Top 20 Apps Similar to Ideias de Negócios

Biblioteca Sebrae 1.2
Sebrae Nacional
A Biblioteca Interativa Sebrae – BIS é amaiorbiblioteca digital sobre empreendedorismo do Brasil.Disponibilizamais de 4 mil documentos digitais produzidos peloSebrae eparceiros para acesso gratuito. Informações sobre gestão,finanças,acesso a crédito, gestão de pessoas entre outros temas deinteressede quem empreende ou quer empreender.The InteractiveLibrarySebrae - BIS is the largest digital library onentrepreneurship inBrazil. It offers over 4000 digital documentsproduced by theSebrae and partners for free. Managementinformation, finance,access to credit, people management amongother topics of interestto anyone who undertakes or want toundertake.
Feira Empreendedor Sebrae SP 1.3
O app Feira do Empreendedor do SebraeSPpermiteconhecer melhor a feira, suas atrações, palestras,serviçose muitomais. Através dele é possível fazer sua inscriçãoonline enavegarpelos estandes e atrações.Com o app você também pode:- Visualizar as informações dos expositores;- Acompanhar os horários e localizações das atrações dafeira;- Organizar sua visita, selecionando expositores comoFavoritoseVisitados;- Criar anotações relacionadas a um expositor;- Traçar rotas entre stands ou localizar serviçosnomapainterativo;- Acompanhar as mídias sociais oficiais do evento;- Acessar facilmente todas as informações sobre o evento.Sebrae SPEntrepreneurFairapp lets you learn more about the show, itsattractions,lectures,services and more. Through it you can makeyourapplication onlineand browse the booths and attractions.With the app you can also:- View the information of the exhibitors;- Follow the times and locations of the attractionsofthefair;- Organize your visit by selecting exhibitors asFavoritesandVisited;- Create notes related to an exhibitor;- Trace routes between stands or locate servicesoninteractivemap;- Monitor the official social media event;- Easily access all the information about the event.
Google My Business
Google Inc.
Show the world you are open for businessonGoogle Search and Maps. With Google My Business, you canverifyyour business information, manage customer reviews, getcustominsights on how customers are interacting with yourbusinessonline, and build your brand.- Update business name, address, and hours- Upload photos of your business- Manage and respond to customer reviews- Custom insights on where and how many people are searchingforyou- Notifications when customers are talking about yourbusiness- Manage multiple locations from one dashboard, and invite otherstomanage your listingPermission Notice- Location: Needed to use your current location as yourbusinesslocation- Contacts: Needed to auto-complete email addresses wheninvitingothers to manage your listing- Storage: Needed to access photos taken at yourbusinesslocation
Como hacer un Plan de Negocios 1.0
¿Tiene una gran idea de negocios pero nosabesdónde empezar? Aquí te transmitimos nuestros conocimientosparaque, yendo paso por paso, armes tu negocio y que éste seaprósperoy exitoso. Esperamos que te sea útil.Do you have agreatbusiness idea but do not know where to start? Here we extendourknowledge so that, going step by step, armes your business andthatit be prosperous and successful. Hope you find it useful.
