Top 19 Apps Similar to U.S. Classic Stamps

Great Britain Stamp Catalog 3.0
This app is based on the book'ThePostageStamps of Great Britain' by W. M. Ward published in 1918bySevernWylie Jewett Co. and can be used as a regularcatalog,including ahave and want list.The catalog uses an own numbering system, but withkindpermissionfrom Stanley Gibbons, the main numbers from theGreatBritain ConciseStamp Catalog are included.Shades and varieties of main numbers have a subnumber a,b,c,etc. For example, 1a, 1b, 1c are shades of number 1.Platesanddies of main numbers have the plate or die numberseparated byadot. For example, 1.1a, 1.1b, 1.2 are plates of number1.Plates and dies do have SG numbers but are hidden inthelistingsexcept at the stamp details where it is visible.This catalog follows the same order as in the bookwiththeexception of SG numbers 121 (2s. brown) and 151 (1s.orangebrown).This means that some Stanley Gibbons numbers arefoundelsewhere inthis catalog. For example, the die I and II ofthefirst perforatedissue are grouped and mixed in the StanleyGibbonscatalog, but areseparated in the book, where first die Iisdiscussed and then dieII.The visibility of subnumbers in the regular stamp list,havelistand want list, can be changed by an option on themainmenu;initially subnumbers are visible. Likewise, thevisibilityofplates and dies can be changed; initially plates anddiesarevisible.The book does not list every shade (or namestheshadedifferently) that is listed in the Stanley Gibbons catalog;inthatcase, a masculine ordinal indicator ° is used toindicatethis.Issues later than 1917 are not included in the bookbut areaddedto complete the King George V period.Only main numbers have images, sub numbers, plates anddieshavenot. At the stamp details, gray scale images of mainnumbersareused for the sub numbers. In the regular stamp list,images ofsubnumbers are not displayed. In the have and want list,thecolourimages of main numbers are used for the sub numbers.Other catalog numbers from the major worldwidecatalogpublisherscan be added manually. The codes used for thecatalogsare: 'SG' forStanley Gibbons, 'Sc' for Scott, 'Mi' forMichel and'Yv' for Yvert& Tellier.You can manually add a price, but the catalog doesnotdistinctbetween the condition of stamps like used, mint,hinged,etc. Withkind permission from Arthur Ryan & Co., thecatalogcan importstamp prices of various grades as published inJuly 2014on the website Find by Design option gives an overview withallstamps.Scrolling for the first time in this overview might beslowbecauseof the many images that must be loaded! Scrolling anexttime willbe faster. For fast scrolling, it is tried to loadallimages intomemory and it depends on the available memory onthedevice if thisis possible. If this is not possible, a messageisshown andscrolling in this overview will be slower thanusual.
United States Stamp Catalog 3.0
This app can be used for the administrationofyour United States stamp collection, covers the postage stampsofthe first century from 1847 to 1947 and includes a have list andawant list.The app uses the United States Design Numbering System(USD)devised by PSE (Professional Stamp Experts). For moreinformationabout PSE, visit the web site numbers a, b, c, etc. exist for USD numbers in the casethata USD number has more than one Scott number. Besides afewexceptions, sub numbers exist only for the major Scott numbers;forre-issues, reprints and special printings no sub numbersexist.Example: For USD number 3 (Franklin 1c; blue imperf) thesubnumbers a to h exist which are the Scott numbers 5, 5A, 6, 6b,7,8, 8A and 9.I have asked Amos Press for permission to use the Scottnumberingscheme, but unfortunately the response from Amos Presswas: 'At thepresent time we do not license the use of the ScottCatalogueNumbers in apps for mobile devices.'On the PSE web site a cross reference is available betweenUSDnumbers and Scott numbers.The visibility of sub numbers in the regular stamp list,havelist and want list, can be changed by an option on the mainmenu;initially sub numbers are visible.Besides a few exceptions, only main numbers have images,subnumbers have not. At the stamp details, gray scale images ofmainnumbers are used for the sub numbers. In the regular stamplist,images of sub numbers are not displayed. In the have and wantlist,the colour images of main numbers are used for the subnumbers.Other catalog numbers from the major worldwide catalogpublisherscan be added manually. The codes used for the catalogsare: SG forStanley Gibbons, Sc for Scott, Mi for Michel and Yv forYvert &Tellier.You can manually add a price, but the catalog does notdistinctbetween the condition of stamps like used, mint, hinged,etc. Withkind permission from Brookman Stamps Company, the catalogcanimport stamp prices of various grades as published in the2013-2014price list on the web site Afterimport,for main USD number with sub numbers, the main USD numbergets theminimum price of the sub numbers.Additionally a certificate can be added and viewed in thedefaultweb browser if the certificate is from PSE.The Find by Design option gives an overview with allstamps.Scrolling for the first time in this overview might be slowbecauseof the many images that must be loaded! Scrolling a nexttime willbe faster. For fast scrolling, it is tried to load allimages intomemory and it depends on the available memory on thedevice if thisis possible. If this is not possible, a message isshown andscrolling in this overview will be slower than usual.Send me an email if the app is not working properly, if youhaveany questions or if you want to have specific featuresadded.
Scott Postage Stamp Catalogue 1.0.1
Amos Press, Inc.
The Scott Postage Stamp Catalogue appenablesmobile device viewing of the Scott Postage StampeCatalogues.Internet access is required to view the eCatalogues.You will needa free ScottOnline account to sign in.Scott Postage Stamp Catalogue is the #1 resource foridentifyingand valuing U.S. and worldwide postage stamps.The six-volume Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogueprovidesdetailed listings and annually updated values for postagestampsreleased throughout the world. The Scott SpecializedCatalogue ofU.S. Stamps and Covers is the indispensable referencework used bycollectors of U.S. postage stamps. The Scott ClassicSpecializedCatalogue of Stamps and Covers, 1840-1940 is recognizedas thepremier reference work for identifying and valuingclassicworldwide stamps and covers.
