Top 16 Apps Similar to Pronunciación español

Wlingua - Learn Spanish 5.2.15
Complete Spanish Course - Learn Spanish with us
Learn Spanish - 15,000 Words 6.7.7
Learn Spanish from 61 native languages, for free & offline,withFunEasyLearn. Learn to READ 📖 WRITE ✍ and SPEAK Spanish 💬Discoverthe fun & easy way to learn all the reading rules, allthe wordsyou’ll ever need and all the useful phrases in theSpanish language.🚀 Contents • 6,000 Spanish words (constantlygrowing): the mostcommon nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.,categorized into 10 levelsand 200 topics; • 5,000 Spanish phrases(frequently used): the mostimportant phrases for dailyconversations and travelling,categorized into 7 levels and 120topics. Enhance your vocabulary bylearning words, sentences andexpressions for beginner, intermediateand advanced learners. 🔔 Whylearn Spanish with FunEasyLearn?FunEasyLearn reinvents languagelearning. Our team of linguists andteachers have developed aunique language learning strategy. Thesecret lies in combining analphabet with all the reading rules, allthe necessary words and apractical phrasebook into one app. Thisallows our users to read aword or phrase, pronounce it correctly,associate it with anillustration and practice it with listening,writing and speakinggames. 🏆 Top features Hand-drawn illustrations– memorize the newvocabulary faster with intuitive illustrations;Professional audiorecordings – listen to audios recorded by nativespeakers; Detailedstatistics – analyze your results and track yourprogress; Reviewmanager – review everything you learn; Smart search– find quicklythe words and phrases you need; Hide what you know –hide thecontent you already know; Speech recognition – improveyourpronunciation; Offline – use the app anywhere in the world,with nointernet connection. 💼 Spanish for business Get access tospecialSpanish lessons created for your business. We providespecializedcourses for taxi drivers, hotel & restaurantstaffs,flight-attendants, shop-assistants, etc. ✈ Spanish fortravellingLearn how to book a hotel room, order a meal in arestaurant, askfor directions, carry out a conversation and speakconfidently withthe native speakers. 🙌 Spanish for kids &adults We adapt thecontents depending on the age of the learner.Both you and your kidcan learn Spanish and have fun. FunEasyLearnFree SubscriptionSubscribe for FREE, with the flowers you earnwhile playinglanguage learning games. Learn Spanish, play for free!It’s fast& easy. 📴 📥 Download the FunEasyLearn Spanish courseright now!Recommend the app to your friends and get a reward. Rateus andwrite a review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ It would mean a lot to our team! Contactus:
Spanish Grammar 1.3
Buffalo Software
Spanish GrammarWhen most people think of "grammar" they don't get veryexcited.But grammar can teach you something in minutes that mighttake daysto figure out by immersion alone.Grammar is your friend!We believe in grammar, and we include it in our method. But let'sbehonest. Studying Spanish grammar will not make you fluent. Toreacha conversational level you need a complete course like Caminodeléxito.These days, it is popular in some circles to claim that thereisno need to learn grammar. The thinking goes somethinglikethis:I didn't learn grammar as a child, and yet I still learnedtospeak. Therefore, I do not need to study grammar as anadult.This sort of thinking ignores the fact that as an adult you haveahigher mental capacity, and learning some grammar is easy andwillbe a big help to you.Grammar is not the goal.For most people, the goal is not to become a grammar expert—thegoalis to be able to speak Spanish conversationally. To do that,youneed a complete conversation course.Camino del éxito is the only course that is fully integratedwiththe material on this website. By combining Spanish grammarexerciseswith real conversational practice, you will much morequickly reacha level where you can communicate effectively.And for most people, communication is the primary goal.There are grammar topics below in app:+ Gender of Nouns I+ Gender of Nouns II+ Cardinal Numbers+ Plural Forms of Nouns+ Definite and Indefinite Articles+ The Verb Form - hay+ Subject Pronouns+ Regular Verbs. Part I+ Regular Verbs. Part II+ Regular Verbs. Part III+ Adjectives I+ Adjectives II+ Days of the Week+ Numbers 11 - 30+ Ser and Estar I+ Ser and Estar II+ Ser and Estar III+ Ser and Estar IV+ Negation+ Questions+ Possessive Adjectives+ Irregular Verbs - Tener and Venir+ Tener que - Hay que+ Idiomatic Expressions with tener+ Weather Expressions+ The Personal - a+ Contractions+ Stem-Changing Verbs o ue+ Stem-Changing Verbs e ie+ Stem-changing verbs e i+ Irregular Verbs - Estar, Ir, Dar+ Ir a + infinitive+ Acabar de+ Volver a+ Ordinal Numbers+ Months, Seasons, and Dates+ Comparisons of Inequality+ Comparisons of Equality+ Superlatives+ Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions+ Dir. Object Pronouns I+ Dir. Object Pronouns II+ Dir. Object Pronouns III+ Ind. Object Pronouns I+ Ind. Object Pronouns II+ Ind. Object Pronouns III+ Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns Used Together+ Verbs Like Gustar+ Present Progressive+ Verbs with Irregular First Persons+ Saber vs Conocer - Pedir vs Preguntar+ Cardinal Numbers 31-1000+ Telling Time+ Por and Para+ Irreg. Comparatives+ Demonstratives+ Time Expressions With Hacer+ Possessive Pronouns+ Reflexive Verbs I+ Reflexive Verbs II+ Definite Article II+ Pret. vs Imp. I+ Preterite I+ Imperfect I+ Preterite II+ Imperfect II+ Pret. vs Imp. II+ Preterite III+ Imperfect III+ Preterite IV+ Preterite V+ Preterite VI+ Pret. vs Imp. III+ Pret. vs Imp. Review+ (Hace ...) to mean (ago)+ Formation of Adverbs+ Subjunctive+ Rel. Pronouns - que+ Rel. Pronouns - quien+ Rel. Pronouns - el que and lo que+ Rel. Adjective - cuyo+ Rel. Pronouns and Adjectives - Review+ Formal Commands+ Inform. Commands - tú+ Using Object Pronouns with Commands+ Commands Review I+ Informal Commands - vosotros+ 1st Person Commands - nosotros+ Indirect Commands+ Commands Review II+ Future Tense+ Past Participle+ Present Perfect+ Past Perfect+ Future Perfect+ The Conditional TenseTAG: spanish grammar, study spanish, grammar, simplespanishgrammar, learn spanish, simple grammar, spanish lessions,spanishfor beginner, gramática española, el estudio español,gramática,gramática sencilla español, aprender español, gramáticasimple,lessions español, español para principiantes,gramáticaespañola
Spanish dictionary
Dictionary with thousands of words in Spanish without internet
Interactive Spanish 2.0.184
Net Languages
Práctica mensual gratuita para mejorar tu español:Básico,intermedio y avanzado
Primaria-Español 1.0
EducaciónMX app
Somos una empresa comprometida conlaeducacióninfantil de México, sabes nosotros entendemos a losniñosde hoy espor ello que, innovamos herramientas que refuerzanyapoyan ELAPRENDIZAJE.¿Cómo lo hacemos?Partimos de la técnica, aprender esdivertido,creamosaplicaciones interactivas y multimedia, de formagratuitayaccesible para todo el mundo donde el gran ganador sonlosniños.Sin embargo esto es un gran reto y necesitamos detuapoyo,requerimos recursos para el diseño y desarrollodenuevasaplicaciones.TemasEspañol 1° Bloque 2• Una forma fácil de ordenar información• Llevar libros a casa es fácil• Te gustan las noticias?Es una aplicación tipo “Clase” donde se habla sobreladefiniciónde cada uno de los temas antes mencionados,medianteejemplosdinámicos y entretenidos. Está aplicación esmultilenguaje(Español,Inglés) con características de realizar tuspropiasnotas, repetirlos audios cuantas veces se requiera yunaevaluación para poner enpráctica los temas revisados durantelaclase.We are acompanycommittedto children's education in Mexico, we know you meantokids today iswhy, innovate tools that strengthen andsupportLEARNING.How do we do?We start with the art, learning is fun, createinteractiveandmultimedia applications, free and accessible toeveryone wherethebig winner is the children. However this is agreat challengeandwe need your support, we require resources to thedesignanddevelopment of new applications.TopicsSpanish 1 Block 2• An easy way to sort information• Taking books home is easy• Do you like the news?It is a "Class" type application where you talkaboutthedefinition of each of the above themes throughdynamicandentertaining examples. It's application ismultilingual(Spanish,English) with features to make your own notes,audiosrepeat asoften as required and an assessment to implementtherevised duringclass topics.