Negocios Rentables 1.0
¿Sólo las personas que tienen muchodinero,habilidades extraordinarias y mucha suerte pueden comenzar yhacernegocios de éxito?La respuesta es NO.El hecho es que actualmente existen miles de empresas ynegociosque esperaban ser incubados y que NO requirieron miles omillonesde dinero, ni de títulos universitarios. No estamoshablando deempresas o negocios como del próximo Microsoft, Google,Apple, perosí de negocios que generan ganancias respetables y mejoraún,podrás dejar aquellas cosas que no te gusten y ser tu propiojefepara emprender tus propios negocios rentables si asíloquieres.Aquí están el ejemplo de negocios rentables y fáciles deiniciar,inclusive negocios de familia, negocios internacionales,etc. queabarcan una amplia gama de industrias, segmentos declientes ynecesidades. Algunos son más peculiares que otros ytodos están alalcance de cualquiera que tenga un suministrosaludable de sentidocomún, trabajo, perseverancia y ladeterminación de triunfar.Lo que contiene la aplicación:- Negocios rentables- Buscador de negocios- Cómo hacer crecer tu negocio- Más información sobre negocios¡Descarga esta aplicación y consulta los negocios!Just people who havelotsof money, extraordinary abilities and good luck can start anddobusiness successful?The answer is no.The fact is that there are now thousands of companiesandbusinesses that were waiting to be hatched and notrequiringthousands or millions of money, or university degrees.We're nottalking about companies or businesses as the nextMicrosoft,Google, Apple, but business that generate respectable andevenbetter earnings, can leave those things you do not like and beyourown boss to launch your own profitable business if theyyouwant.Here are the example of cost effective and easier tostartbusinesses, including family businesses, internationalbusiness,etc. covering a wide range of industries, customersegments andneeds. Some are more unique than others and all arewithin reach ofanyone with a healthy supply of common sense, hardwork,perseverance and determination to succeed.Which contains the application:- Business profitable- Business Finder- How to grow your business- More information about businessDownload this application and consulting business!
Emprendimiento 1.1
¿Buscas Emprender? ¿Quieres iniciar conalgúnEmprendimiento? ¿Quieres iniciar tu propio negocio paso apaso?Hola soy Mel Entrepreneur y sucede que el camino delemprendedor NOes sencillo, tiene muchas curvas y hay momentos en loque eseufórico o devastador, tendrás muchos errores y ademástendrás quehacer muchos sacrificios, otras personas siempre estaránahí paradecirte que es una mala idea o que no puedes hacerlo,quizás que nisiquiera deberías intentarlo; pero ¿Qué crees? quesolamente¡depende de ti! de que tomes la decisión que vas a serexitoso y espor ello que en esta aplicación se muestran losrecursos paraEmprender e iniciar con tu propio negocio, ¡solo da tuprimer pasoahora! y el resto del camino irá apareciendo a medida dequecamines con esta aplicación.Looking undertake?Youwant to start with some Entrepreneurship? Want to start yourownbusiness step by step? Hi I'm Mel Entrepreneur and it happensthatthe path of the entrepreneur is not easy, has many curves andthereare times when it is euphoric or devastating, have manymistakesand you'll have to make many sacrifices, others will alwaysbethere to tell you that is a bad idea or that you can not dothat,maybe you should not even try; but what do you think? only uptoyou! You make the decision that you're going to be successfulandthat is why in this application resources to undertake andstartyour own business is, given only your first step now! and therestof the way will appear as you walk with this application.
Plano de Negócios Martins 1.5.0
Agora você acessa seu Plano deNegóciosMartinsde onde estiver. É muito fácil.Veja:- Todo o Plano de Negócios do Martins em tempo real- Acompanhe seu desempenho nas campanhas do Martins- Relatório mensal das ações de vendas- Prestação de contas completa das ações de Trade 2015- E ainda fica por dentro do ranking de vendas epercentualdeparticipação das suas categorias de produtosNow youaccessyourBusiness Plan Martins where you are. It is very easy.See:- All the Martins Business Plan in real time- Track your performance in the campaigns of Martins- Monthly report of sales of shares- Full Accountability of Trade 2015 shares- And it remains to be within the sales ranking andpercentageofownership of its product categories
Boletim do Empreendedor SEBRAE 2.0
O Boletim do Empreendedor SEBRAE/PRéseuinformativo online de notíciasempresariais.Com ele, você recebe notícias sobreempreendedorismo,cenárioeconômico, gestão empresarial, tecnologia einovação, elegislação.Tudo isso no seu Android e com apossibilidade decompartilhar nassuas redes sociais.Baixe agora, gratuitamente! Estar bem informado nuncafoitãofácil.TheEntrepreneurBulletinSEBRAE / PR is your online informativenewsbusiness.With it, you get news about entrepreneurship,economicsituation,business management, technology and innovation,andlegislation. Allthis on your Android and the possibility tosharein your socialnetworks.Download now for free! Being well informed hasneverbeeneasier.
