App Information Kuis Ujian SMP
- App NameKuis Ujian SMP
- Paketnamecom.ritekno.kuisujiansmp
- UpdatedSeptember 16, 2016
- DateiUndefined
- Erforderliche Android-VersionAndroid 4.0 and up
- Version1.0
- HerstellerRITEKNO
- Installationen1,000 - 5,000
- PriceKostenlos
- KategorieEducational
- Hersteller
- Google Play Link
RITEKNO Zeig Mehr...
Kitab Majlis Jalsatul Musthofa 1.0 APK
Aplikasi kitab digital Majelis JalsatulMusthofa Habib Bagir Al Habsyi. Berisi adh dhiyaull lami', ratib,lirik Qasidah dan akun media sosial Majelis Jalsatul MusthofaDigital book app AssemblyJalsatul Musthofa Bagir Habib Al Ethiopia. Contains adh dhiyaulllami ', Ratib, lyrics Qasidah and social media accounts JalsatulAssembly Musthofa
Ensiklopedia Penyakit 1.1 APK
aplikasi ensiklopedia penyakit berisipengenalan dan khasiat tanaman herbal, pengenalan penyakit besertapengobatannya secara alami, serta pengenalan jus besertamanfaatnyaencyclopedia applicationprovides an introduction to the disease and the efficacy of herbalplants, the introduction of natural disease and its treatment, aswell as the introduction of juices and their benefits
Info Indonesia 1.0.1 APK
berbagi informasi terkini tentang beasiswa,lomba, lowongan pekerjaan dan informasi menarik lainnya diIndonesia yang membuat kamu makin tahu dan berwawasan.jangan lewatkan info penting dan terbaru untuk anda denganinformasi yang akan selalu diperbaharui tiap harinya.share the latestinformation on scholarships, contests, jobs and other interestinginformation in Indonesia that makes you increasingly know not miss the important and latest information to you with theinformation that will be updated each day.
Sang Pahlawan 1.5 APK
Sang Pahlawan adalah aplikasi yang berisiberbagai cerita perjuangan tokoh pahlawan beserta biografi tokohpahlawan indonesia, sejarah perjuangan dan terdapat game kuistentang pahlawan"Bangsa yang besar adalah bangsa yang menghormati jasapahlawannya"(Soekarno)The hero is anapplication that contains various stories of struggle heroes alongwith biographies of heroes Indonesia, there is a history ofstruggle and quiz game about a hero"Great nation is a nation that respects heros" (Soekarno)
Metro Jambi 1.0 APK
Metro Jambi merupakan portal realtime newsterkini di Jambi, dengan moto berita jambi digital, untukmemudahkan pembaca mendapatkan berita dan informasi secara cepatmelalui media digital.Metro Jambi is a realtimeportal latest news in Jambi, with digital jambi moto news, tofacilitate readers get the news and information quickly throughdigital media.
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Ranking 1 (Satu) 1.3 APK
Game Asah Otak yang akan membuat andaberlama-lama sibuk dengan gadget anda. Soal Permainan cerdas cermatyang berisi dengan soal-soal latihan hingga soal umum. PermainanAsah Otak ini berisi beberapa kategori dan tiap kategori berisi 20soal. Buktikan tingkat pengetahuan anda, dimulai dari leveltermudah hingga secara bertahap akan membuat anda harus berpikirlebih extra. Anda diberi 2 kesempatan untuk salah menjawab atau punkehabisan waktu sebelum game over. Anda juga akan dibantu dengan 3bantuan.Fitur dari Permainan Ranking 1 (Satu):- Bantuan 50:50 Untuk Menghilangkan 2 Jawaban Salah- Bantuan Skip Untuk Melewati Pertanyaan Yang Anda AnggapSulit- Bantuan Timer Untuk Memperpanjang Waktu Pertanyaan- Terdapat Kategori Yang Terdiri 20 Pertanyaan Tiap Kategori- Tiap Kategori Terkadang Lebih Dari 1 Level Permainan- Waktu 20 Detik Untuk Setiap Pertanyaan- 2 Nyawa Untuk Setiap Permainan- Tersedia Leaderboard Yang Berisi Nilai Tiap Permainan- Opsi Menghilangkan Suara, Getar atau pun Waktu Permainan- Update Secara Berkala- Support Ponsel Dan Tablet- Gratis dan Permainan Offline- Game Ringan- Ukuran File KecilGame Ranking 1 (Satu) ini di desain secara umum. Jika andamenyukai permainan seperti kuis tebak kata, teka-teki silang, kuistebak-tebakan, tebak soal mau pun permainan daya pikir. Maka kamijamin anda juga akan menyukai game ini.Game Ranking 1 (Satu) ini sangat cocok dari anak SD hinggaDewasa untuk lebih memperdalam ilmu pengetahuan anda. Anda jugabisa memberikan kritik dan saran lewat Suggestion yang terdapat didalam Permainan Ranking 1 (Satu) ini.Jika anda menyukai Permainan Ranking 1 (Satu) ini silahkan Ratedan Review. Jika anda telah selesai dengan semua level dan butuhlebih banyak soal silahkan langsung email ke kami. Kami akanlangsung melakukan update.Brain game that will makeyou linger busy with your gadget. Problem quiz game that is