Top 17 Apps Similar to Standaard Boekhandel

tolino e-book reading app
Millions of eBooks to downloadnowDiscover a vast selection of books in the eBook shops of:Thalia,Weltbild, Hugendubel,, bü, Mayersche,Osiander,Orell Füssli, or at the tolino partner bookstoresofmeineBuchhandlung. Simply choose the bookseller where you wanttobuy your eBooks.Read eBooks and listen to audiobooks easily and flexibly—thetolinoapp offers unlimited reading and listening pleasure withaccess toyour entire library wherever you go.✔ Read all your purchased eBooks on your smartphone ortablet.✔ Mobile access to your eBooks and audiobooks with allreadingdevices via the tolino Cloud.✔ Play your audiobooks whenever you like.✔ Browse your tolino bookseller's eBook shop with over 2millioneBooks and audiobooks.✔ Download extracts of the latest bestsellers and new releasesfreeof charge, e.g. Jojo Moyes, Ken Follett, Karin Slaughter,JohnGrisham, Lucinda Riley.✔ The unique tolino library link allows you to connect youreBooklibraries from all tolino booksellers.✔ Use the convenient reading progress synchronization acrossallyour devices, e.g. eReader, smartphone or tablet.✔ Organize your books and audiobooks into neatlyorderedcollections.✔ Use the reading settings to adjust font size and type,brightness,portrait or landscape mode, and much more.✔ Set highlights and notes directly in your text.✔ Search your eBooks for words or phrases.✔ Use your favorite background colors in the tolino app incl .nightmode and sepia view.✔ Read books from public lending libraries (e.g. Onleihe) in EPUBorPDF format with the tolino reading app.Our reading hint: Enjoy complete freedom of choicewhenbuying new eBooks and audio books, thanks to the uniquetolinolibrary link. Simply connect eBook libraries from differenttolinobook shops and display all eBooks & audio books in onecommonlibrary. All shops in one app, saves space and provides aperfectoverview. Flexible mobile reading and loading from yourtolino bookshop, with the tolino app. The reading app for alltolinobookstores.Discover the tolino app: read new ebooks and play audiobooksatany time!📖 We hope you enjoy reading with tolino.
Libraccio by tolino 4.10.2
L’applicazione tolino reader Libraccio consente di leggeresuqualsiasi dispositivo Android tutti gli ebook nei formatistandardEPUB e PDF. Con un unico login (il tuo,potrai accedere al tuo spazio personale (Cloud),gestire facilmentetutti i tuoi ebook e scaricare in qualsiasimomento i tuoi libri.Con la applicazione puoi anche trasferireeBook non acquistati suLibraccio e documenti personali da PCall'applicazione e viceversa.Potrai controllare quali e quantidispositivi hai già autorizzatocon il tuo account (massimo 5dispositivi) e rimuovere facilmente idispositivi che non utilizzipiù per autorizzarne di nuovi. Potraiinserire segnalibri edevidenziazioni e sincronizzarle su tutti idispositivi. Potraiinoltre scegliere dimensione e font deicaratteri, la luminosità, lamodalità di lettura notturna e icolori degli sfondi. Consente anchela lettura di ebook protetti daAdobe DRM acquistati pressorivenditori diversi da Libraccio.
Bibliotheek Wise 1.0
Regel met de Bibliotheek Wise app (gratis) uwbibliotheekzakenwanneer u maar wilt! De app is te gebruiken doorleden van deopenbare bibliotheken in Nederland.Meer informatie over de deelnemende bibliotheken vindt u op Of start deappen maak een keuze uit het overzicht van dedeelnemendebibliotheken. Heeft u vragen of opmerkingen: neem dancontact opmet de bibliotheek waar u lid bent.In de Bibliotheek Wise app kunt u gebruikmaken van defaciliteitenzoals u ook gewend bent in de catalogus en in Mijn Menuop dewebsite van uw bibliotheek, o.a.+ Wat heb ik thuis? In één oogopslag ziet u wat u aanmaterialenthuis heeft én wanneer dit weer ingeleverd moet worden.Directverlengen is mogelijk: zowel de eigen exemplaren als dievangezinsleden. Wel eerst de machtiging(en) voorverlengeninstellen!+ Relaties (Machtigingen voor verlengen): Stel hier in of ubijv.voortaan voor uw kinderen wilt kunnen verlengen. Andersom kanook:iemand machtigen om voor u te verlengen.+ Zoeken in de catalogus: Alle zoekopties uit dereguliere(web)catalogus zijn beschikbaar. U kunt zoeken indeelcatalogi(jeugd, e-books etc.) op titel, auteur, onderwerp,woorden, seriesetc. Desgewenst kunt u reserveringen plaatsen entitels aan uwverlanglijst toevoegen.+ Aanwinsten, leesadvies, ratings: Lastig om te kiezen? De apphelptu een handje met aanwinstenoverzichten en (persoonlijke)lees- enluisteradviezen. Ook is te zien hoe anderen titelshebbengewaardeerd (ratings, reviews).+ Gegevens beheren: U kunt zelf uw gegevens beheren(inloggegevens,mailadres, nieuwsbrief ja/nee) maar ook de wijzewaarop u berichtenvan de bibliotheek wilt ontvangen (mail,inbox/push, post).