Top 15 Games Similar to Jagd Rechner

Sau Jagd 1.0.4
Der App Verlag GmbH
Schwarzwild ansprechen, bestimmen, jagenDie Jagd auf Schwarzwild ist eine deranspruchsvollstenJagdarten.Diese App hilft Ihnen beim Ansprechenund Bestimmen, vorallem abergibt sie wertvolle Tipps für dieLockjagd aufSauen.Mit vielen Videos und Jagdtagebuch!Sau Jagd bietet folgende Features:- Ein Jagdtagebuch hilft Ihnen bei derDokumentationIhrerschönsten Jagderlebnisse – inclusivePhotofunktion-Der erfahrene Schwarzwild-Jäger Siegfried Erkerbeschreibtdiewichtigsten LockinstrumentewieWeißkirchen-Saulocker,Eifel-Grunzlocker, Glaslockerundandere-Lernen Sie die Lockinstrumente richtig einsetzen: mitHilfevielerVideosequenzen treffen Sie den echten Ton vonvertrautemGrunzen,Klagelaut uvm.-Erfahren Sie alles über Lockzeiten, Drückjagd,SuhleundMond-Ansitz-Viele Tricks und Tipps rund um das AnsprechenvonFrischling,Bachen, Überläufer, reife Keiler-Bestimmen anhand von Fährten, Schrittlänge, Zähne undHaderermitPhotos und Beschreibungen-MondphasenanzeigeDiese Kategorien sind in der App enthalten:•Jagdtagebuch für detaillierte Eintragungen wieDatum,Waffe,Kaliber, Stück, Revier uvm. und Photofunktion•Lockjagd und Lockzeiten: umfangreicheBeschreibungunterschiedlicherLockinstrumente mit zusätzlichenVideoclips Tippsrund um Ansitz,Suhle und Mondjagd•Bestimmen: viele wertvolle Tipps für das AnsprechenvonSchwarzwildund Bestimmungshilfen von Fährten,Schrittlängen,Haderer undZähnen„Sau Jagd“ für die Hosentasche - mit dieser App werdenSiezumSchwarzwildexperten!Addressferal,determinechaseThe wild boar hunting is one of the most demanding typesofhunting.This app helps you to respond and determine, above all,itgivesvaluable tips for Lockjagd on sows.With many videos and hunting diary!Pig hunting offers the following features:- A Hunting Diary helps you documenting yourfavoritehuntingexperiences - including photo function-The Experienced boar hunters bay Siegfried describes themaindecoysas White Church Saulocker, Eifel-Grunzlocker, glassandotherLocker-Learn To use the decoys right: with the help of manyvideosequencesyou make the real sound of a familiar grunt, moanandmuchmore.-Learn About Lockzeiten, driven hunt, wallow and moon-zu-Many Tricks and tips about the response of boar,sows,defectors,mature boar-Determine Based on tracks, step length, teeth andHadererwithphotos and descriptions-MondphasenanzeigeThese categories are included in the app:• Hunting for detailed diary entries such asdate,weapon,caliber, bills, etc. area. Photo and function• Lockjagd and Lockzeiten: extensive description ofdifferentdecoys,with additional video clips tips about standhunting,wallow and moonhunting• Determine: many valuable tips for the response of wildboaranddetermination aids of tracks, step lengths, Hadererandteeth"Pig hunt" for your pocket - with this app you becomeaferalexperts!
Fuchs Jagd 1.1
Der App Verlag GmbH
Fuchs Jagd – erfolgreiche Jagd auf den Fuchs mit demLock-undReizjagd Experten Klaus Demmel. Beschreibung DieumfangreicheJagdApp für die erfolgreiche Jagd auf den Fuchs mitdenOriginalLockjagd Lauten von Klaus Demmel, Tipps undTricks,Videoclips,einem Jagdtagebuch mit Streckenverwaltung uvm.FuchsJagd, dieumfangreiche App für Jäger mit Klaus Demmel, bietet:-Diewichtigsten Tipps und Tricks aus über 30 JahrenErfahrungdeslangjährigen Jägers Klaus Demmel - Original Laute fürdie Lock-undreizjagd mit ausführlichen Beschreibungen zumEinsatzderjeweiligen Laute - Hasenklage,Kaninchenklage,Vogelklage,Mauspfeifchen, Entengeschnatter undRanzbeller -Videoclips zumUmgang mit den Lockinstrumenten und echteJagdszenen- KonkreteHinweise und Hilfen für die optimale Fuchsjagd:Wannreizen? Woreizen? Wie reizen? - Ein Jagdtagebuch zum VerwaltenderStreckenmit eigenen Photos, Erleger, Waffe, Kaliber, Revier uvm.–mitExportfunktion - Außergewöhnliche Photos vonSommer-undWinterfüchsen von dem bekannten WildtierphotographenErich Marek-Jagderlebnisse und Photos teilen mit Freunden:emailsversendenoder auf Facebook posten Kategorien: - Laute:Audiodateienundausführliche Beschreibungen vonHasenklage,Kaninchenklage,Vogelklage, Mauspfeifchen,Entengeschnatter undRanzbeller -​Videoclips mit Klaus Demmel undechten Jagdszenen-​Jagdtagebuch„Meine Strecke“ mit Photofunktion,Export uvm. -​Tipps und Tricksvon Lockjagd- und ReizjagdexpertenKlaus DemmelDer ProfiFuchsjagd-Trainer für die Hosentasche mit demerfahrenenundbekannten Jäger Klaus Demmel. Mit dieser App werdenSiezumLockjagd Experten. Waidmannsheil!
iHunt Journal 3.7.55
iHunt Journal keeps your hunting memories and helps youplanningyour hunts.
Jagd Saison 1.1.2
Die App für Jäger: Einfach undschnelldieJagdzeiten für Wild in allen BundesländerninDeutschlandbestimmen.Mit Hilfe der Jagd Saison App haben Sie alle InformationenfürSchon-bzw. Jagdzeiten immer in der Hosentasche. KeinlästigesSuchen nacheinzelnen Schonzeiten in Jagdzeitschriftenmehr.Einzigartig bei dieser App ist die Suchen-Funktion:Hierlassensich die Jagdzeiten spezifisch nach Wildart,BundeslandundJagdzeit herausfiltern und übersichtlichdarstellen.VergleichenSie z.B. unterschiedliche Wildarten inallenBundesländern.Die Jagd Saison App bietet Ihnen folgende Features:- Detaillierte Auflistung der Jagdzeiten in allenBundesländerninDeutschland- Die Ortungsfunktion findet heraus in welchem BundeslandSiesichgerade befinden und zeigt die jeweiligen Jagdzeiten an- Mit dem Selektor können Sie die Jagdzeiten nachWildart,Bundeslandund Jagdzeit herausfiltern und anzeigen- Für die Nutzung der App ist keineInternetverbindungnötig,Änderungen der Jagdzeiten werden beibestehenderInternetverbindungautomatisch geladen- Sauber recherchierte Inhalte- Durch die geringe Größe können Sie die App auchvommobilenDatennetz herunterladenDiese Kategorien sind in der App enthalten:- Nach Bundesland suchen- Nach Selektor suchen- Ortungsfunktion- Informationen„Jagd Saison“ für die Hosentasche - mit dieser AppfindenSiesekundenschnell die Jagdzeiten für sämtlicheWildarteninDeutschland!The app forhunters:easyand fast to determine the hunting seasons for deer inallfederalstates in Germany.With the help of the hunting season app you have alltheinformationfor other protected or hunting seasons always inyourpocket. Nomore searching for individual seasons inhuntingmagazines more.A unique feature of this app is the Search function: Youcanbethe hunting seasons specifically by wild species,state,andhunting time to filter and display clearly. Compare,forexample,different wildlife species in all provinces.The hunting season app offers the following features:- Detailed list of hunting seasons in all federalstatesinGermany- The location function finds out in which state you areinandindicates the respective hunting seasons- With the selector you can filter out the hunting seasonsbywildspecies, state, and hunting and show- To use the app no ​​internet connection is required tochangethehunting seasons are loaded automatically whentheInternetconnection- Clean-researched content- The small size you can download the app from themobiledatanetworkThese categories are included in the app:- Search by State- Search by selector- Tracking- Information"Hunting season" for your pocket - with this app you canfindinseconds the hunting seasons for all game species inGermany!