filledwith practice questions to common problems. Brain games containsseveral categories and each category contains 20 questions. Proveyour knowledge level, starting from the easiest level to graduallymakes you have to think more extra. You are given two opportunitiesto incorrectly answer or run out of time before the game over. Youwill also be assisted by 3 support.Features of the Games Ranking 1 (One):- 50:50 Help To Eliminate 2 Answers One- Help Skip To Past Questions You Think Hard- Help Timer To Extend Time Questions- There Categories Comprising 20 Questions Every Category- Each category Sometimes More Than 1 Level Games- Time 20 Seconds To Every Question- 2 Lives For Every Game- Available Leaderboard That Contains Value Every Game- Eliminate Options Sound, Vibrate or Game Time- Update Regularly- Support Mobile And Tablet- Internet and Offline Games- Game Lightweight- Small File SizeGame Ranking 1 (A) is in the design in general. If you likegames like charades quizzes, crosswords, quizzes guessing game,like any game guess about the power of thought. Then we guaranteeyou will love this game.Game Ranking 1 (One) is very suitable from elementary schoolchildren to adults to further deepen your knowledge. You can alsoprovide comments and suggestions via the Suggestion contained inGames Ranking 1 (A) of this.If you like games Ranking 1 (A) of this please Rate and Review.If you have finished with all levels and it took us more aboutplease email directly to us. We will perform the update.
Cerdas Cermat 1.0 APK
Cerdas cermat dalam definisinya adalah pertandingan atau permainanadu ketajaman berpikir dan ketangkasan menjawab (pertanyaan, soalmatematika, dsb) secara cepat dan tepat. Cerdas cermat biasanyadilakukan oleh siswa-siswa terbaik saja di tiap sekolah dalamsetiap pertandingannya. Jadi yang ikut ya pastilah siswa yangberprestasi yang biasanya dilakukan oleh siswa yang rankingnya 1-3,jadi yang kurang beruntung tidak dapat merasakan pertandingancerdas cermat. Tapi tenang saja, dalam game cerdas cermat yangpastinya dapat mencerdaskan otak ini, kamu bisa menguji kecerdasankamu dengan menjawab soal cerdas cermat SD, soal cerdas cermat SMP,hingga soal cerdas cermat SMA. Sanggupkah kamu menjawab soal-soalcerdas cermat ini satu-persatu dan menjadi juara kelas ? Dalam kuisCerdas Cermat ini ada 10 kategori atau jenis soal mulai dariMatematika (MTK). PKn, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, Biologi,Fisika, hingga Penjaskes. Dalam tiap kategori juga terdapatleaderboard masing-masing. Tempatilah peringkat pertama di tiapkategorinya. Dalam permainannya kamu akan diberikan 20 soal di tiapsesinya dengan waktu 15 menit. Jawablah dengan tepat dan cepat agartidak kehabisan waktu. Score atau point ditentukan oleh benar atausalahnya jawaban juga sisa waktu yang ada. Jadi jika semakin cepatdan tepat maka scoremu akan semakin besar. Jangan lupa adaPEMBAHASAN untuk mengetahui jawaban mana yang benar dan yang salah.Fitur-fitur dalam Kuis Cerdas Cermat ini : - +2000 soal-soal yangtentunya mencerdaskan - +Leaderboard untuk daftar peringkat.Bersaing sehatlah untuk mendapatkan peringkat pertama - +Pembahasanyang akan memberikan kamu pengetahuan lebih dengan cara mengetahuijawaban yang benar
Kuis Anak Indonesia 2 APK
Kuis Anak Indonesia merupaka game edukasi untuk menguji pengetahuanserta wawasan tentang matematika, sains / pengetahuan alam,sejarah, logika, dan bahasa. Selain itu juga terdapat pertanyaanhiburan berupa Tebak Tebakan yang seru dan menyenangkan. Terdapatbeberapa kategori soal yang terdiri dari 1. Matematika 2. IPS Dasar3. IPA Dasar 4. Biologi 5. Sejarah 6. Fisika 7. Kimia 8. BahasaIndonesia 9. Tokoh 10. Teka Teki / Tebak Tebakan 11. Logika / TesIQ 13. Teknologi Informasi Masing-masing kategori soal terdiri dari5 level yang disesuaikan berdasarkan tingkat kesulitannya, dan akanterus update untuk penambahan kategori soal. Pemain yang berhasilmenyelesaikan permainan, nilainya akan di unggah ke papan peringkat/ leaderboard secara online sehingga kamu bisa berkompetisi (duelotak) dengan teman-teman kamu untuk memperoleh skor terbaik. Gameini sangat sesuai untuk menghadapi Ujian Nasional (UN), UjianSekolah SD, SMP, SMA, SNMPTN, tes masuk perguruan tinggi, Tes IQmaupun kompetisi Olimpiade Sains / Cerdas Cermat, atau bahkan untukkamu yang suka bermain game tebak - tebakan maupun tes logika.Dimana pada game ini tiap soalnya diperoleh dari kumpulan BankSoal. Ayo mainkan gamenya, sangat seru dan menyenangkan!
Soal Ujian SMA 1.3 APK
Soal Ujian Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) merupakan permainan edukasiatau pendidikan yang menyajikan soal-soal ujian SMA sebagai saranabelajar para siswa dan siswi. game ini terdiri dari semua kelasmulai dari kelas 10 (sepuluh) sampai kelas 12 (dua belas) yangmemuat pelajaran-pelajaran di sekolah seperti Matematika, BahasaIndonesia, IPA, IPS, Kewarganegaraan, Bahasa Inggris, Seni Budaya,ujian nasional dan Pendidikan Agama Islam, geografi, ekonomi,fisika, biologi, TIK, sosiologi, kimia dan pelajaran lainnya. gameini membuat anda mengasah otak dengan pertanyaan yang disajikan.Pada setiap level permainan terdiri dari 20 soal pilihan berganda.Dengan adanya game ini anda bisa bermain sambil belajar karenatujuan dari game ini adalah untuk edukasi dan mendidik agar lebihcerdas dan cermat dalam mengasah pengetahuan dan wawasan anda.Adapun beberapa fitur yang disediakan dalam permainan Soal UjianSMA ini adalah fitur bermain bersama teman anda untuk membuktikantingkat pengetahuan anda dan teman anda. game ini adalah gameringan dan tidak perlu koneksi internet untuk memainkannya. Semogadengan adanya game ini membuat anda lebih pintar, jenius, menjadiperingkat kelas, cerdas, dan menjadi yang terbaik dalam pendidikan.
Educational Top Zeig Mehr...
Prodigy Math Game 4.0.1 APK
Math practice used to be a struggle — but not anymore. Prodigy,ano-cost math game that’s loved by over a million teachers and50million students around the world, is using game-based learningtotransform education. Prodigy delivers a unique learningexperiencethrough an interactive math game where success depends oncorrectlyanswering skill-building math questions. Players can earnrewards,go on quests and play with friends — all while learning newskills!And the best part? All of our educational content isengaging,effective and completely zero cost. We know that everystudentfaces unique challenges when it comes to math learning.That’s why:• Content is tailored to every player’s strengths andweaknesses •Math questions are fully aligned with state-levelcurricula,including Common Core and TEKS, so Prodigy is alwaysconnected tothe classroom. • 1,400 available skills give studentsthe chance tolearn more and keep growing. For a full list of theskills Prodigysupports, visit Are youa parent?Connect a free parent account today to: •See what mathpracticeyour child is working on •Monitor your child’sunderstanding andprogress •Set goals and give reward to encourageeven more mathpractice! To sign up for your free parent account, >>Want your child to learnmore?<< Youcan use Prodigy to turn playtime into educationtime. Premiummembers level up faster, spend more time answeringmath questionsand get exclusive access to pets, member-only gameareas and extrarewards. To sign up today, Don’twant a membership just yet? All ofour educational content is zerocost and always will be. To learnmore about Prodigy and to getstarted, visit of the American Associationof School Librarians’ Best Websitesfor Teaching and Learning 2018A 2018 Top Pick for Learning fromCommon Sense Education iKeepSafeFERPA Certification iKeepSafe COPPASafe Harbor Certification
LEGO® DUPLO® Circus 1.2.0 APK
Circus is in town - and your child gets to runthe show! From selling the tickets to deciding what tricks theaudience gets to see, this day at the circus will fuel your child’screative play for hours after the show is over.Should the tiger jump through fire or give the ringmaster aride? And what about the seals - should they juggle or play ball?This simple and colorful app lets toddlers take charge - andrewards all their choices with roaring applause from the captivatedcircus audience.LEGO® DUPLO® Circus sets the scene for real life play sessions -with or without DUPLO® bricks - and lets your child experience thepride of accomplishment that is crucial to its development.Features:*Bright, fun, and toddler-friendly animations and soundeffects*Intuitive icons and navigation for easy game play*Based on the DUPLO My First Circus set and familiar animals andcharacters, like Rabbit and Giraffe*Special guest star: LEGO® DUPLO® Batman™ - because sometimessuperheroes like to relax and go to the circus on their dayoff.*No in-app purchases*No third party advertising*Parental gate to information about other LEGO DUPLO apps andproductsAbout LEGO® DUPLO®A preschool building toy specifically designed for children ages 1½- 5 – small hands and big imaginations! Preschoolers can learnabout shapes and colors hands-on. When the chewing-the-bricks phasefades out, the building experience phase takes over, helping tostimulate and improve fine motor skills development. (And yes,bricks-poured-onto-hard-surface noises stimulate other senses,too.)Visit for more build &play inspiration.Visit to find out moreabout other DUPLO apps.For app support contact LEGO Consumer Service.For contact details refer to privacy policy and terms of use for apps are accepted if youdownload this app.Read more on, the LEGO logo and DUPLO are trademarks of the LEGO Group.©2015 The LEGO Group.
Game for kids APK
- Spell game:This is a simple game for children, help children learn how tospell and recognize words in English in a better way. With funnypictures for babies, this simple game has a very good education andhelp improve her English skills every day. The lessons are designedto make your baby smart thinking and can recognize images frompictures, putting together words into syllables to make your babylogic and flexible to identify the structure of words. I hope thatpeople will like it.Thank you very much.How to play: drag and drop the letters to create a word correctlydescribed picture.- Math:Game will help children learn basic math, math addition andsubtraction.
Game Algebra for class 8 1.3 APK
You have the formula of algebra for this gameand pieces of an equation. The equation uses your formula. You mustguess values of a,b and c. You must use Drag and Drop for the rightanswer. You can use tips. Sometimes the tip is the right answer.The tip has a red background. Use the black button near the facefor the tip. When you use the tip, you spend the face. You can getthe face when you have right answer without the tips.
Digimem - lära barn siffror 0.95 APK
Digimem är ett memoryspel för de små barnen!Inga menyer och ingen reklam - endast memory - och träning påtal på köpet. Perfekt för nybörjare!Målgruppen är 3-5-åringar som håller på att lära sig räkna.Första steget är att känna igen siffror och tal, genom deras formoch deras uttalade namn.Kombinationen memory, ett spel som i grunden tränarminnesförmågan, och stora uttalade siffror betyder att barnet kananvända öga, öra och hand samtidigt för att bättre minnas varsiffrorna ligger.Att blanda in flera sinnen samtidigt är effektivt urinlärningssynpunkt. Förhoppningen är därför att denna app snabbttränar upp associationsförmågan mellan siffrornas utseende och dessläte hos barnet.Digimem innehåller talen 0, 1, 2 och så vidare upp till och med9.Om du gillar Digimem, pröva också Alfamem - samma koncept fastmed bokstäver!Programmering, grafik och ljud: Olof BjarnasonMusik: Gustav BjarnasonDigimem is a memory gamefor the little kids!No menus and no commercials - only memory - and training onspeech in the bargain. Perfect for beginners!The target audience is 3-5 year olds who are learning to count.The first step is to recognize numbers and speeches, by their formand their explicit names.The combination of memory, a game that basically are trainingmemory ability, and large expressed numbers mean that the child canuse the eye, ear and hand simultaneously to better remember wherethe numbers are located.The involvement of multiple senses simultaneously is efficientfrom the learning point of view. It is therefore hoped that thisapp quickly train up association ability between the figures lookand its vocalization of the child.Digimem contains the numbers 0, 1, 2 and so on up to andincluding 9.If you like Digimem, try also Alfamem - same concept but withletters!Programming, graphics and sound: Olof BjarnasonMusic: Gustav Bjarnason
2º Ano - Vol. 2 1.0.2 APK
Os aplicativos do J. PIAGET – Sistema deEnsino Multimídia voltados para o 2o ano do Ensino Fundamentalforam criados para desenvolver e ampliar os seguintes conteúdos:História: Funcionários da escola / Escolas de outrostempos.Língua Portuguesa: Uso de M e N.Ciências Naturais: Dia e noite / Recursos naturais.Geografia: Escola bem localizada / Localização em sala deaula.Matemática: Adição / Centena.Há também um jogo interdisciplinar para trabalhar,simultaneamente, habilidades que envolvem os conteúdos de LínguaPortuguesa (Gênero textual blog), História (A escola em diferentestempos) e Geografia (Localização e trajeto até a escola).Para funcionar, esse aplicativo depende de um código de ativaçãoque é fornecido pelo Sistema de Ensino apenas para escolasconveniadas. Entre em contato conosco para mais informações.Applications J. Piaget -Multimedia Learning