SEBRAE SP Responde 1.17
O Sebrae-SP detectou a necessidadedeagrupar,organizar e disponibilizar uma parte da basedeconhecimentoproduzida na instituição, a fim de incrementarsuautilização.Desta forma, visa facilitar o acesso a estasinformaçõespor meiode um banco de conhecimento expansível econfiável emumaplataforma de fácil acesso. Ao abrir estapossibilidade tambémparaseus clientes, o Sebrae-SP fomenta aindamais oempreendedorismo erealça a transparência da instituição paracomseu público.O app "Sebrae-SP Responde" é uma plataforma deconsumodeinformações dos mais variados temas do universo dasMPEspaulistas.Pensado para atender tanto o público externo(clientes)quanto opúblico interno (colaboradores que realizamatendimento),estaferramenta apresenta de forma dinâmica um lequedeinformaçõesverificado e validado pelos especialistasdoSebrae-SP.Sebrae-SPidentifiedtheneed to gather, organize, and make available a partoftheknowledge base produced in the institution, in ordertoincreaseits use. Thus, facilitating access to thisinformationthrough ascalable and reliable knowledge base in aneasilyaccessibleplatform. When you open this possibility also foritscustomers,Sebrae-SP promotes entrepreneurship and furtherenhancesthetransparency of the institution towards your audience.The app "Sebrae-SP Answers" is a consumer platforminformationofvarious themes of the population of São Paulo MSEs.Designed tomeetboth the general public (customers) andinternalstakeholders(employees providing assistance), this tooldisplaysdynamically arange of information verified and validatedbySebrae-SPexperts.
Plano de negócios - startups 1.0
Só existe uma diferença entreidealizarerealizar. Um bom plano.Tire da gaveta o seu sonho de negócio e invista na suavocação.OPlano de Negócios para Empreendedores Iniciantes éumaferramentacompleta para quem tem aquela ideia inovadora,massentedificuldade em entender o dia a dia da administração.Com este aplicativo, você aprende de maneira fácil edidáticacomoviabilizar seu projeto profissional, passando portodas asetapas deplanejamento:1. Qual é a sua ideia de negócio?2. Que recursos você pode colocar em seu negócio?3. Você conhece o seu produto ou serviço em profundidade?4. Quem são seus clientes?5. Como você vai abordar esses clientes?6. Como pretende gerenciar as operações do dia a dia?7. Como você vê seu negócio em três anos?8. Você pode ganhar a vida com seu negócio?9. Como você pretende reunir o investimento necessário?E você ainda conta com planilhas de orçamento prontasparauso,modelos de negócio para inspirar suas ideias e respostasparaasprincipais dúvidas dos empreendedores iniciantes.O diferencial você já tem. O próximo passo é realizar.There isonlyonedifference between idealizing and perform. A goodplan.Take the drawer your dream business and invest in theirvocation.TheBusiness Plan for Entrepreneurs Beginners is acomplete toolforanyone who has that innovative idea, but finds itdifficulttounderstand the day to day administration.With this app, you learn so easy and intuitive aspossibletheirprofessional project, going through all theplanningstages:1. What is your business idea?2. What resources can you put into your business?3. You know your product or service in depth?4. Who are your customers?5. How will you address these customers?6. How do you intend to manage the day to day operations?7. How do you see your business in three years?8. You can make a living from your business?9. How do you want to gather the necessary investment?And there's even budget worksheets ready to use businessmodelstoinspire ideas and answers to the main questionsofbuddingentrepreneurs.The differential you have. The next step is to perform.
