동의대학교 Apps

동의대학교 1.5.7
동의대학교 교직원,학생들을 위한 공식 안드로이드 앱 입니다.교직원,학생들의 편의를 위하여 개발하였습니다.메인메뉴1)학교정보: 동의대학교 모바일웹서비스2)학생정보: 수업,수강,학적,성적,졸업,기숙사,등록,장학,취업3)대학원정보: 개인신상변경,개인정보4)교직원정보: 공지사항,강의관련,행정,연구,웹메일5)대학생활정보: 교내식단, 셔틀버스, 학생지원, 날씨정보, Twitter, Facebook6)도서정보서비스: 이용안내,서지정보검색,E-Resource,My Library, 시설예약/조회, 커뮤니티7)교수학습개발센터: 공지사항,교수학습소식,교수학습TIP공유,UCC광장,질문답변,센터일정8)입시정보:수시차,정시,편입학,입시결과,입시상담9)취업정보:채용정보,아르바이트,공지사항,상담신청,취업프로그램일정10)환경설정: 공지사항,버전정보,문의하기, 자동로그인설정차후 꾸준한 업데이트가 진행 될 예정입니다.많이 이용해 주시고, 환경설정->문의하기를 통하여 버그와 개선사항,기능추가 등을 요청바랍니다.문의처 : 동의대학교 전산정보원메일주소 : app_admin@deu.ac.krUniversity facultymembers agree, is the official Android app for students.Faculty, students have developed for convenience.Main Menu1) School information: Dong-Eui University Mobile WebServices2) Student Information: class, attendance, chemical, grades,graduation, dorm, registration, scholarships, employment3) School of Information: personal change, personalinformation4) Faculty Information: announcements, lectures related,administrative, research, web mail5) college information: campus meals, shuttle bus, student support,weather, Twitter, Facebook6) Book Information Service: Service Information, bibliographicsearches, E-Resource, My Library, accommodation reservation /inquiry, community7) Teaching and Learning Development Centre: Announcements, NewsTeaching and Learning, Teaching and Learning TIP share, UCC Square,answer questions, Center Schedule8) Admissions Information: Occasional car, on-time, transferstudents, admissions result, admissions counseling9) Jobs: Jobs, part time, notice, consultation with us, workprogram schedule10) Settings: Announcements, version information, Contact Us,automatic login settingsFuture updates will be steady progress.Please use a lot, Preferences -> Bugs and improvements throughthe Contact Us,For feature requests, such as adding.Contact: Dong-Eui University Computational IntelligenceMail address: app_admin@deu.ac.kr
동의대DOOR 1.0.0
The University agrees DOOR App for faculty and students.
동의대학교 2.0 1.2.2
University of Dongyul faculty, the official Android app forstudents. Developed for the convenience of faculty and students.