System facing the second year of elementaryschool have been created to develop and expand the followingcontents:History: School Staff / Schools of yesteryear.Portuguese Language: Use of M and N.Life Sciences: Day and night / Natural Resources.Geography: well located School / Location in the classroom.Math: Addition / Hundred.There is also an interdisciplinary game to work simultaneouslyskills involving the Portuguese language content (textual blogGenre), History (The school at different times) and Geography(location and path to the school).To work, this application depends on an activation code that isprovided by the education system only to the accredited schools.Please contact us for more information.
Fact or Opinion 2.1 APK
** Happy Frog Apps is a Mom's Choice awardwinner. Our apps are featured on, and more! **'Fact or Opinion' builds an important comprehension skill in afun, game-like environment. All kids need to know how to interpretwhat they read -- it is a fact, or is it someone's opinion?This skill is especially important as they reach the age ofaccessing information from the internet.'Fact or Opinion' is targeted to children in Grades 2-5.Beginning readers in earlier grades can also benefit from thetargeted skill development.The focus of 'Fact or Opinion' is teaching kids how to identifywhether a statement is a fact or opinion.This vital skill is built incrementally. Early levels focus onthinking about how to prove and fact/opinion and also how toidentify the clue words that are indicative of a fact or opinion.Later levels include timers to ensure fluency.The app includes more than 300 examples for extensivepractice.Key Benefits:- Builds comprehension skills step-by-step until mastery.- Incremental learning. New levels are unlocked only when yourchild is ready.- Frustration-free learning. Your child will always be guided tothe correct answer.- Fun and engaging Reward Center to increase motivation.- Easy parental review. Just check out the stars to see how yourchild is doing.- Content designed by professional teachers and researchers.- Advanced levels include timers to ensure fluency. Researchshows fluency in the foundation skills is critical to readingcomprehension.- Can be used independently (just hand it over: your child willknow what to do!) or with a therapist/parent for readingintervention.- Provides extensive reporting for up to 10 students to suit theneeds of parents, teachers and therapists.Our apps are designed for and tested by typical and specialneeds children. Testers include children with Autism and otherspecial needs. Our apps work for them!While you're thinking about reading, check out our other apps take customer service very seriously! If you ever have aproblem or find that we've missed something, contact us at ourwebsite and we will do our best to fix the problem.We collect NO private information in our app. None! Our apps donot allow unrestricted web access. We comply with COPPA and aremembers of the prestigious Moms with Apps organization for qualityeducational app developers.
Kids Learn to Read APK
Already enjoyed by over five million families,Kids Learn to Read is a delightful game that invites preschool-agedchildren to blend sounds into words, read and form simple words,identify spoken words and learn word families.Its six sections include:★ Magic Letter Bridge: kids learn to blend letter soundsinto words by moving Tommy the Turtle across the letterbridge★ Skateboards and Helmet: children practice reading as theyare asked to fit Tommy's animal friends with skateboards andhelmets.★ Turn the Blocks: kids make words in a way that's fun byturning real-looking blocks with letters on each side until theword is spelled out.★ Word Ball: children learn to identify spoken words byhelping Tommy bat the right ball★ Word Magic: kids learn about word families as they fillthe corresponding pot with potion and watch magic happen★ Rocket Words: children get to practice word families asthey assemble and launch a rocket into spaceIf your children do not know the alphabet sounds yet, we recommendour Kids ABC Phonics app. And if your kids need to learn orpractice the names of the letters, try our Kids ABC Lettersapp.Every section is designed to let children enjoy success time aftertime and receive positive reinforcement from the likable teacher,so they want to keep learning. Once your child is involved andhappy, you can relax, with the assurance that he or she is having agreat time - and learning.