Moto G - Motos 13.0
Eadoo Lab
Somos Especialistas em motos,epossuimosexperiência no mercado há mais de dez anos, a MotoGbuscaoferecerum serviço totalmente inovador no mercado, que permiteoconsumidorcomprar sua moto zero km ou usada com o melhor preçodomercado.Para garantir a excelência no atendimento, nossosanalistasdeatendimento são verdadeiros consultores para osclientes, deformaque irá orientá-los sobre as diversas diferençadepreço,características, orientação para documentação de motosnovoseusadas, além de trabalhar com todos os serviços relacionadoavendada moto, desde o financiamento até os acessóriosoriginaisdefábrica.Você vai poder comprar a sua motocicleta do seu sonho semsairdecasa, já temos serviços de entrega do veículo em qualquerlugardoBrasil através de Guinchos plataforma, caso você forfazerofinanciamento, na entrega da moto poderá assinartodososdocumentos necessário para aquisição da sua moto.MissãoCrescer de forma sustentável, buscando a excelênciaparaatenderas expectativas dos nossos clientes.VisãoProporcionar atendimento exclusivo e personalizado,cuidandodetodos os detalhes para que a compra de seu veículotenhasomentecomo resultado o prazer e a satisfação de umbomnegócio.ValoresRespeito aos nossos clientes e colaboradores;Liderança de Mercado e de Atitude;Qualidade Superior;Performance;Comprometimento;Ética;Transparência.We arespecialistsinmotorbikes, and have acquired experience in the marketfor overtenyears, MotoG seeks to offer a totally innovative serviceonthemarket, allowing consumers to buy their zero km bike orusedwiththe best market price.To ensure excellence in service, our service analystsaretrueconsultants to customers, so that will guide them onthevariousprice difference, features, orientation for newbikesanddocumentation used in addition to working with allservicesrelatedto sale of the bike, from financing to theoriginalfactoryaccessories.You will be able to buy the motorcycle of yourdreamswithoutleaving home, we have vehicle delivery servicesanywhere inBrazilthrough winches platform if you are doing thefinancing, thebikedelivery may sign all documents necessary topurchase ofyourbike.MissionGrow sustainably, striving for excellence to meettheexpectationsof our customers.ViewProvide exclusive and personalized service, taking care ofallthedetails so that the purchase of your vehicle is only asaresult ofthe pleasure and satisfaction of a good deal.ValuesRespect for our customers and employees;Market leadership and attitude;Better quality;Performance;Commitment;Ethics;Transparency.
Startup Business Planner 1.1.7
Startup Business planner application enableyouto prepare the cost estimation for new business plan orstartupventure. Use it to get the brief information on theprocessesrequired for company registration and cost associated witheachprocess. It give the clear clear idea on the processinvolved,associated financial capital cost and assets to set-upthebusiness.The app considers almost all the steps needed to start withnewstart-up and the costs associated with each execution ofprocess.This helps you to get the information on financial costs atanypoint, be it infrastructure requirements, staff hiring orbusinessmarketing. All major corporate processes are coveredlikeregistrations fees, set up costs, legal and account feesandrunning costs.Furthermore the main expenses are divided intooperationalselections that includes installation, accounting andlegalprofessionals fees, the vehicles and equipment lease costsandrunning cost, advertising and promotions, staff salaries,employeehealth insurance, ongoing office rent, bank and lenderfees.User can use it for the approximated quotation for any kindofindustry (Manufacture, Auto mobile, IT, Retail, smallscaleindustry or any start up project which may or may not berequiremanpower, equipments and office space). You can set theapproximatetime required in months for the business to generatefirst revenueafter all operating expenses. Considering these entirefactors itprovide you the approx money needed to build and run thenewbusiness successfully. The detailed reports with all inputs canbedownloaded any time in CSV format for references. You cancreateand download the live estimations at any point of time andcomparethem for different scenarios. The reset option blank allfields andenable the user to start with new plan.Key functions and features✔ Step by Step cost calculation for the set-up andinstallation,legal and accounting fees.✔ Consider the time needed to make the start up profitable.✔ Helps you to identify and missing categories and costs whichcancost you a lot in future.✔ Identify the major costs with interactive visualization.✔ Optimized for tablet and higher resolution devices.✔ Displays currencies as per the device locale.✔ Gives the summary along with amount required on start up✔ Graphical view with summary and details to getbetterinsight.✔ Interactive and easy to use sliders to adjust values anddisplaysthe results in easy to visualize in chart or graphformat.✔ Allow to choose and easily switching the values usingslidercontrols.✔ Rate and share options.✔ Compact and easy to use design.✔ Organized lists for cost models at various stages.✔ Covers almost all the generic costs required to establishabusiness.✔ Download options for detailed business plan costs.✔ Reset option to restart from scratch to create uniqueplans.✔ Step by step costs and timeliness from planning to startingyourbusiness to first revenue.✔ Country selection and support for many world currencies.
Cadastro de Clientes 11.6
AS2 Sistemas
Gerencie e atenda o seu cliente de forma prática, rápidaefuncional.O Cadastro de Clientes é um aplicativo que temoobjetivo defacilitar o cadastro de dados dos clientes, agestãoderelacionamento (CRM) e a fidelização, através docontroledeatendimentos prestados. Ele oferece maior produtividadeeagilidadeatravés de uma interface prática e intuitiva.Organize-separaprospectar e captar novos clientes. ➜ Baixe agoratotalmenteGRÁTISe sem limitações. Confira também a versão paraWindows! ComoControle de Clientes para Windows você podetrocarinformaçõesentre o PC e o aplicativo para Android. O sistemaparaWindowsfunciona independente do aplicativo, podendo seradquiridona formade licença anual. Além de relatórios paraimpressão eexportaçãopara PDF, você também pode emitir recibo doatendimento econferirvárias opções adicionais. Mais informações etestesgratuitos por30 dias em: ★ Alguns recursosdoaplicativo: •Totalmente GRATUITO e SEM LIMITES de cadastros•CADASTRO COMPLETOde clientes com foto e campos personalizados•TRANSFERÊNCIA DEDADOS dos clientes entre dispositivos via QRCode•TRANSFERÊNCIA eSINCRONIA DE DADOS entre a versão para WINDOWS eocelular/tablet •Funciona sem necessidade de internet (*algumasfuncionalidadesrequerem acesso) • Cadastro de ATENDIMENTOSparacontrolarcontatos, pedidos, entregas, visitas,reuniões,agendamentos,orçamentos, etc. • Colete dados rapidamenteutilizandoo CADASTRORÁPIDO do cliente. • AGENDA de atividades:façaagendamentos comcalendário semanal e mensal de todososatendimentos • Marcaçãoautomática de próximo contato • ControledeCOBRANÇAS eRECEBIMENTOS com opção de pagamento total ou parcial•Calendáriode FERIADOS • Ligações telefônicas, envio de SMS eavisopor E-MAILe WHATSAPP • Busca online do endereço do clientepelo CEP•Diversos GRÁFICOS e RELATÓRIOS com exportação de dadosparaExcel(CSV). • Listagem de clientes com várias opções debusca•Importação de dados de contatos do celular/tablet •BACKUPerestauração de dados. • MANUAL do usuário em PDF paraconsultaedownload • Disponível nos idiomas: Português BrasileiroePortuguêsEuropeu ✔ BACKUP E RESTAURAÇÃO: o aplicativo possuiopçãoparacriar cópias de segurança (que devem ser feitasperiodicamente)earmazenar o arquivo no e-mail ou drive virtual,para casohajanecessidade de recuperar os dados. ✔ DICA DO DIA: emtemposdecrise, você pode consultar e COMPARTILHAR em todos osperíodosdodia (manhã, tarde e noite) uma nova dica, pensamentoouconselhosobre Atendimento, Empreendedorismo,Carreira,Administração,Liderança, Coaching, etc., que servirá deinspiraçãoe orientaçãopara o seu dia de trabalho e para incrementarsua vidaprofissionale seus negócios. ✔ Confira algumas dasatividades cujosclientespodem ser gerenciados pelo aplicativo: •Empresascomerciais eprestadoras de serviços, MEI -microempreendedorindividual,associações, autônomos, profissionaisliberais,representantescomerciais, corretores de seguros eimóveis,transportes depassageiros, vendedores ambulantes,camelôs,consultores, coletoresde dados, distribuidoras,revendedoras, salãode beleza,escritórios e muito mais... Além doaplicativo mobilepossuímostambém os sistemas para PCs com Windowsque permitem: •Controle deClientes • Gerenciamento de Escolas,Autoescolas,Gráficas, Vendascom Cartões, Telemensagens e Entregas.Acesse, confira e baixe nossos outrossoftwares.
Pedidos, Vendas, Estoque e Controle Financeiro 7683
Faça o download do app Vendas Mobile para smartphonesetabletsAndroid. Importe todos os cadastros do Excel deformarápida.Gerencie seus pedidos e a cobrança no próprioaparelho.Possui umcontrole de estoque completo, relatórios porempresarepresentada erelatórios consolidados, controle decomissões...emuito mais: tudoisso a partir do app. Veja PARA VENDAS EXTERNAS EEQUIPE DEVENDEDORES • Importação deNFe (nota fiscal eletrônica).•Importação de todos os cadastrosvia planilhas Excel. •Váriosmodelos de relatórios de pedidos(inclusive impressorasBluetooth).• Envie pedidos via e-mail eWhatsApp. • Controle decomissões. •FUNCIONA OFFLINE (SEMINTERNET). • No mesmo APP vocêpode atendervarias empresasrepresentadas. • Suporte Online ;-)Estãodisponíveis duas opçõesno app: Free (Sem cadastro) • O appfuncionaindividual sem acessoa nenhum recurso do site VendasMobile. • Semsuporte. Pro ouAvaliação (Requer cadastro no SITE) •Com suportepor e-mail,Whatsapp. O app não coleta nenhuma informaçãopessoal dousuário.
Agendor - Sales CRM 3.8.3
Agendor is an app that helps salespeople of ​​SMEs toorganizeandincrease sales. Organize and centralize yourcustomerinformation,track sales and analyze ongoing business - freeandwhere you are.The Agendor CRM app works even offline andstaysynchronized withthe Web version. What is possible withAgendorapp? * Monitor thebusiness by sales stage - with the SalesFunnel *Schedule andconsult tasks * Record and centralizeautomaticallyemail from yourcustomers * Register and check meetingshistory,visits and emailsfrom clients * View all centralizedinformation ofyour customerswhen you need (phone, address, website,etc.) * Markwhat productsor services your clients have interest, orhavealready bought *Call your customers directly from the app *Consultthe addressesof your customers with Google Maps * View allyournearby clients,using Google Maps * Trace visits route toyourclients with GoogleMaps * Have all information centralized withtheapp and the Webversion * Analyze the results and performance ofthebusiness (withthe Web version) * Use the app offline - theAgendorCRM app workseven without internet access Is Agendor CRM appfree?Yes, Agendorapp is free up to 2 users, 1,000 companies and1,000people(contacts). If your company wants to work with moreusers,needmore resources, or has a large portfolio of clients, weoffermoreplans: view at NOTE: To work with Agendorapp,youneed to register a free account that can be done by theappitself.STATEMENT OF CLIENT: "Agendor app has helped usorganizetheroutine business from prospecting to closing thedeal.Schedulingfeature is key so that the seller doesn't get lostamidtheprospecting, or skip steps in the sales process." -GiselePaula,Commercial Director Obvious Brazil (ReclameAqui).
Fiverr - Freelance Service
One marketplace. Hundreds of services. Unlimited possibilities.Allon Fiverr.
Entrepreneur Business Ideas - Tools & Tutorials 1.1.10
Alex Genadinik
This app contains articles on getting businessideas,protectingbusiness ideas, and how to generally think aboutbusinessideas. Inaddition to the articles, there is a list of 100businessideas. Inaddition to that, there is a tool to help youbeginplanning yourown business - all on this one app!! All the tipsonbusiness ideasfor entrepreneurs are tips and suggestions camefromour experiencegrowing our business plan app. That business planappnow has over100,000 downloads and over 20,000 business plans. Soifyou are anentrepreneur who is looking to start a business, theappsbased onmany entrepreneurs just like you. This app focusesonbusinessideas. It contains articles on these businessentrepreneurtopics:1) How to get business ideas 2) Psychology ofbeing asmallbusiness owner and an entrepreneur 3) Evolution of abusinessideaand how they change over time. This is what happens toyourideaafter you get your business ideas. 4) What to do if youhavetoomany business ideas and how to choose the best out ofthoseideas5) Common business idea mistakes 6) Protecting businessideasafteryou get the business ideas, and whether you shouldprotectthem atall In addition to these articles, there are also100businessideas you can try. And if that wasn't enough, there isalsoasoftware tool on the app which helps you create asmallbusinessplan for of your business idea. It is a good idea tocreatea smallbusiness plan just for yourself to help you organizeyourideas.And if you feel you would like more guidance and helpinmakingyour business idea a reality, you can get help fromanexperiencedentrepreneur by trying our premium business ideasandbusiness planapps. Get expert help from a real person andbeginmaking greatprogress on your business idea today. For techsupportoradditional business idea article requests,
Square Point of Sale - POS
Square, Inc.
Square Point of Sale (formerly Register) isthefree Android point-of-sale app that gives you everything youneed totake payments and run your business. Accept card paymentswith aSquare Reader or Square Stand. Funds are deposited fast—seemoney inyour bank account in one to two business days. UseSquare’s AndroidPOS app to keep track of sales and inventory inreal time, manageitems and employees, and view analytics aboutyour business. Thereare no long-term contracts, no commitments,and no surprisefees.FEATURESSquare Point of Sale (formerly Register) has everything you needtostart, run, and grow your business from your Androidpoint-of-saledevice. Get the latest processing features for yourmerchantterminal with regular app updates.- Accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express- Customers pay, tip, and sign right on your device- Record cash, gift cards, and other forms of tender- Send and track invoices from your device- Customize your products with photos, names, and prices- Send receipts via email or text message- Apply discounts and issue refunds- Access real-time sales data and complete sales history- Track inventory in real time- Use with Square Reader, the card reader for Android- Connect a receipt printer, kitchen ticket printer, barcodescanner, and cash drawerSQUARE DASHBOARDSign in to your web dashboard and view live sales data fromyourAndroid POS app in seconds. You can access powerful analyticsandeasy tools to help you track and improve your business.-----------------------------2.75% PER SWIPE IN THE U.SCharge $100, see $97.25 in your bank account. AcceptVisa,MasterCard, Discover, and American Express cards all at thesamerate.NEXT-DAY DEPOSITSGet your money fast. Square deposits payments taken with theAndroidPOS app into your bank account in one to two businessdays.FREE MOBILE CREDIT CARD READER FOR ANDROIDRequest your free Square card reader for Android at sign-up.Creditcard information is encrypted from start to finish.FREE POINT OF SALE FOR ANDROIDDownload Square Point of Sale free and seamlessly take paymentswithSquare Reader, the cube-shaped card reader you canuseanywhere.
Networking Centro Empresas NCE 1.011
Jesplay Studios S.L.