Wald Jagd 1.2
Wald JagdDie zehnte Ausgabe unseres Magazins beschäftigt sich mitdemThemaJagd. Ein Thema, das emotional stark besetzt ist. Dochwersich mitWald und Forstwirtschaft beschäftigt, kommt an demThemanichtvorbei. Von Jägerlatein über Motive und Formen der Jagdbishin zuleckeren Wildrezepten bietet das Magazin viele Einblickeindie Weltder Jägerinnen und Jäger.Wald Jagd bietet folgende Features:Jäger haben das Wort: warum jagt der Mensch?AntwortenvonBerufsjäger, Försterin, HobbyjägerFormen der Jagd: Ansitz, Pirsch, Drückjagd im VergleichSpannendes Interview mit Peter GauweilerPhotostory: der Hochsitz als Kunstgegenstand fürdenPhotographenPaul MayerNaturverjüngungZahlen und Fakten zu Wild und JagdVerbände zum Thema „Wald vor Wild“Jagdrecht: unser RevierjagdsystemWaldgenuss: Zehn Fragen rund um die Wildbretzubereitungundzweileckere RezepteSchutzwald: Bergwälder brauchen die JagdTierwelt: Unsere Hunde – unser WildJägerspracheEin Jagdlied aus alten Zeiten„Wald Jagd“ für Ihr Tablet - mit dieser App können Sieeintauchenindie spannende Welt von Jagd, Wild und Wald!
iHunt 750 - Hunting Calls & Solunar Tables 1.3.14
iHunt, LLC
A sports hunting app with over 750 calls from more than 59speciesand many extra features such as solunar times, weatherforecasts,tracking logs, photo sharing, and more! Create customplaylistswith your own sequence of calls. More hunting calls addedyearly toPremium users for Free! App free to download (75 CALLSAVAILABLEFOR FREE), so you can see and test our awesome game callsandfeatures before you buy! ◆◆◆ #1 SELLING HUNTING APP ONAndroid& iOS FOR OVER 4 YEARS ◆◆◆ ◆◆◆ Featured in the 2015 Game&Fish Magazine Top Five Hunting Apps ◆◆◆ ◆◆◆ iHunt speakerpurchasewill have a code to unlock this app as well! ◆◆◆ Over 750animalcalls; Powerful playlist feature; More calls added everyyear!Whether you hunt deer, ducks, coyotes or varmints, you musthaveour app! This is the most extensive collection of huntingcalls:elk, coyote, moose, bear, pheasant, wolf, bird, duck, deer,wildboar, raccoon, and many other wildlife and predators.Includesspecies for North America, S. Africa, Europe and Australia(fulllist below). BENEFITS • Attract “educated” game by neverplayingthe same call sequence twice. An almost infinite number ofcallscan be created using the unique Playlist feature. • Solunartablesand Moon Phase. Know when animals and fish are active &feedingwith the Solunar Tables • Accurate weather WeatherForecaster –never get caught downwind with up to the minute winddirection •Track your trophies - Keep detailed logs of every huntto rememberwhat works and what doesn't; add your photos for abetter record onthe Activity Log • Share Photos of your trophieswith the iHUNTcommunity directly from the app. • Free extras -Flashlight, allthe tools you need in one app (on supported devicesonly) • Make aneducated purchasing decision - Free to try, cheap tobuy! ONEPURCHASE UNLOCKS ALL CALLS FOR LIFE! Why spend over $200for anelectronic caller in the stores when you can get this app forlessthan the price of *batteries* for one of those callers?Whenscouting for wildlife in new topography, use iHUNT to helpidentifynew animal calls. Get all the volume you need (up to 110dB) andextend your range (> 50 yards, more than any otherBluetoothspeaker) when paired with the iHUNT Speaker or iHuntdecoy. ThisBluetooth speaker has been optimized to work with theiHUNT app.Use in remote locations - does not require a wifi orcellularconnection! HUNTING CALLS Alligator & Crocs - 26 callsBears -12 calls Birds - 36 calls Bobcats - 13 calls Buffalo &Bison -6 calls Chicken - 12 calls Chipmunks - 4 calls Cows - 11callsCoyote - 56 calls Crows & Raven - 32 calls Deer - 65callsDonkey - 7 calls Duck - 41 calls Elk - 30 calls Fox - 29callsGeese - 35 calls Goats - 5 calls Hawks & Eagles - 14callsJackal & Lion - 7 Mice & Rats - 10 calls Moose - 34callsOwl - 22 calls Pheasant - 7 calls Prairie Dog - 8 calls Quail- 13calls Rabbit & Hare - 22 calls Raccoon, nutria, possum,beaver,wombat - 22 calls Sheep & Lamb - 8 calls Snipe Bird - 9callsSquirrels - 17 calls Turkey - 37 calls Wild Boar & Pigs -22calls Wildebeest - 6 calls Wolf - 7 Zebra - 8 calls ◆◆◆ We'vewerethe #1 selling hunting app for over 4 years! Forget about therestand go with the best: iHunt! ◆◆◆ Please leave a review onGooglePlay Store! Like us onFacebook: Follow us onInstagram: Visit our Contact us: withanyquestions or comments Requires a wifi connection todownload------------------------------
Hunting - birdcall birdsong
Are you a hunter? Need a birdcall? Hunting is a large collectionofbirdsong.
Clock Deer Hunting - Widget 3.0
C&C - CarrionCastillo
Deer Hunting Watch The Deer Hunting occasion, includes 10DeerHunting Clock Widget. If you're HUNTER, you can now have yourclockthemed Stag Hunting - Venao in mobile home screem and you canalsoadd your widget themed Stag Hunting - Venao on yourTablet.includes: 1. Analog Clock Deer Hunting Widget with circularneedlesrifle cartridge and Deer Hunting peephole viewer. 2. AnalogClockDeer Hunting Widget with Roman numerals square Hunting Deer.3.Analog Clock Deer Hunting Widget Deer Hunting bust shape. 4.AnalogClock Deer Hunting Widget Deer Hunting with profile andRomannumerals. 5.-Tuning Analog Clock Deer Hunting Widget withhuntingdeer bust profile. 6. Analog Clock Deer Hunting WidgetHunting Deerin rut and Roman numerals. Analog Clock Deer HuntingWidget 7.-bust deer hunting charcoal. 8.- digital clock DeerHunting Widgetwith hunting deer bust. Digital Clock Widget 9.-hunting deerhunting bust charcoal. 10. Deer Hunting digital clockWidget withhunting deer hunting bust profile. 11. Deer Huntingdigital clockWidget with hunting deer hunting bust in whiteshade.----------------------------------- C&
Hunting 1.0
Hunting is the practice of killingortrappingany animal, or pursuing or tracking it with the intentofdoing so.Hunting wildlife or feral animals is most commonly donebyhumansfor food, recreation, to remove predators that aredangeroustohumans or domestic animals, or for trade.Lawful hunting is distinguished from poaching, whichistheillegal killing, trapping or capture of the huntedspecies.Thespecies that are hunted are referred to as game or preyandareusually mammals and birds.Hunting can also be a means of pest control.Huntingadvocatesstate that hunting can be a necessary component[1]ofmodernwildlife management, for example, to help maintainapopulation ofhealthy animals within an environment'secologicalcarryingcapacity when natural checks such as predatorsare absentor veryrare.However, hunting has also heavily contributed totheendangerment,extirpation and extinction of many animals.The pursuit, capture and release, or capture for food offishiscalled fishing, which is not commonly categorised as aformofhunting. It is also not considered hunting topursueanimalswithout intent to kill them, as inwildlifephotography,birdwatching, or scientific research activitieswhichinvolvetranquilizing and/or tagging of animals or birds.Thepractice offoraging or gathering materials from plantsandmushrooms is alsoconsidered separate from hunting.Skillful tracking and acquisition of an elusive targethascausedthe word hunt to be used in the vernacular as a metaphor,asintreasure hunting, "bargain hunting", and even"huntingdowncorruption and waste".
ZEISS Hunting 6.0.1 (324)
Carl Zeiss
Hunting Grounds, Map, Ballistics, Connected Products,Diary,Equipment, Weather
Hunting Calls 1.6
★★★ Comprehensive Collection of HuntingCalls★★★No need to spend money on electronic caller or paid app whenyoucan get this app for free you can easily get the attention ofbirdsand animals. We have categorized the Hunting Calls of eachbird andanimal to improve your user experience and it also helpsyou toimprove your hunting experience. To make your hunt easier,plugyour external loud speaker!Features:• Hunting Calls are loud and have excellent quality.• Tips and Tactics, We are the ONLY hunting app who offersthisfeature!!!• Supports playing through external loud speakers.• Localization: Arabic, English, French, Spanish, Russian,German,Portuguese, Italian, Chinese and Turkish (More languagescomingsoon!!!)• Deer Calls: Contact Calls, Doe Grunt, Buck Grunt, TendingGrunt,Buck Bawl and much more.• Elk Calls: Location Call, Chuckles, Spike Bull, Big Bull,CowCall, Excited Cow, Bull with Cows and much more.• Moose Calls: Bull Moose Call, Moose Grunt 1, Bulls Fighting ,Cow13 Come Get Me Big Boy, Young Cow In Heat Locator, Cow In HeatLongCall, Cow Harrassed by Young Bull and much more.• Whitetail Buck: Buck Grunt, Buck Dominant Grunt, BuckTendingGrunt, Buck Social Grunt, Buck Snort, Bucks Fighting, BuckRubbingTree, Bucks Rattling Antlers, Bucks Sparring and muchmore.• Whitetail Doe Calls: Doe Bleat, Doe Bleats, Doe EstrusBleatHeavy, Doe Estrus Bleat Mildand much more.• Duck Calls: Basic Quack, Greeting Call, Feed Call, HailCall,Comeback Call, Lonesome Call and much more.• Turkey Calls: Cluck, Purr, Cluck & Purr, Putt, Tree Call,FlyDown, Assembly Call, Plain Yelp and much more.• More Hunting Calls will be coming soon!!!• Flashlight support.• Share the Hunting Calls with your friends and family.• Rate the Hunting Calls within the application, please leave usa5-star review!Install the Hunting Calls to your device before you leaveforhunt. Please be careful about the hunting laws before goingforhunt.Your questions and comments are important to us. Let us knowwhatyou need, and we'll put you in touch with someone who canhelp.Best of luck and happy hunting!!!Thanks.
