Top 49 Apps Similar to Antibiotic Hero- gamify med ed

Emergency Nurse Essentials 6.30.5598
An invaluable resource for nursing students working in ERs orurgentcare!
Lifesaver Mobile 3.1.1
Learning emergency life-saving skills made easy - anywhere,anytime,for free.
OnlineMedEd 1.3.1283
OnlineMedEd Mobile
Anesthesiologist 3.1
Vikas O'Reilly-Shah
Anesthesiologist is designed to help quickly calculate adultandpediatric anesthesia related information. Usefulforanesthesiologists, CRNA, ER and critical care physicians, aswellas medical students, residents, and fellows. Drug dosing andairwaymanagement information is calculated on the basis of patientweightand age. The app is a work in progress; please see "What'snew" forupdates about included information. Airway: Mask sizeLaryngoscopeblade size Endotracheal tube size Laryngeal mask airway(LMA) sizeand ETT it will admit Drugs including IM and rapidsequenceinduction dosing: Succinylcholine RocuroniumCisatracuriumVecuronium Propofol Etomidate Ketamine ThiopentalFentanylHydromorphone Morphine Ketorolac AcetaminophenOndansetronDexamethasone Metoclopramide Epinephrine AmiodaronePhenylephrineEphedrine Midazolam Clonidine Glycopyrrolate AtropineNeostigmineCefazolin Ceftriaxone Ampicillin Cefoxitin ClindamycinGentamicinVancomycin Infusions: Remifentanil Propofol DopamineDobutamineEpinephrine Isoproterenol Norepinephrine MilrinonePhenylephrineVasopressin Nitroglycerin Nitroprusside EsmololObstetric drugs:Magnesium Oxytocin Methergine Carboprost (Hemabate)TerbutalineCopyright 2011 Vikas Shah. Disclaimer and warning: Thisapplicationwas written solely to be used as a helpful adjunctforprofessionally trained physicians and practitionersotherwiseexperienced in airway management and drug administrationanddosing. The data is provided for informational purposes only andinno way should be construed as professional medical advice. Ifyoudon't know the drug, its side effects, and its pitfalls, don'tuseit! Care has been taken that no errors in calculation havebeenmade, but all calculations must be verified by the user.Drugdosing given here is based on published doses, but in allcasesdrugs should be administered on a case by case basis andtitratedto effect for the individual patient. In no case haveindividualpatient differences been taken into account, andconditionsincluding but not limited to renal disease, hepaticdysfunction,cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, metabolicdiseases andmitochondrial diseases may impact dosing or safety inthe usecertain drugs. Neither the name of the copyright owner northe nameof this project may be used to endorse or promote productsderivedfrom this software without specific prior writtenpermission. Thissoftware is provided by the copyright holder "asis" and anyexpress or implied warranties, including, but notlimited to, theimplied warranties of merchantability and fitnessfor a particularpurpose are disclaimed. In no event shall thecopyright owner beliable for any direct, indirect, incidental,special, exemplary, orconsequential damages (including, but notlimited to, procurementof substitute goods or services; loss ofuse, data, or profits; orbusiness interruption) however caused andon any theory ofliability, whether in contract, strict liability,or tort(including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way outof theuse of this software, even if advised of the possibility ofsuchdamage. In places where such liabilities cannot be waivedordisclaimed, liability shall not exceed the retail cost oftheapplication to the user of the application. Use of this appimpliesagreement to these terms and conditons. If you do not agreewiththese terms and conditions, delete this applicaton fromyourdevice.
Dr.Müller Steve
The EMERGENCY app for doctors, paramedics and emergency doctors
Memorix Anatomy QUIZ
Review anatomy anytime and anywhere
QuickEM 5.6
Bill Dirkes
Emergency medicine differential diagnoses, tests, treatmentsbychief complaint.
Clinical Practice Guidelines 2.2.0
Endocrine Society
Endocrine Society's Clinical Practice Guidelines App
via medici WISSEN TO GO 1.15.2
The app for sustainable knowledge in medicine.
Pedi Help 2.3
Calculator for pediatric emergencies and anesthesia
Geeky Medics - OSCE revision 3.96
Geeky Medics
Learn clinical skills on the go with our awesome collection ofOSCEguides.
