全球華人藝術網 Apps

藝術家QRcode 2.0
當你站在一幅畫前,是否有想了解更多訊息的時候?立刻拿起智慧型手機,掃描全球華人藝術網的藝術家專屬導覽QRcode,讓藝術隨身跟你走。藝術家專屬導覽QRcode可以依照藝術分類搜尋藝術家,可以找到藝術家其它作品,包含創作年代、創作理念、創作媒材等,讓你再也不用在繁複的網頁尋尋覓覓。獨樂樂不如眾樂樂!歡迎你把藝術家專屬導覽QRcode分享到facebook、噗浪、推特、line,讓藝術成為生活中無所不在的流行。When you stand in frontof a painting, whether it would like to know moreinformation?Immediately picked up smartphone, scan the global Chinese ArtNetwork artists dedicated navigation QRcode,Let go with you artistic carry.Artists dedicated navigation QRcode can follow Art CategorySearch artists, artists can be found in other works, including theCreative Age, creative ideas, creative media, so that you no longerhave the complicated web searching.Independence Better Together! Please send your exclusive guideQRcode artists share facebook, Plurk, Twitter, line, make artbecame popular everywhere in life.
台灣藝術家網站 1.0
藝術家網站-全球最多藝術家加入使用的專屬個人官網擁有7340多位藝術家在此經營提供作品及簡資歷等重要訊息免費加入成為會員就能使用刊登藝文網站。Artist Website - Globalup artists to join the exclusive personal use of the officialwebsite has more than 7,340 works of artists in this business toprovide important information and simple qualifications to become amember you can use the free publication arts sites.
藝術報導 1.0
《全球華人藝術網》致力於視覺藝術、表演藝術的嬗遞,透過即時且具穿透力的「專題報導」,針對藝術市場趨勢,定期專訪各界的專家、學者、企業,邀請該領域代表人物對談,冀望從藝術分享的角度出發,致力於喚起民眾對於藝術的美學感知。除了人物專訪與報導臺灣各地的藝文活動之外,更加入了文化創意產業、藝企合作、時尚設計、科技與生活、公共藝術等專題,讓臺灣文化能夠透過創意行銷的概念,展現更多元且豐富的面貌。"Global Chinese ArtNetwork" is committed to the visual arts, performing artsTransmutation, penetrating through the instant possessed a "specialreport" for the art market trends regularly interviewed expertsfrom all sectors, academics, businesses, inviting representativesof the field Chat, hoping to share from the artistic point of view,is committed to arouse the people to the art of aestheticperception. In addition to reports Interview with cultural eventsthroughout Taiwan, more joined the cultural and creativeindustries, arts enterprise cooperation, fashion design, technologyand life, public art and other topics, so that Taiwanese culturethat through creative marketing concepts, show more Yuan and richlook.
臺灣百大 書法家 1.0
臺灣百年藝術家傳記是台灣政府一百年來第一次為台灣藝術家作有系統的歸類、整理出具有代表性、藝術性、美術地位的藝術家,文建會透過公部門的比賽、徵選、推薦從數萬人、數千人到最後的選出的一百位藝術家代表,可說是萬中選一。回溯臺灣百年美術發展的軌跡,經歷荷西入侵與日本殖民,而全球化下更帶來美國與東南亞文化的衝擊,雖然藝域長河中潛藏著國家政治、社會經濟不斷的變革,卻依然保有自我的民主思想與族群包容性,同時孕育出許多傑出的藝術家,以其兼容的藝術語言闡述文化原委與歷史脈絡,激盪出屬於臺灣人民對藝術的「新詮釋」與「新觀念」。在此種豐沛的文化環境哩,滋養多元的藝術創作型是下,不論在陶藝、雕塑、水墨、油畫、書法等各類藝術裡,有臺灣特有的本土風格,也有傳統的中華文化精神與西方媒材的表現,更有學院派的藝術家與素人藝術的代表;若想在數千位優秀藝術家中去蕪存菁,實屬不易,況且是挑選出一百位出類拔萃的藝術家,更是難上加難。全球華人藝術網有 限公司多年來深研同文同種的傑出藝術家,並長年與藝術家共同耕耘。而今有幸承辦《臺灣百年藝術家傳記》電子書,是一種責任、更是一種使命。從藝術家的生命底蘊到藝術生涯的創作探索,藉由數位典藏的展示,讓許多令人驚嘆的藝術作品,能在建國一百年之際,將臺灣藝術家推向國際與世界交流的舞臺,成為極富百年價值的精神指標。《臺灣百年藝術家傳記》電子書以「立足臺灣,放眼全球」的襟懷,將臺灣百年藝壇風采串連數位雲端平台,共同構築一條脈絡清晰、意義深遠的藝術長河,以此與全國人民慶賀中華民國建國一百。
臺灣百大 油畫家 1.0
臺灣百年藝術家傳記是台灣政府一百年來第一次為台灣藝術家作有系統的歸類、整理出具有代表性、藝術性、美術地位的藝術家,文建會透過公部門的比賽、徵選、推薦從數萬人、數千人到最後的選出的一百位藝術家代表,可說是萬中選一。回溯臺灣百年美術發展的軌跡,經歷荷西入侵與日本殖民,而全球化下更帶來美國與東南亞文化的衝擊,雖然藝域長河中潛藏著國家政治、社會經濟不斷的變革,卻依然保有自我的民主思想與族群包容性,同時孕育出許多傑出的藝術家,以其兼容的藝術語言闡述文化原委與歷史脈絡,激盪出屬於臺灣人民對藝術的「新詮釋」與「新觀念」。在此種豐沛的文化環境哩,滋養多元的藝術創作型是下,不論在陶藝、雕塑、水墨、油畫、書法等各類藝術裡,有臺灣特有的本土風格,也有傳統的中華文化精神與西方媒材的表現,更有學院派的藝術家與素人藝術的代表;若想在數千位優秀藝術家中去蕪存菁,實屬不易,況且是挑選出一百位出類拔萃的藝術家,更是難上加難。全球華人藝術網有 限公司多年來深研同文同種的傑出藝術家,並長年與藝術家共同耕耘。而今有幸承辦《臺灣百年藝術家傳記》電子書,是一種責任、更是一種使命。從藝術家的生命底蘊到藝術生涯的創作探索,藉由數位典藏的展示,讓許多令人驚嘆的藝術作品,能在建國一百年之際,將臺灣藝術家推向國際與世界交流的舞臺,成為極富百年價值的精神指標。《臺灣百年藝術家傳記》電子書以「立足臺灣,放眼全球」的襟懷,將臺灣百年藝壇風采串連數位雲端平台,共同構築一條脈絡清晰、意義深遠的藝術長河,以此與全國人民慶賀中華民國建國一百。
雲端畫廊 3.0
只要下載雲端畫廊APP,就可以享受最新距離最近的畫廊及藝文資訊。雲端畫廊APP可以依照地區、熱門畫廊排行和精準搜尋想找的畫廊,方便掌握畫廊資訊。雲端畫廊APP透過內建的展覽資訊,無時無刻都能搜尋到最新的藝文訊息,讓您隨時都能加入藝文行列。全球華人藝術網的雲端畫廊APP幫您輕鬆經營自己的畫廊。只要用智慧型手機連上雲端畫廊APP,就能建構自己的雲端畫廊,讓畫廊不再侷限於時間和空間,還可以讓更多人搜尋和了解您的畫廊。全球華人藝術網免費代理建置,就算不是電腦能手也可以輕鬆享受雲端畫廊的便利性。在電腦上操作完線上畫廊,便會同步更新到雲端畫廊APP。Just download the cloudgallery APP, you can enjoy the latest nearest galleries and artsinformation.Cloud Gallery APP can follow the regions popular galleries rankingand precise search looking for galleries, easy to grasp galleryinformation.Cloud APP gallery exhibitions via the built-in information, all thetime can find the latest artistic message, so you can always jointhe ranks of the arts.Global Chinese art galleries APP cloud network to help youeasily operate their own gallery.Just use your smartphone to connect to the cloud gallery APP, willbe able to build their own cloud gallery, the gallery is no longerconfined to time and space, but also allows more people to searchfor and understand your gallery.Global Chinese Art Network free agency to build, even if not acomputer expert can also enjoy the convenience of cloudgallery.Operation is completed on a computer online gallery will besynchronized to the cloud gallery APP.
NEWS Global Arts 1.13.1
Platform for the establishment of the "National Arts messages " brings together the National Arts Center ,the message covers the art market mechanism to explore newtechnology as a medium of creative thinking , a new culturalexperience with arts arts space reflection of the industrialeconomy ; free Member Upload : latest exhibitions , literary events, competitions , learning information and reports, published 21 ,combined Google Maps acceleration Visit effectiveness , soregularly offers the latest news in the market , not only thepossibility of new industries to promote artistic creativity , morelife values ​​of an art exchange of practice .
文創商店街 1.0
全台數百家最棒手工藝、如木雕、琉璃、金工、陶藝、編織、藝術書籍、手染、文房四寶等文創商品。Hundreds of TaiwanBestcrafts, such as wood, glass, metalwork, pottery, weaving,artbooks, hand-dyed, four treasures such as cultural andcreativeproducts.
