Top 2 Apps Similar to Energiteknolog

Fagerberg 1.2
The Gustaf Fagerberg calculating tool offersafast and easy way to estimate kv-values for control valves.There are calculations for three different common medias:Water,saturated steam and air. By putting in the flow rate, up-anddownstream pressure and temperature (for water and air),theprogram estimates the kv-value.The kv-estimation is a useful guide line which gives an idea ofthecorrect valve type and –size, and/or to determine if aninstalledvalve has the required capacity.The results are calculated from basic and commonly knownformulasfor water, saturated steam and air, the two latter bothwithcritical and non critical pressure drop,Note the calculations are basic and the results shall only beusedas guide lines.The flow rate is for water entered in m/h or kg/h, forsaturatedsteam in kg/h and for air in Nm³/h. The unit for up- anddownstreampressure is bar a, and for temperature °C.Enjoy!
Domksy & Domsky GbR
GESTRA CALCUquick is a calculation programforusers in the field of steam and condensate technology, where ithasbeen very popular for many years. And now it is available as afreeapp for mobile phones, to help you in your everyday work.Overview of calculations:Unit calculatorPressure, temperature, length, mass,volume, specific volume, flowrateoutput, heat, specific heat, enthalpySteam parameter calculationsSaturated steam table,superheated steam, overheating temperature,flash steam flowrate, amount of coolant,saturated steam losses,output flowrate of safety valvesCalculation of condensate flowrateSteam boiler-based calculationsWater-based calculationsPipe-based calculationsFlow velocity, nominal size, flowrate,manifold pipe, pressure losses, content,shell area, cross-sectional area, circumferenceGeneral calculationsKv values,actual cubic metres of gas in standard cubic metres,mass flowrate in volume flow,mass flowrate of steam in volume flow