Anesthesia Emergency 1.2
Anesthesia Aid
A simple application to quickly referencecommonintraoperativeanesthetic emergencies. Emergency algorithmsandcognitive aids areincluded for: ACLS, malignanthyperthermia,anaphylaxis, airembolism, local anesthetic toxicity,bronchospasm,pneumothorax,high spinal, hypoxia, and hypotension.Also includesactions andbroad differential for hypotension Latestresources usedas notedin the "about" section. Future versions toadd: highairwaypressure, hemorrhage, hyperkalemia, and others.Thisapplication ismeant as a cognitive aid and resource for thoseinthe medicalprofession and anesthesiology in particular atalllevels includinganesthesiologists, anaesthetists, nurses,andstudents. While everyeffort has been made to keep currentandaccurate the informationin this app, it is ultimatelytheresponsibility of the user toensure the accuracy of anyinformationhere before using forpatient care. Please feel free toemailAnesthesia.Aid@gmail.comwith any feedback, questions,orsuggestions. Thank you!
EMC mobile 3.4.4
Elsevier Masson SAS
Médecins, chirurgiens et professionnels de santé,téléchargezgratuitement EMC mobile, la référence médicale etparamédicale pourAndroid. Tous les articles des incontournablestraités EMC en accèsdirect. EMC mobile, c’est : ■ Plus de 10 000articles de référenceet plus de 100 000 illustrations issus desprestigieux traités EMC■ Un moteur de recherche précis qui vouspermettra de filtrer lesinformations recherchées par domaine ou partraité ■ Au choix, unerecherche transversale sur plusieursdisciplines ou ciblée parspécialité ■ Un accès direct dans chaquearticle au planinteractif, au résumé et, à tout moment, à la tabledes matières dutraité ■ Des annotations sur vos articles favoris etla possibilitéde les consulter sans connexion internet ■ Pouvoirsynchronisertous vos contenus sur l’ensemble de vos appareilscompatibles.Adoptez dès aujourd’hui l’application EMC mobile,l’outilindispensable pour votre pratique au quotidien ! Lestraitésactuellement disponibles dans l’application : ■ AKOS (Traitédemédecine) ■ Anesthésie-Réanimation; ■ Angéiologie ■Appareillocomoteur ■ Biologie médicale ■ Cardiologie ■ Cosmétologieetdermatologie esthétique ■ Dermatologie ■ Endocrinologie –Nutrition■ Gastro-entérologie ■ Gynécologie ■ Hématologie ■Hépatologie ■Kinésithérapie – Médecine physique – Réadaptation ■Maladiesinfectieuses ■ Médecine buccale ■ Médecine d'urgence ■Néphrologie■ Neurologie ■ Obstétrique ■ Ophtalmologie ■Orthopédiedentofaciale ■ Otorinolaryngologie ■ Pathologieprofessionnelle etde l'environnement ■ Pédiatrie - Maladiesinfectieuses ■Pédopsychiatrie ■ Pneumologie ■ Podologie ■Psychiatrie ■Radiologie et imagerie médicale : abdominale –digestive ■Radiologie et imagerie médicale : cardiovasculaire –thoracique –cervicale ■ Radiologie et imagerie médicale :génito-urinaire –gynéco-obstétricale – mammaire ■ Radiologie etimagerie médicale :musculosquelettique – neurologique –maxillofaciale ■ Radiologie etimagerie médicale : principes ettechniques – radioprotection ■Savoirs et soins infirmiers ■Techniques chirurgicales - Appareildigestif ■ Techniqueschirurgicales - Chirurgie plastique,reconstructrice et esthétique ■Techniques chirurgicales -Chirurgie vasculaire ■ Techniqueschirurgicales - Gynécologie ■Techniques chirurgicales - Orthopédie– Traumatologie ■ Techniqueschirurgicales - Tête et cou ■Techniques chirurgicales - Thorax ■Techniques chirurgicales -Urologie ■ Urologie ■ Vétérinaire
NEJM Knowledge+ IM Review
NEJM Group
NEJM Knowledge+ Internal Medicine Board Review
Medical terms (OFFLINE) 3.6.7
Medical Group Soft
Best Medical Dictionaries Terminology Books
Alle krankheiten (Free) 3.6.11
Medical Group Soft
Wie kommt es zu einem Asthma? WelcheUrsachenhat Schlaganfall? Hier finden Sie zuverlässige undleichtverständliche Informationen zu vielen Hundert KrankheitenundSymptomen: Erfahren Sie mehr über Auslöser und RisikofaktorensowieDiagnose- und Therapiemöglichkeiten. Dazu erhalten Sie TippszurVorbeugung.In unserem Krankheitslexikon finden Sie detaillierteBeschreibungenzu den wichtigsten Krankheiten – leicht verständlich,von Expertenerklärt. Denn oft fallen Ihnen die wichtigen Fragen zueinerErkrankung erst ein, nachdem Sie die Arztpraxis miteinerKrankheitsdiagnose verlassen haben. Vielleicht hat der ArztauchFachausdrücke benutzt, die Sie nachlesen möchten. Oder Siemöchtensich als Angehöriger über eine Krankheit informieren. AllesguteGründe, warum wir Ihnen laienverständliche Informationen zudenwichtigsten Krankheiten anbieten. Erfahren Sie alles Wichtigeüberdas Krankheitsbild und zugehörige Symptome. Verstehen SiedieUrsachen und Risikofaktoren der Erkrankung. Lesen Sie, mitwelchenUntersuchungen die Krankheit diagnostiziert wird. UndinformierenSie sich über Behandlungsmöglichkeiten derErkrankung.Das Handbuch enthält eine Beschreibung von Krankheitenwie:blutdruck, diabetes, durchfall, fieber, pickel,kopfschmerzen,ebola.What causes anasthma?What causes a stroke? Here you will find reliable andeasilyunderstandable information to many hundreds of diseasesandsymptoms: Learn more about triggers and risk factors,anddiagnostic and treatment options. You will also receive tipsforprevention.In our lexicon disease you will find detailed descriptions ofthemajor diseases - easy to understand, explained by experts.Oftenyou noticed the important regarding a medical condition ononlyafter you have left the doctor's office with a diseasediagnosis.Maybe the doctor also uses technical terms that you wantto read.Or you want to learn as a member of a disease. All goodreasons whywe offer you lay understand information on majordiseases. Learneverything about the disease and associatedsymptoms. Understandthe causes and risk factors of the disease.Read with which studiesthe disease is diagnosed. And informyourself about treatmentoptions of the disease.The manual contains a description of diseases such as:bloodpressure, diabetes, diarrhea, fever, pimple, headache,ebola.
MedLearn | Medical Education 1.1
MedLearn is an interactive platform for medical education
Equine Drugs 2.4.3
Guide to drugs used in horses, including the dose and adosecalculator
Medical FlashNotes 1.2.9
Robert Goulden
Clinical medicine reference where everything you read can becomeaflashcard
Skyscape Medical Library 3.4.4
App includes Drug Guide, Clinical Consult and Medical CalculatorforHCPs
Lippincott Procedures 4.4.01
Access Lippincott Procedures current clinical information!
Nurses' Health Assessment 2.8.21
Unbound Medicine, Inc
Includes all content from the latest edition
Anaesthesia Logbook-Log4ASLite 3.0.1
Log4AS: design to produce reports for Anaesthetists
Your personal Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) reference guide
WikEM - Emergency Medicine 7.3.2
OpenEM Foundation
WikEM, The Global Emergency Medicine Wiki, is apoint-of-carereference available on the web or via our dedicatedmobileapplications. Its emergency medicine knowledge base hasthousandsof quick problem-specific notes to help you care forpatients,which is one of the reasons it has been downloaded by morethan100,000 users and is one of the top 10 most popularemergencymedicine websites. Supported by the nonprofit OpenEMFoundation,WikEM provides a way for medical practitioners toorganize onlinecontent and cross-reference clinical informationat If you are a medical practitioner, joinourcontributor community and help edit our content. WikEM isintendedfor clinicians only and not directly for patients. WikEMserves awide range of medical practitioners predominantly amongthespecialties of emergency medicine, pediatric emergencymedicine,critical care, emergency medical services (EMS), andurgent caremedicine, as well as primary healthcare fields such asfamilymedicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics. Numerous sourceshavenamed WikEM as a key reference for emergency practitioners,rangingfrom EMTs, paramedics, and other first responders to nurses,nursepractitioners, physician assistants, and emergency physicians.
