Top 8 Games Similar to A Life worth dying for

Brain N-Back Prime 1.4.8
Philip Nguyen
What if a simple mental exercise could improve your memoryandintelligence?
Memory Dual N-Back 1.0
A fun brain training game that improves your memoryandintelligence.
N-Back Brain Game Lite 4.3
If you want to sharpen your mental ability, try N-Back Game !
Dual N Back Pro 1.06
Mindware Lab
Gamified dual n-back brain training.
Smarty N-Back - A Quadruple N 1.0.1
M. L. Laclau
Download, play and challenge yourself with this Quadruple Nbackapp!
Owlie - Brain Game 0.1.5
Brain training game based on N-back memory task proven toimproveintelligence. Owlie is a cognitive workout based on N-backmemorytask that is scientifically proven to increase workingmemory, andimportantly, fluid intelligence – which was previouslythought tobe unchangeable! Owlie is more than just a dual N-backgame. Youcan play with 4 audio-visual stimuli in 15 different gamemodes atyour preferred turn speed to work through 10 N-back levels.It iseasy to learn, yet challenging to excel at. You willgainincredible satisfaction from pushing your limits and unlockingnewlevels. This game is suitable for all age groups. Owlie canhelpimprove your memory, concentration and reaction speed. It’s funtoplay. And yeah, it’s free! WHY N-BACK? Exercising your brain withadual N-back memory activity over a consistent period of timecannot only enhance your working memory, but extend the benefittoother cognitive functions. This is one of the mostpromisingresearch studies in cognitive neuroscience in recent times(SusanneJaeggi’s originalresearch: challenges you to remember independent sequencesofstimuli presented simultaneously in N previous game turnsandcontinually find matches between stimuli in the current turn andNturns back. This task gets inconceivably demanding and excitingasyou progress to 2-back (level 2), 3-back (level 3) andhigherlevels. The longer and harder you train, the more effectiveit isstudied to be. MENTAL HEALTH IS EVERYTHING Brain training withanN-back game will not do it all. There are many facets tokeepingyour mind sharp and fit: • Sleep: Get your 8 hours sleep. •Diet:Eat healthy and cook more often. • Exercise: Play yourfavoritesport. Or just workout. • Use your brain: Engage in avariety ofmentally stimulating activities, without multi-tasking. •Recreate:Relax and manage stress. • Accept yourself: Be happy andcontent.Smile. • Mingle: Socialize, but build caring relationships.•Communicate: Express yourself. • Detoxify: Avoid smoking anddrinksensibly. • Travel: Take time out and explore. • Staymotivated:Pursue your dreams. • Brain-train: Allocate some gamingtime forN-back workouts. Is mental wellness worth all this effort?Youbetcha! But where do you start? From the top (sleep)!FEEDBACKPLEASE Please support us by providing your valuablefeedback. We’dlove to hear what you liked and didn’t like aboutthis game,especially if you are rating us less than 5-star. Thanksmuch! Weare actively working on enhancing your gaming experienceand fixingbugs. An elaborate documentation/FAQ section is comingsoon. ♥ ♥ ♥This app is for all brain fitness enthusiasts to playand enjoy! Itis also a special dedication to people with learningor cognitivedisability. Join us in creating greater awareness ofbrain healthand mental wellbeing! ♥ ♥ ♥
Single N-Back 1.0
Martin Ankerl
Single N-Back is a game designed to increase yourfluidintelligence.You are shown a sequence of numbers and yourtask isto click thebutton if you see that the current numbermatches theone from Nsteps earlier in the sequence. For example,in 2-Back,when you getthe sequence 2, 8, 9, 1, 9 you should pressthe buttonbecause thelast number 9 is the same as the number shown2 stepsback. You startwith 2-Back, and if you manage to get morethan 80%correct, you canunlock the next N-back level. Have fun!
N-Back Brain Game PICTURE 1.7
Train your working memory withthisnovelversion of 'N-Back Game' offering IMAGE recognition!--> POSSIBILITY to add your own PICTURES !The player is presented with a sequence of stimuli(visualandaudio), and the task consists of indicating whenthecurrentstimulus matches the one from 'N' steps earlier inthesequence.The load factor 'N' and numbers of stimuli can beadjustedto makethe task more or less difficult.Comes in different audio language :- English- French- German- Russian- Spanish- & PIANOSimple / Dual nback with IMAGE recognition mode.A STATISTICAL tool is provided to monitor daily Evolution.The game is configurable (speed, notifications, level, ...)***If you rate with less then 4 stars, please leave a comment.ThiswayI can improve this app.If you like the app please consider to buy the donateversion: