Top 16 Apps Similar to Carga Tabágica

Oncology Terminology 1.3
The medicine branch that dealswithtumors(cancer) is known as oncology. A medical professionalwhopracticesoncology is an oncologist. Oncology is concernedwiththediagnosis, therapy (e.g. surgery, chemotherapy,radiotherapy,ect),follow-up of patient, palliative care o patients,screeningofpatient, ect.We have included herewith around 150 terms of oncology,whichwillmake you better understand the terminology used in curesofcancer(oncology), you also can make your own history notesbyadding photoand text notes to any/all terms.FEATURES:- No Internet connectivity required- Add/Edit Text & Image notes for selected term.- Add term to your favorite list- Email term to your friends and family- You can share the terms via FB
EBMcalc Complete 17.1.1
EBMcalc CompleteMedCalc 3000 is now EBMcalc, Solutions forEvidence-BasedMedicine.EBMcalc is the most popular and comprehensive MedicalCalculatorsystem on the web. EBMcalc has been highly acclaimed,reviewed andtested over the last 18 years. As a trusted resource ithas beenintegrated into many prestigious websites for MedicalEducation,Medical Literature, Pharmacology, Nursing and more. Nowyou can putthis invaluable resource in the palm of your hand!EBMcalc encompasses over 600 pertinent medical formulae,clinicalcriteria sets, decision tree tools and dose/unit convertersusedevery day by clinicians, educators, nurses, pharmacologistsandstudents of all types. With the growing emphasis onEvidence-BasedMedicine, there has never been a greater need for asystem such asEBMcalc.EBMcalc Complete Edition mirrors the web basedresource There you can see the complete listofcomponents you’ll have in the iPhone Edition:There are hundreds of basic calculators and unit/doseconverterssuch as:A-a GradientAnion Gap “Delta-Delta”Adult and pediatric Creat Clearance and GFR calculatorsAdult Body Mass IndexBurn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Parkland)Cardiac OutputCorticosteroid Medication Dosing ConversionsEstimated Date of Delivery Pregnancy CalculatorKappa Measurement of Inter-observer AgreementMELD, MELD-Na and PELD ScoresNumber Needed to Treat/HarmOpioid Medication Dose ConversionsOxygen Delivery Units ConversionsPFT Predicted Values (multiple)Peak Expiratory Flow PredictionPharmacokinetcs calculatorsSI Unit Conversions: Body Fluid ChemistriesStandard Drink EquivalentsWater Deficit in HypernatremiaYou also get very complex calculators that utilizestatisticalmodels and embedded data tables. Calculators suchas:Acetaminophen Toxicity AssessmentBlood Pressure Percentiles in ChildrenBody Mass Index Percentiles in ChildrenHeight for Age Percentiles for BoysMultiple other Pediatric Growth Assessment calculatorsThere are also Hundreds of Clinical Criteria Sets and DecisionTreemodules such as:Apgar ScoreAsthma Hospitalization One Year Risk TreeCalcBehcet's Syndrome International Study Group CriteriaBODE Index for COPD Survival PredictionCardiac Risk Assessments including Framingham studiesCHADS-2Diabetes Type PredictorDVT and PE predictor modelsEctopic Pregnancy Risk EstimationEndocarditis Diagnostic CriteriaGail Models for Breast Cancer Risk AssessmentHepatitis scoring systemsInfluenza Diagnosis and TreatmentJones CriteriaMetabolic Syndrome Criteria (multiple)Mycoplasma Pneumoniae PredictionNeurofibomatosis Type 2 Diagnostic CriteriaNewborn Hyperbilirubinemia AssessmentNIH Stroke ScoreOttawa and Pittsburgh Orthopedic RulesPerioperative Cardiac EvaluationPneumonia morbidity and mortality predictors (multiple)Renal Artery Stenosis Prediction Model.Stroke Risk in Patients 55-84 Years Old (Framingham data)Exploring EBMcalc by Specialty reveals the extensive knowledgebaseand literature review presented in EBMcalc. Specialtyindexesinclude:AnesthesiaAnthropometricsCardiologyCritical CareDermatologyEmergency MedicineEndocrinologyEpidemiologyGastroenterologyGeriatricsHematologyInfectious DiseaseMedical EducationMedical StatisticsNephrologyNeurologyNursingNutritionOncologyOrthopedicsPain ManagementPediatricsPharmacologyPhysical Medicine & RehabilitationPsychiatryPulmonologyRheumatologySmoking CessationSurgeryWomen's HealthWorkers' CompensationTo practice, teach and learn medicine based on solid,literaturebased evidence, EBMcalc provides easy to use, interactivetools foryour Evidence-Based Medicine.