公共藝術網 5.0
「公共藝術」景觀、建築結合了空間、環境、人(公眾的需要)並配合都市、社區發展的需要,在一個空間中作全方位的思考而設置的。公共藝術可視為一種社會過程,而戶外藝術(OutsiderArt)、社區藝術(CommunityArt)或環境藝術(EnviromentalArt)與公共藝術的真義常被混淆。從事公共藝術、空間藝術和環境藝術的設置,它們的本質其實是一樣的,只是規模不同大小的藝術行為而已。諮詢電話:04-23753250"Public art"landscape,architecture combines space, environment, people (thepublic'sneeds) and with the urban and community development needs,in aspace for the full range of thinking and settings. Public artcanbe regarded as a social process, and outdoor art (OutsiderArt),Community Arts (Community Art) or Environmental Art(EnviromentalArt) and the true meaning of public art is oftenconfusing. Engagedin public art, space art and environmental artset, their essenceis the same, but the scale of the art of behaviorat differentsizes.Tel :04 -23,753,250
台灣名家藝術品 1.0
台灣最具代表性的國際級藝術家作品展售、買賣,有書法、 陶藝 、油畫、水墨、雕刻、雕塑,銅雕,陶藝、木雕以最專業的代理銷售的藝術商品(原作及藝術授權)近4萬多件原作品 買賣藝術。書法.油畫近物.人物.風景陶藝 陶.磁.茶壺.使用器皿.工藝 竹編漆器.水墨山水.人物.花鳥國畫.山水.人物.花鳥雕塑木雕.竹雕.銅雕.鐵雕.蛋雕.石雕.泥朔、公共藝術 授權授權買賣台灣最大的藝術網站 圖片授權 產品媒合 文創媒合開發合作Taiwan'smostrepresentative international artists display and sell, trade,thereare calligraphy, pottery, painting, ink, engraving,sculpture,bronze, pottery, wood carvings in the most professionalsalesagents art goods (original and artistic license) Near morethan40,000 pieces of original work dealing Arts. Calligraphy.Canvasnear objects. Figure. Landscape pottery pottery. Magnetic.Teapotusing utensils. Process bamboo lacquer. Ink landscape.Figure. Birdpainting. Landscape. Figure. Bird sculpture carvings.Bamboo.Bronze, iron eagles egg carving. stonework. mud Schomburg,publicart mandate authorizes the art of trading Taiwan'slargestmatchmaking website images licensed products matchingthedevelopment of cultural and creative cooperation
全球藝評人 1.0
「全球藝評人專區」提供一個專業的藝術評論平台給專業的藝評人做言論發表藝術需要的不僅是一種聲音,更需要的是一種獨特的見解!「全球藝評專區」集結資深評論家與新銳藝評者,網羅臺灣視覺藝術、表演藝術領域者,透過對藝文的生活體驗,延伸出更多投資、經營、政策面的討論;也期待透過此網路平台,鼓勵年輕的藝文寫手勇於發聲,形成自由、開放的多元論述風氣,促進臺灣藝文評論與藝文生態的健全發展。全面APP化的《全球華人藝術網》,在現今人手一機的e世代裡,只要你透過一台平板電腦、智慧型手機、數位相機、等科技載體,便可以將最立即的藝術訊息發表在「藝評人專區」,達到「人人關注藝文界,全民皆可為藝評」的境界。我們可以說,藝術結合雲端不只讓科技更加貼近人文生活,亦同時全面改變藝術的資訊價值。"Global art criticzone"to provide a platform for professional art critics whodoprofessional art critic remarks publishedArt need not only a voice, a greater need for a uniqueinsight!"Global Art critic zone" Senior Reviewer and buildcutting-edgearts critics, the quest for Taiwanese visual arts,performing artsand through a life experience to the arts, extendsmore investment,operation and policy side of the discussion; alsolook through thisnetwork platform to encourage young writerscourage vocal arts, theformation of free, open and pluralisticdiscourse culture, artsreviews and arts to promote Taiwan'secological sounddevelopment.Comprehensive APP of the "Global Chinese Art Network", intoday'se-generation staffing a machine, as long as you through aTabletPC, smart phones, digital cameras, and other technologysupport, itcan be the most immediate artistic message published inthe "artcritic zone" to reach "everyone is concerned about theartscommunity, a referendum can serve as art critics." realm. Wecansay that combine the arts closer to the cloud not only forscienceand technology human life and also to alter the artisticvalue ofinformation.