Spanish Vocabulary 4 Children 228
Oscar Manuel
Spanish for kids is an application forkidstolearn Spanish vocabulary language very simple and intuitiveway.Itis valid for children who know English or anyotherlanguagebecause it only has Spanish words. Kids just have togothrough thefinger pictures that are also dating thetextdescription inEnglish of photography will be taughtthepronunciation of the wordin Spanish.Children and young people can learn many words will thenhelpthemin school having taken ease with Spanish vocabulary.Spanish vocabulary is very simple and is suitableforyoungelementary school children, including child orevensecondaryeducation as it will help them learn the pronunciationofmanywords that they had in their Spanish vocabulary.This application seem a game and will help themlearnSpanisheffortlessly. They can play to view images ofanimals,numbers,colors, etc. while learning Spanish. Themanagementapplication isvery simple, just have to click on acategory ofwords in Spanishand then go from seeing the photos fromananimation and a voicethat indicate the pronunciation of allwordsin this way they willlearn vocabulary Spanish.racso
My first Spanish words 1.6.2
AR Entertainment
My first Spanish words
Premium Spanish for children 6.7
Oscar Manuel
Premium version with moreimages,vocabulary,and no advertising.Spanish for kids is an application for children tolearnSpanishlanguage vocabulary so simple and intuitive. Kids justhaveto gothrough the finger pictures that come out, besidesthetextdescription in ingestion of photography will betaughtthepronunciation of the word in Spanish.Children and young people can learn many words that willhelpthemlater in the school having taken ease with thevocabularyofSpanish.The Spanish vocabulary is very simple and is suitableforyoungchildren in elementary, even childish, or evensecondaryeducationand that will help them learn the pronunciationof manywords thatthey had in their vocabulary of Spanish.This application will seem a game and will help themtolearnSpanish effortlessly. You can play to see the imagesofanimals,numbers, colors, etc. while learning Spanish.Themanagementapplication is very simple, just have to click onacategory ofwords in Spanish and then go from seeing the photoswithananimation and a voice that will indicate the pronunciationofallwords in this way learn vocabulary Spanish.It is suitable for children of all countries:Spain,France,China, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland,CzechRepublic,Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Portugal, Japan, etc. astheapplicationhas all the texts in Spanish. It is also validforSpanish-speakingchildren as children of Catalonia, BasqueCountry,Galicia,Valencia, Balearic Islands and Asturias.We will soon have this Android application: - Section for painting, drawing and coloring. - Section of puzzles and puzzle games with educational - Section of music with songs in Spanish Spanish for children application is downloadedfromthemarket completely free without any cost. We arepreparingfullyadapted for tablet version, this version of Androidtabletwillhave high resolution images with more effects to makethemmorecolorful pictures. This game is a little but not ababyeinsteineinstein or get your babies, children and adolescentstolearnSpanish as a true genius
Learn Spanish by Video Pro
Learn To Master
Learn Spanish with videos, lessons, phrasebooks and exercises.