Urología para Ginecólogos 1.0
¿Te consultan con frecuencia por infeccionesdeorina o por ETSs?¿Manejas la incontinencia femenina?¿Quieres saber más sobre la infertilidad del varón?¿Te encuentras con problemas urológicos durante el embarazo?¿Quieres saber cómo reparar un uréter o una vejiga abierta?El equipo de Urología Práctica ha creado una versiónparaAndroid, otra para iPhone y otra para iPad de “UrologíaPrácticapara Ginecólogos”. Se trata de una aplicación de consultapensadapara que el ginecólogo pueda resolver dudas urológicas deformarápida. Su carácter práctico con innumerables flow-charts ytablasde fármacos de muy fácil visualización, lo hace ideal paraserconsultado rápidamente incluso mientras se está viendo aunpaciente en la consulta o durante una atención de urgencias.Cadatabla de fármacos incluye el principio activo, la dosis,laduración del tratamiento y el nombre comercial en España. FueradeEspaña las pautas de tratamiento son igualmente válidas,peropueden variar los nombres comerciales.Dadas las posibles variaciones en las indicaciones delosfármacos, información de las dosis, toxicidadrecientementedescrita, interacciones medicamentosas y otros asuntosdeimportancia, se recomienda al lector comprobardichasinformaciones. Pese a todos los esfuerzos realizados enlaconsecución de un texto sin errores, los autores declinancualquierresponsabilidad ante la inexactitud de cualquiera de losdatospublicados.La versión de “Urología Práctica” para Ginecólogos estálimitadaa las secciones de Exploraciones en Urología,Infeccionesurinarias, Incontinencia femenina, Infertilidad,Embarazo yUrología, Iatrogenia urológica, Alteraciones en lacomposición dela orina, Cifras normales de laboratorio yUrovademecum. Existeademás una pestaña de Cirugía urológica queincluye cirugía vaginalde incontinencia, celes, quistes o fístulas,cirugía reconstructivade lesiones ureterales o vesicales, ytécnicas de recuperaciónespermática para reproducción asistida. Laversión completa de“Urología Práctica para iPhone” o “UrologíaPráctica para iPad”está disponible en el Apple Store e incluyeademás secciones deTraumatismos, Patología Obstructiva, Oncologíaurológica,Cistopatías, Litiasis urinaria, Patología vásculo-renal,Urologíainfantil, Manejo del paciente, Miscelánea y Aspectoslegales.No todos los temas pueden ser tratados con la profundidad oelacierto que quizá merezcan. Conscientes de ello proponemos alosusuarios interesados que nos hagan llegar, por mediación delcorreoelectrónico,, correcciones o aportaciones que creanoportunas. Unavez estudiadas por el equipo de Urología Prácticaserían trasladadasa posteriores actualizaciones de la aplicacióncon la referencia dela persona o grupo que ha aportado laidea.Los autores.