Canada Classic Stamps 1.1
Marvin Mallon
From 1851 to the present, Canada hasissuedmore than 2700 different postage stamps. This applicationoffersdetailed information regarding the 81 stamps whose presentvalueequals or exceeds $1,000.Current values for various grades are listed for items rangingfromthe 1¢ Beaver of 1851 to the 1930 Newfoundland “Caribou”Airmail .Complete descriptions and means for identifying whetheryou possessone of these valuable postage stamps is included aswell.Grab your tweezers and magnifying glass and see if you've hitthejackpot!
RMS Stamp Inventory 2.0
This philately related app can be used fortheadministration of your Republik Maluku Selatan (RMS)stampcollection and includes a have list and a want list.The app does not distinct between the condition of stampslikeused, mint, hinged, etc. for administration purposes, nor doestheapp have a valuation of stamps but you can manually addaprice.
Fine Art - Volume 1 2.0
Marvin Mallon
Twelve Impressionist artists and their famous paintingsareillustrated.
Priceless Coins 1.1
Marvin Mallon
Here is a presentation of the twelvemostvaluable coins in the world. Each has sold for morethan$2,000,000. From a British 1343 Edward III Florin to aUnitedStates 1933 Saint-Gaudens gold Double Eagle, all of thesecoins areextremely rare, in extraordinary condition and commandtheseunusual prices.A 1794 U.S. Flowing Hair Dollar (only 140 are believed toexist)commanded an auction price of more than ten million dollarsinJanuary of 2013. More recently, a Brasher Doubloon changed handsina January 2014 auction for nearly five million dollars.Learn the history and view the twelve coins that have acombinedvalue of nearly $60,000,000.
Priceless Paintings 1.1
Marvin Mallon
Twenty of the most valuable paintings in the world areillustratedand described
Commemorative Coin Checker 2.0
Marvin Mallon
Every U.S. Commemorative coin from 1892 to the present is listedandevaluated.
U.S. Coin Checker 2.2
Marvin Mallon
Here is a means to determine the value of your United States coins.
Fine Art - Volume 4 1.1
Marvin Mallon
Enjoy a collection of the works of twelve prominentRomanticartists.
Почтовые Марки России
Pavel Fanko
Серьезно увлекаетесь филателией или жепростопроявляете интерес к коллекционированию марок ? В такомслучае, этоприложение - для вас."Почтовые Марки России" это большой бесплатный каталог мароксофлайн доступом, удобной системой поиска, сортировки ивозможностьюсохранять отдельные марки в свою коллекцию.В этом каталоге-справочнике присутствует более 3 тысячмароквыпущеных с 1992 по 2016 г. с детальным описанием имасштабируемойжестом картинкой.Удобная система поиска по ключевым словам, поможет быстронайтиинтересующую вас марку в считаные секунды, отфильтровать ихпосерии, либо году выпуска.Также вы можете проверить доступность почтовых марок винтернетмагазинах прямо из приложения.Seriously fondofphilately or just show interest in collecting stamps? In thiscase,the application - for you."Stamps of Russia" is the largest online catalog of stampswithoffline access, convenient system of search, sorting, andtheability to save individual brands in your collection.In this directory, the directory contains more than 3 millionstampsissued from 1992 to 2016 with a detailed description andscalablegesture picture.Convenient search keywords will help you quickly find the mark inamatter of seconds, filter them by series, or year ofrelease.You can also check the availability of postage stamps in thestoredirectly from the app.
Türkiye Pul Koleksiyonu 1.0.0
Türkiye'de yayıma sürülmüş 5000'denfazlapultarih bazlı olarak koleksiyonerler tarafındanColnectaltındabilgileri toplanmış ve görücüye çıkmış.Pulkoleksiyonlarınameraklı iseniz kaçırmamanız gereken biruygulama.Fiyat, basımsayısı, değeri ve resimleri Cumhuriyet'inkuruluşunakadar tümpullar mevcut.In Turkey, morethan5,000are based publication date stamp plowed underColnectinformationcollected by collectors and increased showcased.Anapplicationshould not miss if you are interested instampcollection. Price,edition number, value and image of allstampsavailable until theestablishment of the Republic.
Canada Coin Checker 3.1
Marvin Mallon
Canada Coin Checker shows the range of current values for morethan1000 coins.
Canada Classic Coins 2.0
Marvin Mallon
Quickly identify your Canadian coins that have a value of $1,000ormore.
Chess Masters 1.1
Marvin Mallon
The purpose of this application is to acquaint the viewer withthelives of the ten most famous chess Grand Masters. A portraitofeach accompanied with a brief biography is available as well asalink to an incredible web site ( that permitstheuser to step through any one of hundreds of games played bythemover the years.Alekhine, Botvinnik, Capablanca, Fischer, Karpov,Kasparov,Lasker, Morphy, Steinmetz and IBM's "Deep Blue" areallrepresented.Novice and expert alike will benefit from witnessingtheunfolding of the clashes between these giants of chess.Hopefully,you will be entertained and educated while re-playing themostremarkable games in history.
Fine Art - Volume 2 2.0
Marvin Mallon
Enjoy a collection of the works of eleven prominentRenaissanceartists.
Fine Art - Volume 5
Marvin Mallon
Twelve Realist artists and their famous paintings are illustrated.
Fine Art - Volume 3 1.1
Marvin Mallon
View the works of twelve of the most prominent Baroque artists.