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The Diagnostic Box
WIKI OBD (Diagnostic Socket Locator) APP description :TheDiagnosticBox are pleased to announce the release of itsFREEDiagnostic SocketLocator, the WIKI OBD app. Have you ever beenouttrying to locate adiagnostic socket, spent 5 minutes ormorehunting around, taking offpanels, unscrewing parts of thecar,called a friend to see if theymight know ? and it took youlongerto find the socket than it did todiagnose the problem. I amsurewe have all been there. Well nowthere is a simple and easy waytolocate the location of thediagnostic socket and the greatthingis, its FREE ! Initially theweb site has been populatedwithmostly cars, but additionallocations for Trucks, BoatsandMotorcycles will be added. It willsave you time and money,andsome embarrassment in front of thecustomer !