Top 17 Apps Similar to WW1:Fromelles and Pozieres

World War One - WW1 For Kids 1.1.1
How did the fist world war start and why? What was it like beingasoldier in the trenches? What did it mean to go over the top?WW1for kids is now available for iPad : at Learn about the origin oftheconflict, life in the trenches, the major battles, the weapons,theWar in the Air and at Sea, and find out why Animals were to playanimportant part in World War One. A comprehensive, educationalandinteractive experience to learn about the Great War.Eachhistorical section begins with an audio narrative summarizingtheevents and includes animations, interactive clues, facts,maps,charts and audio ressources. An interactive timeline allowsthechild to travel back and forward in time. Historical periodsareorganized thematically and chronologically from the start ofthewar to the armistice Specially designed for children of 9 yearsandup, this application aims to : - Develop a child's knowledgeandunderstanding of history - Provide key facts and eventstoconsolidate classroom learning An exciting and fact-packed appthatwill develop your child's curiosity about History and Thegreatwar.-------------------------------------------------------------Wetake your privacy very seriously. This application - Doesnotcollect information - Does not contain advertising - Doesnotcontain in-app purchases - Does not use analytics / datacollectingtools - Does not link to social networks TELL US WHAT YOUTHINK Wewelcome your feedback, tell us what you enjoyed or didn’tenjoyabout our app.
Trench Experience VR 1.0
Computeam Ltd.
Experience an authentic trench fromtheFirstWorld War in virtual reality. See and hear the trenchinthisamazing virtual museum designed to be exploredwithGoogleCardboard.This app is designed to be used in conjunctionwithComputeam'sincredible WW1 augmented reality resources for KS1,KS2&KS3.
World War II 3.1
WWII has the aim to explain the World War II history sortedbyevents.
WW1 ActiveLens 5.4
Inspyro Ltd.
The Inspyro ActiveLens: WW1 app from Computeam is designed toworkwith our 1914 - 1918 First World War ActiveWorksheet Pack. Usethisapp to bring your worksheets to life with 3D models,video,animations and audio tracks. At Computeam we believe inblendingtechnology seamlessly into the learning experience. We wantto makesure that when technology is used in the classroom, itenhancespupils’ learning whilst still providing the engagement andwowfactor we have come to expect from today’s hi-tech devices.Withthis in mind we created ActiveWorksheet Packs, a blend ofthetraditional worksheet and cutting edge augmentedrealitytechnology. Using our ActiveLens augmented reality app wecan bringthe worksheet to life with videos, audio, 3D models andanimations.
Patriotische Lieder 1.0
Diese Anwendung ist fürjedendeutschenPatrioten geeignet. Sie enthält Texte und BildervonPatriotischenLiedern aus dem Zeitraum der Befreiungskriege biszum1. Weltkrieg.Sie ist absolut WERBEFREI UND KOSTENLOS!!!Thisapplicationissuitable for every German patriot. It contains textsand imagesofpatriotic songs from the period of the Napoleonic Warsto WorldWar1. It is absolutely FREE ADVERTISING AND FREE !!!
Know WW1 Lite 1.12
Chronos Consortium
*** FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY *** THEEASYWAY TO FIND COMMEMORATIVE EVENTS & HISTORY OF WW1*** KnowWW1helps you find world-wide commemorative events, provides ‘OnthisDay’ history, and allows you to honor those who worked, livedanddied during World War 1.New centenary events are being added all the time – over850events included to date.World War 1 changed the way we see the world, it unitedpeoplewith a renewed nationalism and ushered in the modern world inwhichwe live.Know WW1 allows you to find and share commemorative eventsofWorld War 1 from around the world. The simple functionalityenablesyou to locate ideal events, see details and the location ona map,save a list as your favorites, export details to yourcalendar, andshare your experiences with others. Know WW1 willassist youwhether you are traveling or just interested in howdifferentcommunities are remembering and honoring this importantcentenaryevent.And if you love to delve into the history of 100 years ago wecanhelp increase your knowledge in our ‘On this Day’ section.Theconcise and extensive history provides you with anintimateknowledge of key battles, life in the trenches, the homefront and,of course, the key players. You can share this knowledgedirectlyfrom our app.To commemorate exploring the Great War’s history, and honorthosewho worked, lived and died through this important period ofhistory,Know WW1 has an Honor Wall for you to post your storiesandphotos.The App features:1.Current WW1 commemorative centenary events worldwide and saveyourfavorites2.View the events on the map - choice of online and offline foryourconvenience3.Sharing with your friends and family4.Daily updates of historical information on what happened 100yearsago5.Search functions to find events by keyword, location, date,andtype of event6.Honor family, friends, historical figures or events bypostingcomments and photos to our Honor WallAnd finally, the opportunity to add events, just advise usofevents you would like included in Know WW1.
Vedere la Grande Guerra 1.02
M.e.t.a. S.r.l.
Questa app vuole proporre un percorso visivo attraversoletestimonianze della Grande Guerra. Con la Prima guerramondialeiniziò un utilizzo capillare delle moderne forme dicomunicazione:foto, cartoline, film, manifesti, opuscoli. Tuttoveniva diffuso eservì a dare del conflitto quell'immagine che vennedefinita come"il crinale della modernità". L’Istituto per la storiadelRisorgimento italiano, fondato nel 1936 dalla trasformazionedellaSocietà Nazionale per la storia del Risorgimento (1906), è unodeicinque istituti storici italiani. All’internodell’Istituto,ubicato a Roma nel complesso del Vittoriano, èraccolto un Archivioche conserva un vasto patrimonio documentario eartistico checostituisce una delle fonti principali per lo studiodell’Italia edel contesto internazionale dalla metà del XVIII allafine dellaprima guerra mondiale. L’ Istituto cura la pubblicazionedi una dicollane di studi storici Pubblicazioni e organizzacongressiinternazionali incentrati su singoli aspetti dellevicenderisorgimentali. Fa parte dell’Istituto per la storiadelRisorgimento il Museo Centrale del Risorgimento che realizzaanchemostre temporanee. È richiesta una connessione WI-FI perildownload dei contenuti che avverrà al primo avvio, delladimensionedi 225Mb.
LGfL WW1 ActiveLens 6
The ActiveLens: WW1 app is designed to work with the1914-1918FirstWorld War ActiveWorksheet Pack which you can accesson theLondonGrid for Learning's content portal. This app willbringyourworksheet pack to life with 3D models, video, animationsandaudio.
Gallipoli: the first day 1.0
Explore the events of the first day of the Gallipoli Landings.
Digging In 1
Aerial Digital
Digging In is exploring the human experiences of World War I
Step Into The Past 1.01
Step into the past with this engaging and fun card quiz to findoutmore about the World War 1 exhibits and trenches on display atTheStaffordshire Regiment Museum! The Staffordshire RegimentMuseumtells the story of the Staffordshire Regiment and allitsantecedents from its formation in Lichfield in 1705. The Museumissituated alongside Whittington Barracks near Lichfield,England,the historical home of the Regiment, and houses acollection ofaround 11,000 items. The creation of this app has beensupported byThe National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund,as part ofa wider Walsall community WW1 centenary project.
World History 10th grade 1.4
Oleksandr Avoyants
The atlas contains 13 maps. As well as photos, a summary ofthetraining material and test Note: The captions on pictures onlyinUkrainian. ============================ = World History Grade 10============================= Europe before World War World WarI(event 1914 - 1915) World War I (event 1916 - 1918) EuropeafterWorld War I: TERRITORIAL CHANGES AND POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT(1919 -1923 gg.) The people of Central and Eastern Europe in theinterwarperiod Revolution and civil war in Russia Formation of theUnion ofSoviet Socialist Republics. The Soviet Union in 1924 - 1939yearsEurope in 1924 - 1932 years Europe in 1933 - 1939 years TheWorldin 1920 - 1939 years COUNTRY Near East and North-East Africain theinterwar period South and East Asia in the interwar periodUnitedStates and Latin America in the interwar period. State oftheaggressor and the reallocation of Peace before World War II
WW1 Stories from Grangetown 1.0
Use this location-based app to listentothemoving World War 1 stories of eight men fromGrangetown,Cardiff.The journey starts and ends at the War Memorialin GrangeGardens,Grangetown. You will be taken on a guided tourofdifferentlocations throughout Grangetown to see where the menlivedand tofind out more about their World War 1 experiences.
World War One Quiz 1.03
World War One multiple choice quiz totestyourknowledge. There are ten questions per round that goesovermanyaspects of history. This is an effective tool for astudentthat isstudying for a world war I test. The questiondatabaseiscontinuously updated with each revision of the app. Thelayoutisvery simple and clean so that it runs very fast andonmanyplatforms.
Osmanlı Tarihi 1.12
Yergok Apps
Osmani. Imp. Founded in all stages of World War 1 are summarized.
Hand Talk Translator 4.2.4
Hand Talk
Translate and learn signs in ASL and Brazilian Sign Languageforfree with Hugo!