PadMed PRO es la evolución técnica dePadMed,el software para dispositivos móviles dedicado a laresolución deproblemas usuales en la práctica clínica diaria, y deuso dirigidoespecificamente a profesionales sanitarios.PadMed PRO se organiza en 9 utilidades, desde una calculadoramédica(con consejos sobre las acciones a considerar en funcióndelresultado de un determinado cálculo), a una utilidad de usodefármacos en urgencias y emergencias, pasando por otra dealgoritmosdiagnóstico-terapéuticos, o una biblioteca donde guardartodos lostextos o pdfs, y organizarlos en carpetas.Sin embargo, el mayor valor añadido de PadMed PRO se encuentra enlautilidad de Protocolos, una completa obra de diagnósticoytratamiento médicos, que contiene más de 400 páginas detextopropio, redactado por más de 100 especialistas médicos, yqueaborda más de 100 entidades clínicas, todas enfocadas haciaundesarrollo conciso y práctico. Las áreas de conocimientoqueincluye PadMed PRO son: Cardiología, Digestivo,Endocrinología,Hematología, Enfermedades Infecciosas, Nefrología,Neumología,Neurología, Oncología, Cuidados Intensivos yReumatología.El diseño de contenidos y la información médica que contienehansido realizados específicamente para PadMed PRO.Con la experiencia acumulada desde 2013, PadMed PRO se puedellegara convertir en imprescindible en tu día a día.PadMed, la app que lo empezó todo, ha sido Top 10 de descargas en20países, y ha sobrepasado las 50.000 descargas.La exactitud de la información médica está determinada porlafecha de la actualización del programa. Por favor, consultelamisma regularmente.Con PadMed PRO, estás más tranquilo,PadMed PRO, la información que necesitas, a un click.PadMed PRO isPadMedtechnical evolution of the mobile software dedicated tosolvingcommon problems in clinical practice, and use specificallydirectedto health professionals.PadMed PRO is organized in 9 utilities, from a medicalcalculator(with advice on the actions to be considered depending ontheoutcome of a particular calculation) to a profit of drug useinemergencies, to other diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms oralibrary to store all the texts or PDFs, and organize themintofolders.However, the major added value of PadMed PRO is in theutilityprotocols, a complete work of medical diagnosis andtreatment,which contains over 400 pages of own text, written bymore than 100medical specialists, and addresses over 100 clinicalentities, allfocused toward a concise and practical development.The areas ofknowledge that includes PadMed PRO are:Cardiology,Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Hematology, InfectiousDiseases,Nephrology, Pulmonology, Neurology, Oncology, IntensiveCare andRheumatology.The design and content containing medical information havebeenspecifically made for PadMed PRO.With the experience gained since 2013, PadMed PRO can soonbecomeindispensable in your daily life.PadMed, the app that started it all, has been Top 10 downloads in20countries, and has surpassed 50,000 downloads.The accuracy of medical information is determined by the dateofthe program update. Please check it regularly.With PadMed PRO, you're calmer,PadMed PRO, the information you need, just a click.
Oncology at a Glance 1.9.2
Indextra AB
This Wiley - Blackwell source of information, Oncology at aGlanceis developed by MedHand Mobile Libraries. Improve yourperformancewith relevant, valid material which is accessed quicklyand withminimal effort in the palm of your hand using MedHand’spatentedtechnology. This brand new title in the market-leading at aGlanceseries brings together fundamental information on cancerbiologyand treatment to provide a holistic understanding ofoncology. Itexplores both relevant scientific content and key humanissues,including communication and palliative care. This app-book:•Provides an accessible overview of the scientific foundationofcancer medicine • Covers the common cancers as well askeyinformation on presentation and approaches to investigationandmanagement • Includes young adult oncology, themultidisciplinaryteam, clinical trials in oncology, approach totreatment andresponse assessment, management of nausea, andend-of-life care •Was developed with students for students, toensure it containsexactly what students need to know This app is anideal guide formedical students and foundation-year doctors as wellas any otherhealthcare professionals looking to consolidate theirknowledge ofoncology. Authors: Graham G. Dark Publisher: Wiley –Blackwell________________________________________ MedHand MobileLibrariesoffers a SUBSCRIPTION FREE application without editionupgrade. Theapps enables you to make notes, picture notes, search,medicalcalculators, add bookmarks and review what you previouslybeenreading. MedHand delivers what you need, trusted knowledge atthepoint of care! Offering most trusted and well recognizedmedicalguidelines provided by excellent publishers like OxfordUniversityPress, McGraw-Hill, PDR Network LLC, Wiley and more.
Oncología preguntas de examen 8.0
Repasa y aprende sobre Oncología con esta fabulosa coleccióndemásde 600 preguntas obtenidas de exámenes deuniversidad.Posibilidadde preguntas aleatorias. ¡Ideal paraestudiantes!
Lilly Oncology CT App 3.0
Eli Lilly and Company
Lilly Oncology is committed toprovidingresources that support and enrich the cancer community.Part ofthat commitment is making sure oncology professionals haveaccessto the latest clinical trial information they need.The Lilly Oncology Clinical Trials application provideshealthcareprofessionals with free access to trial information for awidevariety of cancer indications.Key Features:- Clinical trials: Find Lilly and non-Lilly cancer clinicaltrialsworldwide- Sortable filters: Locate trials based on cancer type,location,molecular target, drug, modality, clinical phase, andtrialstatus- Location of trial: Search by location and find the neareststudylocation and contact details- Save and share trials: Save trials for fast and easyfuturereference, and share saved content with colleagues- Receive more information: Contact the Lilly OncologyClinicalTrial Navigation Service through the app via email or phoneto getmore information on clinical trials- Other resources: Find links to additional resources, such astheAmerican Cancer Society, based on audience, service,and/orcategory- Events: Locate congresses and events based on category,location,and/or dateThis application is compliments of Lilly Oncology.
MOC Brasil 3.21.0
Manual of Clinical Oncology, Brazil
OncoTools 1.6
OncoTools is an application thatfacilitatesthetasks of coding for histologies, topographies andcalculationsstagesaccording to the type of cancer and theinterancionalclassificationICD-O-3. Additionally you can view andsearch therelationshipbetween cancers, histology and topography aswell ascalculations ofBMI and Body Surface. It can be used inofflinemode.The information sources used are: Cancer Staging Manual Sixth edition ISBN: 0-387-95271-3Developed by:Comisión Honoraria de Lucha Contra el Cáncer - Uruguay Indice Masa CorporalBMI Body Mass IndexASC Area Superficie CorporalBSA Body Surface AreaThat isanapplicationOncotools Facilitates the tasks of codingforhistologies,topographies and calculations stages según the typeofcancer andthe interancional classification ICD-O-3.Additionallyyou can viewand search the relationship BetweenCancers, histologyandtopography as well as calculations of BMI andBody Surface. Itcanbe used in offline mode.The information sources used are: Cancer Staging Manual Sixth edition ISBN: 0-387-95271-3Developed by:Honorary Commission for the Fight Against Cancer - Uruguay Body Mass IndexBMI Body Mass IndexASC Body Surface AreaBSA Body Surface Area
Linee Guida AIOM 1.2
Eventi Telematici srl
Guidelines AIOM represent the benchmark for patient care.
Oncology Nurse Advisor 5.0.1
Haymarket Media
Oncology Nurse Advisor is a free, simpletouse, medical app that offers oncology nurses the latest newsandtrends. Oncology Nurse Advisor includes web-exclusiveoncologynews, full-length features, medical slideshows, andpatientinformation fact sheets. Download Oncology Nurse Advisor forfreeand receive continuing education (CE) credits whileparticipatingin a variety of CE activities on the Oncology NurseAdvisorapp.Thousands of oncology nurses rely on Oncology Nurse Advisor astheirguide to the latest news and studies in nursing to bebetterprepared on the job. Download Oncology Nurse Advisor for freetodayand become a more informed leader among your peers.Key Features:• Achieve Free continuing education (CE) credits◦ Participate in oncology-specific CE activities and articlestotake the post-test to claim credits• Ask a Pharmacist or Visit Advisor Forum◦ Ask a question to one of our highly certified pharmacistsoradvisors• Read Latest Oncology News and BreakthroughTreatmentRegimens◦ Covering Prostate Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, and more• Reference Patient Fact Sheets◦ Covering Prostate Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Asthma, and more• Use Medical Calculators and Relevant Tools◦ Body Mass Index, Liver Function Assessment Calculator,LDLCholesterol Calculator and more• View patient-friendly slideshows◦ Covering Kaposi sarcoma, lung cancer, melanoma, oral mucositisandmore• Receive Drug News◦ Drug Approvals, Drug Recalls, Drugs in the Pipeline• Search Comprehensive Drug Database◦ By brand, generic, disease and conditions, and companyHere are some ways to use Oncology Nurse Advisor forprofessionallife:• Become a better oncology nurse with knowing thelatesttrends• More informed when a patient asks a question• Learn and understand the appropriate drug for your patient• View patient-friendly slideshows on the goDownload Oncology Nurse Advisor for free today and catch uponthelatest oncology nursing news and studies while alsoearningcontinuing education credits on myCME. 5.5.5
Uitgeverij Jaap is a medical scientific news App.