Wild und Hund Revierwelt 2.1.9
Enjoy the unity of hunting and natureincombination with the most modern communications technology.*** PLEASE NOTE: TO BE ABLE TO FULLY BENEFIT FROM THIS APP AWUHREVIERWELT ACCOUNT IS REQUIRED! YOU CAN CREATE AN ACCOUNTUNDERWWW.WUH-REVIERWELT.DE ***For more transparency and flexibility in the everyday routinesofthe hunting area we have developed an online administrationsystemafter many years of practical experience, to make yourhuntingeasier. Our aim is to make available a program formanagement ofhunting area with minimal upkeep and maintenanceeffort.Uncomplicated management rules ensure high benefitsregardingdocumentation, transparency and key figures in thehuntingarea.The app offers the following features of the WuH-Revierwelt:Hunting area map:Area map with hunting area boundary and additional informationsuchas station facilities, points of interest (POI), kills ofallhunting area members, tasks in the area, alarm signals fromtrap-and alarm-devices and and diary entries.GPS-tracking:With the GPS-tracking you can locate your dogs whereever theyare.You can connect the GPS-tracking with a variety ofcommerciallyavailable trackers like MU201, TK102 or TK5000.Also your Android-Phone can be a GPS-tracker to record yourlocationand share it with other hunting area members.*** PLEASE NOTE: If the app is recording routes when the app isinthe background, the battery of the device can be dischargedfasterthan normal. ***Hunting area book:Every member of your hunting area can post a message to yourhuntingarea book. This message is shared with each member of thehuntingarea by sms, mail or push notification. All entries areavailable inthe hunting area book. If you shoot an animal, it willautomaticallybe transfered in your shooting list. Every entry willbesynchronized with all other hunting area members.Alarm-/trapmonitoring:Messages that were logged by alarm devices and game camerasaredisplayed. Manual alarm messages can be entered.Record your hits and todos:Take photos and input all information for a hunting stand or apoiwith the exact location of the object. The Object isthendisplaying on the map and shared with other members of thehuntingarea.Mooncalendar:A hunting extensive lunar calendar with moon brightnessscale.SOS-Mode:Integrated SOS mode. The device triggers an alarm depending onthesituation at all your hunting colleagues. It transmitts thesenderand the exact position of the device.(e.g. during fall of the hunting stand ladder or similardangeroussituations, where you cannot summon any help, the deviceisreliable - that can save lives!)Compass:Navigate to the last registered/reported position.Navigate to all hunting stands, hotspots or points ofinterestcovered in the hunting area.Hotspots:With "hotspots" you can mark your gps-location and share itwithother members of your hunting area. For example, you can markyourvehicle, wound beds, the piece found etc. Other members ofyourhunting area can navigate to this location with the compass oftheapp.Revierwelt offers many more features. and try out the app!
Shooting-Score-Calculator 1.3
Klaus Henning
The Rings Counter is a simple and easy aid for competitiveshootersthat helps to calculate the scored hits on a target. Thehits canbe added via the plus and minus buttons or by directlyentering thenumber of hits for a given ring (0-10). The RingsCounter shows theoverall number of hits, the calculated score andthe average pointsper hit. The score can be copied into theclipboard via a menufunction. The "empty" button clears allentries. A simple littletool that helps to avoid miscounting yourhits.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------VersionHistory: 1.3 - In addition to the overall number of enteredhits andthe score, the app now shows the average points per hit. -Englishlanguage support 1.2 - In addition to the puls and minusbuttons,the number of scored hits per ring can now be entereddirectly. 1.1- Bugfix: The entries no longer disappear whenrotating the display.1.0 - Initial release
AMV Rechner 1.1
Calculating SAC (Surface Air Consumption)
Predator Pro 1.98
Works in conjunction with Convergent “Bullet HP” for acompletecalling platform