Physiology GURU 2.3
VSP Pvt. Ltd
Physiology GURU (ADVANCED) Aims to Bring Physiology at CenterStageof Medicine
IDEXX VetConnect® PLUS 11.4.0
IDEXX diagnostics for Veterinarians
5-Minute Clinical Consult 2.8.17
Unbound Medicine, Inc
2023 Edition with Bonus Features
InSimu Patient - Diagnose Virt 7.0.0
Practice real-world diagnostic decision-making on virtual patients.
Ein Tag Deutsch in der Pflege 1.2.0
IMPORTANT: Please update your (Chrome) browser to thelatestversionto ensure best performance of the "Ein Tag Deutsch inderPflege"application. Free learning game with exercisesoncommunication,vocabulary, structures and pronunciation –forlearners of Germanlanguage level B1 and higher. Working inhealthcare you will befacing linguistic challenges. This gameisdesigned for you topractice your communicational skillswithdifferent people duringyour work day as you will meet thepatientTorben Teller, his caringwife and the demanding seniorphysicianDr. Thewes. No need toworry, helpful colleagues are atyour side.The game presentsnumerous authentic conversations ofeveryday workin health care.Choose what to say! In additionalexercises oncommunication,grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation youwillinternalize the mainlinguistic aspects of the setting. Onceyoudon’t know a word thedictionary will help you out. As well astheinfobox which providesuseful information about working inhealthcare in Germany.
Emergency Nurse Practitioner 2.0
The RCH Emergency Nurse Practitioner App is a guide forpaediatricspecialties.
2019 A&P Perpetual 6.2.01P
VB Learning
For Organizations Only
Okee in Medical Imaging 1.2.2
From the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, this apphelpschildren to prepare for having medical imaging. Coming tohospitalfor medical imaging (radiology) can be a littleoverwhelming –especially if it’s your first visit! But this iswhere Okee theOctopus and his friends can help. They’ll show youthe ropes andhave you ready for your appointment in no time. Infact, they’rehaving so much fun you’ll want to join in their gameseven if youdon’t need to have your picture taken. And that’s okaytoo – theylove company! So are you ready? Join Okee in apicture-takingadventure in Medical Imaging! 3 training games Startthe adventurewith some training in holding your breath with Puffer,keepingstill with Jellyfish and helping Squid fill up with glowink. 6picture – taking activities Help Okee and friends to:Buildsubmarines in MRI Make milkshakes in fluoroscopy Look forstickersin CT Find the broken bones in X-ray Search for sea starsinultrasound Fasten seatbelts for a ride in nuclear medicineReallife action Videos and photos let you see what it’s really liketohave medical pictures taken at The Royal Children’s Hospital(RCH)Melbourne. Getting ready for your appointment Handy tips andeasyto understand information help you know what to do before youcometo the hospital. Information for parents This appincludesinformation to help you discuss your child’s upcomingappointmentand make visiting the hospital fun and exciting. There’salso handyinformation like phone numbers, parking tips and FAQs.This app hasbeen developed as a collaboration between thedepartments ofMedical Imaging, Educational Play Therapy, and theEducationalResource Centre at The Royal Children’s HospitalMelbourne’s.Funding generously provided by The Royal Children'sHospitalFoundation. Disclaimer This application is intended tosupport, notreplace, discussion with your doctor or healthcareprofessionals.The authors have made a considerable effort to ensuretheinformation is accurate, up to date and easily understood.TheRoyal Children's Hospital accepts no liability foranyinaccuracies, information perceived to be misleading, orthesuccess of any suggestions detailed in this application.
Bates' Physical Examination 2.8.02
Unbound Medicine, Inc
The premier physical assessment resource for tablets andsmartphones
Body Interact 2023.0410
Take The Wind, SA
A virtual patient simulator with life-like clinical scenarios
EMRA Antibiotic Guide
Get easy-to-use ABx recommendations on-shift
Ferri's Clinical Advisor
Diseases & disorders, differential diagnoses, algorithms,labtests & guidelines
USMLE QBank 5.5
GLEY Software
USMLE QBank App assists doctors for practicing USMLEMedicalEntrance Exam
The Chief Complaint 3.1
Escavo Inc.
An algorithmic approach to the most common complaints inemergencymedicine
Pedi Safe Medications 3.4
iAnesthesia LLC
Pediatric Emergency Guide for medications, airway equipment,andBroselow Colors
USMLE Internal Medicine Q&A 6.30.5598
960+ questions with detailed explanations to explain toughconcepts!
Rubin's Pathology: USMLE Q&A 6.18.5234
Take control of your study schedule withthiseasy to use mastery tool based on the highly respectedtextbook,“Lippincott’s Illustrated Q&A Review of Rubin’sPathology”.Combining highly relevant content with unmatchedportability, thisresource lets you learn at your own pace, whereverlife takesyou.With clinical vignette-style questions and detailedexplanations,Rubin's Pathology provides a comprehensive review ofmajor conceptsin general and systemic pathology. Using the USMLEtemplate, eachmultiple-choice question presents a clinical caserequiring theapplication of knowledge in a practical setting. Over200full-color images link clinical and pathologic findings.Designed as a stand-alone resource, Q&A Review ofRubin’sPathology is a vital tool for self-assessment or boardprep.Install the free version today and jumpstart your studying!We have provided a limited free version of the content that youcantry before deciding to upgrade. This version includes alimitedamount of practice questions and basic progressmetrics.Get your best value by upgrading to the Premium Version with aonetime, in-app purchase. The Premium Version includes lifetimeaccessto:• 1,140+ practice questions with detailed explanations• Detailed results tracking showing your strongest andweakestareas• 30 available topics:· Cell Injury· Inflammation· Repair, Regeneration, and Fibrosis· Immunopathology· Neoplasia· Developmental and Genetic Diseases· Hemodynamic Disorders· Environmental and Nutritional Pathology· Infectious and Parasitic Diseases· Blood Vessels· The Heart· The Respiratory System· The Gastrointestinal Tract· The Liver and Biliary System· The Pancreas· The Kidney· The Lower Urinary Tract and Male Reproductive System· The Female Reproductive System· The Breast· Hematopathology· The Endocrine System· Obesity, Diabetes Mellitus, Metabolic Syndrome· The Amyloidoses· The Skin· The Head and Neck· Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissues· Skeletal Muscle· The Nervous System· The Eye· CytopathologyWith this premium study tool, personalizing your study planissimple. Flag problematic questions as you go and assessyourprogress using the detailed analytics. By offering arigorousreview of key concepts and facts, Lippincott’s IllustratedQ&AReview of Rubin’s Pathology gives you the knowledge you needtomaster the USMLE and medical boards and begin yourrewardingprofessional career.Our Customer Success Team is available from 8am to 6pm, Monday-Friday (except on major holidays).Call us at 319-246-5299 and email us at withanyquestions.
MediCalc® 10.4
ScyMed Inc.
"The standard for clinical calculations and analytics inMedicine™".
Nursing Med - IV 1.7
Pablo Robledo Casado
Great app fornursing: APP for Nursing: how to use medication IV: indication, directionsforuse, compatible sera calculation perfusion with accesstomedication sheetNursing techniques with evidence-based online literature:fromtechnical to inject vaccines or blood taken for analysis. Helpwiththe "heel prick" a child or newborn baby; TB testing, foodsafety,food intake recommendations. Consultation literatureelectronicdatabases like Medline ( pubmed ), Elsevier.Nursing related Calculators: Calculator serum to assesstheamount of serum per minute; Help pregnancy calculatorapproximatedue date or baby's birth; Body mass index or BMI.Application indicated to improve patient care, aimed atnurse,doctor and nursing and medical students.We keep improving to update the application.Additionalauthors:
Handbook Clinical Anesthesia 3.6.9
Step-by-step procedures to administer anesthesia drugs.ASAguidelines.
NefroConsultor 2.5
Madilon Medical Care
NefroConsultor, nephrology your app.
Merck Manual Professional 3.3
Merck & Co Inc
Stay up-to-date with the Merck Manual Professional App.
Anatomy & Physiology MIE NCLEX 4.7.1
5th Edition with Q&A Low Price- powered by Skyscape
Hospitalist Handbook 6.0.4
by UCSF Department of Medicine