Top 18 Apps Similar to Respiration stress exam (PLUG)

Prana Breath: Calm & Meditate 9.5.1_4
Oleksandr Albul
Increase mindfulness, improve health, fight stress withbreathing& meditation
Breathing exercises 1.2
Zarko Petrovic
Behavioral technique which helps lowering somatic symptomsofanxiety and panic
Respi 5/5 1.2.1
The Application Respi 5/5 enables youtocontrol your breathing in an easy and fun way.With the raised and controlled abdominal breathing proposedbyRespi 5/5, you can better manage your stress, your anxiety,alongwith your blood pressure and you also get abetterconcentration!Indeed, studies carried on cardiac coherence (based onabdominalbreathing) show that when we are stressed, our heart isracing. Sowe know that there is a strong link between the brain andtheheart. But be aware that the opposite is also true: the heartactson the brain. In other words, our heart rate can alterthefunctioning of our brain. By adopting abdominal breathing,ourheart rate (that is to say, our heart beats) is regularand,through the autonomic nervous system, reduces cortisol, thestresshormone.In summary, the better we breathe, we are less stressedandanxious!
Kardia - Breath Stress Relief 1.9
Labna Sounds
Do you feel stressed, anxious or unfocused?Doyou have trouble falling asleep? A simple deep breathingexercisecan help you in a few minutes.Let Kardia guide your breath with sounds and the smooth movementofthe sphere. Feel your body and mind relax, and your heart ratevaryin harmony with your breath. This powerful and simple exerciseisaccessible to everyone, including kids.Here is what users say:"Very good app. Really! And I've tested several ofthem.Congratulations!" François"Very useful to practice cardia coherence wherever you are.Verysimple to use." Magali"Super app that helps me everyday OlivierUses- Stress relief- Calm down anxiety attacks- Cardiac coherence- Sleep aid: fight insomnia by focusing on deep breathing- Relaxation- Meditation sessions and sophrology exercises- Concentration improvementFeatures- Breathing rate between 5.5 and 6 cycles/min, adapted topacedbreathing for cardiac coherence- Exercise duration between 1 minute and 1 hour.- Usable without looking at the screen thanks toguidingsounds- No ad nor user profilingDuring ten days, try those exclusive features for free:- Large choice of high quality relaxing sounds- Breathing rate between 1 and 15 cycles/minwithinhalation/exhalation ratio- Automatically slow down or speed up breathing rate duringthesession- Advanced mode, with 0.1s precision on inhalation andexhalationdurationsUnlock all those features with a single in-app purchase.HRV, paced breathing and cardiac coherenceWith Kardia, you can practice heart rate variability (HRV)trainingthrough paced breathing. By breathing at a specific rate,around5.5 cycles/min, your HRV increases and becomes regular. Thisstateis known as cardiac coherence, or cardio-respiratorycoherence.Many scientific studies have demonstrated that it hasbeneficialeffects on stress and anxiety level, blood pressure,depression andsleep.The best breathing rate is different for everyone. With Kardia,youcan set very precisely the exercise frequency, so you willjustneed a few tries to find out the value that gives you thebestresults.
My Cardiac Coherence 1.1
breathe.... and be zen....
Paced Breathing 2.3.3
Paced Breathing
Improve your breathing for yoga & meditation.
LifeCare PRO - ( Anxiety ) PRO
Stress, anxiety, nerves or even somesubstanceslike caffeine, alter our body so that makesbreatheincorrectly.In these situations we breathe faster and shallower than itshouldat the levels of gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide ...) focus onourblood with inadequate proportions.***WHAT IS IT?LifeCare PRO helps us to control our breathing for restore bloodgasconcentration to normal levels.***IS IT FOR?To decrease our heart rate and enter a state of relaxation.Auxiliary when?:• Insomnia•Anxiety, tachycardia•Nerves•Stress•Assist in anxiety addictions (Caffeine, etc)***FEATURES:•English or Spanish language•Save history•Graphics of history•Velocity fit***INSTRUCTIONS:1. Open the app LifeCare PRO got to the start button.2. Follow the instructions:1. Breathing in through the nose until the program indicates youtohold air.2. Hold the air until the program indicates you breathingout.3. Breathing out through your mouth, like blowing, until theprogramindicates you breathing in again.4. Continue the process until finished the series or if youpreferto mark the option of repetition.
