Top 6 Apps Similar to Minat Bakat

Tes Sidik Jari NOV16
Superlink ID
Tes Sidik Jari adalah aplikasiuntukmengetahuikepribadian melalui 10 pola jari di tangan.Aplikasi ini bisa mengetahui:1. Kecerdasan Majemuk / Multiple Intelligence2. Kecerdasan Emosi3. Gaya Belajar4. Kepribadian DiriFingerprint Testisanapplication to know the personality through 10 patternsoffingerson a hand.This application can know:1. Multiple Intelligences / Multiple Intelligence2. Emotional Intelligence3. Learning Styles4. Personality Self
Sidik Jari Bakat 16.0
Aqila Course
Aplikasi yang memudahkan untuk memetakanBakatTerpendam berdsarkan Sidik JariPola sidik jari susah untuk dilihat langsung, lebih baik gunakanlup(kaca pembesar) atau cap dengan stempel cap.apabila salah dalam memilih pola maka berakibat kesalahandalampenafsiran sifat dan Bakat.Hasil dari Analisis Aplikasi ini benar-benar dihitungdandisimpulkan berdasarkan data-data yang diinput sesuai polasidikjari Anda.Mohon untuk Lebih teliti saat input Data.Cara Perhitungannya saya ambil dari beberapa pustaka sebagaiberikut:Daftar Pustaka that makeiteasier to map the Buried Talent berdsarkan FingerprintThe fingerprint pattern is difficult to be seen directly, betterusethe screen magnifier (magnifying glass) or seal stamped withtheseal.if you chose the wrong pattern then result in errors intheinterpretation of the nature and Talent.The results of the analysis of these applications reallyarecalculated and summed up based on the data that is input tothepattern of your fingerprint.Please for more thorough when input data.Calculations way I take from several libraries as follows:Bibliography
Tes Kepribadian Dominan 1.0
Hamam Nasrodin
Kepribadian adalah suatu organisasiyangdinamisdari sistem psiko-fisik indvidu yang menentukantingkahlaku danpemikiran indvidu secara khas. TerjadinyaInteraksipsiko-fisikmengarahkan tingkah laku manusia.Dengan mengetahui kepribadian anda sendiri di harapkanandabisalebih mengerti tentang diri anda sendiri danmengembangkandirimenjadi seseorang yang lebih baik.Personality isadynamicorganization of psycho-physical system indviduthatdeterminebehavior and thinking typically indvidu.Thepsycho-physicalinteraction directs human behavior.By knowing your own personality in the hope you canunderstandmoreabout yourself and develop into a betterperson.
IQ Test Preparation 2.2.2
This unique Application for IQ test preparation containshundredsofcarefully selected questions on ten different topic areastocover acomplete range for IQ test preparation alongwithcomprehensiveexplanations and tips and tricks to solvedifficultproblems andimprove lateral-thinking. “IQ testpreparation” alsoprovides anopportunity to test your level ofpreparation in theform of 5, 10and 20 minutes test. This is anupdated version whichincludes lotof additional features along withalready availabledistinctivefeatures. Our application covers manyIQ and aptituderelatedcategories such as Visual Patterns, NumberandAlphabeticalsequence, Mental Arithmetic, Logical reasoning,VerbalAptitude,Relationship Problems, Time and date Problems,AgeProblems, Speed,time & distance and Work, Profit &Lossrelated problems.Perfect for school, college anduniversityentrance test and alsofor general use to improve mentalhealth. Nowin latest version youcan participate in daily, weekly& monthlyIQ contests &competitions. In those IQcompetitions people fromall over theworld participate and at theend of the test period,positions areannounced. Now you can alsoparticipate in realtime IQTests bychallenging other online members.Features of the IQTestPreparation 2020 App: 1. Simple and Easy touse User Interface2.Detailed Explanation for each question to clearyour doubts3.Answers are displayed at the end of each test to helpyouimprove4. Practice before attempting a test with our FreePracticeTestwith detailed solutions 5. Advanced Tests thatguarantee yourIQbuilding 6. Join Daily, Weekly and MonthlyChallenges andcompetewith others around the world 7. Solve thedaily challengesto giveyour logical reasoning skills a boost 8. Seeyour rankingsandmotivate yourself to improve your IQ level 9. Appis free touse.Test your IQ Level for Free with this IQ TestPreparation 2020AppTopics Covered in IQ Test Preparation 2020 App:1. VisualPatterns2. Number Patterns 3. Alphabetical Sequence 4.MentalArithmetic(Mental Maths) 5. Date and Time Questions 6. TimeSpeedandDistance 7. Verbal Aptitude 8. Logical Reasoning 9.BloodRelationProblems 10. Age Problems 11. Profit and Loss It’sFree! SoWhynot? The IQ Test Questions Provide you the latestupdatedquestionsimportant for job exams and other career entrancetests.If youhave any queries, issues, or feedback drop us a messageandwewould look forward to you.
Psychology Course 80.0
Psychology course, analyze and understand human behavior.
Bank Soal Tes Masuk Kerja 1.2
Media Cerdas
Psikotes merupakan bagian yang harus Andalaluipada proses rekruitmen untuk pegawai pemerintah (PNS/BUMN)maupunkaryawan pada perusahaan swasta. Tes yang akan dilaluiberbeda-bedasesuai dengan kebijakan suatu perusahaan. Tes yangakan Anda hadapibisa saja dalam bentuk Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA),Tes KemampuanUmum (TKU), Tes Bakat Skolastik, ataupun GeneralAptitude Test(GAT).Aplikasi ini berisi beragam tipe soal psikotes yang kerapdiujikandalam tiap tes seleksi, mulai dari psikotes verbal,psikotesnumerikal, psikotes logikal, hingga psikotes spasial.Setiap soalyang terdapat dalam buku ini dilengkapi denganpembahasannya.Dengan begitu, Anda diharapkan dapat memahami secaradetail danterperinci bagaimana cara mengerjakan soal-soaltersebut.Psychological test isthepart that you must go through the recruitment process forpublicservants (PNS / SOE) as well as employees in privatecompanies.Tests to be traversed vary according to the policies of acompany.Tests that you will encounter can be in the form ofAcademicPotential Test (TPA), General Ability Test (TKU),Scholastic TalentTest, or the General Aptitude Test (GAT).This application contains various types of psychologicaltestquestions that are often tested in each test selection,startingfrom a psychological verbal, psychological numerical,logicalpsychological test, psychological test spatial up. Anymattercontained in this book comes with its discussion. By doingso, youwill understand in detail, and detail how to dosuchquestions.