Top 18 Apps Similar to Information Technology 2015

Information Technology 1.4
YupOK Pvt. Ltd.
Physical security perimeterAdding Intelligence to InternetMobile Virtual Reality ServicesWisenetTEN GB ETHERNETSmell TransmissionUbiquitious NetworkingHuman Computer InterfaceFRAMHurdVirtualizationLWIPOptical packet switch architecturesHalo NetworksCellular Digital Packet DataImodePowerline CommunicationPHOTONIC PACKET SWITCHINGNanorobot in Medical FieldProtein Memories for ComputersCore i7iSCSIThermomechanical Data StorageUltra Wide BandATM WITH AN EYEINFORMATION SECURITY USING STEGANOGRAPHYDISTRIBUTED WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMShallow Water Acoustic NetworksParasitic ComputingPolymer MemoryMicro Air VehicleMEMS SwitchesNeural networks and genomic engineeringBio ChipsChameleon ChipsSTEGANOGRAPHYXScaleTempest and EchelonOptical Computing TechnologySelf Organizing MapsSmart Dust3- D ICsEmbedded DRAMFully Integrated CMOS GPS RadioCruseo ProcessorHAPSHVACLocal Multipoint Distribution ServiceGoogle AndroidSPEECH CONTROL ROBOTSpace MouseMOLETRONICSSoftware Quality techniquesComparison of different SDLC'sThin Displayscruose processorE- bombEmbedded LinuxTCP-Friendly Rate Control ProtocolLow Power UART Design for Serial Data CommunicationTROJAN HORSESVirtual storage access method (VSAM)Java RingCYBERNETICSBLUE EYESHolographic data storage system (HDSS)WEB 2.0Grid ComputingNEAR FIELD COMMUNICATIONFace-DetectionParallel ComputingHuman Area NetworksStorage Area Networks (SAN)virtual realityFluorescent Multilayer DiskEVOLUTION DATA OPTIMIZED4G WIRELESS SYSTEMEmbedded systemsPolygraph and Lie detectionNanotechnologyASPECT Oriented programmingWelding RobotsHoney PotSpace RoboticsInternet distributed computing ( IDC )High Altitude Aeronautical Platform Stations (HAAPS)INTELLIGENT SOFTWARE AGENTS (ISI)Local Multipoint Distribution ServiceGMPLSMobile ComputingMobile IPVIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORKS (VPN)Java CardNASlight-treeModular ComputingMigration from GSM network to GPRSIP & WEB SPOOFINGUnicode Supports Solaris Operating EnvironmentVo CableHTML5TripwireRED LIGHT CAMERASParasitic ComputingProteomicsplastic chipsOptical SwitchingSensotronic Brake ControlASNAP TECHNOLOGYProject OxygenRD RAMIntegration of IT in machine toolsMapping & PositioningNRAMRobotics and its ApplicationsWearable ComputersCyberwareNeuroprosthetic DevicesVisnavWatermarking Digital AudioWavelet Video Processing TechnologySurvivable Networks SystemsSatellite RadioMicromechanical System for System-on-Chip ConnectivityWindows DNAself managing computingWearable Bio-SensorsWINCARBON NANOTUBEDIGITAL MICROMIRROR DEVICEResistance Change Chalcogenide MemorySENSITIVE SKINSMART WINDOWSURFACE MOUNT TECHNOLOGYTERRESTRIAL TRUNKED RADIOTHE MICRO OPTO ELECTRO MECHANICAL SYSTEMSTIME DOMAIN MODEL FOR THE ASSESMENT OF HIGH QUALITY AUDIOWEB SECURITY USING SSLWi MANWIRELESS OPTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMSUSB 3.0HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface)Azure Services PlatformZigBeeMIMO TechnologiesDBMSCache Object oriented databaseBIOS and booting processMOTION CAPTUREProxy ServerGenetic ProgrammingRFB ProtocolSteganographyIntrusion Detection systemsMagnetic RAMNeural NetworksHolographic MemoryOptical Computing TechnologyAI for Speech RecognitionReCREW: A Reliable Flash-Dissemination SystemholographySecurity Challenges for the Public CloudCloud Computing: The Limits of Public CloudsforBusinessApplicationsOrganic Light Emitting DiodesGraphics processing unitATM NetworksAugmented Reality(AR)BiometricsBLUETOOTH WIRELESS TECHNOLOGYElectronic Data InterchangeMulticastSMTPC# 4.0 Language FeaturesL-Networks: A Topological Model for Regular2DInterconnectionNetworksHyper transport TechnologyE-Intelligence for BusinessGeographic Information Systems-GISMulti terabit NetworksPARALLEL COMPUTING IN INDIAReal-time Operating SystemsSymbian Operating SystemIntelligent networksMPEG7Hyper ThreadingExtreme Programming
Information Technology School 3.0.3
LINK group
ITS aplikacija za softverski podržano učenje.