Shaolin Meditation 2.3
Alex Maxim
Traditional Buddhist meditation techniques practiced byShaolinmonks in China
Stress Reduction-Audio-Full 1.3.3
Relaxation and stress reduction tips.
Panic Relief- stop anxiety now 1.5.4
Psychiatrist, MD PhD Marianne Geoffroy, Denmark
The best tools to deal with panic, stress and anxiety! This appcangive you instant support wherever you are - it is silent andhelpsyou stay in control. Use your favorite animations for a fewminuteswhen you feel anxiety starts to build up inside you. PanicReliefis made by a danish psychiatrist and specialist incognitivetherapy, Marianne B. Geoffroy. 4 short cartoons withanimationsshow you how to cope with the unpleasant sensations inyour bodywhile staying mentally calm and in control. Are you aprofessional,a doctor or psychologist? The app can be used as asupplement topsychotherapy and/or medical treatment for panic,anxiety andstress disorders. Typical situations where panic attacksmay start:- in supermarkets, in crowds - in public transports, inairplanes -on highways, crossing bridges, in heights - before examsor jobinterviews - in other situations where you might feel stucke.g. atthe dentist, at formal gatherings and meetings, inrestaurants etc.CHEST: helps you discover what your normalbreathing pattern atrest looks like and helps you avoid too deepand frequent breathingduring panic, also called hyperventilation.Hyperventilation causesdizziness and makes anxiety and panic evenworse. SQUARE: is awellknown CBT method often called ‘breathing insquares’. This toolgives you both visual and mental focus when youuse it duringanxiety and panic. It will make you stay in mentalcontrol whilethe body calms down. ARM: shows you a quick and easytechnique forrelaxation which will make a panic attack feel lessintense. BODY:is a visualization exercise which is usefull when youhave read thetext 'What is a Panicattack' and read about our fight-flightreflex. Follow this animation and let the turmoil inside youbecometransformed into a more pleasant sensation. MORE: Read‘More’:'What is a Panicattack', read about why some of us are proneforanxiety attacks and about why they are a normal reactionthathappens in the body. Also read why panic attacks may come andgo inperiods and find answers to other frequently asked questions.Seealso:
La Respiration 1.0
4 exercices de self-help thérapie : 34minutesd’accompagnement- J'apprends à respirer lentement - 8 mn16- J'apprends à respirer par le ventre - 7 mn01- Je découvre des sensations en respirant - 9 mn07- Je m'observe en train de respirer - 9 mn39Des conseils pratiques pour agir au quotidien3 vidéos pour comprendre la technique :- Qu’est ce que le contrôle respiratoire ?- Comment pratiquer le contrôle respiratoire ?- Bénéfices du contrôle respiratoire4 fiches conseil pour bien maîtriser :- Respirer pour ne plus stresser- Recommandations et bénéfices de la pratique- Description détaillée des 4 exercices- Docteur Dominique Servant3 tests d’auto-évaluation avec résultats, interprétations etsuivi:- Savez-vous vous relaxer ? (10 questions)- Etes-vous d’un naturel anxieux ? (18 questions)- Etes-vous d’un naturel stressé ? (22 questions)Un apprentissage personnalisable- 6 diaporamas photos en complément- 6 thèmes musicaux en accompagnementEn résuméNotre application de contrôle respiratoire Respirer pour neplusstresser va vous permettre d'apprendre à contrôlervotrerespiration par trois actions essentielles : la ralentir,respirerpar le ventre et privilégier l'expiration.Par la pratique, vous prendrez conscience de votre respiration,vousdécouvrirez des sensations agréables et, peu à peu, vousobtiendrezune respiration :- régulière, en évitant les accélérations et en maintenantdestemps inspiratoires et expiratoires semblables à chaquecycle;- abdominale, c'est ce que l'on appelle respirer par le ventre,enfaisant participer la partie abdominale au