上海阿牛信息科技有限公司 Apps

选股宝 3.5.0
[选股宝]是华尔街见闻旗下,一款针对A股主题投资的极简资讯推送工具。股市是一门科学,科学讲究逻辑,七亏二平一赚,没赚到钱的人,没掌握逻辑。专业的主题投资,即[选股宝]的逻辑。经历过风雨的投资者都知道——股海淘金,最重要的是思路理清。[选股宝]为你把握每次热点、抓住真正概念、梳理板块趋势。这是一种全新的炒股方式,更是一次全新的财经资讯革命。我们为你:—主题投资:梳理板块,标清龙头—化繁为简:复杂资讯,轻松秒懂—及时推送:财经机会,唯快不破—定制消息:股海纷扰,专注所爱在[选股宝] 里关注自己需要的主题和资讯,我们会第一时间跟踪相关动态,让你轻松、高效、及时地获取股市优质信息。投资用[选股宝],每一次推送都是机会。[Stock treasure] WallStreet's knowledge, a tool for pushing information A minimalisttheme investment shares.The stock market is a science, pay attention to scientific logic,seven losses earned two Ping, who did not make money, did not graspthe logic.Professional investment themes, namely [stock treasure]logic.Experienced investors know the rain - sea stocks gold, the mostimportant thing is to sort out ideas.[Stock treasure] for you to grasp every hot spot and seize the trueconcept of carding plate trend.This is a new way of stocks, it is a new financial informationrevolution.We have for you:- Investment themes: comb plate, leading SD- Simplify: complex information easy to understand seconds- Timely Push: Financial opportunities, but not fast breaking- Custom Message: The stock market turbulence, the focus onlove Follow topics and information they need in [stocktreasure], we will take the first track of related developments,let you easily and efficiently, timely access to qualityinformation on the stock market.Investment by [stock treasure], every push of opportunity.
黄金头条 1.0.0
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华尔街见闻 6.8.4
华尔街见闻-中国领先的金融和商业信息服务商,首创财经信息“实时”模式,重要信息秒级推送。7*24小时全年不间断为用户提供资讯、数据、行情、研究和社区等服务。【使命】帮助投资者理解世界,更好地投资 【荣誉】 多次入选App Store新闻类精品推荐;华尔街投资大鳄罗杰斯盛赞、3000位分析师与基金经理的首选APP;连续多年位列各应用市场财经资讯排行榜榜首,成为影响力超群的财经市场风向标;App Store全球十个国家与地区新闻类付费榜前十名。【优势】全球视野,专业快速华尔街见闻团队分驻纽约华尔街、伦敦金融城、香港中环、上海陆家嘴、北京金融街,7*24小时实时推送,紧盯金融市场行情,资讯内容覆盖股票(A股、美股、港股等)、外汇(人民币、美元、欧元、日元等汇率)、基金、债券、大宗商品、期货、贵金属、黄金、白银、石油、房地产等。【联系我们】官方微信:wallstreetcn 新浪微博:@华尔街见闻APP建议电话:021-60675200联系邮箱:contact@wallstreetcn.com