My Onco Events 1.0.2
TODA LA INFORMACIÓN DE LOS CONGRESOS MÉDICOSDECANCER HEREDITARIO.La aplicación (APP) de Congresos Médicos de MYRIAD es unaprácticaagenda para profesionales de la salud que necesiten estaral díasobre lo que acontece en la especialidad de ONCOLOGÍA Y ELCÁNCERHEREDITARIO.Podrán acceder a la información sobre congresos yeventosrelacionados con esta especialidad y consultar todo lo queva aocurrrir en el mundo de la de la especialidad médica deoncología yel cáncer hereidtario a un año vista. Continuamente loscontenidosse irán actualizando.Encontrarás las fechas y lugar del congreso, la previsióndeltiempo de la ciudad donde se celebra, el aeropuerto más próximo,eltransporte público, dónde alquilar algún vehículo, cálculodedivisas, traductor...Para acceder es necesario que se acepte su condicióndeprofesional sanitario.La app de congresos médicos de Myriad se actualiza demaneraautomática.TODA LA INFORMACIÓN DE LOS CONGRESOS MÉDICOS DECANCERHEREDITARIO.La aplicación (APP) de Congresos Médicos de MYRIAD esunapráctica agenda para profesionales de la salud que necesitenestaral día sobre lo que acontece en la especialidad de ONCOLOGÍA YELCÁNCER HEREDITARIO.Podrán acceder a la información sobre congresos yeventosrelacionados con esta especialidad y consultar todo lo queva aocurrrir en el mundo de la de la especialidad médica deoncología yel cáncer hereidtario a un año vista. Continuamente loscontenidosse irán actualizando.Encontrarás las fechas y lugar del congreso, la previsióndeltiempo de la ciudad donde se celebra, el aeropuerto más próximo,eltransporte público, dónde alquilar algún vehículo, cálculodedivisas, traductor...Para acceder es necesario que se acepte su condicióndeprofesional sanitario.La app de congresos médicos de Myriad se actualiza demaneraautomática.TODA LA INFORMACIÓN DE LOS CONGRESOS MÉDICOS DECANCERHEREDITARIO.La aplicación (APP) de Congresos Médicos de MYRIAD esunapráctica agenda para profesionales de la salud que necesitenestaral día sobre lo que acontece en la especialidad de ONCOLOGÍA YELCÁNCER HEREDITARIO.Podrán acceder a la información sobre congresos yeventosrelacionados con esta especialidad y consultar todo lo queva aocurrrir en el mundo de la de la especialidad médica deoncología yel cáncer hereidtario a un año vista. Continuamente loscontenidosse irán actualizando.Encontrarás las fechas y lugar del congreso, la previsióndeltiempo de la ciudad donde se celebra, el aeropuerto más próximo,eltransporte público, dónde alquilar algún vehículo, cálculodedivisas, traductor...Para acceder es necesario que se acepte su condicióndeprofesional sanitario.La app de congresos médicos de Myriad se actualiza demaneraautomática.TODA LA INFORMACIÓN DE LOS CONGRESOS MÉDICOS DECANCERHEREDITARIO.La aplicación (APP) de Congresos Médicos de MYRIAD esunapráctica agenda para profesionales de la salud que necesitenestaral día sobre lo que acontece en la especialidad de ONCOLOGÍA YELCÁNCER HEREDITARIO.Podrán acceder a la información sobre congresos yeventosrelacionados con esta especialidad y consultar todo lo queva aocurrrir en el mundo de la de la especialidad médica deoncología yel cáncer hereidtario a un año vista. Continuamente loscontenidosse irán actualizando.Encontrarás las fechas y lugar del congreso, la previsióndeltiempo de la ciudad donde se celebra, el aeropuerto más próximo,eltransporte público, dónde alquilar algún vehículo, cálculodedivisas, traductor...Para acceder es necesario que se acepte su condicióndeprofesional sanitario.La app de congresos médicos de Myriad se actualiza demaneraautomática.ALL INFORMATION OFMEDICALCONGRESS OF CANCER HEREDITARY.The application (APP) Medical Congresses MYRIAD is apracticalagenda for health professionals who need to stay currenton what ishappening in the specialty of ONCOLOGY AND CANCERHEREDITARY.They can access the information on conferences and eventsrelatedto this specialty and check everything will ocurrrir in theworld ofmedical specialty of oncology and one year aheadhereidtario cancer.Continually contents will be updated.You will find the dates and venue of the