1.6.5 / December 20, 2016
(2.8/5) (15)


Mi RA Realidad Aumentada es un visualizador deRealidad Aumentada creado por Mítica Technology.

Gracias a esta aplicación, es posible visualizar cualquier tipode contenido digital (virtual) asociado a un marcador físico (unaimagen, texto u objeto real).

La tecnología MiticAR no sólo permite visualizar el contenido deRealidad Aumentada, sino también ofrecer al usuario la posibilidadde visualizar el contenido con Realidad Aumentada en redes socialescompartiendo una simple captura de pantalla y promocionar el uso dela tecnología o darle publicidad a su marca.

FIX 1: SOLUCIÓN SI NO SE VE NADA EN PANTALLA:La solución cuando,al iniciar la App, no se ve nada o aparecen unas líneas con formasdiversas, es conceder permisos a la cámara al instalar la App en eldispositivo por primera vez.

Si ya la tienes instalada, por favor realiza lo siguiente:

Si el usuario se va a "Ajustes del dispositivo/Aplicaciones/MiRARealidad Aumentada/Permisos" y se conceden los permisos, al cerrarcompletamente la aplicación e iniciarla de nuevo, la App funcionacorrectamente.

My RA is a displayAugmented Reality Augmented Reality created by Mitica Technology.

Thanks to this application, you can display any type of(virtual) digital content associated with a physical marker (animage, text or real object).

The MiticAR technology not only allows viewing the content ofAugmented Reality, but also give the user the ability to viewcontent with Augmented Reality in social networks sharing a simplescreenshot and promote the use of technology or to publicize theirbrand.

FIX 1: SOLUTION IS NOT SEE NOTHING ON SCREEN: The solution when,when you start the app, you see nothing or appear lines withvarious forms is grant permissions to the camera when installingthe app on the device for the first time.

If you already have it installed, please do the following:

If the user is going to "Device Settings / Applications / MiRAAugmented Reality / Permits" and permissions are granted tocompletely close the application and start it again, App workscorrectly.

App Information MiRA Realidad Aumentada

  • App Name
    MiRA Realidad Aumentada
  • Paketname
  • Updated
    December 20, 2016
  • Datei
  • Erforderliche Android-Version
    Android 4.0 and up
  • Version
  • Hersteller
    Mitica Technology
  • Installationen
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • Kategorie
    Video Players & Editors
  • Hersteller
    Visit website Email info@miticatechnology.com Privacy Policy
    C/Miguel Faraday 20 Edificio Charmex Green Building - Parque empresaria "La Carpetania" 28906 Getafe (Madrid)
  • Google Play Link

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MiRA Realidad Aumentada 1.6.5 APK
Mitica Technology
Mi RA Realidad Aumentada es un visualizador deRealidad Aumentada creado por Mítica Technology.Gracias a esta aplicación, es posible visualizar cualquier tipode contenido digital (virtual) asociado a un marcador físico (unaimagen, texto u objeto real).La tecnología MiticAR no sólo permite visualizar el contenido deRealidad Aumentada, sino también ofrecer al usuario la posibilidadde visualizar el contenido con Realidad Aumentada en redes socialescompartiendo una simple captura de pantalla y promocionar el uso dela tecnología o darle publicidad a su marca.FIX 1: SOLUCIÓN SI NO SE VE NADA EN PANTALLA:La solución cuando,al iniciar la App, no se ve nada o aparecen unas líneas con formasdiversas, es conceder permisos a la cámara al instalar la App en eldispositivo por primera vez.Si ya la tienes instalada, por favor realiza lo siguiente:Si el usuario se va a "Ajustes del dispositivo/Aplicaciones/MiRARealidad Aumentada/Permisos" y se conceden los permisos, al cerrarcompletamente la aplicación e iniciarla de nuevo, la App funcionacorrectamente.My RA is a displayAugmented Reality Augmented Reality created by Mitica Technology.Thanks to this application, you can display any type of(virtual) digital content associated with a physical marker (animage, text or real object).The MiticAR technology not only allows viewing the content ofAugmented Reality, but also give the user the ability to viewcontent with Augmented Reality in social networks sharing a simplescreenshot and promote the use of technology or to publicize theirbrand.FIX 1: SOLUTION IS NOT SEE NOTHING ON SCREEN: The solution when,when you start the app, you see nothing or appear lines withvarious forms is grant permissions to the camera when installingthe app on the device for the first time.If you already have it installed, please do the following:If the user is going to "Device Settings / Applications / MiRAAugmented Reality / Permits" and permissions are granted tocompletely close the application and start it again, App workscorrectly.
Catalogue of Inhiset S.A. 1.13 APK
Mitica Technology
Product catalogue of Inhiset S.A. with augmented reality designedby Mitica Technology: http://miticatechnology.com/es/. The markersthat generate augmented reality are located on:http://www.inhiset.com/attachments/article/62/Triptico_INHISET_2014.pdfThe app shows 3D models, sample videos, process animation andhyperlinks. The following markers are included: -Scroll bar-CheckCAD -Multi-use column -Multiple position damping trim -Wiringdiagrams -Inhiset map in Spain Inhiset products: -MechanicalEngineering, design and CAD/CAM development. -Electrical Systems,wiring diagrams and electric routing. -Design, development andmanufacture of parts and equipment. -Interiors refurbishing:Cabins, consoles, virtual model study and visualization. -Design,development and assembly of special machinery. -Design andmanufacture of PROTOTYPES. -Finite element analysis andcalculation-simulation. -Documentation, manuals, assemblyinstructions,...
Ayuntamiento Arjona 1.5 APK
Mitica Technology
Instrucciones de la realidad aumentada- Apuntar con la cámara al marcador- Tocar una vez a la pantalla para enfocar la cámara- Tocar dos veces a la pantalla para entrar en el menú de opcionesApunte históricoArjona población rural situada geográficamente en ladenominada"Campiña Norte" de la provincia de Jaén. Su ubicación,sobre unaloma de 458m de altura , la hace ser visible desdedistintos puntosde la provincia. Su pasado histórico hunde susraíces en la Edad deBronce, transformándose en un "Oppidum Ibero",que vivirá tras laconquista romana, uno de los periodos masgloriosos como MunicipioAlvense Urgavonense.La Edad Media transforma la fisionomía urbana de la ciudad ysussistema defensivo, siendo este, testigo en 1195, del nacimientodesu hijo mas ilustre, Ibn Al-hamar, quien años mas tarde,fundaríael Reino Nazari de Granada y Alhambra. La ReconquistaCristiana en1244 a manos de Fernando III, marca el inicio de unanueva etapa,donde toman protagonismo las construcciones de templosreligiosos,hoy parte fundamental de su patrimonio. Los "Sucesos"acontecidosen 16278, exalta el fervor religioso a sus SantosPatronos, SanBonoso y San Maximiano, transformando a Arjona en unSantuarioExpiatorio.El pasado mas reciente de este Municipio destaca una fecha, 1891,enla cual, la regente María Cristina de Habsburgo, le otorga eltitulode Ciudad. La posterior instauración y consolidación delademocracia, hace que se valoren aspectos patrimoniales,apostandode forma decidida por la conservación, puesta en valor ydifusióndel patrimonio local, inventando a cada instante, una nuevaformade ser: natural, original y única; para ser compartida contodoaquel que se acerque hasta ella.Teléfono de información turística y solicitudes derutasturísticas- 953523325 : de lunes a viernes- 669968626 : tardes y fines de semana- www.visitarjona.com©2014 Mitica Technology: http://miticatechnology.com/es/Instructionsaugmentedreality- Aim the camera at the marker- Tap once on the screen to focus the camera- Double tap the screen to enter the options menuHistorical noteArjona rural town located geographically in theso-called"Countryside North" of the province of Jaén. Its location,on ahill 458m high, makes her visible from different parts oftheprovince. Her historical past rooted in the Bronze Age, becomingan"oppidum Ibero" which will live after the Roman conquest, oneofthe most glorious periods as AlvenseUrgavonenseMunicipality.The Middle Ages transforms the urban physiognomy of the city anditsdefense system and this will witness in 1195, the birth of itsmostfamous son, Ibn Al-Hamar, who years later would found theNazariKingdom of Granada and Alhambra. The Christian Reconquest in1244 atthe hands of Fernando III, marks the beginning of a newstage, wherethey take center stage constructions religioustemples, todayessential part of their heritage. The "events"occurred in 16278,exalts the religious fervor to their patronsaints, San Bonoso andSt. Maximian, transforming an expiatoryArjona Sanctuary.The more recent past of this municipality out a date, 1891, inwhichthe Regent Maria Cristina of Hapsburg, gives the title ofCity. Thesubsequent establishment and consolidation of democracy,makeseconomic aspects are valued betting decisively forconservation,enhancement and dissemination of local heritage,every momentinventing a new way of being: natural, original andunique; to beshared with everyone who comes to her.Telephone requests for tourist information andtouristroutes- 953523325: Monday to Friday- 669968626: evenings and weekends- Www.visitarjona.com© 2014 Mitica Technology: http://miticatechnology.com/es/
MiticAR 1.1 APK
Mitica Technology
Mitica Technology was founded withonechallenge in mind: to bring the technological world closer tothereal world, adapting it to the needs of both individualsandcompanies.It is a young and innovative company inside thetechnologicalsector that works hard each day to offer personalizedsolutions toeach client, providing the best options to be able toturn eachidea, each concept and each design into reality.We try to shorten the distance between the world of researchandthe world of development so that our society can evolve at thesamespeed as technology.To do that, we have agreements with top universities wherethelatest technology is being developed, always applying ouruniqueworld vision so that all our products are designed with afocus ontheir functionality.Within our product range at Mítica Technology we can provideourclients with audiovisual solutions that can be adapted to newneedsin the field of information projection (immersive rooms,augmentedreality, projections, etc.)We develop software applications on a professional level thatarefocused on easing our clients work (Digital Checking ToolandModification Tracker, configurators, animations, graphene…). Allofthese applications are focused on providing real solutions forourclients and trying to advance ourselves and our worldeveryday.We commit to: working hard each day so that each day isbetterthan the one before. Only then will we be able todistinguishourselves from the rest. And to reach this goal, MíticaTechnologyis made up of a multi-disciplinary team of professionalswhoprovide different perspectives in order to reach a globalsolutionthat responds to our clients real needs.At Mítica Technology, we care about the environment; webelievethat development should be based on building on what we haveandmaintaining it, not destroying it. As such, we advocatesustainabledevelopment and environmental awareness in both how wework and theproducts we create.
DuomoAR 1.0.0 APK
Mitica Technology
DuomoAR es un visualizador de Realidad Aumentada quepermitevisualizar cualquier tipo de contenido digital (virtual)asociado aun marcador físico (una imagen, texto u objeto real). Latecnologíaintegrada en esta App no sólo permite visualizar elcontenido deRealidad Aumentada, sino también ofrecerle laposibilidad devisualizar el contenido con Realidad Aumentada enredes socialescompartiendo una simple captura de pantalla.