Top 14 Games Similar to Space Rocks

Alien Destroy w/ mPlus mPoints 3.1
Fun Apps Lab
Have Hours and Hours of Fun in thisinsanelyaddictive , fun and fast paced game !The skies of planet earth are dark with the alienspaceshipshovering over and their intentions don't look benign. Allofearth's defenses have been overrun. You are the ONLY hero leftandthe LAST defense. The good news is that all the other heroesdidmassive damage to the aliens and there are only a limited numberofalien spaceships left. Your goal is to eliminate all theremainingspaceships and bring glorious victory to planet Earth!Not only do you have fun while playing this game, but you alsoearnmPoints / mPlus rewards that can be redemeed for giftcertificatesand a variety of things (Please see details of themPointsprogram). Your skill is rewarded - for every ship you hit,you get1 mPoint. If a shell (bullet) hits multiple spaceships yougetadditional points for that as well ! When you complete a levelandhave shells (bullets) left, they are added to your points aswell.and of course, you get points for completing a level. Allthesepoints quickly add up. You can earn more than 500 mPointsdaily!!Now, for some royal heavy duty disclaimers that our lawyersinsistedon (or they wouldn't let us release the app !!). This Appis onlyintended as a casual app. If you do decide to use it, it isat yourown risk. The developer makes no warranties about thefunctionalityin this app or any accuracy in the informationprovided and the appis provided "as is". Please review our privacypolicy here - Anyliabilities, whether direct or implied are expressly rejectedand bydownloading the application, you release the developer andanyassociated entities from ALL liabilities. If you do notagree,please do not download the game.Whew, with that of the way, go ahead, download the app, enjoy itandhave fun out there !
Bounce Me Up 5.0.0
Fun Apps Lab
This is a Fun, Fast and Highly addictive game whichseemsdeceptively simple but can provide hours of challenge andenjoymentto you. In this game, various sized balls "fall" from thetop andyour goal is prevent them from falling all the way throughusing a"platform" on which the balls bounce. After a ball bounces 5timeson the platform, it disappears. You win by making all theballsdisappear (hit them each 5 times) and then move on the nextlevelfor a bigger challenge. What's even more fun is that as youplaythis game, you quickly start accumulating mPoints / mPlusRewards -which can be redeemed for real gift certificates fromAmazon /Walmart / Best Buy etc. You get 1 mPoint for every ball youknockout (for the first 100 balls) and for winning a level, yougetmPoints equal to that level (till level 15) - For example, ifyouwin Level 15, you get 15 mPoints. In fact, you can earn morethan225 mPoints everyday by playing this game ! Now, for someroyalheavy duty disclaimers that our lawyers insisted on (ortheywouldn't let us release the app !!). This App is only intendedas acasual app. If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk.Thedeveloper makes no warranties about the functionality in thisappor any accuracy in the information provided and the app isprovided"as is". Please review our privacy policy here- .Anyliabilities, whether direct or implied are expressly rejectedandby downloading the application, you release the developer andanyassociated entities from ALL liabilities. If you do notagree,please do not download the game. Whew, with that of the way,goahead, download the app, enjoy it and keep Bouncin' !
The Tank Games - MultiPlayer 1.0
Fun Apps Lab
Have Hours of Fun with yourfriends(orstrangers who could become your friends) in thisinsanelyaddictivemultiplayer game ! Think of it as the Hunger GamesforTanks, whereonly the most skilled and the most cunningsurvive.Build implicitalliances ... or break 'em when convenient,be loyalor betray -it's all upto you. Only one thing matters - Yourownsurvival !'coz when the mayhem ends, there is going to be onlyonetankstanding !You are happily driving your own tank in the arenawhensuddenlyyou are ambushed by enemy tanks ! But it turns out,thatthoseenemy tanks are not friendly to each other either. Afterall,it isthe Tank Games ! Only one will survive ! All of thetankstakeshelter behind various walls and then a shooting gamebegins.Eachtank operator (player) gets to fire a shot on a turn byturnbasis.In that turn you decide which other tank you wannashoot.Each tankhas the armor to withstand 4 hits. On the 5th hit,thetankexplodes. Build alliances by ganging up against the onewhoisahead .... or break 'em to get ahead !Not only do you get to outwit other players, but youalsoearnmPoints / mPlus rewards that can be redemeed forgiftcertificatesand a variety of things (Please see details ofthemPointsprogram). Everytime, you hit a tank, you get onempoint.Everytimeyou destroy another tank, you get two mpoints. Youget 4mpointsjust for playing a game and get 5 more winning. Oh !youareawarded various bonuses depending upon how long you can holdonandhow many players were in the game. All in all, you canearn525+mpoints in a day !!Now, for some royal heavy duty disclaimers thatourlawyersinsisted on (or they wouldn't let us release the app!!).This Appis only intended as a casual app. If you do decide touseit, it isat your own risk. The developer makes no warrantiesaboutthefunctionality in this app or any accuracy intheinformationprovided and the app is provided "as is".Anyliabilities, whetherdirect or implied are expressly rejected andbydownloading theapplication, you release the developer andanyassociated entitiesfrom ALL liabilities. If you do notagree,please do not downloadthe game.Whew, with that of the way, go ahead, download the app,enjoyitand Happy Aiming !
Space Lander 5.0.0
Fun Apps Lab
Have Hours of Fun in this insanely addictive game ! Yourfriendlyalien's ship has lost propulsion and is stuck in deepspace. Theship can rotate but can not otherwise move on its own.However, thealien does have a piece of technology that we don't -anti-gravitybullets - which to be honest, even we don't understandhow theyexactly work ! We do know though that the alien can rotateand fireanti gravity bullets which bounce off all matter(includingblackholes) and even a gravitational boundary wall thataliensmanaged to create. The alien can use the energy of the antigravitybullet to guide the spaceship in a particular direction!Fortunately, the home planet is close by. Unfortunately, so isamassive blackhole. So, you have to be very precise in usingthesebullets or you will end up in the black hole !! But hurry, youonlyhave a limited time to guide the spaceship ! Not only do youhelpthe alien get back to his home planet, but you also earnrewardsright here on this planet ! You earn mPoints / mPlus rewardsthatcan be redemeed for gift certificates and a variety ofthings(Please see details of the mPoints program). In this game,thenumber of mpoints you can earn at a level is mentioned onthescreen. Each anti gravity bullet you use costs you onempoint(don't worry, you don't get negative mpoints ... so yourexistingstash is safe !). In addition, you get 1 mpoint for everyfivetimes you manage to guide your ship via the bullet. You getmpointstill level 15 (you can continue playing after that though).Thepoints quickly add up. You can earn more than 250 mPoints daily!!Now, for some royal heavy duty disclaimers that ourlawyersinsisted on (or they wouldn't let us release the app !!).This Appis only intended as a casual app. If you do decide to useit, it isat your own risk. The developer makes no warranties aboutthefunctionality in this app or any accuracy in theinformationprovided and the app is provided "as is". Please reviewour privacypolicy here - Anyliabilities, whether direct or implied are expressly rejectedand bydownloading the application, you release the developer andanyassociated entities from ALL liabilities. If you do notagree,please do not download the game. Whew, with that of the way,goahead, download the app, enjoy it and Be Happy, my friends !
Space Soccer 1.5
Fun Apps Lab
Ever wondered what playing soccer inspacewould feel like ? Players would probably need mini space shipstozip around, would have less control to abruptly changedirectionsand of course the ball itself will have no friction tostop it !Well, wonder no more, we present to you Mini Space Soccer- A FunTwist on Soccer without the gravitational rules of planetEarth!This is high speed, fun and insanely addictive game. If youhaveever played soccer, you have to try this game. This is unlikeanyother game out there ! It is fast, extremely simple and lots offunto play. No complicated setting up the speed and directionetc,just point and shoot. The farther you touch from the ballthefaster the ball moves in that direction. Think of it asplayingsoccer in a box ! It just adds a new level of excitement togameplay.Okay, so here is how you play - you and your team have toscoregoals on your opponents team. You have to pass the ball totheplayers in your team and avoid the opponent players fromtakingcontrol of the ball. If the ball hits the goalbox of theopponent,you have scored a goal. Similarly, if the ball hits theyourgoalbox, a goal is scores against you. You don't necessarilyhaveto hit the front of the goalbox - even if the ball touchestheside, it is considered a goal. In fact, you might havebettersuccess shooting at the sides and the corners to avoid thegoalie.The opponent team is better at dribbling, but your team hasheartand teamwork. If you make the right passes, you can outwittheother team and win the game. Remember, you are only in controlifone of your players is in control of the ball,Not only do you have fun while playing this game, but you alsoearnmPoints / mPlus rewards that can be redemeed for giftcertificatesand a variety of things (Please see details of themPointsprogram). You get mPoints for the goals you score, for thegoalsyou attempt to score, for winning and just for playing !In addition to mPoints / mPlus Rewards, this game is alsointegratedwith V-Points ! In addition to the points above,V-Points gives youpoints just for spending time in the app. Everyminute you playgives you additional rewards ! and Just likemPoints / mPlusRewards, you can redeem your points for variousgift certificates.Thousands of users are already using V-Points.Join today ! Pleasesee terms and conditions.Now, for some royal heavy duty disclaimers that our lawyersinsistedon (or they wouldn't let us release the app !!). This Appis onlyintended as a casual app. If you do decide to use it, it isat yourown risk. The developer makes no warranties about thefunctionalityin this app or any accuracy in the informationprovided and the appis provided "as is". Please review our privacypolicy here - Anyliabilities, whether direct or implied are expressly rejectedand bydownloading the application, you release the developer andanyassociated entities from ALL liabilities. If you do notagree,please do not download the game.Whew, with that of the way, go ahead, download the app, enjoy itandhave fun out there !
Square Resistance w/ mPoints 2.1
Fun Apps Lab
This is a Fun, Fast and Highly addictivegamewhich seems deceptively simple but can provide hours ofchallengeand enjoyment to you.This is a game of survival. There is a war going on betweenvirtuoussquares and evil circles. All the squares have beencaptured exceptone. This square is the final and only resistanceleft. In thisgame, various types of circles attack the square,your job is tokeep the square safe and advance to the next level.Various sizedcircles "fall" from the top and your goal is to avoidthe squarefrom being hit by these circles. Sounds simple , right ?Remember,the circles are crafty, they can bounce from the floor (5times) andattack from below too. If any circle hits you, whilefalling down orwhile bouncing up, you lose the game. You win thegame by making allthe circles disappear and then move on the nextlevel for a biggerchallenge.What's even more fun is that as you play this game, youquicklystart accumulating points in multiple systems - mPoints /mPusrewards and V-Points. You can earn 250+ mPoints / day andthousandsof V-Points / day , all of which can be redeemed for realgiftcertificates from Amazon / Walmart / Best Buy etc.Now, for some royal heavy duty disclaimers that our lawyersinsistedon (or they wouldn't let us release the app !!). This Appis onlyintended as a casual app. If you do decide to use it, it isat yourown risk. The developer makes no warranties about thefunctionalityin this app or any accuracy in the informationprovided and the appis provided "as is". Please review our privacypolicy here - Anyliabilities, whether direct or implied are expressly rejectedand bydownloading the application, you release the developer andanyassociated entities from ALL liabilities. If you do notagree,please do not download the game.Whew, with that of the way, go ahead, download the app, enjoy itandkeep Bouncin' !
Foxy Jump 1.0.3
A little fox is fond of jumping. Help him to climb as highaspossible. Turn the phone so that the fox can push off for thenextjump. Collect mushrooms and suns, they will help to get offtheground. What heights can reach the fox? Not containsadverts!Features: - Move the phone to the left and to the right totake aturn - Jump from platform to platform to climb as high aspossible- Collect cherries and lemons - Avoid cacti - Suns andmushroomsspeed up the fox - You will meet with falling, movinganddisappearing platforms
Space Lander Plus w/ mPoints 2.3
Fun Apps Lab
Have Hours of Fun in this insanelyaddictivegame ! This is the full screen plus version of SpaceLanderYour friendly alien's ship has lost propulsion and is stuck indeepspace. The ship can rotate but can not otherwise move on itsown.However, the alien does have a piece of technology that wedon't -anti-gravity bullets - which to be honest, even we don'tunderstandhow they exactly work ! We do know though that the aliencan rotateand fire anti gravity bullets which bounce off allmatter(including blackholes) and even a gravitational boundary wallthataliens managed to create. The alien can use the energy of theantigravity bullet to guide the spaceship in a particular direction!Fortunately, the home planet is close by. Unfortunately, so isamassive blackhole. So, you have to be very precise in usingthesebullets or you will end up in the black hole !! But hurry, youonlyhave a limited time to guide the spaceship !Not only do you help the alien get back to his home planet, butyoualso earn rewards right here on this planet ! You earn mPoints/mPlus rewards that can be redemeed for gift certificates andavariety of things (Please see details of the mPoints program).Inthis game, the number of mpoints you can earn at a levelismentioned on the screen. Each anti gravity bullet you use costsyouone mpoint (don't worry, you don't get negative mpoints ... soyourexisting stash is safe !). In addition, you get 1 mpoint foreveryfive times you manage to guide your ship via the bullet. Yougetmpoints till level 15 (you can continue playing after thatthough).The points quickly add up. You can earn more than 250mPoints daily!!Now, for some royal heavy duty disclaimers that our lawyersinsistedon (or they wouldn't let us release the app !!). This Appis onlyintended as a casual app. If you do decide to use it, it isat yourown risk. The developer makes no warranties about thefunctionalityin this app or any accuracy in the informationprovided and the appis provided "as is". Please review our privacypolicy here - Anyliabilities, whether direct or implied are expressly rejectedand bydownloading the application, you release the developer andanyassociated entities from ALL liabilities. If you do notagree,please do not download the game.Whew, with that of the way, go ahead, download the app, enjoy itandBe Happy, my friends !