Computer Studies XI 1.0
PanaTech Apps
According to the syllabus of Computer Science XI of BIEK,BIES,BIEH, BIEL
BSC IT 2.3
Pace Web Solutions
Get all BSC IT study materials and important informationregardingthis course.
Database Management Systems 6.0
Engineering Apps
Database management systems (DBMS) app is a part ofcomputersciencewhich covers most important topics in simple Englishanddiagramsfor a quick study and revisions at the time ofExams,Viva,Assignments and Job interviews. The best app forschool,college andwork. If you are a student it will help to learna lot.This usefulApp lists 150 topics in 5 chapters same as abook,totally based onpractical as well as a strong base oftheoreticalknowledge withDBMS notes written in very simple andunderstandableEnglish.Consider this App as a quick note guide whichprofessorsuse in aclassroom. The App will help in faster learningand quickrevisionsof all the topics. It is available in offlinereading aswell. Someof the topics Covered in the app are: 1.Overview ofDatabaseManagement Systems 2. Database Systems versusFile Systems3.History of Database Systems 4. View of Data 5.ExtendingDatabaseCapabilities 6. Types of Databases andDatabaseApplications 7.Advantages of Database Systems 8. Functionsof aDBMS 9. Role of theDatabase Administrator 10. Database Users11.Data Models 12.Components of Database Management system13.Transaction 14.Database Management System Languages 15. Thetwotier architecture16. Three-layer architecture17.Entity-Relationship Model 18.Database design and ER Diagrams19.Entity Types, Attributes andKeys 20. RelationshipsandRelationship sets 21. Types of Entity 22.Constraints 23. Keys24.Entity-Relationship Diagram 25.Hierarchical Data Model 26.NetworkData Model 27. Design Issues 28.Extended E-R Features29.Alternative E-R Notations 30. The UnifiedModeling Language31.Relational Model Terminology 32. MathematicalDefinitionofRelation 33. Database Relations 34. StructureofRelationalDatabases 35. Database Schema 36. Keys 37. SchemaDiagram38. TheRelational Algebra 39. Composition of RelationalOperations40. TheUnion Operation 41. The Set Difference Operation42. TheRenameOperation 43. Formal Definition of the RelationalAlgebra44.Additional Operations 45. ExtendedRelational-AlgebraOperations46. Outer Join 47. Null Values 48.Modification of theDatabase 49.Views 50. Physical Storage Media 51.RAID 52. TertiaryStorage 53.Storage Access 54. File Organization55. Variable-LengthRecords56. Organization of Records in Files 57.Indexing structuresforfiles 58. Secondary Indexes 59. ClusteringFile Organization60.Data-Dictionary Storage 61. Hashing 62. B Tree63.Query-by-Example64. Queries on One Relation 65. Queries onSeveralRelations 66.The Condition Box 67. The Result Relation 68.Orderingof theDisplay of Tuples 69. Aggregate Operations 70.Normalization71.Functional Dependency 72. The Process ofNormalization 73.FirstNormal Form (1NF) 74. Boyce.Codd Normal Form(BCNF) 75.FourthNormal Form (4NF) 76. Fifth Normal Form (5NF) 77.AlgorithmforFunctional Dependencies 78. Objectives of SQL 79.History ofSQL80. Importance of SQL 81. SQL Statement 82. Use ofDISTINCT83.Search Condition 84. Pattern Matching 85. NULL SearchCondition86.SELECT Statement 87. SELECT Statement - Grouping 88.Subqueries89. Join 90. Integrity Enhancement Feature 91.DataDefinition 92.View 93. Transactions 94. Data-DefinitionLanguage95. SchemaDefinition in SQL 96. Dynamic SQL 97.Lock-BasedProtocols 98.Granting of Locks 99. Two-Phase LockingProtocol100.Implementation of Locking 101. Graph-BasedProtocols102.Time-stamp-Based Protocols 103. Validation-BasedProtocols104.Deadlock Handling 105. Timeout-Based SchemesforDeadlockPrevention 106. Deadlock Detection 107. RecoveryfromDeadlock 108.Need for Concurrency Control It is the most usefulAppfor lastminute preparations for Computer science,softwareengineeringeducation courses and information technologydegreeprograms ofvarious universities. Download the DBMS app tolearnmore.
