法简单:让4根(以上)短线连成一根长线,既可消除。 特点: -12种配色方案,总有你喜欢的颜色。-3种道具,灵活运用,冲击高分-简洁流畅的画面动效,让你玩得更舒心。 -没有时间限制,你会觉得很休闲。大家好,我是一名个人开发者,如果有什么疑问或建议,请Q我:freesprite@qq.com
直线消除 1.4
赛车高手-回合制赛车 2.7
游戏规则:赛车每次移动,速度最多只能改变一个方格量,最先冲线的为赢家。-----------------------------------------------------------------操作简单:只需点击位置点。------------------------------------------------------------------共56条赛道:16条基本弯道。24条f1赛道,16条创意赛道。-自定义起,终点位置,让你每关都可以玩出新路线-随机设置路障点,每关都可以变化多样,不再单调 -自已绘制地图。-多种道具:加速,探路,火箭炮,漂移,地雷,巧用道具让你反败为胜。-过程回放,使自己明白哪一步比对方走差了,相信自己下一次会做的更好。-轻松浏览历史成绩:轻划屏幕,便可切换地图。
Lazy Snake 1.3
Have you ever heard of this snake? It needs to stretch its bodytoget food. Use your brain and brawn to help it. 88brainstorminglevels await you! Go get them ! How to play: Slide tomove snakebody Click to shrink snake body
A brain-clearing, pure ascii character style puzzle adventure game!