mouvementrespiratoireet pas seulement la partie thoracique ;- superficielle, en évitant de respirer trop profondément etenprivilégiant la lenteur.Nos exercices sont simples et vous pouvez les pratiquertrèsfacilement par vous-même dans différentes positions,assise,allongée ou debout.La respiration permet d'augmenter les effets des autrestechniquesde relaxation. Une fois entraîné, vous pourrez utiliserlarespiration, en flash, pour dominer les situations de stress oudedifficultés émotionnelles.BénéficesLa pratique régulière de notre application Respirer pour neplusstresser va vous apporter les bénéfices suivants :- Éliminer rapidement les petits signes qui peuvent déclencheruneforte émotion et auxquels vous êtes très sensiblecommel'accélération des battements du cœur.- Diminuer les signes physiques associés aux paniques et àl'anxiété(vertiges, sueur...).- Induire, faciliter, renforcer un état de relaxation généralequipermettra un relâchement musculaire et ensuite unedétentementale.- Servir de point d’ancrage et renforcer les effets de touteslestechniques de relaxation.Apprentissage personnalisableAccessible à tous et personnalisable, notre applicationRespirerpour ne plus stresser vous permet d’aménager votre propreprogrammede contrôle respiratoire en écoutant et en suivantlesrecommandations du docteur Dominique Servant, au travers devidéospour comprendre la respiration, de conseils pratiques pouragir auquotidien, de diaporamas photos et d’accompagnementsmusicaux.Nos différents tests d’auto-évaluation facilitentvotreapprentissage progressif et le suivi de vos progrès.Loin d’être une perte de temps, Respirer pour ne plusstresservous aide à être plus en phase avec vous-même auquotidien.Auteur & collaboration scientifiqueDocteur Dominique ServantMédecin psychiatre et psychothérapeute, le docteurDominiqueServant dirige l’unité spécialisée Stress Anxiété au CHRUdeLille.Le docteur Servant est l’un des meilleurs spécialistes françaisdustress et de l’anxiété et il utilise la relaxation depuis 15 ansauCHU de Lille.Il est l’auteur de :- Relaxation : nouvelles approches, nouvellespratiques(Masson).- Relaxation et Méditation. Trouver son équilibre émotionnel(OdileJacob).- Soigner le stress et l’anxiété par soi-même (Odile Jacob).4 exercisesself-helptherapy: 34 minutes accompanying- I'm learning to breathe slowly - 8 MN16- I'm learning to breathe through the belly - 7 MN01- I discover sensations breathing - 9 mn07- I observe myself to breathe - 9 mn39Practical advice for daily action3 videos to understand the technique:- What control breathing?- How to practice breath control?- Benefits of respiratory control4 records council to master:- Breathing for not stressing- Recommendations and benefits of the practice- Detailed description of the 4 years- Dr Dominique Servant3 tests for self-assessment findings, interpretationsandmonitoring:- Do you relax? (10 questions)- Are you a natural anxiety? (18 questions)- Are you a stressed natural? (22 questions)Customizable learning- 6 photo slideshows in addition- 6 musical themes accompanyingIn briefOur application respiratory control Breathing for stress willnothelp you learn to control your breathing by three key actions:slowdown, breathe through your belly and focus expiration.Through practice, you will become aware of your breathing, youwillfind pleasant sensations and, little by little, you will getabreath:- Regular, avoiding acceleration and maintaining inspiratorytimeand expiratory similar to each cycle;- Abdominal, is what is called breathing through thestomach,involving the respiratory and abdominal area not only thethoracicmovement;- Superficial, avoiding breathing deeply and focusing too slow.Our exercises are simple and you can easily enjoy yourselfindifferent positions, sitting, lying or standing.Breathing can increase the effects of other relaxationtechniques.Once trained, you can use the breathing, flash, todominatesituations of stress or emotional difficulties.EarningsThe regular practice of our application to Breathe no morestresswill bring you the following benefits:- Quickly Eliminate small signs that can trigger strong emotionsandthat you are very sensitive such as accelerated heartbeat.