비더스토리 Apps

엠블아동병원 1.1
엠블아동병원 모바일 앱입니다.진료예약, 영유아검진예약, 예약확인 및 취소, 진료시간표, 성장곡선, 예방접종 등을 확인하실 수 있습니다.(예약관련은 홈페이지에서 회원가입 후 이용 가능합니다.)----개발자 연락처 :대전광역시 동구 대전로 893 (삼성동,금강빌딩2층)1544-5073bts1@daum.netChildren's Hospital is amobile app preamble.Appointment, infants screening booking, Bookings, Timetables care,growth curve, vaccinations, etc. can be found. (Reservation regard is available after registering on thewebsite.)
밀알두레학교 1.8
이 땅의 황폐화된 교육을 다시 일으켜 세우기 위해 ‘예수님 가르침 그대로’라는슬로건으로 시작한 12학년제 기독대안학교인 밀알두레학교 앱밀알두레학교에 대한 소개와 교육활동 그리고 입학안내를 비롯하여 각 학급별 활동과 공지사항 등을 확인하실 수있습니다.----개발자 연락처 :대전광역시 동구 대전로 893 (삼성동,금강빌딩2층)1544-5073bts1@daum.netDegradation of the landto build a training Rebuild "Jesus taught the same 'as a slogan tostart my Grade 12 Christian Alternative SchoolGrains members Dure School AppAbout Dure grains and educational activities for the school andeach class-specific activities, including admissions and notices,and you can check.
다조인 1.6
다조인은 전기공사업 작업공구 제조업체로 '전선꼬임장치'라는 결선공구를제조생산하며,다조인 전선꼬임장치의 제품안내와 제품사용영상 및 결선작업 등을 확인하실 수 있습니다.----개발자 연락처 :대전광역시 동구 대전로 893 (삼성동,금강빌딩2층)1544-5073bts1@daum.net
비더스토리 경영지원 솔루션 1.4
(주)비더스토리 경영지원 솔루션 앱입니다.업체 특화된 솔루션을 기획-구축해 드리겠습니다.비더스토리의 사업영역, 포트폴리오를 확인할수 있으며 새롭게 업데이트되는 신제품안내를 확인할수있습니다.----개발자 연락처 :대전광역시 동구 대전로 893 (삼성동,금강빌딩2층)1544-5073bts1@daum.net
현미경으로본세상 1.5
(주)코셈 COXEM의 대표 제품인 전자현미경의 원리와 역사를 사진을 통해자세히설명하고, 어느 누구나 직관적으로 쉽게 사용할수 있는 교육용컨텐츠 앱----개발자 연락처 :대전광역시 동구 대전로 893 (삼성동,금강빌딩2층)1544-5073bts1@daum.net
XMW 1.0
Since the establishment in 2010, XMW has beenexploring new markets that require unprecedented products such asKa-band BUCs, multi-band BUCs, and multi or simul-band LNBs. Theseproducts are believed to support new value added services forinnovative service providers and users. Thanks to our continuedinvestment in R&D and othe infrastructure, we could introducemany new SATCOM products that attract more customers worldwide inrecent years.Based on our technologies in SATCOM & Microwave, we've beenexpanding our business to Terrestrial and Aerospace industries in away to make synergy together with on-going SATCOM business. So WSN,Radar, 5G was targeted for Terrestrial as they all requiremicrowave technologies. To expedite and boost business enterance inthese new business areas, XMW collaborates with VTT in Filand andETRI in Korea as long-run R&D partners. Aerospace will be theXMW's ultimate destination as its slogan "Connecting the Earth toSpace". To reach the final destination, we'll need to challenge allkinds of obstacles. As we do for the new Terrestial business, we'llalso be open to partnering with industry leaders inAerospace.By combining three business ares, SATCOM, Terrestrial, andAerospace, XMW hope to position as a global leading company inwireless equipment industry by 2010 and contribute to exploringunknown Universe in the long-run. To realize our goal, we'll bealways at forefront to provide new products and services to thecustomers prioneering new business and building new world with itscorporate value of Harmony, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation.----개발자 연락처 :대전광역시 동구 대전로 893 (삼성동,금강빌딩2층)1544-5073bts1@daum.netSince the establishmentin 2010, XMW has been exploring new markets that requireunprecedented products such as Ka-band BUCs, multi-band BUCs, andmulti or simul-band LNBs. These products are believed to supportnew value added services for innovative service providers andusers. Thanks to our continued investment in R & D and otheinfrastructure, we could introduce many new SATCOM products thatattract more customers worldwide in recent years.Based on our technologies in SATCOM & Microwave, we've beenexpanding our business to Terrestrial and Aerospace industries in away to make synergy together with on-going SATCOM business. So WSN,Radar, 5G was targeted for Terrestrial as they all requiremicrowave technologies. To expedite and boost business enterance inthese new business areas, XMW collaborates with VTT in Filand andETRI in Korea as long-run R & D partners. Aerospace will be theXMW's ultimate destination as its slogan "Connecting the Earth toSpace". To reach the final destination, we'll need to challenge allkinds of obstacles. As we do for the new Terrestial business, we'llalso be open to partnering with industry leaders inAerospace.By combining three business ares, SATCOM, Terrestrial, andAerospace, XMW hope to position as a global leading company inwireless equipment industry by 2010 and contribute to exploringunknown Universe in the long-run. To realize our goal, we'll bealways at forefront to provide new products and services to thecustomers prioneering new business and building new world with itscorporate value of Harmony, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation.
uniplatek 1.1
With its humble beginning as venturedeveloperof plasma surface treatment technology and functionalitypolymer,Uniplatek is now a developer of surface heatingmaterialmanufacturing technology, the high efficient andeco-friendlyheating system, to step as one of the best recognizedcompanies. Weare committed to consumers' health and convenience.Uniplatek's heating film is the product certified by theMinistryof Commerce, Industry and Energy as “Global BestGoodsCertification”, and our PTC element manufacturing technologyforoverheat resistant control certified by the Ministry ofKnowledgeEconomy as “new technology certification(NEI)”. Such goodqualityand excellent technology can made us the leading company ofcleansafe heating area.----개발자 연락처 :대전광역시 동구 대전로 893 (삼성동,금강빌딩2층)1544-5073bts1@daum.netWith its humblebeginningas venture developer of plasma surface treatmenttechnology andfunctionality polymer, Uniplatek is now a developerof surfaceheating material manufacturing technology, the highefficient andeco-friendly heating system, to step as one of thebest recognizedcompanies. We are committed to consumers' health andconvenience.Uniplatek's heating film is the product certified by theMinistryof Commerce, Industry and Energy as "Global BestGoodsCertification", and our PTC element manufacturing technologyforoverheat resistant control certified by the Ministry ofKnowledgeEconomy as "new technology certification (NEI)" . Suchgood qualityand excellent technology can made us the leadingcompany of cleansafe heating area.
이안과병원 1.1
60년의 역사와 전통을 자랑하는 대전 이안과병원 모바일 앱 입니다.모바일 앱으로 통해 상담 및 예약을 쉽게 이용하실 수 있습니다.아울러 저희 이안과병원은 7인의 특화된 의료진을 구성하여 라식, 라섹등 시력교정수술과 백내장수술, 안성형 및사시수술을시행하고 있습니다.'환자 중심의 친절한 병원'이라는 슬로건 아래 환자를 먼저 생각하는 따뜻한 병원을 만들 것을 약속드립니다.----개발자 연락처 :대전광역시 동구 대전로 893 (삼성동,금강빌딩2층)1544-5073bts1@daum.netThe War Ian andhospitalmobile app that boasts 60 years of history andtradition.You can easily access to counseling and booked through theirmobileapps.In addition, Ian and our hospital has specialized staff toconfigureInn 7 underwent LASIK, LASEK eye surgery such as cataractsurgery,anseonghyeong and strabismus surgery.We promise that the first idea to create a warm hospitalpatientsunder the slogan "friendly patient-centered hospital.
탄방엠블병원 1.0
MVL Children's Hospital mobile app. You can checktreatmentreservations, infant check-up reservations,reservationconfirmation and cancellation, treatment timetables,growth curves,vaccinations, and more.