Information Technology Act2000 1.1.0
Ajinkya Innovations
Information Technology Act 2000(Cyber Law) माहिती तंत्रज्ञानअधिनियम२०००
Networking Dictionary 1.0
Gabriel Mbatha
This Networking dictionary enables you togetintouch with the terms in this era of evolving technology.Allthiswork is done in the offline state mode. The goal of thisappis tointroduce you to fundamental networking termsandtechnologies. Thesedetails will assist you in developingtheskills necessary to knowand implement small networks acrossarange of applications andimprove your informationtechnologyknowledge. Download it its freeand sharpen yourskills.
Basics of C Programming 6.2
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Basics ofCProgramminglanguage which covers important topics,notes,materials, news& blogs on the course. Download the App asareference material& digital book for Computer science&software engineeringprograms & degree courses. This usefulApplists 60 topics withdetailed notes, diagrams, equations,formulas& coursematerial, the topics are listed in 6 chapters.The appis must havefor all the engineering science students&professionals. Theapp provides quick revision and reference totheimportant topicslike a detailed flash card notes, it makes iteasy& useful forthe student or a professional to cover thecoursesyllabus quicklybefore an exams or interview for jobs. Trackyourlearning, setreminders, edit the study material, addfavoritetopics, share thetopics on social media. Use thisusefulengineering app as yourtutorial, digital book, a referenceguidefor syllabus, coursematerial, project work, sharing your viewsonthe blog. Some of thetopics Covered in the app are: 1.Introductionof Operating System(O/S) 2. Types Of Operating System(O/S) 3.Programming Environment4. Write and Execute the C Program5.Introduction to the DigitalComputer 6. Concept of an Algorithm7.Correctness and Terminationof an Algorithm 8. AlgorithmstoPrograms 9. Specification ofAlgorithm 10. Top-Down DevelopmentinAlgorithm 11. Use of highlevel programming language forthesystematic development ofprograms 12. Introduction to thedesignand implementation ofcorrect, efficient and maintainableprograms13. Trace an Algorithmto Depict the Logic 14. Number SystemAndBase Conversions 15.ASCII Character Encoding 16. Standard I/O inClanguage 17.Fundamental Data Types and Storage Classes 18.PrimaryData Types19. Storage Classes in C Language 20. Operator,OperandandExpression 21. Types of Operator 22. OperatorprecedenceandAssociativity 23. Control Instruction in C language24.ConditionalControl Instruction 25. Forms of If Statement26.Program Loops 27.Iteration 28. Modular Programming 29. FeaturesofModularProgramming 30. Scope of Variables 31. Arrays32.ManipulatingArray Elements 33. Multidimensional Arrays34.Structures 35.Declaring a Structure 36. Pointers 37.PointerOperations 38.Dynamic Memory Allocation 39. Stacks 40.Linked List41. SequentialSearch and Sorting Arrays 42. String 43.Text Files44. Standard CPreprocessor 45. Macros 46. ConditionalCompilation47. Passingvalue to the Compiler 48. Standard C Library49. StringHandlingFunction 50. Math Functions 51. General CProgramming 52.VariableDeclaration in C language 53. C Constant 54.StorageClasses 55.Loops in Programming 56. Repetition of For Loops57.Statement in Clanguage 58. Control Statements in C 59. FunctionInC Programming60. Recursion 61. Fibonacci Series 62.FunctionProgramming The appprovides the concepts you need to learnbeforeyou get into codingwhich is o/s, algorithms, codingprinciples,pointers, stacks,macros and more. Each topic is completewithdiagrams, equationsand other forms of graphical representationsforbetter learningand quick understanding. Basics of C Programmingispart ofcomputer science & software engineeringeducationcourses andinformation technology degree programs ofvariousuniversities.