Aprender Inglés 50000 palabras 7.1.3
Speed English - Spanish Estudio de inglés parahispanohablantesAplicación para la memorización y aprendizaje devocabulario eninglés para hispanohablantes –la versión completa.¡Posee una basede datos de 50.000 palabras! Esta aplicaciónpresenta una nuevatécnica para el estudio de inglés, la cualenriquece el vocabulariosegún su frecuencia de uso en el lenguaje.Desarrollo del juego: Enla primera etapa, hay un examen americanosobre palabras elegidasal azar, dentro de un grupo de las cienpalabras más frecuentes. Encaso de que cometa un error en surespuesta, verá la respuestacorrecta. Después de contestarcorrectamente acerca de quincepalabras de forma continua, de maneraautomática se agregarán a labase de datos cien palabras de usofrecuente adicionales. Poco apoco su vocabulario de inglés sedesarrollará y crecerá, y mejorarásus habilidades lingüísticas conrapidez, ya que la base de datosestá organizada de acuerdo a lafrecuencia de las palabras en ellenguaje. De esta manera, aprenderáde manera progresiva laspalabras más frecuentes del idioma. Asímismo, la aplicación escompatible con la lectura en voz alta depalabras en inglés, por lotanto ayuda a mejorar la pronunciación yla comprensión auditiva enla conversación. La aplicación serecomienda especialmente paraestudiantes y todos los que quieranenriquecer su conocimiento delidioma inglés. ¡Atención! Laaplicación no requiere de conexión ainternet en línea. Serecomienda utilizar la aplicación durante almenos quince minutoscada día para obtener el máximo resultado.
Fruit veg shape color for kids
Learn fruits and vegetables.Learn Shapes and colors.“Learn with fun” is educational app to teach your kid aboutFruits,vegetables, shapes and colors.** From the developer having 7 million download***Now with clear pictures and better voice for eachfruits,Vegetables, Shapes and colors.Watch, hear and play with them.This beautiful application is develop to provide basic knowledgeofColor, Shapes, Fruits and Vegetables to kids.The application is part of “Learn with fun” series.Key Features:* English, Hindi, Spanish and French support* Child lock* 27 fruits, 26 vegetables, 15 shapes and 10 colors.* Ad supported* Vocal description of pictures for English* Haptic support* Supports android 2.2 and up* Slideshow* Play background music* Share with friendsWhy should you get this game?-----------------------------It helps your child to:- Develop visual and fine motor skills- Recognize fruits and vegetables- Recognize shapes and colors- Relate fruits and vegetables to their names- Pronounce namesThe application supports two modes:1. Manual mode - Need your application supports kid to touchthescreen and play himself, click the screen and shake the phonewillplay the sound again.2. Auto play mode - Father/Mother can set the sound playintervaland play times. The Baby Learning Card (Fruit) will autoshow theFruit to the child with the setting times andinterval.Fruit Shape Color Vegetable for Kids is an All-in- One appthathelps your kid to recognize Fruits, Vegetables, Shapes &Colorand learn their names.Its clear focus makes the Application a delight for children andawinning choice for parents.This application would make learning and identifyingFruits,Vegetables, Color and Shape easier for kids.Perfect for Kids 1-5 years of ageWith Clear pronunciation of the names its easier for the kidstolearn. This application is Simple and Easy to use. WithRich,bright and clear graphics the Image is very clear for the Kidstoidentifying the Fruits, Vegetables, Shapes &ColorsPerfectly.Learn with Fun App will helps our children educate about fruits/vegetables which may eventually make them to love fruitsandvegetables and may learn good and healthy foods such as fruitsandvegetables.The fun for kids app can help your baby learning different kindsofFruits , vegetables, shapes and colours. with enjoyableway.It has lots of beautiful pictures of fruits andclearpronunciations. It is very easy and simple to use. It willprovidehours of fun and learning for your kids.You can watch as the kids play this game and have all kindsoffun.So all in all you have a simple game that using advanced butkidfriendly interface.App is under active development and we welcome your commentsandsuggestions.
Audios To Learn Spanish 🇪🇸
Listening audios to learn spanish language. Lessons andpodcasts.Totally Free.
