Top 6 Apps Similar to Top Tech Blogs Free

Tech News 2.1.0
All the best Tech News sites in one app
TechyWiki – Tech Hacks 3.5
Techy Wiki is an app for those whowantsTechnology, Hacking Tricks & News etc. and we provide yousomeComputer, Mobile, Android, Internet Tricks and Hacks. Here youwillfind Online Security Tips, new Ways to Utilize TechnologyResourcesand lot more.For example: Top and Best Android app hack, Wifi Hacks,numerousways of protecting yourself, rooting/unrooting androidphones andso much more! We'll take a look at a multitude of hackingsoftware,tools 2015.Features:►Offline support►Latest Technology Tricks & Hacking News►Daily Hacking Tips and Tutorial►Android, PC, Free Internet Tricks, Hacks etc.►Viral & Future Technology News and Updates►Gadgets Updates►Share posts►More Tricks and Tips that can be listed here.If you require any more information or have any questions aboutourprivacy policy, please feel free to contact us by emailatapp4geeks@gmail.comWe love to share what We knows.Must Share & Keep Supporting (Y) !!Website:- Author:,vishusachdeva333@gmail.comEmail Developer : app4geeks@gmail.comContact Page:- Networks:Facebook :- :- :-
Tech News 2.2.4
Baris Efe
Read major news sites on gadgets, mobiles and technology.
Tech Digest 1.0
The Best Ever Tech News Reading App Arrived !Get All Tech News & Updates from popular Tech Blog &NewsPortal.Choose and read the most famous Tech News blogs and sites withyourmobile in the fastest way possible.Tech Digest is a RSS Feed Reader but unlike other news readerapps,it will bring you directly to the news without wasting anytimemessing around with the user interface or news loading. Theuserinterface is simple and immediate and its focus is on thenews.✏ Currently Added Tech Blog & Portal :☑ Engadget☑ Mashable☑ TechCrunch☑ The Verge☑ The Next Web☑ Gizmodo☑ Lifehacker☑ AllThingsD☑ CNET☑ Ars TecnhicaIf you want another site to be included in the list, pleasesendus an email.We also appreciate critics and suggestions! Since its ainitialrelease your feedback is important to us.Disclaimer: This app is not affiliated nor related with anyofthe blogs and sites cited here. The content the app showscomesfrom publicly available rss feeds and thus the app is not tobeheld responsible for any of the content displayed.For details :☕ ☕ ☕ A Codetic Production ☕ ☕ ☕
Tech News & Reviews - VR, Dron 4.2.0
Gadgets, startups, reviews and other innovation newsdeliveredeffectively!
HDblog 1.0.2
HDnetwork s.r.l
Nota importante su questa versione: Siamoaconoscenza del problema caricamento immagini. Questa è solounaversione alfa di test.Ricordiamo che tra qualche settimana verrà finalmente rilasciataunanuova versione, completamente riscritta da zero e ridisegnatacherisolverà anche questo problema.Ricevi tutte le ultime notizie, anteprime, esclusive e videodalmondo della tecnologia ovunque ti trovi da una fonte autorevoleeda esperti del settore. HDblog ti informa in tempo realesulleultime tendenze, tecnologie, uscite e novità hi-tech, offrendounpunto di vista unico e professionale nel panoramatecnologicoItaliano e non solo. Recensioni, ultime notizie, livedalle piùimportanti manifestazioni e presentazioni nel mondo,esclusive eanalisi sul mondo tecnologico e sulle tendenze dimercato.Tutte le notizie importanti sulla tecnologia iniziano efinisconosu HDblog, un network di blog ora disponibile sul tuodispositivoAndroid.Caratteristiche dell'applicazione:- Lettura delle notizie da tutti i blog- Navigazione all'interno dei singoli blog- Possibilità di inserire gli articoli tra i preferitiperritrovarli in quasiasi momento con facilità- Possibilità di commentare e interagire con la community diHDblogsu tutti i blog- Possibilità di accedere a tutti i video del canale HDblogTV- Possibilità di accedere al Forum, interagire con gli utentieaprire/rispondere alle discussioni- Possibilità di condividere gli articoli con le maggiori appesocial network- Lettura delle migliori news della settimana nella sezione"TopSettimana"- Scelta tra 3 Widget diversi con personalizzazione dellayout- Possibilità di impostare le notifiche per i nuovi articoliconintervallo di tempo e blog selezionabileNota: L'applicazione è in FASE BETA e potete sostenere ilsuosviluppo dando 5 stelle. Potete invece utilizzare la mailapphdblog@hdnetwork.itperriportare eventuali bug, malfunzionamenti o suggerimenti al finedimigliorare il programma con aggiornamenti precisi e miratiarisolvere i problemi riscontrati.Ricordiamo che la FASE BETA non prevede tutte le funzionalitàcheverranno aggiunte prossimamente e con nuovi aggiornamenti.Important Note aboutthisrelease: We are aware of the problem uploading images. This isjustan alpha version of the test.Recall that in a few weeks will be finally released a newversion,completely redesigned and rewritten from scratch that willsolvethis problem.Get all the latest news, previews, exclusive videos fromtheworld of technology wherever you are from an authoritativesource,and industry experts. HDblog informs you in real time on thelatesttrends, technologies, outputs, and new hi-tech, offering auniqueperspective and professional in the technology landscape andnotjust Italian. Reviews, breaking news, live from the mostimportantevents and presentations in the world, exclusive andanalysis onthe world of technology and market trends.All the important news on technology begin and end on HDblog,ablog network now available on your Android device.Application features:- Reading the news from all blogs- Navigation within individual blogs- Ability to insert articles among favorites to findcommunicationsat any time with ease- Ability to comment and interact with the community HDblog onallthe blogs- Ability to access all the video channel HDblogTV- Ability to access the Forum, interact with users and open /replyto topics- Ability to share articles with more apps and socialnetworks- Reading of the best news of the week in the "Top Week"- Choice of three different widgets with customization ofthelayout- Ability to set notifications for new items with selectabletimeinterval and blogNote: The application is in BETA PHASE and can supportitsdevelopment by giving 5 stars. Instead, you can use theemailapphdblog@hdnetwork.itwhenreporting bugs, malfunction, or suggestions to improve theprogramwith specific and targeted updates to fix the problems.Recall that the BETA PHASE does not provide all the featuresthatwill be added in the near future and with new updates.