General Knowledge: Urdu GK
Gallant Apps
General Knowledge app in Urdu includes Science, Technology,History,Geography
IT Act, 2000 & Cyber Law India 7.0
Lex Cyberia
This App is developed with the primeobjectiveto create cyberawareness in India among all sections ofoursociety.It contains tips for general safety on the Internet,including for children using Internet for social networkingorotherwise. It is useful for every user of internet ,includingchildren , parents, educators, law enforcement , lawyers,policeand international or government entities.ThisApplicationelucidates the Cyberlaw applicable in India,particularly theInformation Technology Act,2000,as amended by IT(Amendment )Act,2008.It encapsulates in a very clear and concisemanneroverview of cyberlaws in India, contains important cyberlawcaseswith subject area description, cyberdictionary for beginnerstofamiliarize one and all on the cyberjargon and its meanings inverysimple terms.It also presents important information on thelateststatistics on cybercrime in India.This app is authored by Internationally renowned cyberlawexpert& Jurist, Karnika Seth who is ,Managing Partner of LexCyberia,specialized cyberlaw practice of Seth Associates law firmin India.This App is an app for every netizen’scyberempowerment!
Software Engineering 7.0
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of softwareengineeringwhichcovers important topics, notes, materials, news& blogs onthecourse. Download the software development app asareferencematerial & digital book for Computerscienceengineeringprograms & software degree courses. Thisuseful Applists 150topics with detailed notes, diagrams, equations,formulas&course material, the topics are listed in 10chapterswhichcontains some important topics like data flow,projectmanagement,problem analysis and other programming relatedcoding.Theprogramming app is must have for all theengineeringsciencestudents & professionals. The app ofsoftwareengineeringprovides quick revision and reference to theimportanttopics likea detailed flash card notes, it makes it easy&useful for thestudent or a professional to cover thecoursesyllabus quicklybefore an exams or interview for jobs. Learnaboutcomputerprogramming software development in an easy way.Trackyourlearning, set reminders, edit the study material,addfavoritetopics, and share the topics on social media. You canalsoblogabout engineering technology, innovation,engineeringstartups,college research work, project management,coding,problemsanalysis, Institute updates, and Informative linksoncoursematerials & education programs from your Smartphoneortabletor at Some of the topics Coveredintheapp are: 1) The Problem Domain 2) Software is Expensive 3)LateandUnreliable 4) Maintenance and Rework 5) TheSoftwareEngineeringChallenges 6) Scale 7) Quality and Productivity8) TheSoftwareEngineering Approach 9) Phased Development Process10)Managing theProcess 11) Software Development Life Cycle 12)ProjectManagementMethodology 13) S/W Process 14) Component S/WProcesses15)Predictability 16) Support Testability andMaintainability17)Support Change 18) Early Defect Removal 19)Process ImprovementandFeedback 20) Waterfall Model 21) IterativeDevelopment 22)TheSpiral model 23) Comparison of Models 24)ProjectManagementProcess 25) The Inspection Process 26)SoftwareConfigurationManagement Process 27) Requirements ChangeManagementProcess 28)Process Management Process 29) S/WRequirements Analysis30) S/WRequirements Specification 31)Requirement Process 32)ProblemAnalysis 33) Informal Approach 34)Data Flow Modeling35)Object-Oriented Modeling 36) Prototyping37)RequirementsSpecification 38) Characteristics of aSoftwareRequirementSpecification 39) Components of aSoftwareRequirementsSpecification 40) Specification Language 41)Structureof aRequirements Document 42) Functional Specificationwith UseCases43) Examples of use cases 44) Validation 45)SoftwareArchitecture46) Architecture Views 47) Component andConnector View48) Pipeand Filter 49) Shared-Data Style 50)Client-Server Style51)Architecture and Design 52) Preserving theIntegrity ofanArchitecture 53) Deployment View and PerformanceAnalysis54)Documenting Architecture Design 55) EvaluatingArchitectures56)The Architectural Tradeoff Analysis Method57)ProjectCategorization 58) What is management? 59)Settingobjectives 60)The Business Case 61) Planning a S/W Project62)COCOMO Model 63)Project Scheduling and Staffing 64)SoftwareConfigurationManagement Plan 65) Defect Injection andRemoval Cycle66)Approaches to Quality Management 67) RiskManagement 68)RiskAssessment 69) Risk Control 70) A PracticalRiskManagementApproach 71) Project Monitoring Plan72)Function-Oriented Design73) Design Principles 74)ProblemPartitioning and Hierarchy 75)Abstraction 76) Top-DownandBottom-Up Strategies 77) Data FlowEach topic is completewithdiagrams, equations and other forms ofgraphical representationsforbetter learning. Software Engineeringis part of ComputerScienceengineering education courses,Information technology &softwaredegree programs of variousuniversities.
Computer networks basics 7
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Computer networkswhichcovers important topics, notes, materials, news & blogs onthecourse. Download the App as a reference material & digitalbookfor Computer Science engineering programs & softwaredegreecourses. This useful App lists 144 topics with detailednotes,diagrams, equations, formulas & course material, thetopics arelisted in 8 chapters. The app is must have for all theengineeringscience students & professionals. The app providesquickrevision and reference to the important topics like adetailedflash card notes, it makes it easy & useful for thestudent ora professional to cover the course syllabus quicklybefore an examsor interview for jobs. Track your learning, setreminders, edit thestudy material, add favorite topics, share thetopics on socialmedia. You can also blog about engineeringtechnology, innovation,engineering startups, college research work,institute updates,Informative links on course materials &education programs fromyour smartphone or tablet or at this useful engineering app asyour tutorial, digital book, areference guide for syllabus, coursematerial, project work,sharing your views on the blog. Some of thetopics Covered in theapp are: 1. Growth Of Computer Networking 2.Networking SeemsComplex 3. Five Key Aspects Of Networking 4. Localarea network (LAN) 5. Metropolitan Area Network ( MAN) 6. Wide AreaNetwork ( WAN) 7. OSI reference Model (OSI layers) 8. TCP/IPReference Model 9.Comparison of the OSI and TCP/IP Reference Models10. Problems ofthe TCP/IP Reference Mode 11. Problems of the OSIModel/layers 12.ARPANET 13. Architecture of the Internet 14. ATMReference Model15. Client-server model 16. Peer-to-peerCommunication 17.Transmission technologies 18. Connection-OrientedandConnectionless Services 19. Protocol Hierarchies 20. Interfaces21.Services of layers 22. X.25 networks 23. Applications ofcomputernetworks 24. Using layered protocols 25. simplex,half-duplex andfull-duplex communication 26. Novell NetWare IPXpacket 27. Networktopology/topologies 28. Taxonomy By Forms OfEnergy 29. CoaxialCable 30. Twisted Pair 31. Fiber optic cables 32.Compare FiberOptics and Copper Wire 33. Switching 34. Comparecircuit-switchedand packet-switched networks 35. Dual cable andsingle cablesystems 36. Single mode and multimode fibers 37.Disadvantages ofoptical fiber 38. Serial Transmission 39. ISDNArchitecture 40.Objectives of ISDN 41. ISDN Reference Model 42.Data Link layerdesign issues 43. Services provided by the data linklayer 44.Framing in data link layer 45. Error-Correcting Codes46.Unrestricted Simplex Protocol 47. A Simplex Stop-and-WaitProtocol48. Simplex Protocol for a Noisy Channel 49. SlidingWindowProtocols 50. One-Bit Sliding Window Protocol 51. A ProtocolUsingGo Back N 52. High-Level Data Link Control 53. Data Link LayerinInternet 54. The Point-to-Point Protocol 55.Point-to-PointProtocol frame format 56. LCP packets 57. StaticChannel Allocation58. Dynamic Channel Allocation in LANs and MANs59. ALOHA 60.Slotted ALOHA 61. 1-persistent CSMA 62. Non-persistentCSMA 63.p-persistent CSMA 64. CSMA with Collision Detection 65.Bit-mapcollision free protocol 66. Binary countdown protocol67.Limited-Contention Protocols 68. Adaptive Tree Walk Protocol69.Ethernet Cabling 70. Cable topologies of Ethernet 71.ManchesterEncoding 72. 802.3 frame format 73. Binary ExponentialBackoffAlgorithm 74. Services of 802.11 75. Bridges 76. Operationof TwoPort Bridge 77. Spanning Tree Bridges Each topic is completewithdiagrams, equations and other forms of graphicalrepresentationsfor better learning and quick understanding.Computer networks ispart of computer science engineering educationcourses andinformation technology degree programs of variousuniversities.
USBE & Information Technology 5.2
Magzter Inc.
US Black Engineer and Information Technologyispublished by Career Communications Group, Inc. (CCG). CCGisdedicated to celebrating diversity and promoting equalopportunityfor minorities and women in the fields of engineering,science, andinformation technology.
ICT- তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি Design By JBD IT. Apps Vertion 4.0
6th, 7th, JSC, SSC, HSC, "Information andCommunicationTechnologies" course is full of things
C++ Programming 1.0.5
Engineering Hub
Notes,quiz,blog and videos of C++ Programming for computerscienceengineering.
Computer Awareness quiz 2.14
Sana Edutech
Computer Awareness Quiz for Bank exams, IBPS, PO, Clerk, RRB,CLAT,CTET, SBI
Operating System - OS 6.0
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Operating Systemwhichcovers important topics, notes, materials, news & blogs onthecourse. Download the App as a reference material & digitalbookfor  computer science engineering & softwareengineeringprograms & tech degree courses.  This usefulmobile Applists 125 topics with detailed notes, diagrams,equations, formulas& course material, the topics are listed in5 chapters. The appis must have for all the engineering sciencestudents &professionals.  The app provides quick revisionand referenceto the important topics like a detailed flash cardnotes, it makesit easy & useful for the student or aprofessional to cover thecourse syllabus quickly before an exams orinterview forjobs.  Track your learning, set reminders, editthe studymaterial, add favorite topics, share the topics onsocialmedia.  You can also blog about engineeringtechnology,innovation, engineering startups,  college researchwork,institute updates, Informative links on course materials&education programs from your smartphone or tablet orat  Use this usefulengineeringapplication as your tutorial, digital book, a referenceguide forsyllabus, course material, project work, sharing yourviews on theblog.  Some of the topics Covered in the app are:1. Overviewof computer operating systems 2. Computer SystemOrganization 3.Operating System Structure 4. Distributed system 5.OperatingSystem services 6. System Calls 7. System Programs 8.OperatingSystem Generation 9. Operating-System Services 10.Operating-SystemInterface 11. Process Management 12. ProcessControl Block 13.Schedulers 14. Context switch 15. Operations onProcesses 16.Interprocess Communication 17. Sockets 18. RemoteProcedure Calls19. Remote method invocation 20. Threads 21.Scheduling Criteria22. Scheduling Algorithms 23. MultithreadingModels 24. ThreadLibraries 25. Threading Issues 26. CPU scheduling27.Multiple-Processor Scheduling 28. Symmetric Multithreading29.Thread Scheduling 30. Solaris Scheduling 31. Windows XPScheduling32. Linux Scheduling 33. Algorithm Evaluation 34.ProcessSynchronization 35. The Critical Section Problem36.Synchronization Hardware 37. Semaphores 38. Classic problemsofsynchronization 39. Monitors 40. Atomic Transactions 41.Deadlocks42. Deadlock Characterization 43. Methods for handlingdeadlocks44. Deadlock Prevention 45. Deadlock Avoidance 46.Banker’salgorithm 47. Deadlock Detection 48. Recovery fromDeadlock 49.Memory Management Strategies 50. Address Binding 51.Logical versusPhysical Address Space 52. Dynamic Linking andLoading 53. Swapping54. Contiguous Memory Allocation 55.Fragmentation 56. Paging 57.Hardware Support in paging 58. SharedPages 59. Segmentation 60.Virtual memory 61. System libraries 62.Demand Paging 63.Copy-on-Write 64. Page Replacement 65. FIFO PageReplacement 66.Optimal Page Replacement 67. LRU Page Replacement68. EnhancedSecond-Chance Algorithm 69. Allocation of Frames 70.Thrashing 71.Working-Set Model 72. Page-Fault Frequency 73.Memory-Mapped Files74. Shared Memory in the Win32 API 75.Allocating Kernel Memory 76.Slab Allocation 77. File Concept 78.File Operations 79. File Types80. Directory Structure 81. Directory82. File System Mounting 83.File System Structure 84. File SystemImplementation 85. DirectoryImplementation 86. Free SpaceManagement 87. Recovery 88.Log-Structured File Systems 89. Networkfile systems 90. Networkfile systems protocol 91. Magnetic Disks92. Disk Structure 93.Disk Attachment 94. Disk Scheduling 95. DiskManagement Each topicis complete with diagrams, equations and otherforms of graphicalrepresentations for better learning and quickunderstanding. Operating System is part of computer scienceengineering &software education courses and informationtechnology degreeprograms at various universities. 
CSEC Information Technology
No WiFi? No Problem. Study yourCSECInformation Technology notes on the go from yousmartphone.