Top 7 Apps Similar to Krakow Map

Kraków - Planer wycieczek 2.0.0
Wybierasz się na wycieczkę do Krakowa, aleniechcesz nosić ze sobą ciężkich przewodników i map? ZaplikacjąKraków - Planer wycieczek możesz zwiedzać jedynie ztelefonem wdłoni. Za pomocą prostego formularza w kilka chwilstworzyszharmonogram wycieczki dopasowanej do Twoich zainteresowań,potrzebi godzin otwarcia obiektów. Oprócz planera aplikacja zawieratakżelistę polecanych miejsc i informacje o pogodzie.Aplikacja z planerem podróży powstała w generatorzeaplikacjimobilnych Map&App ( Teraz każdy,bezspecjalistycznej wiedzy i umiejętności, może stworzyćwłasnąaplikację mobilną.słowa kluczowe: planer, planner, planer podróży, plannerpodróży,generator aplikacji mobilnych, kreator planerów,Map&App,Kraków, Wawel, Sukiennice, planowanie podróży,mapaProjekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ześrodkówEuropejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramachProgramuOperacyjnego Innowacyjna Gospodarka na lata 2007-2013.You are going on a triptoKrakow, but did not want to carry around heavy guides and maps?Withthe application Krakow - Planner tours can only visit with aphonein his hand. Using a simple form in a few moments you createaschedule trips tailored to your interests, needs, andopeningobjects. In addition to the planner app also contains a listofrecommended places and weather information.The application of the travel planner was established inmobileapplication generator Maps & App ( Nowanyonewithout specialized knowledge and skills, can create theirownmobile application.keywords: planner, planner, trip planner, trip planner,themobile application generator, creator of planners, Map &App,Krakow, the Wawel Castle, Cloth, trip planning, mapThe project is co-financed by the European Union fromtheEuropean Regional Development Fund under the InnovativeEconomyOperational Programme 2007-2013. 4.9.1
Miasto Kraków - Official City App
Kraków Offline City Map 9.0.1
An interactive map of the city including a search engineforstreets, shops, etc
PocketGuide Inc.
Krakow Audio Travel GuideDiscover the city's oldest Gothic landmarks in Europe'sbestpreserved medieval cities. Whether you are eager to meanderdown tothe oldest part of Krakow University, loose yourself in thewindingstreets the Jewish quarter, or if you are fond of GothicandBaroque architecture and want to visit the magnificentStCatherine's and Pauline Churches our tailor-made tours guideyouthrough the city. Forget about lengthy text based content, andpayattention to the site itself while listening to thenarratedinformation.Got tired of sightseeing? Once you have soaked up the atmospheresitin one of the many outside tables of Krakow's bars or browsethemarket for jewelry and all manner of crafts. Switch to thebrowsingmode to get first hand tips to the best restaurants andbarsaround.PocketGuide is the world’s leading audio city guide applicationthatguides you through the city by voice, introducing the beststories,insider hangouts and must-see sights in the world’s majorcities andtourist destinations. All the tours are developed bylocal expertswho know their cities inside out. You can eitherchoose fromdifferent themed tours, or just wander around the cityand letPocketGuide inform you when an interesting site is nearby.Duringthe trip it can record your activities and with one clickyou cancreate an amazing 3D video of all your experiences.* In the app you have free access to the offline map as well astheGPS tracking and sharing (3D video) features. You canbrowsethrough the tours and try any of them for free online. Youonly payto download your tour for offline use to avoid highroamingcharges.Why PocketGuide?• TOURS OFFERED BY LOCAL EXPERTS - Browse more than 400 toursguidedby people who make sure you see the most excitingplaces.• AUDIO GUIDED TOURS - It will guide you with clear audio cuesandonce you approach a sight it automatically starts to tell youaboutit• SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES - During your tour you can take photosandadd comments; from this PocketGuide automatically creates a3Dvideo which you can easily share with your friends• FIND GREAT PLACES - If you are tired, let our guides recommendyouthe best nearby restaurants and cafés• AVAILABLE OFFLINE - Once you download a city, the wholecontentworks in offline mode so you don’t have to payroamingcharges• OFFLINE MAP - Get a free offline map and navigate in thecityeasily while avoiding roaming charges.Enjoyed the tours? Keep on traveling? Download PocketGuide'sotherversions available in other cities of Europe.Tours of Krakow:* Kazimierz I The Jewish Quarter (3 hours, 4.5 km) This is a tourofthe old Jewish quarter used as a ghetto in World War II.* Kazimierz II The Christian Quarter - churches and monasteries(2.5hours, 3.5 km) A tour of the Christian quarter of this towndistrictestablished by King Casimir the Great.* The Wawel, Castle of Polish kings (1.5 hours, 2 km) Aformerresidence of Polish kings the Wawel also features a cathedralandseveral important museums.* Walking Down the Royal Way: From Florian Gate to the Wawel(1.5hours, 2.5 km) A cross-section of Old Town – in as little asoneand a half hours.* Wandering Around the Old Town: the Southern Route (0.5 hours,1.5km) Another one and half an hour walk, discovering thehiddentreasures of the southern Old Town.* Follies of Socialist Realism: Nowa Huta, Borders New andOld.Wanda Hill and Fort Mogiła (3 hours, 4.5 km) Nowa Huta used tobe astronghold of Socialist development built in the 1950s outsideofthe centre of Krakow. Today it is part of city history.* Wandering Around the Old Town: the Northern Route (1.5 hours,2.5km) A stroll of about one and half an hours in the northern areaofOld Town.
Free Map of WiFi Cracow 1.61
Map of free WiFi hotspot in Cracow .
Smog tickets Krakow (Poland) 2.21
This application monitors smog level in Krakow in Poland andinformswhether one can use public transport in Krakow for freeaccording tothe local law. Such situation occurs when averagelevel of PM10 inKrakow exceeds some threshold. The decision isgiven for current andnext day.
MPT Radio Taxi Kraków
Infonet Roman Ganski
Aplikacja służąca do zamówienia taksówkiwkorporacji MPT Radio Taxi Kraków. Zamów szybko isprawnieon-line.Application fortaxiservices in the corporate MPT Radio Taxi Krakow. Order quicklyandefficiently online.