Alien Destroy w/ VPoints 3.0
Fun Apps Lab
This is a portrait version of the popular game Alien Destroywitheven more points and rewards ! Have Hours and Hours of Fun inthisinsanely addictive , fun and fast paced game ! The skies ofplanetearth are dark with the alien spaceships hovering over andtheirintentions don't look benign. All of earth's defenses havebeenoverrun. You are the ONLY hero left and the LAST defense. Thegoodnews is that all the other heroes did massive damage to thealiensand there are only a limited number of alien spaceships left.Yourgoal is to eliminate all the remaining spaceships andbringglorious victory to planet Earth ! Not only do you have funwhileplaying this game, but you also earn mPoints / mPlus rewardsthatcan be redemeed for gift certificates and a variety ofthings(Please see details of the mPoints program). Your skill isrewarded- for every ship you hit, you get 1 mPoint. If a shell(bullet)hits multiple spaceships you get additional points for thatas well! When you complete a level and have shells (bullets) left,theyare added to your points as well. and of course, you get pointsforcompleting a level. All these points quickly add up. You canearnmore than 500 mPoints daily !! Not only that, this version oftheapp is also integrated with V-Points. You can earn thousandsofV-Points every day in this app. The rewards and earnings inthisapp are simply awesome ! Now, for some royal heavy dutydisclaimersthat our lawyers insisted on (or they wouldn't let usrelease theapp !!). This App is only intended as a casual app. Ifyou dodecide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developer makesnowarranties about the functionality in this app or any accuracyinthe information provided and the app is provided "as is".Pleasereview our privacy policy here- .Anyliabilities, whether direct or implied are expressly rejectedandby downloading the application, you release the developer andanyassociated entities from ALL liabilities. If you do notagree,please do not download the game. Whew, with that of the way,goahead, download the app, enjoy it and have fun out there !
Pixman 4
Pixman - Play for hours in a breath-taking 8-bits world!
Circle Ping-Pong with mPLUS 1.0
Hanna Ryzh
The goal of the Circle Ping-Pong withmPLUSisto keep the ball bouncing inside the circle.Image playing Ping-Pong by one person inside the circle,itisvery easy to play, but pay attention to the addiction.The rule is simple, tap the screen to move the paddle andhittheball. Try to bounce the ball as many times as you can.About mPLUS Rewards:mPLUS Rewards is a loyalty program used by hundredsofleadingdesktop and mobile apps to reward you – their users – asa'thankyou' for staying active with their content. EarnmPLUSRewardspoints just for completing in-app activities liketracking arun orfinishing a game level. You can even earn mPLUSpoints forengagingwith in-app advertising. Then redeem all thosemPLUS pointsforawesome rewards! Rewards include gift cards,charitabledonationsand fun merchandise.
Shadow Ball with mPLUS rewards 1
Hanna Ryzh
Shadow Ball is an fun runner game. Tap onthescreen to jump between the left and right walls.About mPLUS Rewards:mPLUS Rewards is a loyalty program used by hundreds ofleadingdesktop and mobile apps to reward you – their users – as a'thankyou' for staying active with their content. Earn mPLUSRewardspoints just for completing in-app activities like tracking arun orfinishing a game level. You can even earn mPLUS points forengagingwith in-app advertising. Then redeem all those mPLUS pointsforawesome rewards! Rewards include gift cards, charitabledonationsand fun merchandise.
Death Drop 1.0.34
Find hidden objects by slamming into them at ridiculous speeds!
Funny Pets with mPLUS Rewards 1.0.1
Hanna Ryzh
Funny Pets is a simple, fun, andaddictivearcade game.About mPLUS Rewards:mPLUS Rewards is a loyalty program used by hundreds ofleadingdesktop and mobile apps to reward you – their users – as a'thankyou' for staying active with their content. Earn mPLUSRewardspoints just for completing in-app activities like tracking arun orfinishing a game level. You can even earn mPLUS points forengagingwith in-app advertising. Then redeem all those mPLUS pointsforawesome rewards! Rewards include gift cards, charitabledonationsand fun merchandise.