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禅心百合 2.4.3
本书是一册有关人生哲学的通俗故事读本,汇集60余个精短的小故事,由《读者》重点签约作家雪小禅专门撰写。全书文字隽永,哲理深蕴,图文互动,时尚可人。符合青少年读者的阅读趣味。The bookisa popular story readers about the philosophy of life,bringingtogether more than 60 fine short story, specially writtenby the"reader" key contract writer snow small Zen. The text of thebookMeaningful, Shen Yun philosophy, graphic interactive,stylish,pleasant. Young readers reading interest.
一树一菩提 2.4.3
本书是现当代文化名人话题小品集,选录了鲁迅、钱歌川、季羡林、陈冠学、林语堂、郑逸梅、钟敬文、梁锡华、冯骥才、张中行、孙犁、汪曾祺、李霁野等四十一位名家关于草木虫鱼的散文五十余篇。一花一世界,一树一菩提,以灵修之心观自然万物,万物即着灵性,于是文人骚客笔下就有了足具情感色彩的草木虫鱼,或寄之以情,或托以明志。The book is modern andcontemporary cultural celebrities topic comedy set presentsselected Lu Xun, money Utagawa, Ji, Chen Guan Xue, Lin Yutang,Zheng Yimei, Jingwen Liang Xihua, Feng Jicai, Bank of China Li,Wang Ceng Li Jiye forty-one famous insect and fish prose more thanthirty five. Flowers and the world, a Bodhi tree, the heart of thespiritual concept of the natural world, everything that isspiritual, so literati poet pen there is enough emotion-colorinsect and fish, or send them with affection or care to Ming.