- Reduce the physical signs associated with panic andanxiety(dizziness, sweating ...).- Induce, facilitate, enhance a general state of relaxationthatwill muscle relaxation and then a mental relaxation.- Serve as an anchor and reinforce the effects of allrelaxationtechniques.Customizable learningAccessible and customizable, our application to Breathe nomorestress allows you to design your own program of respiratorycontrolby listening and following the recommendations of Dr.DominiqueServant, through videos to understand breathing, practicaladviceto act daily, photo slideshows and musicalaccompaniments.Our various self-assessment tests facilitate your learningandprogressive track your progress.Far from being a waste of time, no more stress forBreathinghelps you to be more in tune with yourself everyday.Author & scientific collaborationDr. Dominique ServantPsychiatrist and psychotherapist, Dr. Dominique Servantdirectsspecialized Stress Anxiety at the University Hospital ofLilleunit.Dr. Servant is one of the best French specialists stress andanxietyand it uses relaxation for 15 years at the UniversityHospital ofLille.He is the author of:- Relaxation: new approaches, new practices (Masson).- Relaxation and Meditation. Finding emotional balance(OdileJacob).- Treating Stress and Anxiety by itself (Odile Jacob).
Kardia+ Deep Breathing Relaxat 4.3.1
Deep breathing exercise for stress relief, relaxation,yoga,meditation & sleep
Relaxation Breathing 1.0.4
Agile Sumo
Relaxation Breathing is a deep breathing and relaxation tool.
Meditation for beginners 1.0
Rocket Team
This application is for people who are already engagedinmeditation, or just want to try, but do not know what it isandwhere to start. It will help you lead your thoughts in ordertorelieve stress, to harmonize their physical condition andimprovesleep. The app is easy to use! There is nothing easier thantoinstall the application, follow the simple instructions, listentosoft music and enjoy the process of meditation. Startmeditatingright now!
Breathing pro
App Respirar/Breathing: reducing stressandanxietyYou can practice/train control your breathing (ideal 6 breathsperminute) with the help of our app “Respirar”. When the “ball” upyouwill inhale filling your abdomen and down the “ball” when youwillexhale emptying your abdomen. “Respirar” isabdominal/diaphragmaticand held nostrils to inhale and exhalethrough the mouth. Uponexpiration time will always be greater thanthe inhaled.By practicing breathing relax your body and facial muscles and tryagentle and quiet breathing. If you notice a certain effortoninhalation or exhalation, change the duration/time. Always seekaslower breathing to adapt to the respiratory rhythm.Duringrespiration remember that should be fluid to get hisheartcoherence (when the heart rate increases inspires and expireswhenthe heart rate slows).
Pranayama Free 2.10.0
Yogic breath training for meditation, health improvement andstressreduction
Breathe2Relax is a portable stressmanagementtool which provides detailed information on the effectsof stresson the body and instructions and practice exercises tohelp userslearn the stress management skill calleddiaphragmaticbreathing.Breathing exercises have been documented todecrease thebody’s ‘fight-or-flight’ (stress) response, and helpwith moodstabilization, anger control, and anxiety management.Breathe2Relaxcan be used as a stand-alone stress reduction tool, orcan be usedin tandem with clinical care directed by a healthcareworker.
Insight Timer - Meditation App 18.0.7
Insight Network Inc
Everyday Wellbeing for Sleep, Anxiety and Stress