+ Inbox en push-berichten houden u op de hoogte van de laatstestandvan zaken. Reserveringen ophalen? Materialen inleveren?Debibliotheek laat het u weten. Zorg er wel voor dat u aangemeldbenten blijft.+ Overzichten: Eerder geleende titels, Mijn reserveringen,MijnVerlanglijst. Aan de laatste twee kunt u zelf titels toevoegenofweer verwijderenUitleg over enkele permissies die de Bibliotheek WiseAppverzoekt:+ GPS locatie: wordt alleen gebruikt om bibliotheken in uwomgevingte zoeken. Uw locatie wordt niet gedeeld.+ Inhoud van opslagruimte wijzigen: wordt gebruikt omopgehaaldegegevens lokaal te bufferen.+ Bekende accounts ontdekken: mits ingesteld kuntupush-notificaties ontvangen bij bepaalde gebeurtenissen (bijv.eenreservering die voor u klaar staat). Uw accountgegevens wordennietgedeeld.+ Internettoegang: voor het ophalen van uw gegevens bijdebibliotheek.+ NFC beheren: met een toestel dat beschikt over een NFC-readerkuntu RFID-labels van bibliotheekmaterialen scannen om directtitelinfoen ratings op te vragen.Adjustwiththe Wise Library app (free) your library business when youwant! Theapp can be used by members of the public libraries intheNetherlands. More information about the participating libraries, visit Or launch theappand select from the list of participating libraries. If youhavequestions or remarks please contact the library to whichyoubelong. In the Library Wise app you can use the facilities as you areusedto in the catalog and My Menu on the website of yourlibrary,including  + What do I get home? At a glance you can see what you haveandwhere it should be. Handed in materials home Direct extensionispossible: both their own copies as those of family members.Butfirst the authorization (s) for extension set! + Relationships (Licensing Renewal.): Set whether you wantforexample, now your children can extend. Conversely, too:toauthorize someone to renew for you. + Search the catalog: all options from the regular (web) pagesareavailable. You can search in sub-catalogs (youth, e-books, etc.)bytitle, author, subject, words, series, etc. You can alsoaddreservations sites and titles to your wish list. + Acquisitions, read advice, ratings: Hard to choose? The apphelpsyou a hand with asset statements and (personal) readingandlistening recommendations. We also see how others have ratedtitles(ratings, reviews). + Data management: You can manage your data (login, mail,newsletteryes / no), but also the way in which you want to receive(mail inbox/ push, mail) messages from the library itself. + Inbox and push messages to keep you informed of thelatestsituation. Get reservations? Materials car? The library letsyouknow. Make sure that you are logged in and stays. + Reviews: Earlier borrowed titles, My reservations, My WishList.The last two you can own tracks or remove again Explaining some permissions Library Wise App invites:+ GPS location: only used to search libraries in your area.Yourlocation is not shared. + Contents of storage change: is used to cache retrieveddatalocally. + Accounts discover known: if set, you can receivepushnotifications when certain events occur (eg, a reservation thatisready for you.). Your account information will not beshared. + Internet: to retrieve your data in the library. + NFC manage: a device that has an NFC reader, you can RFID tagsoflibrary materials to instantly scan title info andratingsquestions.
Ebook Reader 5.0.20's Ebook Reader lets you readyourfavorite books on the go. Choose from a massive collectionofpopular books that you can download in a jiffy.Ebook Reader is free, and optimized for Android devices.- Epub3 format support- User-created collections for sorting your books- Turn pages with a tap or swipe- Never lose your place in the book- Landscape or portrait orientation is lockable- Easy navigation inside the book- Search for text inside books- Night-reading mode is easy on the eyes- Adjust font size with a tap- Login with your existing account- Sync your online bookshelf with all your devices- Online synchronization for bookmarks, highlights, notesandcurrent reading position with all your Android andiOSdevices- 3rd-party (imported) book support- Free classics at your fingertips immediately- Shop for ebooks within the app- Buy New York Times bestsellers as well as technical,professionaland academic books- Online backup - your online ebook library is always accessible,soanytime you get a new PC or phone, your books are ready todownloadfrom your bookshelf
Iguana Library 3.7.3
Search the catalog of your library, reserve items or renewyourloans Kobo - eBooks en luist
Kobo Books
With the and Kobo app you can read and listen tobooksanytime, anywhere
divibib GmbH
Onleihe – the free service from your library as an app.