Speak English : en 2.0
Practice speaking English. The SpeakEnglishappincludes many typical questions. Read and listen tothequestions.You then have 7 seconds to speak. You can then listentoyour ownanswer.# Speak# Listen# Pronunciation# Real SpeakingThis app is good for people who want to practicespeakingEnglish.It is good for self correcting pronunciation. Itis alsogreat forspeaking test practice. The English language asused atschool anduniversity in the USA, UK, Australia and newZealand ismore thanonly English words.Real skills on your smart device.Learn English with our Speak English program. TospeakEnglishfluently you must improve your pronunciation. Theexercisesin ourfree speaking and pronunciation games, range fromeasytodifficult, and can help you. Spoken English needsvocabularyandgrammar, such as verbs, idioms and phrases. This islearningforlife. To participate in English conversation youneedthebasics.How to use this appFirstly, This app is a great companion forEnglishdictionarystudy. Lots of good questions, listen & speak,andlearn topronounce them, then go to your English dictionaryandlearn moreabout what they mean! Secondly, educational gamingfortest andexam practice. Thirdly, if you plan to live inEnglishspeakingcountries, then this app might be useful as a 24/7studyreview.This app is also useful review study in restaurantswhenorderingfood, traveling on flights or checking in tohotels.Who is this app for?This is app is mainly for students of English over 18yearsofage. It could be used by younger users, but pleaseunderstandthisapp has adverts some of which may not be appropriatefor veryyoungusers.To Install Speak Button - Text To SpeechOn your device --Settings --> Language & Input -->Text-To-Speechoutput--> Google Text-To-Speech Engine -->Install VoiceData
svenska Uttal 1.0
This is a great free app. Learn Swedish-listen and practice - vocabulary and pronunciation. How wellcanyou speak Swedish? The app comes with translations in over30languages.To Install Speak Button - Text To SpeechOn your device --Settings --> Language & Input --> Text-To-Speechoutput--> Google Text-To-Speech Engine --> Install VoiceData
Learn Spanish with SpeakTribe 2.5.10
Want to speak Spanish? Learn Spanish(Español)with SpeakTribe.Learn Spanish fast with fun and interactive lessons. Evenbeginnersfind it easy to learn Spanish (Español) throughSpeakTribe.Our mix of lessons teaches you vocabulary and grammar, alongwithconversation practice for real-world situations. This amazingmixof lessons makes this app the fastest way to get startedwithSpanish. You get the hang of basic conversational Spanish inaslittle as 5 days!As one of our delighted users says, it is like you have apersonalteacher in your hands. Teaching you Spanish words,differentgrammar rules, explaining confusing concepts ANDopportunitiesthroughout the course to speak Spanish with yourvirtual friend.And the personal teacher helps you to learn Spanishwhen you want,where you want, at the pace you want to.Using SpeakTribe you learn how to speak Spanish and test for itatthe same time by playing a game. You start speaking bylearningwords, short phrases, and sentences matter of days.SpeakTribe,your personal coach, will help you learn basicsincludingvocabulary and pronunciation in a fun and easy way.The design of the course is based on scientific research whichtellsthat, to understand basics of a language you need not mastera largevocabulary. SpeakTribe introduces you to the more commonwords andphrases first, so that by the end of first day itself youcan formyour own basic sentences which are not just academic butalsopractical.There are many other guiding principles behind the design -* Language is primarily vocal - SpeakTribe emphasises onlisteningand speaking more than anything else, the two facultieswhich arealso the most useful to a new learner.* You need to practice a language to master it and gainconfidence.And so, SpeakTribe provides you ability to chat (speak)with theapplication.* Any language has a small number of prepositions andconjunctions,some of which take some time to master but are crucialto yourunderstanding of the language.* Noun words constitute the majority of a mature vocabulary buttheydo not give you the best ROI initially in terms understandingalanguage. Once you have a solid foundation built, you willfindpicking up these words pretty easy.* Verbs are the most useful but the most difficult settomaster.So go ahead, give it a shot, and learn Spanish - one of themostpopular languages of the world! You will find it was actuallyfunto learn Spanish.