congress, theweatherforecast of the city where held, nearest airport,publictransportation, where to rent a car, currencycalculation,translator ...To access is necessary for your condition clinicianisaccepted.The app Myriad medical congresses is updatedautomatically.ALL INFORMATION OF MEDICAL CONGRESS OF CANCER HEREDITARY.The application (APP) Medical Congresses MYRIAD is apracticalagenda for health professionals who need to stay currenton what ishappening in the specialty of ONCOLOGY AND CANCERHEREDITARY.They can access the information on conferences and eventsrelatedto this specialty and check everything will ocurrrir in theworld ofmedical specialty of oncology and one year aheadhereidtario cancer.Continually contents will be updated.You will find the dates and venue of the congress, theweatherforecast of the city where held, nearest airport,publictransportation, where to rent a car, currencycalculation,translator ...To access is necessary for your condition clinicianisaccepted.The app Myriad medical congresses is updatedautomatically.ALL INFORMATION OF MEDICAL CONGRESS OF CANCER HEREDITARY.The application (APP) Medical Congresses MYRIAD is apracticalagenda for health professionals who need to stay currenton what ishappening in the specialty of ONCOLOGY AND CANCERHEREDITARY.They can access the information on conferences and eventsrelatedto this specialty and check everything will ocurrrir in theworld ofmedical specialty of oncology and one year aheadhereidtario cancer.Continually contents will be updated.You will find the dates and venue of the congress, theweatherforecast of the city where held, nearest airport,publictransportation, where to rent a car, currencycalculation,translator ...To access is necessary for your condition clinicianisaccepted.The app Myriad medical congresses is updatedautomatically.ALL INFORMATION OF MEDICAL CONGRESS OF CANCER HEREDITARY.The application (APP) Medical Congresses MYRIAD is apracticalagenda for health professionals who need to stay currenton what ishappening in the specialty of ONCOLOGY AND CANCERHEREDITARY.They can access the information on conferences and eventsrelatedto this specialty and check everything will ocurrrir in theworld ofmedical specialty of oncology and one year aheadhereidtario cancer.Continually contents will be updated.You will find the dates and venue of the congress, theweatherforecast of the city where held, nearest airport,publictransportation, where to rent a car, currencycalculation,translator ...To access is necessary for your condition clinicianisaccepted.The app Myriad medical congresses is updated automatically.
OnCalc 1.0
Exoglas S.L.
Práctica herramienta auxiliar para oncología:- Cálculo de superficie corporal- Cálculo del índice de masa corporal- Cálculo del aclaramiento de creatinina- Cálculo del área bajo la curvaAuxiliary toolforoncology practice:- Calculation of body surface- Calculation of BMI- Calculation of creatinine clearance- Calculation of area under the curve
RT Tools
Allal AS
Radiotherapy & oncology tools for radio-oncologists &linkedspecialists
The ASCO Post International 6.1.0
Harborside Press, LLC
The ASCO Post, the most widelyreadoncologynewspaper for cancer professionals, has been relaunchedina newmobile application. Use this app to access theclinicalinformationso vital to your practice from the most trustedsourcein oncology,the American Society for Clinical Oncology(ASCO).Download eachissue in full color pages, optimized forviewing onyour tabletdevice. View articles from your favoritecolumnists,readinterviews with thought leaders in the field, andfind themostcomprehensive oncology meeting coverage available--allonyourmobile device. Bring your copies of The ASCO Postwhereveryougo!The ASCO Post, in collaboration with the American SocietyofClinicalOncology, assists the Society in communicatingandadvancing thehighest quality multidisciplinary cancer care toabroad audience ofoncology professionals and ASCO members. TheASCOPost featureshighly validated coverage of cancer researchandpolicy news, patientcare and clinical practice issues,andthoughtful commentary.