A Empresarios y Autónomos que quieren`HACERCRECER SU NEGOCIO´. Nuestro compromiso es que NetworkingCentroEmpresas, sea el referente de contacto y comunicaciónentreprofesionales a nivel nacional y formar parte de las 1500Empresas(Autónomos y Pymes) seleccionadas de toda ESPAÑA, paradaros laoportunidad de manera gratuita de adaptar su Empresa almóvil “alcliente”.A todos los empresarios interesados en generar nuevoscontactosde confianza a los que recomendar con la creación desinergiasinterprofesionales, esta es vuestra oportunidad.Para formar parte de esta App y que emprendedores yempresariosse conozcan y puedan generar sinergias y redescolaborativas, connuevos ingresos sin moverse de la oficina, esindispensable enviary confirmar sus datos a tu Empresa a una nueva fórmula de comunicaciónycolaboración con esta magnífica App con visibilidad Internacionalyfideliza nuevos clientes.-----------------------------POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDADA través de Networking Centro Empresas no se recoge ningúndatopersonal sin su conocimiento, ni se ceden a terceros.En cumplimiento de la normativa de protección de datos,leinformamos de que sus datos personales forman parte de unficheropropiedad deJESPLAY STUDIOS S.L. y son tratados con la finalidaddemantenimiento de la relación adquirida con usted.A estos efectos, la contestación al mensaje y envíodelformulario o plantilla con sus datos empresariales de contacto,esla aceptación y confirmación del uso de sus datos parapoderutilizarla en nuestra aplicación móvil, que garantiza elplenocumplimiento de la normativa de Protección de Datos deCarácterPersonal, y así, de acuerdo con la L.O. 15/1999, el clienteousuario queda informado y presta su consentimiento alaincorporación de sus datos a los ficheros automatizadosexistentesla Empresa y al tratamiento automatizado de los mismos.Puedeejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelaciónyoposición dirigiéndose por escrito a la direcciónarribaindicada.El CLIENTE reconoce y acepta que el uso de los contenidosy/oservicios ofrecidos por la presente aplicación móvil será bajosuexclusivo riesgo y/o responsabilidad. El CLIENTE se comprometeautilizar la presente aplicación móvil y todo su contenidoyServicios de conformidad con la ley, la moral, el orden públicoylas presentes Condiciones de Uso, y las CondicionesParticularesque, en su caso, le sean de aplicación. Asimismo, secomprometehacer un uso adecuado de los servicios y/o contenidos delaaplicación móvil y a no emplearlos para realizaractividadesilícitas o constitutivas de delito, que atenten contralos derechosde terceros y/o que infrinjan la regulación sobrepropiedadintelectual e industrial, o cualesquiera otras normasdelordenamiento jurídico aplicable.A entrepreneursandfreelancers who want `GROW YOUR NEGOCIO'. Our commitment isthatBusiness Networking Center, is the reference point of contactandcommunication between professionals nationwide and part of1500Firms (Self-employed and SMEs) throughout SPAIN selected togiveyou the opportunity to free your company adapt mobile"Customer".All entrepreneurs interested in generating new contacts oftrustwith those who recommend the establishment of inter synergies,thisis your chance.To be part of this app and entrepreneurs and businessmenareknown and can generate synergies and collaborative networkswithnew revenue without leaving the office, it is essential to sendandconfirm your details your company to a new form of communicationandcollaboration with this great App with international visibilityandnew customer loyalty.-----------------------------PRIVACY POLICYThrough Business Networking Center any personal informationisnot collected without your knowledge, or are transferred tothirdparties.In compliance with data protection regulations, we informyouthat your personal data are part of a file owned byJESPLAY STUDIOS S.L. and they are treated in order to maintaintherelationship acquired with you.For this purpose, the answer to the message and sending theformor template with your business contact information, istheacceptance and confirmation of the use of your data to use inourmobile application, which ensures full complianceProtectionPersonal Data, and so, according to the LO 15/1999, theclient oruser is informed and consents to the inclusion of theirdata to theautomated files Company and the automated processingthereof. Youcan exercise your rights of access, rectification,cancellation andopposition by writing to the above address.Customer acknowledges and agrees that use of the content and /orservices offered by this mobile application is at your sole riskand/ or responsibility. The CUSTOMER undertakes to use thismobileapplication and all its contents and services in accordancewiththe law, morality, public order and these Terms of Use andtheSpecial Conditions, if any, will apply. You agree tomakeappropriate use of services and / or contents of themobileapplication and not to use it for illegal or criminalactivitieswhich violate the rights of others and / or violate theregulationson intellectual property or any other applicablelegalstandards.
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