AlReader -any text book reader 1.932102241
Program is designed for readingfictionbook.- Book reader compatible with Android 1.6+- read formats: fb2, fb3, fbz, txt, epub (no DRM), html, doc,docx,odt, rtf, mobi (no DRM), prc (PalmDoc), tcr. Supported ZIP andGZarchives.- It is possible to specify an encoding of reading file(include932, 936, 949, 950 code page).- Support Text-To-Speech (TTS) (permission to the calls need tostoptts while calling)- Support network libraries (OPDS)- Local library. The selection of authors, series,title,publication year, genre.- Supported interface languages: russian, english, german,greek,ukrainian, belarusian, polish, chineze, bulgarian,turkish.- Supported external dictionaries.- Fb2 and TXT file editing. If a file is in an archive, editedfileis unpacked to the same directory as the original one.- It is possible to select code page for file names in zip.- Correct hyphenation for 20 languages.- Four profiles with independent font, color, brightness,gammacorrection and indent of text.- One- and two-page mode with automatic switch to the two-pagemodein landscape.- Configuring of display styles (headings, citations,abstracts,etc.). Each style includes font, color, text style, textsize,shadow, indent, spacing and so on.- Search.- Autoscroll "wave" and "slide".- 3D paging animation.- Initial letter to one or two lines of text at the beginningofeach chapter or paragraph.- Independent setting of all items in the status bar and footerforwindowed and full-screen mode.- Support for display of footnotes on the page for fb2- and(most)epub-files.- The horizontal and vertical alignment of text on thescreen.- Hanging punctuation.- "Sections from a new page" option.- Navigation in the text: by percents, by pages, tothebeginning/end of the text, 10 pages forward/backward, tothenext/previous chapter.- Table of contents in fb2-, doc- and epub-files.- 9 tap-zones for short and long taps, gestures, gestures withtwofingers, resize text by "pinch", to assign the actionsforbuttons.- Support E-Ink screens. Adaptation of appearance for theE-Inkscreens, support of "fast" refresh for many EINKdevices.- Fixation of screen rotation.- Support 9.png skins with automatic selection of one- ortwo-pagemode.- Upon selection of embedded texture, background color is takenintoaccount, i.e. mix of textures and colors.- Clock behind the text.- Quotes, bookmarks, text labeling, sending the selected texttothird-party programs.- Creating shortcuts for books on the home screen.- Save / restore program settings / styles / currentprofile(+fonts, +skins) / text styles.- Ability to hold screen backlight (up to 20 minutesofinactivity).- Fine-tuning of various indentations, adjusting software shadingofthe screen (if minimal hardware brightness level is too highforcomfortable use).- The program collects anonymous statistics of open booksforcreating the top -100 authors and books. This top -100 isavailablein program.- Synchronize reading position via network or file system.
Media365 - eBooks 5.7.2842
Media365 Inc
With Media365, original content and fascinating stories are justatap away.
EBook Reader & PDF Reader
The Excellent PDF or EPUB reader, it's optimized for Android.
Skoobe: eBooks and audio books 1.4.3
Skoobe GmbH
Ebook reader and audiobook player. Biggest bestsellerbooksselection.
ePUB EBook Reader 3.2.30
Read your EPUB books anywhere. Small, clean interface, fastandreliable.
EBook Reader & ePub Books 3.7.1
Perfect supports: epub, fb2, doc, txt, etc. The best eBook Reader.
Adobe Digital Editions
One eBook reader for all your AdobeDRMprotected books across your Android Devices, iPad, Mac or PC.AdobeDigital Editions (ADE) is free-to-download and use, andcompletelyad-free. Use it to read EPUB and PDF books, both onlineandoffline. Borrow ebooks from many public libraries for use withADE.Extend your reading experience by transferring books fromyourpersonal computer to your Android devices. Organize your booksintoa beautiful custom library.Experience gorgeous media rich books filled withinteractivefeatures, videos, and more. ADE’s support for EPUB3standard allowsyou: consistent rendering of audio and videocontent; dynamic imageresizing without loss in clarity; support formulti-column layouts,interactive quizzes, and math formulas.Seamless fulfillment of books across devices: With this newfeature,when a consumer fulfills a book on one device, the bookwill beautomatically downloaded to all the other devices thatbelong tothis consumer (activated using the same user ID).• Choose from different font sizes and five easy-to-readpagemodes• Highlight your favorite passages and add notes with thebuilt-inbookmarking features• Easily find a word or a character anywhere in the book withthepowerful search feature• Use the night mode, or adjust your screen brightness to findtheperfect lighting for any environmentBy downloading, you agree to the Terms of Useat,
Moon+ Reader Pro 8.4
EBook reader and ebook documents management with rich features.
King James Bible Study KJV 3.3.5
Salem Media Group
Study the King James Version Bible in an engaging way with KJVBibleStudy App!
eBook Reader 1.29
Need FREE BOOK to read? Need auniversalreader? This ebook reader is the right application todownload.It offers you to download thousands of free book from avarietyof online book stores.The eBook Reader is a universal ebook reader and downloader.Itsupports most eBook formats including epub, fb2, mobi, plaintextand a lot of others.This eReader app support user to download ebook (ePub, fb2,mobi,and text) from a variety of online book store.Below listed the features of the eBook reader application1. organized books by series, authors or book title foreasyaccess.2. support downloading free books from a variety of internetbookstore.3. support dictionary function using external dictionary.4. support bookmark5. support Day/Night mode6. support in book searching7. support table of content8. support changing fonts9. support a variety of languages10. Support opds directoryNote: Books with DRM is not supported.Disclaimer:This book is created based on open source project and licensedunderthe GNU General Public license.source code: General Public License: