Top 19 Apps Similar to Personality Development

Philosophical Dictionary 80.0
Dictionary of Philosophy, learn and consult philosophical terms.
Historia de la Filósofia 3.0.0
Contiene la filosofía de losautoresmásconocidos y estudiados.Platón, Aristoteles, Santo Tomas de Aquino, Descartes,Kant,Marx,Nietzsche, Ortega y Gasset .Toda la información están recolectado de paginas fiablesdehistoriade la filosofía. Contienen las teorías delosfilósofos.Contains thephilosophyofthe authors best known and studied.Plato, Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, Descartes,Kant,Marx,Nietzsche, Ortega y Gasset.All information are gathered from reliable pages ofhistoryofphilosophy. They contain the theories ofphilosophers.
Critical Thinking / Math Sense 2.2
Helen Do
By serious research investmentandwithunderstanding of age differencesindividual’sacquisition,CriticalThinking.Pro has designed theprogram withlevels formkindergarteners to primary students (from 3- 10 yearsold). Withthese levels, children will be able to approachtheprogram moreefficiently.Furthermore, each level is suitably designed for varioustypesofMath, helping learners get ahead at school, increasetheirabilityto think and nimbly deal with numbers. The program notonlycoverselementary and primary Math programs but also createsasolidfoundation for Math definitions and good habit ofstudyingforstudents in the future.THE ADVANTAGES OF MATHEMATICAL THINKING🌟 Establishing and promoting observing and critical ability🌟 Establishing and make good use of creative thinking🌟 Improving the children’s self studying and practicing
Sócrates e Platão
Este aplicativo contém váriospensamentosdeSócrates e Platão. Apesar de terem vividoaproximadamente 2500anosatrás, seus ensinamentos são atuais e aindacontribuem paraaformação do homem de Bem.Sócrates foi o pioneiro do que se define atualmentecomoFilosofiaOcidental. Até hoje este filósofo é sinônimodeintegridade moral esabedoria, pois sempre agiu com éticaeresponsabilidade.Platão foi filósofo e matemático, autor dediversosdiálogosfilosóficos e fundador da Academia em Atenas,aprimeirainstituição de educação superior do mundoocidental.Juntamente comseu mentor, Sócrates, e seu pupilo,Aristóteles,Platão ajudou aconstruir os alicerces da filosofianatural, daciência e dafilosofia ocidental.OBS: Este aplicativo não necessita de permissão paraacessoainternet, pois todas as informações e recursosnecessáriosestãocontidos no aplicativo.Thisapplicationcontainsvarious thoughts of Socrates and Plato. Despitehavinglived about2500 years ago, his teachings are current andstillcontribute tothe formation of man WellSocrates was a pioneer of what is currently definedasWesternPhilosophy. Until today this philosopher is synonymouswithwisdomand moral integrity, for always actedethicallyandresponsibly.Plato was a philosopher and mathematician, authorofmanyphilosophical dialogues, and founder of the Academy inAthens,thefirst institution of higher learning in the Westernworld.Alongwith his mentor, Socrates, and his student, Aristotle,Platohelpedto build the foundations of natural philosophy,science,andWestern philosophy.NOTE: This application does not need permission toaccesstheinternet, because all the information and resourcesarecontainedin the application.
Filosofia & Física 3.2.1
Hélio Pimentel
Philosophy: Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Descartes, Hume,Kant,Leibniz etc.
DISC 성격유형검사 0.0.3
사람들은 크게 4가지 유형이 있습니다. 유형에 따라 사람들은 각각의 특성을가지고있습니다.이러한 특성을 잘 안다면 대인관계를 크게 개선할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 자신의 특성을 알아냄으로써자기자신을 더 잘 이해할 수 있는 계기가 될 수 있습니다.망설이지 말고 지금한번 유형을 검사해보세요!직상상사 또는 부하 직원과 트러블이 있으신가요?자녀와 대화가 단절되고 거리감이 있으신가요?어떤 사람과 친해지고 싶은데 나랑 맞질 않아서 힘드신가요?DISC는 사람의 성격유형을 파악하는 검사로, 다른 사람이 어떤 사람인지 파악하고 대처할 수 있게 도와줍니다.그 사람이 어떤 유형인지 파악한 후 그에 맞는 대처를 해보세요!또한 자신이 어떤 사람인지 알고싶으신지요?내가 무엇을 잘하는지, 내가 어떤 직업을 가지면 좋을지 또한 성공하려면 어떻게 해야할까?DISC 검사를 통해 모두 알아보세요!----개발자 연락처 :010-2676-8678There are four typesoflarge people. Has the characteristics of each of thepeopleaccording to the type.They could significantly improve the interpersonal well knowthesecharacteristics, as well as their characteristics byfindingYou can be an opportunity to better understand themselves.Try again now, do not hesitate to check the type!Do you have any problems with immediately above the bossoremployee?Do you have conversations with your child cut and distant?Do you want to get to know some people and did not really suitfitsme?To identify the personality type of the person checks, helpstoidentify and deal with what others are DISC person.Try to deal with it after the match that he identifiedwhattype!I also want to know what kind of person yourself?Jalhaneunji I do, how do I have to be good also to Havingsomeprofessional success?Please check out all over the DISC!
Filosofía Hoy 7.7
Magzter Inc.
FILOSOFÍA HOY es una revista para pensar, reflexionar,debatir...sobre filosofía y pensamiento en general; un punto deencuentro deuna élite social e intelectual con inquietud porconocer. Todo,desde el rigor, pero dando cabida al humor, parafomentar lalibertad de pensamiento y la capacidad de sonreír.Porque hoy elverdadero lujo es ser capaz de CUESTIONAR todo lo quepasa a tualrededor. Porque hoy DESCUBRIR los pensamientosuniversales teofrece una visión inteligente de los cambios denuestro tiempo.Porque hoy los filósofos actuales y clásicos tienentodas lasclaves para que tú puedas VIVIR TU MUNDO con auténticapasión.
Communicate Forever:Better You 1.0.5
Eduperior, Inc.
What is Communicate Forever? It is a course that includesfortyeightskills for learning effective communication andinterpersonalskills.Learning has been simplified and madeinteresting viaanimatedvideos, stories and dialogues. We oftenfind ourselvesstuck incertain situations where we don’t know howto deal withanger andmanage the situation. Communicate Forever isdevelopedkeeping thisaspect in mind so as to teach you a numberofdifferent skillsincluding anger management skills and give youthebest relationshipand parenting advice. Key Features: -Skilldevelopment course withforty eight communication skills.-Engaging animated videos, storiesand dialogues to help youlearneasily. - Create your own profile andjoin groups. -DownloadWorkbooks for active learning and practising.- You canselect andlearn the suitable personality enhancementskills foryou. - Trackyour skill usage via bar graph and pie chart.- GetaSelf-Actualized Certificate after learning the skills. -SetAppreminders for selected skills. - Select different skilllevelsforyourself like beginners, learning, expert, etc. -IndicatetheFrequency of Use, survey for each skill and viewreports. Whoallcan find it useful? With numerous benefits, this Appis usefulforeveryone. Be it an individual, family, companyororganization,schools or colleges, all need to developinterpersonalskills andknow tips for building a strong relationshipwith others.Companiescan benefit by learning conflict management atworkplace.They canorganize programmes for their employees toimproveoverallproductivity and teamwork. Social organizations canuse thecoursefor creating awareness for social andemotionaldevelopment.Schools and colleges can use the course inpersonalitydevelopmentclasses. The course can be divided intoseveral partsand can betaught in two to three sessions. Learningand practisingcan bemade easy and interesting with the teambuilding exercisesprovidedin the workbook. What are the benefitsreceived? Those whoreallywant to benefit from the course can: -Learn how to dealwithanger. - Learn ways to develop a healthyrelationship. -Evolveemotional and social Intelligence. -Personality developmentbylearning how to communicate better. -Experience less stresswithmore harmony and peace of mind. - Becomemore productiveandcreative at work. - More stable employment andpromotions. -Learnteenage anger management skills. - Learn ways tomanageconflict. -Help yourself grow spiritually. - Better emotionalandphysicalhealth. - Learn how to build a functional family. Whatisnew inits upgraded version? The upgraded version of the appcomeswithcustomized and easy-to-enable Push notificationsettings,basicRich text highlighting features and severalimprovements ontheskills page for a more user-friendly experience.What is theCost?Communicate Forever App is FREE and comes with fourskills ontheApp to get familiar with the course. In order tolearnmoreeffective communication skills or access all fortyeightskills,you will have to register on the website to get thefullversionwith all the skills just for $4. The Workbook can alsobepurchasedfor $12. So start exploring it and easily learnemotionalmaturityand intelligence. Give it a try today itself!
Formação Política
Todos os sábados reúnem-se no bairroSumaré,nacidade de São Paulo, estudantes e profissionaisinteressadosemampliar seus conhecimentos de história efilosofiapolíticamediante a organização de aulas e debates sobre otema. Comisso,visam adquirir o ferramental necessário ao exercíciopleno desuacidadania, participando ativa e conscientemente dodebate sobreasinstituições políticas do país.Entre as pessoas que integram o Círculo de EstudosPolíticos–provenientes de áreas profissionais tão distantesquantociênciassociais, engenharia mecânica, biologia e ciênciascontábeis–encontram-se orientações político-ideológicasbastantediversas.Entretanto, todos compartilham o respeito pelaética dodebate, orechaço ao indiferentismo político e, sobretudo, abuscapelo bemcomum.A coordenação do grupo está a cargo dos ProfessoresHenriqueElfese Marcus Boeira e sua organização é realizada porGuilhermeFreire eFelipe Cury.Marcus Boeira é Professor de Filosofia Política,FilosofiadoDireito e Teoria do Estado. Mestre e Doutor em DireitodoEstadopela Faculdade de Direito do Largo SãoFrancisco-USP.Coordenador-geral de Programas de Pós-GraduaçãodoDepartamento deDireito do IICS/CEU – Instituto InternacionaldeCiênciasSociais.Henrique Elfes é formado em Letras pelaPUC-PR,palestrante,ensaísta, cofundador do IFE e daRevistaDicta&Contradictatrabalha como editor em São Paulo.O horário das reuniões é aos sábados, das 11h às 13hO Círculo de Estudos Políticos é vinculado ao IFE- OInstitutodeFormação e Educação é uma associação sem fins lucrativosquevisa aestudar, criar e divulgar no Brasil conhecimento noscamposdasHumanidades, das Artes e da Filosofia– SaturdaymeetatSumaré neighborhood in the city of São Paulo,studentsandprofessionals interested in expanding their knowledgeofhistoryand political philosophy by organizing lectures anddebateson thetopic. With this aim to acquire the necessary toolstoexercisetheir civil rights, participating actively andconsciouslydebateon the country's political institutions.Among the people who are part of the Circle of PoliticalStudies-from professional areas as distant as socialsciences,mechanicalengineering, biology and accounting sciences-arepolitical-ideological orientations quite different.However,theyall share the ethics debate, the rejectionofpoliticalindifference and, above all, the search for thecommongood.The coordination group is in charge of Professors HenryandMarcusElfes Boeira and your organization is performed byGuilhermeFreireand Felipe Cury.Boeira Marcus is Professor of Political Philosophy,PhilosophyofLaw and State Theory. Master and PhD in Public Law fromtheLawSchool of San Francisco Largo-USP. General CoordinatoroftheGraduate Program of the Department of Law of the IICS /CEU-International Institute of Social Sciences.Henry Elfes graduated in Literature fromPUC-PR,lecturer,essayist, and co-founder of IFE & MagazineDictaContradictaserves as editor in São Paulo.The meeting time is on Saturdays from 11am to 13hThe Circle of Political Studies is linked to theIFE-TheInstituteof Training and Education is a non-profitassociationthat aims tostudy, create and disseminate knowledge inBrazil inthe fields ofHumanities, Arts and Philosophy - /
Tes Kepribadian Dominan 1.0
Hamam Nasrodin
Kepribadian adalah suatu organisasiyangdinamisdari sistem psiko-fisik indvidu yang menentukantingkahlaku danpemikiran indvidu secara khas. TerjadinyaInteraksipsiko-fisikmengarahkan tingkah laku manusia.Dengan mengetahui kepribadian anda sendiri di harapkanandabisalebih mengerti tentang diri anda sendiri danmengembangkandirimenjadi seseorang yang lebih baik.Personality isadynamicorganization of psycho-physical system indviduthatdeterminebehavior and thinking typically indvidu.Thepsycho-physicalinteraction directs human behavior.By knowing your own personality in the hope you canunderstandmoreabout yourself and develop into a betterperson.
PersonalityDevelopment 1.0
Personality development is gaining more and more importancebecauseit enables people to create a good impression aboutthemselves onothers, it helps them to build and developrelationships, helps inyour carrer growth and also helps to improveyour financial needs.While most people realize that personalitydevelopment is apossitive step in improving one's life, some peoplemay havedifficulty in finding ways to accomplish it.This is whereapersonality development plan is important.
Personality Development 1.0
Virtual Applets
Personality DevelopmentTip of the Day let the users to get some information tomakethemselves Energetic for the day.Personality development tips help the users to know abouttheirstrengths and weaknesses and to enhancethemselvesaccordingly.Success stories help users to get to know about thelegend'sstories.Ultimately the use of the application is to enhance thePersonalityDevelopment of the users.
Train Critical Thinking Skills 1.0
This app contains proven steps andstrategiesonhow to help you improve your critical thinking, howyoumakedecisions and think about things. We all want tomakegooddecisions in our life, and make those decisions infullconfidencethat we are doing the right thing.From forming your own opinions and independent thinkingtomakingdecisions that will have greater benefits for you.Thelessons youwill find in this book are proven strategies thatwillhelp youimprove all of this..Within days you are going to see that your decisionmakingskillsare going to greatly increase, and you are going tofeel alot moreconfident with your choices.Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn…What Critical Thinking Really IsThe Three Steps To Independent ThinkingThe Benefits of Problem Solving SkillsAnalyzing Critical ThinkingWhy You Should Not Be Afraid to Ask QuestionsHow to Avoid Being a Target AudienceBreaking the Cycle: Becoming Your Own PersonPractical Ways to Implement Critical Thinking in YourOwnLifeMuch, much more!
Rai Filosofia 1.0
E' il magazine gratuito di RaiFilosofia( con il meglio dei contenutipresenti sulnuovo video-portale tematico realizzato da RaiEducational.Contiene ritratti di filosofi, articoli e anteprime di librierecensioni sulle opere. Un osservatorio di esperti,percorsi,speciali. Inoltre, le rubriche 'web stories' e 'inviati davoi',con le testimonianze video e filmati, talvolta inediti, trattidalvasto e prezioso repertorio delle Teche Rai.And 'the free magazineRaiPhilosophy ( with the best content on thenewvideo portal theme created by Rai Educational.Contains portraits of philosophers, articles and book previewsandreviews on the works. An observatory of experts, routes,special.In addition, the headings 'web stories' and 'sent by you',with thetestimonies and video footage, sometimes unpublished, takenfromthe vast and valuable repertoire of the Teche Rai.
GD Tips 1.3
A good guidance can make you crack your most importantGroupDiscussion in your life. This app gives you the best lastminute GDtips. (AD Free) **FREE**--- The app comes with free ebookon groupdiscussion. ---**FREE** The tips are given around thefollowingtopics: Group Discussion Intro Personal Intro ContentContent -initiation Content - closing statement Content -summaryCommunication - verbal Communication - non-verbalInterruptionGroup Behaviour Checklist Do You Know, that a GroupDiscussionRound is most often an elimination round formanyInstitutes/Corporates? Don’t leave your preparation toChance,master the art of cracking any GD round with this GD Tipsapp. Thetips are complied by experienced and active trainers ofPersonalityDevelopment.
Critical Thinking Insight 5.8
Insight Assessment
Check out these authentic reasoning skills tests andmindsetevaluation tools.
Nama Dan Pribadi Seseorang 1.0
ridwan media
Warna dapat memberitahubanyaktentangkepribadian seseorang. Tes warna telah ada untuk waktuyanglamadan bisa menjadi sangat akurat pada kepribadian kamu.Lihatapakahkarakteristik kepribadian kamu cocok dengan kepribadiankamuyangsebenarnya. Warna dipercaya banyakmengandungmakna.Terkadang warna kesukaanmu memiliki artiyang tidakjauhberbeda dengan pribadi kamu sesungguhnya. Warnamemberi dayatariktersendiri terhadap apa yang kita lihat dan sulituntukdipisahkandari kehidupan kita. Disadari atau tidak, terkadangwarnabisamengubah segalanya, dan hidup ga asik kalau gaberwarnahehe.Aplikasi Warna dan Pribadi Seseorang ini, mengupastentangartisebuah warna yang menjadi kesukaanmu. Aplikasi WarnadanPribadiSeseorang in, dapat memberi pemahaman sekaliguspengetahuanbagisiapapun apabila kamu ingin mengenal lebih dalamtentangbagaimanasikap, pribadi maupun kebiasaan seseorang.Warna dan Kepribadian SeseorangTest Kejiwaan melalui Warna kesukaan seseorangMelihat kepribadian seseorangWarna menunjukan pribadi seseorang.Colors can tell alotabouta person's personality. Color test has existed for alongtime andcan be very accurate in your personality. See if youfitthepersonality characteristics of your true personality.Colorisbelieved to contain a lot of meaning. Sometimes yourfavoritecolorhas a meaning that is not much different from therealyoupersonally. Color gives a special attraction to what weseeanddifficult to be separated from our lives. Whether we realizeitornot, sometimes the color could change everything, and life ifgagacool colored hehe.Application and Personal Color this person, investigatedthemeaningof a color that becomes favorite. Application andPersonalColorSomeone in, can provide an understanding at onceknowledge toanyoneif you want to know more about how attitudes, andhabits ofone'spersonal.Color and Personality SomeoneTest Psycho through someone's favorite colorSeeing one's personalityThe color of someone's private show.
Personality + 1.0
Create It
Aplikasi Personality + berfungsi untuktespsikologi kepribadian berdarkan teori Hipocrates-Galenus.Di dalamnya terdapat 4 definisi kepribadian, yaitu:1. Koleris2. Melankolis3. Sanguinis4. PhlegmatisManakah kepribadian Anda yang paling cocok?Temukan di aplikasi Personality + ini.
Think!Think! Games for Kids
Wonderfy Inc.
Play 120+ games & puzzles to develop your kid'scriticalthinking skills!